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100% a phishing attempt. Report as spam


Alright I did


Good work, if you had clicked on the link and have given it your login credentials you would be boned rn


that's not what would have happened. that's an official steam link if u see correctly, and u can go through with this to have as much fun u wanna have with them as long as, u don't change anything with ur account and follow their "opinions" on fixing the non-existent problem. I personally played with 3 such PPL doing the same scam.


Yeah that ones a real link, but anything after is fake as shit. Just dont trust any links you get sent randomly




I mean, [IDN homograph attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDN_homograph_attack) are a thing, I'm just not sure of the details in this case...


Yeah yeah, nice try getting me to click on that link


most modern browsers protect against this


Damn I didn't know about this.


Lol, I had a failed text message based homoglyph phishing.. it said in caps WAIMART... I just thought, huh, had that been lowercase with the capital i, it would have looked less suspicious as WaImart looks similar to Walmart.


Discord converts all idn urls to their codes


I’ve had this exact scam/attempt too and I ended up just wasting their time for a good hour, they even made a gif where they were on ‘steam admin’ page and clicking ‘delete account’ on my profile with its profile picture and all! They then started talking in a different language so I assume the script they were reading from ended


Do you have screenshots of this convo? Would really love to read it 😁


I can probably check the blocked users and find it lol, if not I’m pretty sure I saved the gif cause of how funny it looked, I’ll see!


What are some things you like to do to mess with the scammers?


Kidnap their family members. Really drives them up the wall.


I like being oblivious while sending fake screenshots of what I see. Like I send fake 404s or fake videos and ask nonsense questions. Some of these people are super persistent. Also my discord user name starts with a number so getting these messages are a near daily occurrence so that's why I sometimes dick around with them. Don't really do it anymore since discord introduced the message request system - now I just get 1 or 2 a week.


Thank goodness Discord implemented that feature for message requests because I like to check to see if it's a scammer, bot, or if it's a legitimate real person talking to me.


I once kept this one dude going for several days, wasting his time and effort for nothing, getting hate-spammed afterwards when he realized what I was doing was glorious.




Happy Cake Day!


Whenever I see anything on a website asking for steam or discord I just put in a random email and password and see if it works and excepts it


no actually this is the scam where they convince you to trade away your items


Ohhh how does that one work


something like "oh no I reported you to the admins, talk to this totally legit steam admin" and then the admin is like "I need to check your items trade em all to me"


Oh lmao, the old "let me check" your items scam. A friend of mine lost an unusual TF2 hat to some scammers that way 💀💀💀 I was the chump who was impersonated


God this is weird but i wanna be a login credential so bad


Stolen by a phisher so you can be used for malicious purposes?


Had one saying some girl was accusing me of sexual harassment and sent a link to a server XD jokes on him I don’t know any girls


i think that scam isnt based off of you actually having said something to a person, but it being someone pretending to be you said something to a person. Basically its a "go clear ur name" for people.


If you get talking to these people, they'll ask for proof that you didn't send what you are accused of. They'll make up a reason to record a video and show your console in a browser then steal ur account via the token showing in console. No text to speech did a video on it recently.


I was watching that video just yesterday. Was it about that beluga admin?


What's your name in the server?




what’s the scam? what happens when u join the server? or is the invite just a malicious link itself


The server will have a "verification" channel with a QR code that's actually a Discord login QR code. Scanning the QR code (and then ignoring all of the very explicit warning prompts in your app) lets the person/script on the other end take control of your account. Since it doesn't use a password it also bypasses 2FA.


It bypasses 2FA because you're using your phone to approve the login, so there's no point in requiring 2FA for it: you've already proved that you have the phone (which is the "something you have" factor) It's also comparatively one of the best ways to have your account compromised because they don't know your password and therefore can't take over the account completely, you can kick them out by just changing your password or using the Devices tab in User Settings.


got it, thanks




my mom says im not allowed to talk to girls on the internet


Femboy spotted???


I wonder why


lol average male redditor


Basically they will tell you that they reported your Steam account for scamming them and then from there they'll demand info about your account or else your Steam account will be banned. After that first time of being curious, now I just answer them and say go ahead and get my account banned 🤣


Nah normally they get you into contact with an "admin" and they demand the account info.


They'll say someone with the same name and profile pic as you scammed them and they accidentally reported you and they'll make up fake pics and stuff showing your profile with like red text saying ''account is currently reported'' or ''banned'' and they'll have you add some dude ''from Steam'' that can get the ban or report removed. I just go along with it and lie about what they tell me to do, then when I get bored I tell them to go fuck themself and scam someone else


The part of the scam that made no sense to me was why would I need to add an admin from Steam onto my Discord to talk to them?




