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Tweezers for the hair and other random stuff Depending on the wax I'll use a hair dryer to melt it (this works real well with like Etsy waxs). I haven't used the pink wax in a kit in like 5 years so I don't know if that will melt. You didn't use putty, but if you do on the future you can use another bigger ball of putty to sort of dab it off


Thank you! 🙏


First I brush the dp, then I inspect canvas with magnifier and remove cat hair with tweezers and finally I use a microfiber cloth slightly dampened with glass cleaner to clean and make it shine more.


That’s a great idea!


Tweezers for hair for sure. I have seen a post where people swear by using a toothbrush too?? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I have super fine tweezers so I’ll give that a go maybe after I’m done with the piece ❤️


I use an eye glass cleaning cloth, (the dry material type, not the wet alcohol ones). Just wipe it down gently. Tweezers work too, just takes longer.


Thanks! With everybodies replies I think I’m going to have to just take time when I’m finished with it to go through with tweezers 😅


Tweezers (I keep super pointy and chisel tip) mostly for the hair/fluff and occasional blob of wax, also use an old (clean) toothbrush. I tend to cover up complete and uncompleted parts as I go too to try and keep as clean as I can.


Great idea! I’ll try this!


That’s what the tweezers are for. Also I do a 4 foot test; if I can’t see it from 4 feet away I don’t care lmao


I like the test!! 🥰


Tooth brush and tweezers.


Thank you! I think I’ll do this after I’ve completed the whole project. I don’t want to have to go back and do an area I’ve already gone over 🫠


That’s when I do it. I also roll and set drills at the end.


I use tweezers for any stray hairs. For little globs of wax or putty, I’ll use a ball of putty that I’ve warmed with my hands to pick up the stay bits. I’ve also found that running a sticky-tape type lint roller over the finished piece helps pick up any dust or missed debris. It can also pick up any loose drills, so I work slowly and just re-stick any drills it pulls up. Follow up with a damp microfiber cloth and the whole thing shines! I w


Thank you! 🙏


I use tweezers for the cat hair (two furbabies who love to “help”). I also run over the finished project with a semi dry baby wipe once I’m done done. But this is a good reason why I prefer square canvases. Less opportunity for random stuff to stick to it. Also try an easel if you have room. Getting it up at an angle helped me keep stuff off of it, when it was laying flat the cats tended to walk across it. Now that it’s at an angle they do brush up against it but that’s better than walking across.