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Pink, pink, and more pink


Pinks and bright blues are the way to go.


Almost nothing in the wild will be bright pink and or blue !!! It's always going to be the disc


End of thread, OP! Pink is easy to find in all seasons. Bright blue is good most of the time, but can be a lil harder in the snow. Orange is solid most of the year but a nightmare in the fall. Only colors I’ll buy if I have the choice.


r/Pinkdiscs ftw.


This is the way. I’ve heard story that they are also more accurate.


I saw it on the internet, in someone's flair. That is clearly a scientific analysis.


Green is actually recommended because the human eye picks it up better than most colors and a circle of a single shade of green stands out.


Except that discs that go off the fairway into tall grass rarely land flat. A slightly standing green disc is just another blade of grass when it’s knee high.


Doesn’t work so well if you’re using your peripheral to find the disc. I’ve tested this and pink still will jump out better than a different shade of green. That research gets referenced every time this discussion is brought up and yeah you sound smart reciting it in here, but dude do it in real life and it just isn’t the same.


I do it in real life my guy I’m not gonna say pink isn’t easy to find because it is but green isn’t hard for me to find either. I carry three green discs in my bag in different types of plastic and don’t struggle with finding them.


Nope. I have a green Sword. I spend more time looking for that MoFo! I also have a brown avenger SS that I found (no name). Also hard to find.


They also go farther. Fact.


Purple is really hard to find though


I can confirm. Unknowingly held up another player looking for my purple Roc3 a few days ago. They were really cool about it and helped me find it. But I was looking for a while and probably would not have found it without their help.


LOL. I looked for my Purple striker for 30 minutes one day and just as I gave up looking for it, I noticed I was standing right over it.


Gave up on a purple berserker after 45 minutes. Works well as an excuse to buy 4 replacements for one lost.


So dang hard to find. It just disappears in the shadows. Had a wonderful champ Roc3 that I loved throwing, but I hated looking for it more


Not if you’re partially red/green colorblind 😔


Our eyes literally evolved to spot pink/red things in bushes


"If it ain't pink, it stinks." -Matty O




Throw pink, I agree


I like pink or opaque white overmold/halo on blues/oranges. Throw on a holographic stamp and they jump right out.


I actually prefer PINK! if I can find it.


Kastaplasts poison green is surprisingly easy to find in the woods and shimmers in low light.


It's basically day-glow


Yeah bright lime green was surprisingly easy to spot - I figured it would blend in with the foliage but it stands right out.


Gray sucks, I have a gray driver that I really like... but every damn time I throw it I's hard to find.


I second this. I have (had) a gray Athena that I've lost and had returned multiple times. It's currently lost, but it could still come back lol


Purple is similar especially in the shade. It can be hard to find I try to go red pink Orange


As I'm trying to bag all purple 👀 don't mind me lol


“Is that my blue disc? Nope, another bud light can.”


This is so true 🤣


Clear Tie-dye disks are easy af to lose. Stay clear of them imo.


Clear. Yea. I’ve spent way too long looking for a purple and Orange tie dye clear disc *in the fall* ouch.


I almost lost my clear green servo in tall/sun bleached grass. Blended in PERFECTLY


The new jawbreaker z is awesome looking on my shelf... Prolly awesome looking in the grass too but cannot confirm since disc cannot be found


That was my first ever disc, a champion Valkyrie. I regularly buy new tie dyes despite losing them every time. It's a way of memorializing it.


As far as I know I can see colors fine. I like Pink, orange, bright neon green,  anything blue usually stands out pretty well. The only time I had a problem was this plasma envy that was this ghastly blend of brown and purple. It blends in really badly and I never throw it.     edit: watching flights, and watching where a disc kicks and lands is also a skill, and when you get better and watching them you'll lose track of fewer discs. 