Some people are stupid when it comes to these things. I know a lot of tech literate people in my friend circle and family and some of them still get caught by these types of scams. I don't get it but just need to accept and educate them.


It’s relying on the fear in the moment being stronger than common sense


I fell to that once (thankfully i got my account back)


Yes of course. Report/block them.


Bro I went so deep with this one, like editing steam HTML pages to look correct, supplying fake numbers. I talked to like three "Certified Steam Support" discord accounts over the course of like two hours and it eventually ended with me sending the last guy a pretty NSFW image, and I haven't been bothered since.


I'd just report them. Their goal is to get you to confirm the account, take 2FA off, then using your number they'd tell steam their(your) account was hacked, and then they'd have steam send the password reset email to them and they get your steam account.


I'd be like "dw I'm not mad at you because I don't have a steam account"




No mutual servers or anything


Most likely they joined a server and grabbed a bunch of people and messaging them before leaving or getting kicked.


Never click links from discord strangers and i suggest turning off dms from people that arent on ur friendlist. Also im pretty sure that a steam link should look different.


Daily reminder to enable MFA/2FA on all the things!


Just tell them its not your account and watch them convince you that it is


Nah, go along with it and click all the links he sends. ​ ​ yes it's a scam.


"Yeah, that's me" "Oh, im so sorry, I reported you by mistake, because a scammer had your name" "What can I do" "DM this really trustworthy person, that will 100% not scam you and it's not me, to unban you" And from there you will be redirected to either a fake Steam Website, or share your screen and ask you to log-in into your account. There, they will steal your data and if you have 2fa they will ask for it. That's how it will go. I told someone "No it's not me" and I got straight up blocked! 😂✌️ To avoid this, just unlink your Steam account. And to be extra safe, unlink your PayPal account too, bc it's pretty useless anyway.


it is


Always hit the report spam button


These are my favorite. I always just mess with them.


That's why I allow DMs only to friends




A while ago "No text to Speech" made a video about those kind of scams about steam https://youtu.be/Oggu6eh73ZE


Omg I remember these, “sorry I accidentally reported your account, can you log in and make sure you’re not banned, mb king”




I’ve received a few of these over the past few months. The very first one had me questioning the guy and looking up my account on steam. (Never clicking the link.) After a few questions and double checking what they told me, blocked and reported, since I’ve had maybe 2/3 more try.


this exact same thing happened to me, I humored it, and they try to get your credit card linked to your account.


Scam I've had tons of them doing that to me I just block them an delete the message. The first time I thought it was real until they sent me to a steam discord staff member who wanted lots of info like doing something than send them the code than I went to the steam community discord server an they told me to just block an delete an that it's scams.


i wonder if they accidentally reported your account


These scams are usually something to do with them "accidentally reporting your account"


100% scam as others have been saying. Ugh I hate when humans be doin this kind of thing. Thanks for reporting it, OP


Obviously yes


Nice try, Helen.


over 9000% yes


It is. Happened to an ex-friend of mine a while back


My question is, why do they want other peoples account? What good does this do them?


If you have cards linked to it or any other sensitive info they could get it and use it.


ahaha a classic


I got that attempted phishing once. I played him for an hour and told him he'll be more convincing as a Nigerian Prince scammer than do that on discord.


Funny how one time i actually linked my steam on discord, 20 mins later i get the same message about my steam account, unlinked it after because it's useless anyways


I’m not touching that with any pole of any length


Yes it is


It’s a scam , was talking with one of these today


Yeah, it will eventually lead you to "Jeff Reitman"


Yes, it is. Report it.


Classic one.


I’ve had this happen to me, and I ALMOST fell for it. So I blocked and moved on.


I nearly got got with this exact scam like a month ago lol


100% a phishing attempt. Report as spam


I had someone try the same thing to me.


its always the same plot, "i mistakenly reported your account you'll get banned if you don't talk to this moderator" then they tell you to give them your purchase history or follow some link and take your account by recovering it


Yep, report as spam and block. Or just have fun and waste their time. Don't click on links they send


Classic accident report scam. They will say they accidentally reported your steam account for illegal purchases or some shit and then will make you talk with a "steam admin" Over discord in order to get your account info or something like that.


Its a very common scam. Same with people sending you messages about a game they made and would like you to test it.


lol the script forgot to replace the steam id


Tale as old as time at this point




It is. They say that they accidentally reported you, and then they refer you to "steam support" and they ask for a code to verify the process which is just your 2fa login, and then they might ask for a "verification purchase"


They will claim you have been reported and you need to add a "Steam admin" or else you would "be banned" from steam the "Steam admin" has you send your purchase history, and asks for a password reset link.


