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# [Download link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/discordVideos/comments/1cjwr7m/state_of_helldivers_2_right_now/) Please use the link provided above to download the video. THERE MAY BE NO SOUND *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/discordVideos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/nyabekc1seyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a903470ead1c2adf0c3165a3d5f848dde607c257 I don't play Helldivers but real


Wake the fuck up samurai We have a corpo to nuke










Time for ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


yo i dont have hd2. can u tell me what this input does i see it quite frequently.


It's the input for the 500kg bomb stratagem (big kaboom)




That’s the input for the “Eagle 500KG Bomb,” one of the most devastating stratagems in HD2. It’s essentially a mini-nuke.




Akchually the mini nuke is its own stratagem and is much more devastating than the 500kg🤓👆


... well, you are right. i am also often confused with the labelling of explosives, because there is the 500kg bomb, and the SEAF artillery with Explosives, High Yield Explosives and the Mini Nuke. Also, 500kg of whatever-explosive is not close to a mini-nuke. The smallest nuclear "Davy Crocket" warhead developed by the US had an explosive force of 15-20t of TNT. In the end, using "mini nuke" to explain the 500kg Bomb is sufficient enough for anyone who hasn't played HDII, yet.








When I played 2077 there was a bug that made this audio play every single time opened the game so this quote kind of effectively indoctrinated me and is still going through my head these days...


It wasn't bug, the game cought the relic of Johnny Silverhand who was overwriting the .exe folder and tried to turn the game itself into his body.


meta bug


If that's a bug it shouldn't be fixed


The current interim CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment is Hiroki Totoki. The current Head of PlayStation Studios is Hermen Hulst. Current Senior Vice Presidents are Scott Rohde and Connie Booth Mark Cerny is currently Executive Producer at SIE These are the people directly behind the decisions made at Sony. Instead of bothering random discord mods, why not put that energy towards the people that actually have the power to change the situation.


I wonder if we can get their emails so we can let them know they made a mistake


Or their home addresses so we can send them... letters of disappointment.


The letter: https://preview.redd.it/2ucq4wm5liyc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2993194511d6ae730ba84212fa2e63bec983fa9d


Damn man calling a hit out on the Sony execs


Or spend 30 seconds setting up a PSN account and then never worry about it again?


The problem is not every country can do that so they basically fucking over a players in other country's


They’ve come out and said just say you’re in a different country, so no one who had an internet connection is being fucked over


Maybe I don’t want my account to end up in a data breach either?? Also that is a bs way of addressing the country issue.


I’m sure you keep that same energy for the other 100 games you need accounts for right? >Also that is a bs way of addressing the country issue What, by telling you exactly how to make it work? Sounds like you just want to moan about something


I don't play games that require extra accounts. Either I can play it on its native launcher or I don't play it. Next brain dead argument?


You have picked the weirdest hill to die on


and break tos and risk getting your account banned or something, right


They literally said it themselves…. You’re looking for things to be annoyed about


Then in 1 year they'll say you can't do that and ban everyone


I too like to get annoyed at scenarios I invent in my head


>They've come out and said just say you're in a different country, so day you're in a different country. Hey bud, if you wanna argue about an issue, start with coherent sentences. Feel free to try again with a fully formed thought, and we'll go from there.


Hey bud, If you’re going to be a condescending asshole, maybe don’t do it over what is obviously an autocorrect error. Or just pretend you’re so stupid you can’t work out what was being said, one of the two!


The pot calling the kettle black, huh...


The problem is when I buy a game I want to play the game with no BS attached.


WE HAD A GOOD THING YOU SUN OF A BITCH, WE HAD DEMOCRACY, WE HAD BUG MURDERING, BUT NO, YOU JUST HAD TO BLOW IT ALL UP, **YOU** AND YOUR GREED AND EXECUTIVES, IF YOU HAD JUST LEFT THE GAME ALONE WE’D ALL BE FINE BY NOW https://preview.redd.it/anf0cszvcfyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e26a0cb429e02170b7b44d34feb51b34768a855f




Could someone clue me in?


Sony Executives, are fucking up a perfectly good game because they want to spy on players. This has caused helldivers 2 scores to go to shit because of corporate greed


*I saw corps strip farmers of water ... and eventually of land. Saw them transform Night City into a machine fueled by people's crushed spirits, broken dreams and emptied pockets. Corps've long controlled our lives, taken lots... and now they're after our souls! V, I've declared war not because capitalism's a thorn in my side or outta nostalgia for an America gone by. This war's a people's war against a system that's spiralled outta our control. It's a war against the fuckin' forces of entropy, understand? Do whatever it takes to stop 'em, defeat 'em, gut 'em. If I gotta kill, I'll kill. If I need your body, I'll fuckin' take it! Fuckin' hell ... You still don't see it. But you will one day.* --Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077


*If I need your body, I'll fuck it!* --Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077


*impressive cock* --Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077


*in night city you can be cum* --Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077


What makes you a criminal in night city? Getting cock! - Johnny Silverhand


*why do you cum?* -- Johnny Silverhamd






You guys are sick 😂


How to destroy a perfectly good game


People rightfully pissed about the fact that PSN isn't available in a lot of the countries they sold the game in.


