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If there is a market you wont make money off it. You are lucky if you get the price originally paid but no one will pay you your time/effort.


I agree with this. Other handmade craftwork is already greatly undervalued. You'd definitely be lucky to sell it for the cost of the unfinished one.


My friend has a fantasy shop and also sells completed DPs. People see them shine on the walls and buys them, don't even know how they are made, but they like them.


For how much, though?


I've heard of people selling them before. But one lady I know that sells them, she only charges the costs of the kits and the framing. She does it to keep busy, and she has said nobody would pay hundreds for her time. But she's happy with it.


That’s more fair (for her) than most suggestions/options.


I've sold ones I was working on because someone ended up liking and wanting it


For how much?


Between 20 and 100 each


Me personally, I wouldn't buy one that was completed by someone else.


I don't even want to display my own. 😆 For me it's about doing it, not the finished product.


Same. I only have one I actually put up and it’s seasonal 😆


I did a custom dp of my sister in law’s favorite wedding photo. She hung it at work and I am now on my third dp wedding photo for commission. The ladies in her office wanted one but didn’t have the time/interest in doing it themselves.


Do you mind me asking which company you use to print the custom pieces? We used Paint With Diamonds for a couple large pictures of each of our cats. But they use acrylic drills and I’d prefer resin. Plus there is some minimal gapping with the varied sizes of drills. Nothing horrible, just curious if there’s a better source.


In the beginning, I honestly thought you're going to ask which company her sister-in-law works in.


Bahahahah *puts on stalker coat*


I would recommend EverMoment 😌


I could definitely see people buying customized ones that they requested.


I’ve seen people at craft shows sell completed diamond paintings, but I’ve always found it odd because the fun comes from doing them yourself. Though I can see your moms point, because some people aren’t able to do them (sitting for long times, no free time, etc.) but still want to own one. It just depends on the person.


Diamond paintings are pretty though so it's not that odd to be honest.


I feel as if there's definitely a market for it, in that there's also a market for people who will pay for a completed cross stitch. Sometimes people like the aesthetic of a finished project without having the time, patience, or skill to learn a new craft and make one themself.  That being said, I can't imagine that 'peddler of completed diamond paintings' is a viable career choice, lmao.


I would never buy one for myself because the fun is in doing it, but I could see someone liking how it looks, not realizing how it's made and purchasing it. I doubt you'd get much money for it though. Maybe enough to make back what you spent on it, especially if it was a cheap Amazon or AliExpress kit.


I have my cousin and 2 of her daughters visiting for the weekend. I showed them the diamond painting I just completed, and my cousin immediately asked me if she could pay for me to make a second one for her to hang in her house. She ordered the canvas to be shipped to me not even 10 minutes later. We haven't settled on a price, but she's more then happy to pay me literally whatever I want. So yes, people will pay for completed diamond paintings lol.


Pay and recoup “labor” and money spent on materials is different, though.




Yeah, I doubt someone would pay you even 10 dollars for this, especially with how long some paintings can take. And honestly, why would they? It's clean work, doesn't require any special education, takes a little bit of special skill but not too much, isn't overly physically demanding, isn't mentally demanding, doesn't require creativity... I don't see any added value in our labour that would explain higher hour rate.


There are certainly people out there willing to pay for a completed piece but the market isn't that large. Also the price that they would be willing to pay would not be enough. I completed a 37"x24" kit that cost me 79.99 and took 57 hours and 27 minutes to complete. If I was to charge minimum wage which in CA is $16hr I would need to charge $999.19 for the completed piece (cost + labor). The hourly rate isn't enough to live off of though so if I wanted to make a liveable wage I would actually need to charge $28hr which would push the price of the piece to $1688.59. While there might be plenty of people willing to pay $80 for the completed piece, trying to find someone willing to pay $1700 would be much harder to do.


Some people sell completed diamond paintings at craft shows. I wouldn't count on being able to make much money off them, but it does happen.


I’ve sold a couple. I did a couple for my auntie to put in her shop and the money went in the charity box


I would have a tendency to believe this too, that no one would buy a completed diamond painting...but then whenever I donate my completed paintings, people are freaking out about how amazing they are, so that actually got me thinking people just might buy them completed!


