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Hmm not sure I totally agree. I do *really* love FIBW but Deceiver is still my #1.


feel the same






Sorry, I’ve listened to the new album at least 20 times and it doesn’t quite reach the heights or depths of Deceiver.


They’re all so different it’s hard to compare. Like Oshin and deceiver are apples n oranges


Oshin is still one of the best album of the last twenty years


Sorry Is The Is Are is one of the best albums of all time


Facts. That’s pretty much the case with all of my favorite bands. If a band I like releases a new record that I’m not immediately liking, I assume I’m wrong. Then I listen to it a bunch and 9 out of 10 times I dig it. It’s crazy how many “music fans” don’t follow this approach.


I'd say they definitely have more freedom in self expression and their songs have much more interesting structures and progressions than Oshin songs per se, but the whole FIBW album seems less cohesive than 'their' previous releases. Sort of like Here Comes the Cowboy after This Old Dog from Mac Demarco. Ofc that's strictly from a consumer pov, I enjoyed the new album thoroughly and I'm happy that the band seems happy and healthy. Deceiver will probably go down as their GOAT album.


At least until they release their ska record. That one's gonna be pretty weird


I suppose Oshin will always have a certain place in my heart, but I can’t really choose.


Idk man, Oshin is still the gold standard imo


Did not enjoy their latest album. 😩


I really couldn't choose which one is the best. All of their albums do different things for me. This band's music has been like a good friend to me throughout the past eleven years. Their first album came out when I was in college and it felt like a coming of age soundtrack for me. The second album came out at a time when i moved to a new city and didn't know anyone but at least I had new diiv music to listen to every night. Deceiver and its heaviness helped me through a tough time when I lost my mom and its themes made me feel less alone. This new album is really relatable as I'm trying to navigate a fucked world thats designed to be unfair economically. When I listen to each album I get transported back to a different time in my life and I get something unique from each. I legitimately wouldnt be the same person without this band's music.


I was wondering how it was gonna differ from deceiver and it delivered have had it on repeat since release




ITIA > FIBW > Deceiver > Oshin


Idk about this. Oshin is peak


You're right. Granted, everyone has their opinions, but nothings ever came close to the impact of Oshin. FIBW is cool, like sonic wise. It just feels like they all had ideas and no one wanted to offend, so they tried to put every possible idea in these songs. Again, good writing, but as songs in whole, Oshin and ISTA are my preferred. Also, each album has had an overall theme. This one's theme was to have each song stand alone, and something about that doesn't resonate with me, especially for a band to say "we're am album band."