Is it worse than the DRM/Spyware/Rootkit they use on PC for Helldivers 2?


You are so paranoid about data tracking and, somehow, equally as naive. Helldivers runs on Sonys servers. What possible data could they obtain they don't already have access to?


I was just repeating what someone else said to answer a question. Sorry for trying to answer someone I guess.


The music playing is one of the main themes in cyberpunk as well


Thanks for this. Was just about to ask where the music came from. It’s dope.


"The Rebel Path"


- People thought the "PS account required" requirement on the steam store page was a bluff - 3 months it was optional due to server issues - Sony starts enforcing it next month - People got angry Not arguing either way, just the facts as it stands The issue is that PlayStation doesn't *technically* allow every country on earth to make an account, so they're essentially region locking the game to I believe around only 70 countries


its largely the issues of accessibility, but also the timing really is a bad look. "Guys, we are making a PSN mandatory. The game can't work right unless you link a PSN account to your Steam account." "Its been working fine for 3 months though?" "Right...but...Sony said so."


It hasnt been working for 3 months though lol, cross play invites have been fucked since launch because of this. You guys are so fucking stupid its wild lol


I don't care about crossplay though. If I keep crossplay off as an option can I play without linking a PSN account? nope. because its mandatory to have a PSN account even though I didn't need one to this point.


But Sony have also come out and basically said if you’re in a country that you can’t make an account then just lie and pretend you are


The character is Surly from The Nut Job.


Basically you need to spend 30 seconds setting up a PSN account if you don’t have one to play Helldivers on PC so obviously the world is ending




2,000+ hours, Jesus Christ


Probably for leaving his pc on and in game. This allowed you to stay logged in as opposed to waiting a couple hours to log in. Server capacity and the early days.


nah, i just cropped random "steam negative review" google images i was too sluggish to open steam, go to helldivers II, community tab, sort by rating, negative i just opened a new tab and searched it, then did some paint magic.


These are the fattest of fat fuck shut ins lol.


Can we burn down sony HQ? Serious answers only


Burning down their hq won't do much, we should target the higher ups and their replacements. (for legal reasons, this is a joke)


This (For illegal reasons, this is not a joke)


In Minecraft


In real life**


\*in minecraft


just say in minecraft


in Fortnite


I still don’t get what’s going on


Sony made bad decision. Players are angry. They are review bombing Helldiver This is super simplified


My do i like that Music. And Do I Know Exactly What Must Happen




I LITERALLY just played that mission where Johnny blew up the tower earlier today 😭


Got banned by the helldiver subreddit for a funny reason


Well go on, give us the lore


https://preview.redd.it/o8k8wh4oegyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd56755bda67100c094eb3ad17237e68e797879 Basically making fun of them because mostly western countries can now play the game and no African country


How undemocratic of that sub ... probably needs some liberating


I'm doing my part.


By shitting professionally? Where?


I am never going to play Helldivers, so I’ll act like I know exactly what happened and laugh.


I was thinking about buying it, good thing I didn't yet


For anyone wondering what happened, basically Helldivers was published through PlayStation and one of the things they required was that you have a psn account but for months of the game being out this wasn’t enforced. Sony forced Helldivers to enforce this rule and so anyone who has bought the game up until now has to make a psn account to continue playing. This might not seem like an issue but having a psn account isn’t allowed in some countries. Sure, you could use a VPN but that’s a bannable offense for psn. This means that even if you’ve played the game for 250 hours you can no longer play the game despite paying full price for it. On top of this, one of the community managers made a seemingly spiteful comment about how people are upset about wasting 2 minutes on making an account when the reality is that some people can’t even play the game anymore because of the reasons highlighted above. Another thing people are worried about is that PlayStation does not have the best record when it comes to cybersecurity. They’ve had multiple data leaks in the past few years so obviously people don’t want to make an account with them. For anyone wondering why Sony wants people to make psn accounts, it’s in order to inflate their numbers for investors to think that they have more people signing up to use PlayStation to show that they have all of those potential spenders.


Thank you for explaining 🙏


Can I uhh- get the ost name?


The Rebel Path - Cyberpunk 2077


From what I read in the TOS people from countries that don't offer PSN can fill in a different country. I know that doesn't make it better, and its still a shit move, but at least people can continue to play if they want to.