Not phishing, an attempt to scam you out of your steam account


yup, 100%


My dumb ass got tricked by a guy saying he acc reported me and told me to give account access to a "Certified Steam Support User", which I did. Thankfully, I snapped out of it when they asked me for my credit card info and changed my acc password after kicking him out. Took me half a year to change my default steam lanugage back to english tho.


I almost fell for that like a month ago 😔 yeah it's a scam


This is definitely a phishing attempt. Someone tried to get me the exact same way, and I actually fell for it, following through their "steps" until they tried to get me to buy crypto to "troubleshoot" and I bailed.


I've seen this script before. Basically he'll say that he accidentally reported your account or something like that, and if you don't want to get it banned, you need to contact support. Luckily for you, he actually is already in contact with "support", and he'll send you send you their discord. This other person who he says support is just him on an alternate account, and from there he'll ask you for your username and password, to put it into some fake website that will just yoink your credentials.




If it’s a scam pretty stupid of them to use their real name like that


Oh you sweet summer child


I Got That Type Of Message,Believe Me,It Is A Tramp I Almost Fell On It,


Before i scroll down and get influenced by any replies this is exactly what i personally would do: Click profile to see if they have any linked accounts. Twitter, Twitch, anything that leads to them to show as a person. If nothing i would ignore the request and leave it at that. No reaction, no reply, just delete and ignore. If they reach out again then i’ll block them. If something actually happens to any of my accounts i will notice it and reach out to any support representative on that platform. I dont take any bait at all ever. No matter how convincing it may seem. If theres ever a REAL problem with anything youll notice it yourself. ESPECIALLY NEVER CLICK ON LINKS.


That happened to me before, they're going to say they accidentally reported your account and it'll get deleted so you'd have to message someone on Discord in order to stop it from getting deleted but it's an obvious scam, I could be wrong and they were trying to do something else


I always talk to these guys, they tell you to add a steam mod on discord, and then they ask for your last purchase, after that they ask you type the code from your phone, and then they have your account. These guys are pretty funny to talk to tho, idk how people fall for them.


Yes it’s happen to me before


bro why do these scammers talk like ai 😭 erm my foolishness has caused a mishap involving your Steam valve TM account yes


I think i got the exact same scam like this once, almost fall for it until he ask me to do things involving recovering my account.


Some guy tried to convince me someone with my pfp had scammed him on csgo and the steam admin thought it was him and if I didn’t talk to the steam admin I would “get banned” however I wasted all of their time and the next they they got banned on discord


Scam 100%. I keep getting those dms.


Yeah is is, they claim to have reported your acct and try to get you to message a "admin"


Yes, respond with gibberish or a meme, they’re basically asking for it


This might’ve tricked me… I need to be more careful.


That's just a pickup line that Helen Jackson is using to ask you out on a date.


Been a while since I was contacted by a scammer like this one, it’s fun to waste their time and see where their story goes lol




seems like a low quality bot


I replied with send me the scam link and they blocked me hahahah


Same scam been around for years.




This is soo old, I got like 20 of these guys the last few months. It's so annoying if you have your steam acc linked. I like to mess with them to waste their time


Ahah. This happened to me once. Fucking bitches. All tryna scare you and shit. Lies and everything. Always the same tho. “Hey I accidentally reported your account you might wanna talk to a mod” etc.


got this EXACT same msg, yes phishing


Ah yes random dms, Just ignore and block


That is a xactly what it is doing.


I've had these about 10 times, I always waste their time


Only happens to users who linked their Steam.


Got loads of these messages and still do. 100% a scam, and using the usual script too. They always follow up with nonsense such as "I accidently reported your account for scamming because I got scammed by someone who had your exact username and now you need to contact this person \[insert contact details here\] and tell them it was a mistake!". I always waste their time for fun, though that usually ends up in them sending you adult content or straight up gore.


201% phishing


"i have made a serious mistake involving your account" nobody says that 💀


yeah, i always mess with them before reporting


Had someone do this too me. The person I was talking too got scared after I said they could go to jail for falsely reporting an acc. Had them block me on 2 different accounts. Was a pretty fun time at 1 am lol


This exact same thing happened to me. I recognised it on the spot, and I called him out on it. Then when he showed me fake proof it was official, like typos in the "official" Steam alert message, I trolled 'im.


Yeah, play with them a lil bit, waste their time, it's loads of fun


Yup, they tried to scam me like 10 times already.


