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I'd re-up on the Champion Beast and work through the awkward seasoning period. A Star one would be closer out of the box, though.


Or a fresh Gstar, or Pro. Hell, buy one in each plastic and experiment.


Some people will say that if you're throwing it 300 a beast is too much disc for your arm. I say, if you like it and it is reliable you should throw it. Innova does a neat thing on Fridays where if you order 3 or more discs direct from their website and enter a code that they share via Twitter you get a free disc added to your order. This week appears to be a Thunderbird which would be a great counterpart to a Beast. You can order from their regular stock runs or the F2 (factory second) lineup which is discounted discs with minor cosmetic flaws that should fly normally. I would recommend trying a few variations of the Beast since you already know you like it. Lighter weights and different plastics might unlock more distance and it is never a bad thing to have a few backups of your primary driver. I'm a big fan of drivers in Pro plastic which is typically understable compared to star or champ.


For convenience I'll add that today is a halo Thunderbird and the code is goodgenes


Great advice! Just want to add that you’re going to need to create a rewards account and be logged in to get the deals. They also have discount based on volume, and the rewards points rack up quickly. The F2 discounts are easily the best deal in all of disc golf. The pro shop also tries to accommodate color preferences if you make a note on your order.


How far would most people throw a beast? I use my shryke for bigger open tee shots and can get 325 to maybe 340 on a good throw. The Beast is for when I need some distance but need to be a little more technical


There are definitely distance snobs here (they usually throw nose up 240' parachutes). The general rule is only throw faster discs when you get more distance as you disc up. The wider the rim means the potential for lateral movement is higher. But different discs suit different people and it's more about fun for most. Not everyone cares to do hours of fieldwork and analyze everything. The beast is a great disc. If you want to try gyro, the insanity is a similar flight to a champ beast.


"Most people" doesn't really compute when there are so many variables. Some people use the rule of thumb of dividing their maximum distance by 35, and the rounded result roughly correlates to the highest speed disc they should throw. So if you throw 350' max, your distance driver should be a 10 speed. Again, this is just a rule of thumb. If throwing a faster disc works for you, stick with it. But generally, the lower the speed of the disc, the more predictable/controllable the flight. Personally, for around 300ft, I would recommend a Streamline Drift or Axiom Crave. Both slower than the Beast, but should provide a similar flight path and be more predictable.




Rhythm is newer but a great MVP/Axiom disc for smaller arms, in fission it really lives up to the 5.5 glide.


I haven't actually thrown a Rhythm, since I already have a stack of Drifts, and since the flight numbers are similar I assumed the Rhythm is basically an overmold Drift.


To me, at least my examples, the drift is like the relay. My fission rhythm doesn't fly like any axiom disc I can think of off the top of my head. Reminds me of a maverick or maybe an IT. Of all the flippy fairways though the rhythm is my favorite


 Craves are great.  Harder to throw 300 ft than a beast tho. 


You’re throwing same distances as me. I still throw a beast alongside orcs.  Then wraith and shryke. I was in your position then I bought every $5 used beast I could find - pretty common mold.  Now I have a few in various stages of wear and don’t have to start over if I lose one.   I’d buy a star and a champ.   Or a heavy one and a lighter one.  Champs can take a good while to beat in.  


I just ordered an insanity based on comments here, but I may grab another beast too


A thunderbird might be good for OP down the road, but will probably be too much for him now.


Honestly, I would look on ebay or r/discexchange. Gotta Go Gotta Throw has a lot of used discs that they auction off, and I would a more common mold like a Champ Beast will pop up often. Edit: yeah, GGGT has a lots of used Champ Beasts.


Every used bin I have seen had at least 2 beat up champ beasts


GGGT sells used discs??! This might be dangerous...


They have ebay auctions weekly. It's definitely dangerous when you grab one cheap and start thinking, 'well, if I grab two more the shipping will only be like 8 bucks... And we'll, I might as well grab another one on buy it now' haha Not like I'm talking from experience or anything haha.