Lying about where you live is in their TOS and bannable, but not inforced. kinda like not needing an account for helldivers. And Sony will, at times, do checks to see if you're lying about where you live, but from what I know, they don't act on it at the moment. So if you live in a non supported country, you have to break a unenforced rule in TOS because a different unenforced is now inforced, risking this rule to randomly come inforced and, oh, your band now


Alright yes that is a valid concern. I haven't thought that far. At least the Helldivers devs stated that they would do everything in their power to stop this nonsense. It is nice having them on our side. Even tho we should not be in this situation at all the support of them is nice.


They banned a guy yesterday for doing that. 


Welcome back good old emulators and piracy!


Welcome back? It never left


I just want to be too sus, my FBI agent might be watching


What is the squirrel from, what movie?


the nut job


ice age for sure https://preview.redd.it/auqew2q6bgyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b461f5803803411652dc0503e8136f13afdc212


I think Over the Hedge


ps5 has no games


hey at least they got coomer souls that will come out a year later on pc


Still 100k+ playing, Sony doesn't care.


What Would Johnny Do WWJD, we could make wrist bands with it on them to spread the word.


Arrowhead raised an army and sony just pissed it off lmfao


***^(\*\* May 12 2024 - Sony Headquarters Incident \*\*)***


How about we bring the heat to sony instead of the like 20 devs working their asses off and couldn't do anything about it


That's why I put there Aras.. Sony HQ.


-Literally puts Sony as the bad guy in the post- "Why are you targetting the poor game devs, instead of their corporate overlords?!😭"


I'm not targeting the post, i watched it too, i'm just shared thought in a comment under this post, since most people blame arrowhead


Most comments I've seen thus far have been against Sony and corps in general.


arrowhead dont even appear in the video


It’s not Sony‘s decision lmao, there are literal screenshots of arrowhead employees clearly saying they decided it because they could ban people more efficiently.


I hear more people stating that this is Sony’s decision… If there are screenshots, then why are people saying that arrowhead had no say in the matter? Still sucks either way for the players.


https://preview.redd.it/g6rr0seeneyc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=382f3f4196dade8f9ebf7eca7413c42e060e2ceb Copium


Now do the one of the ceo ( person who out ranks them ) on his reason why…


Sony was fucked the moment they moved to that wretched place California


How is that even remotely related to a third party login


Everything's related to that dogshit place. Companies or people, the moment they shift their shit to that place suddenly turn into the most snarky mf who sees nothing but the greatness of their own fart.


The place doesn't matter, it's the money. It seems you just want something specific to blame?? Just hate on Sony. They would do this shit no matter where they were.


Just ignore him man, hes from india. He doesnt even know what he is talking about. All of his subreddits he frequents are india related


people like that decide they hate something and then attribute everything to it to justify their hate. it's easier than actually thinking or investigating.


Lol, you're just jealous your farts still smell like shit.


Because it's mfing COMMIEFORNIA


this dosnt sound like Freedom and democracy


War thunder passed the torch to helldivers II, the long history of steam review bombing continues






If someone actually bombs sony then they have my utmost respect.


Wait what happen can someone fill me in?


What happened?


Wait what’s happened??


Personally I don’t understand the mentality of not wanting to link a PSN account, I’m not sure of what all it implies however so I’m probably missing something


The only source I have is another reddit comment in this thread. Two reasons: One is that it is illegal to do so in so in some countries. The other is that Sony has had multiple data leaks recently, so people don’t really wanna trust them with their information.


this is why i don't buy games that get suddenly popular, they either die or have this happen


Just aecon before seeing this post I've started playing cyberpunk


https://preview.redd.it/8x3xy1sw8iyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe3ee5e89c0094ebec8a85dca6b84dd160d545d Not going to sugar coat it corpo scum


"Time to party like it's 2023."


I thought bruv was gonna go HLM mode https://preview.redd.it/jjzbxjsnmiyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90debc17fe0fad9fd03add3763281453b868eb2d


Is that an update that costs money?


Seems like the bugs and bots won the war




I don't play the game but it looks awesome, somebody plz explain


lol the gaming landscape is so dumb nowadays, literally every online game requires a secondary account. It took you longer to complain about it and make memes on it than it would’ve just to make a PlayStation account and move on with your day. Instead we have crybabies bitching about making an account because it’s Sony despite the fact that they made it clear the game needs a PlayStation account on their store page since day one.






Bunch of children whining lmao


Yeah, sure, just buy a game, enjoy it for a few months and then suddenly be completely unable to play it just because you live in one of over a hundred countries where you can't physically register an useless account


"Glug glug glug, mmmm sure do love the taste of big corporate dick down the throat, after a long productive day of defending corporations from breaking their products, that their consumers already paid for." -Some dumb cunt on Reddit You DO know that the main reason why people are mad, is that the service that Sony have made obligatory for playing the game, **doesn't even fucking exist in 2/3rds of the worlds countries**, right? Would you be on board with that?