I got this so much that I just disconnected my steam from my account. It was so funny beforehand cause I didn't even have a steam account (or rather I forgot I did) so they came after me not knowing I was a console idiot


I've had that exact msg too a y ago, they going to say they accidentally reported you and you should write ... on steam that is supposed to be an admin. The steam acc then will have msg turned off and if you tell that to the scammer he eill gives you a discord name that is supposed to be the admin account and from there they are going to try diffrent methods to get your steam acc and change password and email.


I’ve gotten a message like this 3 times already and my main question is, what the hell do they even get from this?


Probably an integrated link like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


This scam has been running for like five years


Tale as old as time.


I got that as well, but instead of phishing, it was they tried to make you buy credit cards or your account would get banned or something.


I entertained this fuckwad and it only gets funnier. They insist they accidentally flagged your account for digital theft and you need to add Steam support on Discord to tell them it wasn’t you. Best part was the Steam employee they were impersonating is manager in the VR dept and not someone in support


Classic Steam scam to steal your account. Next they'd say they accidentally reported you and need you to DM someone "from Steam" on Discord to fix it and not get banned.


yep real account hacked by scammers sadly it still happens and discord hasnt done jack shit to stop it from happening


This happened to my brother before but on roblox. The scammer sent my bro (L) a link for roblox and L clicked it. It said “Sign into roblox” and he did. It took roblox 3 days to get it back


Yeah. I got that one months ago. I played along to know what they wanted. Basically they tell you they reported your account wrongfully and it'll be banned if you don't talk with them. And they give you a link to a random server to "fix to issue" 100% a scam. Reported, blocked. Never to be seen again 🤓 And "surprisingly" my account has never been banned 😜


I just say "no that's not me" when it clearly is just to fuck with them


Yep, they say they've reported you accidentally, make a fake steam account, and then get you to message some other dude, usually a "steam admin" (on discord lolwut) and then they probably try to clear it by getting some items from your inventory or something like that. If you have the opportunity, fuck with them and waste their time as much as possible.


Its a nowadays common scam. They pretent to have reported your account for something and that an admin will delete it. Then they direct you to someone posing as an admin and that they need your account info, involving password, to check something. Most common variant is that they say they report you for scamming them on the steam market and the admin needs to be in your account to check for the item in question.


I got something similar from another account, so yes


The first day I put my Steam on my profile I received one


It is, I almost fell victim to it, they say they reported it, and you’ll be banned by Steam, but you need to talk to their Admin ‘friend’ who will ask for your password or they will delete your account, they then go into your account and sell your shit, luckily I got mine recovered before they sold anything


Yup, happened to me. It’s super fun to mess with them




It only happens if you have your steam account shown in your discord profilem It already happened to me a couple of times and I just troll them after that i report and block


I got one of those and just trolled them for an hour before they gave up.


Not only is it a phishing attempt, but this exact account tried the same with me.


Yes. Troll them and annoy them. And then when they give up, report them. Don't report them yet in case their account gets disabled before you finish trolling them.


just screw with em for a bit


Definitely is, fell for it a few months ago I felt so stupid


yes. Classic I reported your account scam. I was able to catch their ass with a rickroll


Yea it is. I fell for it and lost it all


“Here fishy fishy”




100%. Had something similar like this a few months ago where the person said someone interpreting me said something harmful. It was a link to a not so family friendly server.


On a funny note, you can legitimately say no it isn't, that link is invalid. They didn't even get your steam account or even someone else's. "I've involved your account, this link right here, that isn't even an account"


Yes, same if someone messages you on steam saying they accidentally reported your account


That domain should catch top dollar if you ask me


I’ve had these a lot, they’ll say they’ve reported your account and send you a “steam” link to get it fixed




I've had this before, 100% spam


When one of them messaged me about making a terrible mistake I asked if it involves my steam account and they instantly blocked me


Slark: *audio* "Heh heh heh heh"


I clicked on it, though I probably got phished? (Nothing happened to my account, I guess I’m too broke to be a threat lol). They usually go along with “yeah I accidentally reported it” or sumtin


Very much a scam - gotten it many times.


I also had a msg saying that he reported me fro illegal purchase and at the end I doxxed him kinda fun


i got one of these once, i just said "nope, not me" and they were like "oh ok sorry" and left me alone. i didn't even have to block


report it they target accounts which are connected to steam or riot or epicgames


never trust a slark picker


What they do is pretend that they reported you hacking their account and try to get you to hand over the account I believe. To avoid this in the future I just recommend changing your DM messaging to just friends or whatever