I really like the Axiom Insanity, it’s a 9 speed and a bit more understable so will probably fly like the beat in beast out of the box. Also pick up a new beast and start beating it in.


Which plastic?


I throw Proton which IS MVP’s champion like plastic




Latitude 64 Sapphire is what I switched to, same speed but a tad less stable than a Beast.


I tried a Sapphire for a couple of rounds after I lost a champ Beast. The Sapphire did really fly like i wanted it to. It's now on a shelf, and I bought another champ Beast.


If you want a cheap option to replace your Beast, you can do f2 discs. Innova drops a code every friday, and you can get a free disc when you buy 3 or more discs from the pro shop. F2 discs are factory seconds. But in my experience, the blemishes are small cosmetic ones, and the discs fly great Free disc today is a Halo Thunderbird when you use the code: Goodgenes


You should get an aura mantra and an aura construct.


Construct is so good. In my experience, the Construct in Ethos has less turn and less fade than a Champ Beast. So it'll get to the same spot on a flat shot, but it'll take a straighter path.


I’ve had the extreme opposite experience. My 169 ethos construct flies like a champ PD. Much different disc that the champ beasts I have thrown, which turn quite a bit before a nice fade, similar to an aura construct


F2 shop with a free Halo Thunderbird today?


The TSA Construct is a really interesting 10 speed driver. It's a little more stable than a beast, unless you get a domey Aura one, but the amount of glide they have is stupid. Such a long flying disc!


i have this same problem, i absolutely loved my seasoned champ beast. it would flip up and glide forever. i have no idea what to replace it with after i threw it into a pond at bryant lake. none of the other ones feel like mine did, even used ones i bought.


I too lost my Champ Beast. It was about 10 years old and flew so straight. I tried 3 others but could not find one that flew the same. One day I found a max weight Proton Jet on the course and now I have forgotten the Beast altogether. Max weight Proton Jets are sooooo good right off the shelf. If you were throwing that Beast 300ish the Jet will be perfect. Flight numbers do not matter these days since you can get discs in the same run that fly different. I recommend the Proton Jet to anyone that will listen, when the try it they instantly become hooked. It works so good for forehand flip to flats. If you can find a metal flake Proton Jet you can weight down to about 170 before it gets flippy.


Innova's Mystere is a great choice if you love the Beast. I just threw a round with the Mystere and liked it. I was getting 10ish more feet out of it than my Beast. The Mystere does fade out noticably more, fyi. I love the Beast to, it was a game changer for me. The Mystere hasnt replaced my Beast yet but its gonna get a chance. I, too, go thru Innovas F2 program and really enjoy the discounts. The more you get the cheaper the Disc's are. Ultimately I end up dyeing whatever I get so I don't care about crazy stamps or the F2 badge.


Try a Saint Pro. I freaking love that thing for a 300 ft tunnel shot.


Try the new innova Gorgon!


That’s gorgon shit! Total gorgon shit!


Downvoting Rick and Morty quotes on the disc golf sub? That’s a paddlin


Your not playing in MN are you? I found a beat up beast at a local course but couldn't make out the number on the back so I left it at the tee pad where I found it hoping the owner would come back for it. Don't know if it's still there but it was at the hole 9 tee pad at Riverside if it was yours.


I wish! I’m NY


I'd just grab another Beast locally or maybe hit up the factory store for a few f2s so you have back-ups. I almost always have a Beast and Insanity in the bag for that neutral-ish slot, although champion Beasts can start a bit beefy.


Insanity replaced the Beast in my bag.


I just learned about Factory seconds which seems very reasonable! I like the better plastic but I’m not tryna spend $20


I used to use a beast and orc. I think an insanity might be what you are looking for. 160s weight will turn more. 170s is a laser beam before fading slightly.


Maybe an Aztec or Musket?