Played right as a front was blowing in and was teeing off a 500+ hole banking to the right, perfect for my dominate forehand play style, huge left to right wind so I was confident I’d be safe. Tried throwing a long flex shot starting on (too much) Annie. It didn’t turn out of it and starting sinking fast and left into some thick woods. I sprinted after it so I wouldn’t lose it, was a brand new white driver I was throwing for the first time lol, wasn’t about to let it go.


I pick easy to find colors as much as possible. Any second of looking for my disc I can save is good for my mental game. I also play alone a lot and on blind shots it is so much better to be able to spot my disc quickly. On blind shots I will only throw easy to find discs. Bright colors. Pinks, Yellows, Light blues and neon are the best. A brief moment of swapping a few out in fall when things change.


Pinks and blues, nice and bright. The right shades of green are actually highly visible. Of course, this also depends on the greenery/foliage at your course


White is a sleeper for being hard to find especially when it's bright out.


Glow during the day is also horrible. 


I dye the outside of my glow discs (like halo) pink for this exact reason. ...and also cause I rock a fully pink bag and can't abide any interlopers


Hard agree, and I bag 3 white discs too ☠️


But golf balls…


Look like leaves at a distance or trash. The good thing about a ball is that it stands 1.68 inches tall where a disc is only 1.6 centimeters tall. Much easier to spot than a disc IMO


Tie dye is surprisingly difficult to find. You’d think having it be a bunch of unnatural colors would be easier, but the distorted pattern blends in. Solid, opaque and bright colors are best. Royal blue and hot pink are ideal.


Yep. My Tie dye Champ Wraith is my most difficult disc to find. Even in the middle of the fairway!


Yeah I had a translucent tie-dye Champ TL that I had to stop throwing because I’d constantly lose it, even on good shots. Too bad too, really nice disc and not easy to replace.


Bright blue, bright pink, and white are what I use because I have lost a green disc in the grass before so I just play it safe lol


Orange discs fly better.


Blue/purple discs are harder to find in deep shadow


I only worry about color when the daylight starts to fade. Half my discs right now are black or green!


I've put all my green discs away because I've lost half of them already. I know it's because I suck at this sport. They're great for the snow though


I've played with people with 20+ years of experience that have lost bright colored discs. Losing discs happens, doesn't mean you suck; though it does happen more when you are new like you and me! If it's a specifically heavily wooded hole with lots of blackberry bushes and stuff, I may not throw my favs, but I'm also trying not to get too attached to any disc. If you never want to worry about color helping you lose a disc, go for bright blues, pinks and purples. All other colors can blend with some sort of nature. White works if it's not snowing but can be hard to see in water if submerged. I just bought a couple NHL discs from Prodigy because I am a big hockey dork, but they are black to look like a puck. I'm not going to not throw them just because I may lose them, only if they end up not being good discs for my game. Unless it's a special run of a mold or something not made anymore, not really a big deal to replace something that gets lost and most discs I've lost have come back to me at some point.


Don't throw green, black, brown, gray, or dull yellow as a beginner. You will spend a lot of time searching and get frustrated, which will detract from the joy of the game.


Yeah, in low light stick to white or fluorescent discs!


Contrary to what a lot of people are saying, I've found green discs to be among the easiest to find. They're especially easy to find in the woods where they contrast well with the dirt and pine straw.


I agree with bright green, but I have a dark green Valkyrie that I had to shelve because I could never spot it. Have a dark orange Beast I did the same to.


Orange can be difficult, especially in the fall. I lost one of my most favorite discs in the fall last year. It got kicked no more than 50 feet away from me, but it was orange and I had to give up after around 30 minutes of searching.


Hard to find: Earthy Green, Black, Tie-dye, Clear


I have a disc that I dyed but made it virtually unplayable. Forgot about color theory and developed one side as a grass green and the other as a fall burnt orange.


Black and gray is a no-go for me now.