Donation is great. I have seen some cool maps or solar systems that would be fun for schools, for example.


I've sold some of my Diamond paintings before. There are people willing to buy them just because they don't want to do the project themselves. I personally sell a lot of horror themed DP. There's a decent sized market for those. I charge people on what I feel my time is worth. 🙂


Would you mind sharing where you sell them? (Internet, craft shows? )


Mostly Facebook marketplace and Discord servers. 🙂


Thank you!


You're welcome 🙂


Your time PLUS materials, though?


Nope, not materials. Most of my DP's are $6 and under therefore IDC about making my money back. I did a GhostFace DP and sold it for $30. The $30 is what someone offered me. I thought that was a fair price for my time. 🙂 ( I'm fortunate enough to be able to stay at home. Therefore I have a lot of free time. I'm not looking to make a living or make my money back off of my DP's. ) 🙂


Gotcha! Yeah, I was thinking of how expensive a lot of really nice kits are. I wish I had that free time. I was unemployed for a few months at the beginning of the year but didn’t get into DP until the end of that time. Bummer. 😂


I really love some of the expensive kits but I have never purchased them. The amount of money paid for one of those I can buy so many cheap ones. 😂 Hats off to the people who do spend a lot on the nice kits. 🙂❤️


Omg my typos were awful! I wasn’t making ANY money so I probably couldn’t have done DP anyway but I sure do miss that free time and wish I had started DP before so I could have stocked up and done it when I had all that free time! I put them in my cart all the time and then never purchase. I want to so badly but I can’t pick exactly what I want. Maybe next pay period I will buy a few but mannnnn those prices are intense!


My first DP was GhostFace. I ruined it by trying to seal it with Mode Podge.


😱😱😱 I'm sorry! 😔😔


I don’t even know what to do with the ones I make


I pick stuff based on what I can gift to friends/family.


Mee too


I wouldn't buy one but neither would I sell the ones I've done or will do. Just a personal thing.


No matter how hard I try I always get my hair my cats hair and random crumbs on the canvas. No way I could sell mine for money lol


Same. I color my hair a lot so it’s funny to go back and look at some of the pieces I’ve done and see when color hair I had at the time.


I came across this girl on TikTok who had a part time gig doing them for people. They’d send her the ones they wanted completed, or buy it and have it sent to her then she’d send it to them completed. I was fascinated by this because the way my carpal tunnel works.. lol let’s just say I wouldn’t pay me


I've never bought them. But i have seen them for sale at fairs and such


People might buy them, but with the hours and hours that they take, you’d have to be okay with a loss of your time. At minimum wage, I’d have to charge hundreds if I charged by the hour, plus the cost of the kit.


Many years ago I discovered the two types of knitters product and process. This applies to almost *every* craft. Product knitters are racing to finish something to have as a completed object, sometimes as something to give as a present or to show it off for themselves. Process knitters are knitting for the act itself. They usually don't care about the end result and just give it away or forget about it in a drawer somewhere. I'm a process knitter, partly because it's a form of stimming for me (AuDHD here), and because I like incredibly complicated patterns. I mostly knit very complex cable socks for my elderly father now, and it's a sign of how much I love him, because I *hate* knitting socks. Diamond painting is for process, definitely.


They’re now regularly in thrift stores around me, and even in one local delusional antique store. They sit for months.


What about giving completed works as gifts? I'm working on a couple of them for some friends for their bday and now I'm 2nd guessing LOL


if it was a piece i really liked but couldnt find somewhere maybe. to be honest ive almost bought some in the past that were framed before i knew what diamond painting was. im sure theres someone out there who likes the finished pieces but cant do them be it the space or dexterity or patience/time. one of my friends used to build lego sets for other people for side money cuz believe it or not some people like the models but cant build them for the same many reasons.


