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I write it in my head cause we all know that shit aint happening irl


What isn't happening? Getting an ace, or people signing it?


Me getting an ace...


Most aces are on holes under 250ft, if you ace a hole under 250ft then you got incredibly lucky on a shot that was poorly overthrown... With this logic most aces are bad shots... I also have never hit an ace and am very sad about the fact.


Yea, everyone who made an ace is worse than me, cuz I never over throw my shots.


*throws 20 feet past the basket* “Ha!!! Loser!!!!” *goes to tee and hits first available*


I guess you've never seen an on camera ace on the pro tour because I think you'd feel silly typing that sentence if you had.


It's only poorly overthrown if you didn't mean to throw it that way. If you purposefully go for an ace run, then it's not poorly overthrown. Just a bit of luck that it stayed in the basket.


That’s not true… I just got an ace on a sub 200 foot shot but.. you can’t even see the basket in the hole. That being said there’s a very specific line you have to hit to 1) make it through the trees and branches and 2) de-elevate the disc in time for it to hit chains. I’ll usually hit basket lately. But drained it at hole 6 at mossy. An ace is an ace, especially going for specific lines too. But yeah, hole 6 at mossy is very specific to ace due to the crazy line to aim for


That reminded me of a hole on my old home course. It's a 250-ft blind shot, requires a very specific line that I'm just very comfortable throwing with my mako 3. Nice high floaty Anhyzer line and the mako always checks up right at the basket. Usually I hit the guardian tree right in front of the basket for a 10-ft birdie putt but I've grabbed a couple of aces and many a metal hit there too.


You didn’t need to tell us you’ve never hit an ace. The saltiness told on you already.


Tis but a joke good sir


If you can’t trust u/contheartist, who can ya trust?


I’ve throw both a called Ace and an uncalled but definitely intentional, for money Ace


You’re 100 percent correct. I still screamed like a girl but that putter ace I hit at 193 ft would have been such a bad shot if it missed. Straight line drive.


Had a nice midrange fade in that I believe would have only been about 15 away if not gone in. A flat liner is a brave players game


It’s not a bad shot… it’s just not an ideal outcome, but not a bad shot. It’s like trying out for college sports and not making the cut. Still a great run, but ultimately wasn’t successful. So still feel great! Just be upset about the outcome overall Edit: yes this analogy is blown out of proportion, it’s disc golf lol, and not on a professional lever at all. But the analogy still represents what I mean overall haha


The weeds are the where te gablngsters wallow


i write the date on the rim and "ace" so if someone finds it they are a tiny bit more likely to return it


I do this to every disc I own and I’ve only gotten 1 ace 😈


You own one disc


It's your disc you ink it where you want. Also that sticker goo will easily wash off with dish soap. 


Alcohol swab is the way


What not a terrible spot for sticker goo. Or maybe the perfect spot, depending on your grip.


Her first sink bath. NSFW. https://imgur.com/gallery/3tXi2Bl


What is dish soap? Jk


I don't ink anything when I make an ace. I just hoot and holler a little bit and then I'm done. If someone is with me and they want to take a picture they can do that, but I don't really care.


My first few aces I wrote the course and hole on, but I've since lost those discs and stopped keeping track of them all together. I don't really like having ink on my discs in general.


I feel like you are more likely to get back a special seasoned and aced disc. It kind of gives a guilt trip to the finder sub consciously. Disc golf Karma is real!


I would think that as well, but the few I had marked aces on were lost and never returned, so I think unfortunately a lot of people find a disc and just bag it


I don't know what it's like where you're at, but here there are people who don't even play who go and fish lost discs out of the creek & get $2-4 apiece at the pawn shop.


We have many swampers here. "SWAPMER- those who go into maritime waters to collect the undead, lost or unattempted to search for by the owner" . They spend their time searching in an attempt to make profit. I ain't starting a lost disc argument. To me, it is their right to do. I just feel it is greasy and shows a person's character. The right thing to do is at least call or text.


I think there was an episode of beavis & butthead about this.


This needs some internet Sleuths! Ehh ehh


It really depends on who picked it up. I would say at least 85 percent of the overall players would return. Unfortunately, there is alot of lost disc unclaimed in high numbers by people who don't have that etiquette. They either are greedy or just don't know


I luckily haven't lost all that many discs over the 15 years ive played🤞but i have lost 2 ace discs and neither got returned. Im still salty about both of em!!


Just reunited someone with their lost ace disc yesterday! It didn’t have their name on it but I saw a dude wandering around the next hole and sure enough it was him. He also mentioned that it’s his main disc on the tee pad, star firebird. How do you NOT have your name and # on that?