The Discmania CD1, the infinite Aztec, the infinite (original CD2 mold, forgot the name), and remix rumble are all great replacements if you don’t want to buy another beast. I’d highly recommend the rumble as it it’s only $12 on Amazon for a premium plastic driver (remix is made by MVP) and it’s got numbers of 10 5 -1 2 but I’d say it’s more of a 10 6 -1 2


I feel you man. For years my go driver was a pearly pfn champ beast. Never really found anything else. To be honest I also feel like the old pearly champion plastic is way better than the champion these days.




Check 1010 disc, the used section is sorted by condition. 9/10 is basically brand new. I’d grab a Beast and an IT, probably get that 300 with the IT


Good tip!


If Beast worked for you, maybe try a Star or Gstar Mystere. Gstar will be more understandable. The Mystere should have a bit more glide than the beast, with overall similar flight.


I throw 300ft max. I have two 172g PFN Champ Beasts and a 163g seasoned gummy champion Beast. To me, the beat-in 163g flys super similar to a 163g new Plasma Wave. The Beast has more turn and more fade, but both end up on the same spot. I tried to use one of the 172g PFN Champ Beasts for my overstable driver slot, but they are just a nick too overstable. I currently have a 167g Proton Wave to cover that slot. I also have a 173g Proton Wave that is more OS than the 172g PFN Champion Beast, but probably not by much. So I think a seasoned Champ Beast lines up with a new Plasma or Proton Wave of the same weight.


I like my glow champ beast. It's the first glow beast I've picked up, but the fourth beast In total, because I keep losing them. 🤣🤣


If the old disc worked great, why change it?


Another used champ beast, no?


I use a Blizzard Champion Beast. Innova is releasing the Gorgon in a couple of weeks. Control of the Beast with a little more distance and a little less fade. Might want to consider it.


I’m def going to look in to that


Lots of replies already so I'll not list four or five more discs for you to buy 😁 But one bit of advice - when you figure out what the replacement will be, get at least two of the same plastic and weight. Bag them both and rotate them in use - like I'll make one my primary and throw it on 2/3rds of the shots. This way you'll eventually get two discs in slightly different stages, the secondary should be a little more stable. Also if you lose one you arent starting over again, you will have one beat in to pair with the new one you'll the get.


Prob pretty good advice


Try a beast in halo star plastic and lighter weight


Westside Sampo will make you forget all about the beast


Hot take but if you're throwing a beast 300' you shouldn't be throwing a beast. How far do you throw a teebird? All that aside, I'm a big fan of Pro or GStar plastic for Innova distance drivers. Also consider dropping the weight a bit - 170 instead of 175 makes a big difference.


Ugh. Dude has a disc that he feels comfortable with and can get out to 300. Who cares if it's a 10 or 7. Ohn Scoggins is one of the best FPO players in the world and routinely throws a destroyer that most people in this forum would say is "too much disc" for her arm speed and distance. Nothing more annoying than the "disc down" crowd once people are beyond beginner level. I can easily reach 300+ with my Shryke and Deadalus but conditions have to be perfect for me to get there with a teebird and they usually fly about 260. Higher speed discs are more aerodynamic.


I said 'hot take' doesn't that shield me from downvotes? Was I supposed to use the /s tag too? I'll admit I throw discs I shouldn't throw - I don't get the flight out of most 11 speeds that I should but my main distance drivers are a mamba, wraith and vass. OP asked for advice and I gave some.


“Shouldn’t throw”… where’s the rule book that tells us what disc we should and shouldn’t throw?


It’s real fucking funny to watch this sub love the ‘fix your form, don’t buy new discs to fix it’s yet downvote me for suggesting OP buy discs that fit his arm speed. There’s no rule book, people can throw whatever they want but most of us are here cause we wanna get better. Throw a destroyer like a tilt for all i care. I did give OP a solid recommendation for discs/plastic.


Go Cubbies hehehehe


No actual rebuttal to my statement so you reply with this, got it👍🏻