I have a 4 year old f2 grass green pro destroyer that has somehow not gotten lost yet and will remain in my bag until it gets lost. But man, there have been some times when it’s taken way longer to find that disc than any of my others


Pink Yellow Orange Red bright blue is what I stick to


Pinks, (light) lavenders, and Kastaplast 's poison green, are the easiest colors to see, watch, and find all year round. Lighter (baby) blues, Kastaplast FR Mint and DayGlow/Neons are on the relatively easy to spot list as well. Red is very easy to spot in the winter/snow season. That is what I've learned over the years in regards to disc color.


Grey and flat black are very hard to see. Glossy black however is pretty easy to see in bright conditions. Pink and lighter blues are the easiest to see by far.


I have a couple black R2 Eclipse MVP discs that I never bag anymore because they're just impossible to find no matter where they land. The glow rims are almost no help at night too.


Avoid tie dyes for the most part


Personally, I don't think green is as hard to find as it's made out to be. Grass, trees, etc tend to be many shades of green all at once. A disc is a solid block of one color and tends to pop more when you think about it in that context. For something to blend in, it usually needs to be many shades. A Copperhead isn't a flat brown color. It would be awkward and stand out much more. All this to say that, yeah, I bag a lot of pink. But if I find something in Green, I won't shut it down based on that alone.


Avoid black discs at all cost. They look sick but I'd be lying if I said I've never lost my black Falk in the middle of the fairway. Nowadays I try to exclusively buy pink and blue discs. I'll deviate to like... bright yellow or something for putters and throwing putters if there's no pink or blue available, but still try to avoid that.


Eyes are better at seeing shades of green than most other colors. As a result my bag is now mostly brighter shades of yellow, green, and blue. Don't have much issue finding them when lost.


I like blue and hot pink for year round in any type of environment. White is good any time besides winter.


I love white discs. So many possibilities for a dye job


Yeah i'd throw more white discs if i didnt live in Michigan and play year round so i dont wanna change my bag around every 6 months since most of my discs have been in my bag for at least 10 years. But outside of winter white is probably one of the easiest colors(or lack of colors) to find


Under no circumstances throw a tie die disc.


I buy my friends in our local group a disc for their birthday every year. It’s always “Forrest Floor Brown” or “Dead Leaf Green” depending on seasonality.


I've learned if I just stay on the fairway I can throw anything I want 😀


Personally, I dislike having the EXACT same shade in my bag if the discs are similar speeds. I have a Kastaplast Svea and Stig that are the same blue, and after a couple beers I've been known to grab one disc, thinking it was the other, and throw a really bad shot because of it. (I love the Stig, and I'm still learning the Svea)


Green is a spectrum.


Pink and neon green have been easiest for me. Also light blue. I appreciate TSA for their crazy and easy to notice stamps.


Those innova champion tie dye discs are a pain to find


Only 2 things matter with color for the most part. Do you like it? Will it be hard to find? Unless you’re tracking down a specific run of a specific disc.


Pink, no green or earth tones, avoid big, broken patterns. I even avoid MVP discs with black rims as they're hard to see edge on.


This about MVP. I still bag a few, but that black rim can make them difficult to find.


I'm red/green colorblind so I stick with whites yellow and blues. Only green disc in my bag is my putter


Different colors of the same run will fly different because of the cooling process.


Green and yellow vanish in the summer, orange vanishes in the fall, grey, black and clear vanish any time of year, but nothing in nature is neon pink, and the size of a golf disc.


Red discs are incredibly hard for me to find, so I avoid them. Also the shorter the shot, the less it matters.


Almost all of my discs are either pink or orange. My one yellow disc can be a bear to find. I wasn’t prepared for that! It’s especially hard to find when dappled sunlight filters through the trees onto grass.




Blue and red.


Seems like no one talks about purple discs being hard to find. They are the worst all around for me.