People lost money and property because of an arbitrary decision based on greed. If the game where free it’d be less bad, but it costs a lot of money.


Imagine making fun of others because of a problem they have. What a loser lol.


Not the negative reviews, whatever they will do. It reminds me of Karen yelling at customer support.


My guy, the post is targeting Sony as the main problem lol


What else do you use reviews for?


This long after release absolutely for nothing. It's like checking reviews for Skyrim, everyone already made up their mind and either bought the game or did not


How closed minded can you be that you can’t even fathom the possibility that people haven’t heard of helldivers and might stumble onto it at some point in the future.


And they will think about game quality but instead will see a bunch of useless reviews about the game needing an additional login account. That surely will make their mind, that the most important part of the game...


ah yes, let me buy this game with awesome reviews that I won't be able to play in a few weeks.


That's why you should check if you can play it in the future before just buying it.


2-3 months ≠ 13 years This isn't a bug or something "not to whine about", tens of thousands of people have been locked out of the game they paid 40 bucks for all because Sony demanded they connect to their shitty PSN service. 40 bucks may seem like little money, but in some countries, it's a fortune and not something they can cough up easily


Yes people will check if they can play the game in the future, if yes they will buy if no they won't buy.


I ain't talking about future players my man, I'm talking about current players. The guys who ALREADY paid for the game. A company has locked people who paid for the game, people who have already played it and left their review already. Imagine you pay for a product, you use it for a couple of times, and then the company enters your house and takes it just because "You need to sign up a contract with us young man" Skyrim has a whole dedicated community. It has thousands of modders, hundreds of thousands of mods, guides, WW Speedruns, and has been existing for years, players know everything about the game because it's been going for years now. You're comparing a 13 year old game with something that hasn't even been out for a quarter-year


I'm pretty sure the Sony login thing was there from the beginning but was just not mandatory. You could probably read somewhere that it might become mandatory in the future. Officially they can just say, read better and you can't do anything about it .


I don't want to connect my STEAM account where I have hundreds of other games and my personal info to a service that gets hacked all the time. And to the countries that can't connect because PSN isn't available (mind you, it's over 100) what can you say? "Whoops, sorry, you can't play this game because my service is required! Thanks for the money!" People don't want to connect to different services every single time they open a game, they want to play their game and that's it. I paid for this game with my hard earned money, and now I'm being locked out


You are ok with all that info being actively stolen by Google and Microsoft. Why are you surprised that the Sony game needs a Sony login? Overwatch needs a blizzard account, For Honor needs Ubisoft account etc. It's not a new thing.


Who said I was okay with it? You think I like my info being stolen by big corporations? No its not a new thing, but are you just going to let Sony do it? "Everyone else is doing it, why can't sony." Do you wish for every single game you own in your library to require a different account? You launch Slime Rancher and it requires a Monomi Login. You launch 7DTD and it requires a FunPimp login. You launch the original DOOM and it requires an ID login. Imagine that, your email being 24/7 constantly barraged with spam, promos, info, store details by a million different services, and your info? God knows where


YOU need to read better, it was optional https://preview.redd.it/okp1ysvh5ayc1.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=d2cd5952b3ed338cabe3678fcc0950d67905cfc9


Review bombing has worked for war thunder Still a terrible experience, but at least it's not as bad as it used to be


I don't get the issue you need a Microsoft Account to play online minecraft, sea of thieves etc. Why are you all whining?


Because Sony is still selling the game in markets that can't legally make a PSN account and so far have done nothing to say that people who were already playing the game would be able to keep playing once it goes into effect.


Multitude of reasons. 1. Sea of thieves (initially) and Minecraft weren't on steam 2. People did criticize Minecraft over switching to Microsoft and ditching Mojang 3. Sony is notorious for getting hacked and having accounts leaked 4. Sony is banning players who don't link, meaning that countries that can't make a PSN account are fucked 5. Steam users criticize this concept all the time. You never see it happen in real time because it's mandatory from the start from other games. Why do you think people shat on games for Windows or Uplay?


6. Psn is only available in 60 countries, helldivers 2 is in 190. And lying about where you live bannable


PSN is blocked/unavaliable in a lot of countries so you either cant play the game you bought and cannot refund or roll the dice with VPN and potentially get banned (it has happened to a number of people already). The whole idea is asinine


How do we tell him?


Between this and the bear thing, it's becoming VERY clear how fucking whiny men are these days.


Since when did this post have anything to do with men?. What are you so upset about? Let me guess the bear rejected you?