I think it's a very, very small market. You might meet one or two people that might want one, but as someone who ran a Farmer's Market sales are minimal. Even excellent hand made items and art are devalued, and no one cares to hear about how long it takes to make. If someone asked, I would do it for cost and maybe a thank you gift. Honestly I love the process but have no use for the finished product, so I give them away to family or some random friend who was stupid enough to say, hey, I like it! But...do something different with it and who knows? Gemstone extras? Led lights added in? Excellent framing? The right niche might get you sales.


I know someone who does dp for comission. Like with an original photo of them or something like this. She print a picture somewhere else on dp and then create it. I don't know how much tho... But I think its only in canvas price.. it's her hobby.


It’s art in the eye of the beholder, especially if you paid the licensing fee. You will never make money if you count hours. I’m making one right now, special request.


I personally would not because I’d rather buy the kit and do it myself if I wanted that particular picture that badly. But I’ve heard of other people buying finished ones so I believe there is a market out there.


You could sell them but y oh won’t ever get the labor cost associated with it. But honestly I enjoy it and see it as a relaxing hobby where I can get my mind off things. For the right person I’ll just have them buy me another kit I want. Also in a destach Facebook group I did see a lady say she was being commissioned to complete a painting for 5,000 but she showed the painting and she’s not getting her moneys worth. It was 3 separate wall paintings that connect to make one picture, and it looked pretty big.


My mother in law sells them at her local farmers market. She does paintings, bookmarks, coasters and other small items. Some weekends she does really good, but not every time.


I can see someone buying them if they like the look of them but don’t want to do the project.


Some people will buy diamond paintings. I don't know if you could make serious money though.


Coasters and book markers sell well, but there's no $ in it, folks like them for teachers gifts and the like. My sister and I sell at flea mkts sometimes and it's more of a way to unload some things for cash to buy more kits, lol. We live in a senior building and hang some on doors, etc and have folks ask about them...have given away loads. Fun is in doing them, still a relatively cheap hobby unless you do DAC, etc.


You'd be absolutely shocked at how many people don't care how something is made, or how simple it is to do it. They see a finished project that they want, and the wallets come out. You just have to market the work to people who don't want to create for themselves.


My friend told me I could sell them to but I didn’t think so either. Until I was at the store one day and a lady I had never met saw my dream catcher I had done and later that day she somehow got my number and text and ask to buy it! I turned her down though lol


It’s pretty ridiculous, yeah. I mean if it’s a nice one you’ve got MINIMUM $75-$100+ in it off the bat before labor. Nobody is going to pay the price of materials let alone time.


If you were to mat and frame them, people would likely buy your completed paintings. It's the same with any form of art. People who cannot do, purchase from others than can. 😁


I have sold a few and I have also taken a few commissions for doing a certain do. One bought the kit for me to do. Another asked me to buy it complete it and frame it. He also paid me $40 over the cost of dp and framing. It was 30*40. So it took me less than a day to omplete. So yes, some will buy depending on the dp, if it's framed, etc.


I’ve heard of people doing “personalized” paintings for people who don’t have the time to do them. But flat out selling them I don’t think it is a big market. IMO.


I would definitely be willing to see mine for the coat of the kit. I do them to ease my anxiety and don’t hang many of them up. I would be happy to sell most of them.


People sell them all the time lmao. You’re not gonna get Rich off it but you can easily make money back from buying the kit. I don’t give AF about a project after I’m done with it; so I either sell them all or give them away. I can usually get $50 for one of the bigger ones.


my child sells their completed works. they make some money from it. They are at an event now and already made $125…


most diamond paintings look tacky (coming from someone who used to do them)


But point to argue is copyright the images on these kits are not ours they are another artists and they can sue you for selling their work without permission


Nope, it is a physical object. You are not selling a copy. Oh and two designers tried that bullshit. They were out court costs both sides and several fines for violating fair use laws. Once you own an object, the person has been paid what they wanted so they have no control over it. The only time copyright comes into play is if the person makes a COPY and sells the COPY.


I make my own custom pieces, all by scratch. No I don’t do kits https://preview.redd.it/w0lrkkxi278d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad30efb86b2062efffa26a9f97abb5c51a0201f Here is an example (needs to be straightened out before I send it to the person)


I want to know why I was downvoted because people love my work and I do sell it!