Pink purple and blue are easiest to find year round. Orange is great until the fall and green is just an absolute no. Anything watermelon colored (red and green) is also surprisingly difficult to find


Two to never get: tye dye and purple. Especially purple that isn’t fully opaque. If you like to be seasonal, yellow and red for Spring and Summer, blue and pink for fall and winter. White is always a good choice except for winter (but how many snow rounds are you ACTUALLY doing?).


I learned to throw better. That reduced the number of lost discs dramatically.


Pink or orange discs.


All I know is I’m red/green colorblind and for that reason I do not bag a single red disc. They disappear into grass for my eyes


Colorblind and inaccurate…..95% of my bag is white or yellow


Bright red, pink, blue, any vibrant neon, and hunters orange are pretty good year round. Stay away from green, brown, and purple. Some tie dye is also incredibly hard to find. Clear and black discs should never be used.


they all disappear regardless.


All blue... It's visible in basically any setting 😎


Black discs are a flex. You’re basically saying “I’m not worried about missing the fairway”. I do not throw black discs haha


Green discs are better in drought years.


I rock a lot of green, light green, clear, and any color that flies the way I'm looking for. I don't care what color it is. It's all about the shot shapes the disc will give me. I rotate discs in and out of my bag depending on the weather/season I am playing in because I see it all in the Midwest.


I found out I can't see red discs for the life of me. I'd think it would stand out like a sore thumb, but I can be practically standing on a disc and not be able to see it. I did recently find out I'm slightly color blind in one eye, so I don't know if that's why.


My bag is as much dayglo as I can get but the real top tip is: follow your disc to the ground and spot a reference point. I have horrible depth perception (blind in 1 eye) so while I know where a disc went right/left for the most part, I struggle with distance. I was in a doubles round and someone taught me to watch it to the ground, see what it goes in front/behind of (tree, bush, clump of grass, etc) and since then I've rarely lost a disc and find them within a minute or so.


Black is whack. Cool but whack




Don’t get clear discs.


Blue and pink are good in all seasons.


Red blends surprisingly well with green. Purple is the color of shadows. Highlighter colors FTW, especially pink.


Pink, bright blue, bright orange. In that order if you want to find your discs often


No black, be careful about green


Clear, green, and blue are basically invisible in bushes and tall grass


I like the bright neons - yellow, orange, green, pink, blue. Stand out really well against various backgrounds. The solid colors are best, translucent ones are ok if they are super bright or more on the opaque side. Most of my bag is yellow and green


Pink is the easiest to see in most circumstances. Blue and green and black are the hardest.


Pink and bright orange show up the best if you are constantly looking. Avoid darker colors and splotchy patterns. A lot of dye jobs are effectively camo lol. I do pretty good with day glow discs too. Kinda neon yellow. I also like the blue glow plastic like a sexy firebird or Nathan queen wraith. Shows up in leaves pretty well.


Blue discs go further aka Blue Bombers


No green or clear please.


My discs have a camouflage pattern. JK.


I put black and white stripes on them like a sliced pizza with sharpies. see my feed for an example. I'm partially color-blind and can't always get a color that I can see. I also write the flight numbers on the under side of the rim so I can tell what they are when they're in my bag.


I bag mostly pink and white with a few glows. Haven't lost one of those yet.


Super dark colors are easier to find than you’d think. However the second it starts getting a tiny touch dark you’re crewed.


I think it depends on the environment you're playing in. For me I'm avoiding anything dark, green or brown. Bright orange, red and pink have been the easiest for me to find. Blue is ok, but bright blue.


Pink. You can always find pink


Anything with dayglow properties. Think to yourself "Would this have been a color of pants in the 80s?" If yes, you found a good color.


Avoid black, dark blues, dark greens. CLEAR discs too. Pinks, bright reds, oranges. White is good if you have some bright stamps or lettering.


Pink, blue, and sometimes bright hunter orange if you arent colorblind


In my area, NE Kansas, you get a lot of clover. A white disc gets irretrievably lost in a large patch when it's blooming.


