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My only feedback is please let us skip the dialog. Only about 1/3 of it allowed me to skip. These type of quests are not aimed at me, I don’t care about them at all and that is fine. Not every bit of content has to be aimed at every player. But when you force us to sit through dialog we don’t care about it is highly frustrating.


Haven’t played PTR but the main game has a bug for dialog if you alt tab or have other screens up. If you can’t skip, at tab and see if that works?


> or have other screens up And in the case of dual monitors it's as simple as clicking into the other screen and clicking back into Diablo to fix it.


It’s such a weird bug lol. I get they have other priorities but I mean, it’s been a year now. Put an intern on it


Yep. Usually I side with the developers on a lot of goofy shit that people complain about. This one should be fixed by now.   It hurts the game too, because they generally have good quests and dialogue, but not being able to skip undermines the high quality content.


there is plenty of the "in game" type stuff, where you just have to wait for them to walk around or w/e.


> My only feedback is please let us skip the dialog. Only about 1/3 of it allowed me to skip. You can skip all the dialogue. If the prompt doesn't show up and the skip dialogue button does nothing, alt-tab out of the game window and alt-tab back into the game. It will immediately work again.


Really I was able to skip basically everything?


You have to do the quest?


Not necessary but you'll get a unique amulet as a result. So even if you don't care for the story - it's a fun fight with a ton of elite monsters and an amulet at the end. So there is reasons to do this quest outside of narrative. So his comment about not being able to skip a dialogue is legit.


Cool. That’s why I asked.


dialog that can't be skipped is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Even for me as someone who enjoys the story content, I also like to play a lot of alts, and if some content is gated behind certain quests, I hate having to sit through dialogue I’ve already heard on my first play through. Looking at you Iron Wolves…


Yeah, the story/lore/campaign team are outstanding. It's such a shame that such a large and loud portion of the fanbase hates that side of the game, and that they've allowed power creep to completely overshadow the campaign playthrough.


Agreed, I really hope they manage to properly balance the game before VoH drops. It'd be really frustrating if everything, including Mephisto, dies in seconds.


Spoiler:  The new quest is kind of a big deal. It's main names from the original corruption that Mephisto was able to use to be up and running by the time the Wanderer got to him in D2.  The body you aim to stop the Triune from using is the very priest body Mephisto himself corrupted to be in Sanctuary during that time. 


Great quest, only issue is that one part where you have to click stuff on the ground, idk if its a bug or not but no visual indicators made it a bit frustrating.


Probably just early last time they did it they made it pretty obvious.


Those crucifixions tho. 😳


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and a guy who stays 3 screens behind and can't catch up to you


Hopefully we get rewarded spark for these!!!!


I am not lore person; please Blizzard make me able to skip ALL dialogs. Thank you.


When are we going to fire the Daniel Tanguay guy who also made S3, you put a chicken in front of a computer and it will do better than that guy.


How about we just block you instead? Buh bye! 8)