What lucky give back! Good looking out man! The stars aligned!


Honestly my round was not going well and the bugs were out. The course was a jungle for the first time all year. I grinded through and passed 4 groups all looking for disc in the cabbage. The course was beautiful and the fairways were cut for an upcoming tourney in a very unnuque way. I did the hoot and holler and my adrenaline hit a 4 out of 10 after the ace. But I think that had alot to do with me being solo and it not being my first. It is a bigger impact in a group fo sho


I just walk back to my car and leave the disc for someone else to use and don’t play for 3 months


Flexing with that 2019 🐻❤️


No way! OG gangster shows up! Can you ink it for me? I love your plastic!


>What do I do? do whatever the fuck you want to. what's the logic in crowdsourcing a personal decision?


I think they want to see what reddit thinks. They are indeed doing whatever the fuck they want to.


Naw they want to brag about an ace. But that's cool too.


There are just old school rules about stuff. I was curious if someone had some inside knowledge on the matter at hand. At the end of the day, I will do exactly what you suggest.


>old school rules Bottom stamped discs are a new trend. How are we gonna have old school rules about something new? Also why would there be "rules" about what you do with your own discs?


Intriguing thought, these are the thought invoking reasons I asked. Thanks! When was the introductions of these stamps exactly?


There's no logic, they just want attention for their "ace."


Inside of the rim.


I would ink the bottom for practical reasons. It’s less likely to fade from throwing or pulling in and out of a bag


I'll write ace number, course, hole, date on the underside (or rim if ink would show through the top). If there's friends on my card, I'll have them sign it under the same rules after the round.


Great advice! Rim Ink wins! I was solo, but I have used the witness signature in the past. Thanks brev!


I’d personally do it on the stamped underside. But I’ve never owned a bottom stamped disc. Also never thrown an ace, so there’s that.


i've never seen a bottom art disc, thats pretty slick


I’d ink on top regardless of stamp. Been playing for a decade and still no ace. So when I do get it, you bet your ass it’ll be big and proud right on top.


It kinda hurts the eyes on top I feel. Didn't do it yet, but that is my vibe. I am leaning towards inner rim. I head it once in the masses. Thank you all for you input! Me encanta much a! May they all fly true to metal!


On the rim


The inside rim.




Aka confirmed...inside rim it shall be! Thanks for your comment!


Good question. I will let you know when both parameters are filled.


You got a bottom stamped disc yet?


I have never inked any of my discs after an ace. I never heard of it initially and now at this point I don't personally see the point.


I have 6 aces on one of my buzzzes, but putting it on the disc never even struck me.


I've been playing 14 years and never heard of inking an ace


What state you from?


Missouri. Went to school in como and learned to play there. They built harmony bends near the end of my time in town, but I played there quite a bit before I moved


Small world! Do you recognize the pink baskets? They changed the layout about 7 or 8 years ago


I still visit every once in a while and played there last year, so I'm sure I played them. I never paid too much attention to changes in the layout. Just assessed what I needed to do on a hole by hole basis.


I dont


Best run of zone!


Why do you think so? I have bagged this one for at least 3 seasons. It still holds it's stability well!


I mean bottom stamp swirly Earhart is a killer combo plus it literally just never seems to lose stability. I’ve been bagging one since 2019


I don’t ink ace discs. I find it tacky.


You must have a million aces with that opinion


Probably 0 aces. Has never had to make the decision.


I actually have 3 aces. 2 regular and one black.


Prove it. Wait, guess you can’t because signing discs is tacky 😪.


I don’t have to prove it, I was there.


My last comment was immature, I apologize. I think it’s silly for you to post an initial comment like you did. The person is excited about hitting an ace and asking for thoughts on where you’d ink a bottom stamp disc. Your initial comment added zero value whatsoever. That’s awesome if you don’t ink your discs… maybe just don’t comment next time rather than tell someone that it would be “tacky” to ink it. Cool opinion but not what was asked.


Well, if the disc has the right feel already, you don’t want to make it more tacky by inking it.


I hate ink on my discs. For tournaments I use a grease pencil to mark my disc. I had a tournament ace in a B tier and while we were celebrating after everyone finished the hole one of the guys on my card grabbed my disc and started signing it. I told him it was now his disc as I didn't want it anymore. I also don't get retiring ace discs. If I throw one and it does exactly what I want it to do, why would I not want to to keep throwing it?


That sure looks like Acorn (I barely recognize it with how overgrown it is!)


Nailed it! It is a jungle right now. Check it out if you wanna test your skills


I don't mark ace discs. I know I threw it and that's all that matters. Besides, it looks fucking tacky.