My philosophy is throw green always. What a beautiful color. I love outside so hard.


I find I can see blue very well. White discs stand out in some areas and disk that have a different color edge are easy to spot


All depends on the terrain. I've played on courses where even pink discs blend in. Neon/poison greens are usually pretty good, along with the tried and true baby blue and pink. White does well. Purple disappears in shadows. Red blends better than you'd think. Black and tiedye are terrible and muted earth colors shouldn't be made. Do you hear me MVP plasma and discraft esp/titanium?


Pink is the easiest colour to spot by a pretty wide margin for me. Three of the four distance drivers I use in my bag are pink. Safety-vest orange is great as well unless you're dealing with a lot of fall foliage. Light blue rounds out my top three easiest colours to spot. As for what to avoid, you get the obvious ones with black, grey, brown and green. Dark blue and purple can be really tough to find in the evenings. I find red to be surprisingly tricky to spot in the evening too. I have a few mids and approach discs in these colours, but would never buy a driver that was any of these colours. I just flat out refuse to buy clear discs, and tie-dye discs and discs with intricate/complex dyes are only getting thrown inside 100ft (but I typically leave them at home).


Don’t buy reds if you can’t spot reds quickly. I have a lot of reds. I struggle to spot and lock onto red. Lol


Pink, bright blue, chartreuse. Good year round.


All colours look the same at the bottom of the swamp.


Green/ Yellow: bad in grass Orange/ Brown: bad in fall White: bad in snow Pink, red, and light blues are the best.


Red has treated me well. White is not as good as I would have hoped.


Pink, bright blue, and MVP sometimes makes Dayglow and that shits bright


Dayglow! Pink, blue, yellow, even poison green. The more neon, the better.


For some reason bugs like lightly colored disc's more than dark colored disc's.


Once youre good enough, just get what you think looks the coolest. Blue is my favorite color so i have a bunch of blue discs where i used to have a lot that were colors that were easy to find. Green sucks tho, its way too hard to find


Pink, Fuchsia, Magenta, Cyan, Turquoise and Blue are the best colours no matter what season or area you're playing at. Red is fine but can be a hit or miss.


Color depends on course and local shrubbery. Usually, stick with pinks, bright blues, florescent greens and oranges. The brighter the better. It helps finding the in shrubbery and if you are unlucky it makes it easier to find them in certain bodies of water. Save the darker colors for your putters.


Green the new frog


My personal experiences Black gets hot in the sun, especially in the summer. Orange is rough in the fall on a course with a decent amount of trees/leaves (same can be true about red depending on the trees in your area). Copper/brown/gold can be hard to find in shaded woods. Don't sleep on dayglow, I did for a long time until I had a dayglow disc, they are so easy to spot. Clear can be pretty tough to spot.


Blue and Pink (Cotton Candy) in summer, Green and White in fall, Glitch's only in the winter.


If you're colorblind avoid reds. I'd say close to half of the discs I've lost were red ones that dissappeared in a sea of green. I spent 15 minutes looking one time only to find it sitting right next to my bag. My bag is chock full of yellow, white, and orange. 


Pink or Hunter Orange are my go to colors


Black discs look cool but are instantly lost on wooded courses. Same with tie dye


I've learned to just throw the colors I want to throw. Discs are cheap enough to replace if lost and chances are I'll get the lost ones back eventually.


I’m only 3 years in, but…I throw dark discs, I throw dyed discs, I throw green discs. It’s more about paying attention and being ok with spending time searching. The majority of discs I find in the wild are bright colors and someone still lost it. It all depends how committed you are to the disc. Edit: also my friends are awesome at helping spot and search. Thanks homies!


you mean just made up shit about disc colors? i haven't 'learned' anything


You don't come to reddit to learn. Just to trash on people. We all know that child 😂


Always day glow orange....sticks out no matter what the weather is