This is wild. I think it’s awesome when people show me a disc with multiple aces they’ve hit written on it. Just because you think it’s tacky doesn’t make it so; your comment does not help the post whatsoever. “Where do you mark an ace on a bottom stamp disc”. “I dONT BeCaUsE iT’s SuPEr LaMe”.




Maintain a civil discussion. DGCJ is over there ->




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If i bother to ink the disc, it goes always to inside rim.


This is where I always put my name and number. I like the idea of keeping it consistent


I write course, hole and date on the rim. It can be fun to look back at overtime


I’ll let you know when I get one 😂


Why you gotta flex on me with your beautiful course?


Minnesota summers are the bees knees!


Seems like it! I’m in Washington, and only til recently are our summers nice due to climate change. Gotta enjoy it while it lasts!!




Acorn is in full bloom


She is showing her true colors. Chuck K. must be gleaming. The course actually has fairways and legit water hazards this year!




I don't ink my ace discs. Sometimes if I am in a group and everybody wants to sign it I kinda guess I have to go along with it, but I am going to keep using the same disc to hopefully get another ace. It doesn't become sacred. I don't think I am "too cool" to have everyone ink my disc up when I get an ace, but I would rather that was not the tradition. I just personally don't like it. That disc was elite when I threw it in on the first shot, and I don't want to change how I feel about it mentally. This might not make sense to anyone else, but that's just how I feel about.it.


Truth! My ace discs are not retired or wall hanged. You need to get as many as you can! It already worked once right?!


My thoughts exactly.


Bottom- recently lost my felon which I had 2 aces and 6 signatures on🫤…


On a normal disc I add a tally mark on the top side and the date on the bottom


All my aces get signed on top and retired


I have never understood the retire part. If a disc finds chains and flies true, keep throwing it! But, I respect your choice of not throwing a special disc.


I’m notorious for switching discs in and out of my bag, and I don’t get too attached to them, so when I ace it feels more like an opportunity to get a new frisbee


I've done this with certain skateboards. Ridden for a special time in my life, then retired to the wall. Skateboards are way more personalized and broke in than any Disc. This being said I feel retiring a disc due to a special moment is quite right ✅️.


Have 28 and only the first one was signed on the disc and I lost it long ago. I take pics with basket,hole # and disc for memory and keep on slinging them. I have a personal record of 3 ace discs in the bag at the moment.


Awesome! I have at least 3 I can think of as well bagged. Pure putter, fusion felon, and ESP zone. What are your weapons?


Medium Burst Pure, JM Glimmer Fuse and bottom stamp Gold River. I have 2 with the Pure and one each on the other 2. I just realized my last 3 aces were all Lat64 discs. I love throwing the Pure, it has a sweet S shape flight.


The pure is defs an underrated workhorse!


I ink the date and write ace on the bottom of the flight plate or inside the rim, usually. Don’t really like writing on top of my discs and the outside of the rim would wear off very fast. Haven't yet lost an ace disc but I have sold or traded some. The ones I still have give me a little lift when I see that mark on them, though.


Thanks! Good advice. I will mark the date, course and hole on the inside rim! The disc may not last forever, but the memory will!


I have never had a bottom stamped disc. Or an ace.


What would you do if you did though?


I don't ink my aces. That way when I lose the disk hopefully I've forgotten it's an ace disk.


I have 3 with my Pure! Sick stuff man!


Genuine question who still plays with ace discs and why? Do what ever you want with them but I like to sign and have group sign and save it then order a new one to replace in bag.


If it aces once, it will eventually ace again. Why not give yourself the best odds. I am not afraid to throw a disc I trust. It makes it fun


I don’t sign my discs. I did on my very first ace and then stopped.


Some of y'all don't have enough serious stuff in your life to worry about, do ya?


I don't ink discs


Man, who is out there producing light green discs? It’s like they want you to lose it and buy more… I would never buy a green disc.




Sign the basket too it's really popular at public courses. 


I sign all the cars in the parking lot.


Yeah everyone by me throws their beer cans in woods, so I do too. Did I do this right?


I stick to car batteries in the ocean. It helps my back hand.


Yes that's correct. 


Gotcha wait until you hear about bridges


Is signing a wooden post really worthy of you guys jerking eachother off?


A new contender has entered the ring. We got a three way now


Sir an opportunity is an opportunity. 


No ink. Picture. Ace inked discs never get returned in my experience.


So you don't even have a buddy present to confirm the ace and you're worried about where to write that you got a hole in one? For the 17th time?