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discord is very unique in its own way


That's why it's so good. Edit: Why is this being downvoted? This is the Discord subreddit. What is happening? 😂


Redditors mass-downvote anything that even slightly goes against their opinion.


What so called "free thinkers" when they see a 0 upvote comment


thats the purpose of downvoting


But who goes in this subreddit even though they aren't a fan of discord? I don't understand it.


Few of my friends say discord is too complicated to use, when I ask them what's complicated about it they say something similar to "haven't tried it yet but seems complicated"


That's exactly my point. They barely even glanced at it.


I think its more the stereotype around it? And often the people that use it (I'm sure you've seen the catching predators on discord videos)


Normal people stay on WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat etc. At least that's what I've heard. How would I know.


'Normal people'? To each their own, but calling Discord 'too weird', I'm not sure what's that based on. Has social media gone so far that people won't even try other apps besides the general ones anymore? Being shamed for preferring Discord (or any app) is a new low for me. 😂 Edit: Downvote all you want, this is a Discord subreddit.


Discord still has that reputation that it’s a convo app for gamers, which is not the cup of tea for everyone. That might be the main reason. It’s also not that much common compared to WhatsApp or Instagram. I also believe it depends to be generational.


I understand what you're saying, but I don't understand the stigma. Besides it supposedly being less common than the other ones, which aren't text messaging platforms, I'd assume since it's a newer app, the newer generations would be using it. I grew up with all of those other ones becoming more popular, but I never liked using them. I prefer and enjoy Discord the most out of all of those in all these years ever since MSN was a thing. As long as there are humans, there will be unsafe places, and people behaving irresponsibly. Discord can't really be compared to general social media.


Every so often in Brazil we get news about child pornography/self harm rings happening on the internet and Discord gets mentioned by name every time, so most people think that Discord is some kind of social media for creeps.


Clearly they never seen amino


Honestly, with the degree and frequency of Discord Bugs now? The line between the two is honestly barely visible at this point. But in terms of users, Amino is way more toxic yeah.


idk why ppl think its weird its literally just a instant messaging platform with servers... and easier to use on laptop


Seen as childish/ where odd people hang out


Try using a unified messaging app like Beeper or texts.com. That way you can have all of your messages in one place without actually having to keep any of those apps downloaded


This is helpful advice. Thank you.


Of course!


I’ve been looked at the weirdest because I used discord, plus I have nitro and most of my friends say I must be a discord kitten 😘


I'm so surprised by this. 😂 Nitro is nice though. What would be a Discord kitten? 💀


I use Discord regularly and yeah it’s too weird


I wish I could add a pic lol but the app is so buggy now that it's crazy. You leave the app open in the background, come back to it and some part of the interface has gone wonky like pics full screening weird or the emojis/gifs section literally refusing to show. I used to rate this as the no one messaging app just under a year ago and now I don't even bring it up.


That's true, but bugs aside, it's still my preferred go-to messaging app for several reasons, such as privacy. They keep adding cool new functions, and it's user-friendly.


I mean in a way I'm kinda forced to remain on Discord. It's the place I'm most active on and has the most people I talk to but the bugs are actually genuinely hampering my experience. Like the app feels like a chore to use now and it's so frequent-, I'd like to praise the new stuff they're doing but it doesn't really mean much if they can't fix the base app.


I think there was an era where discord servers were swarmed by creeps, just like on Snapchat, but people somehow got over Snapchat but not discord. But you can't say that discord isn't better than WhatsApp, Instagram, Fb messenger or Snapchat on messaging in general with a better attachment and polls and dynamic reactions


discord is still weird asf


Probably has to do with the fact on Discord you make an online persona not connected to yourself, which if you’re not someone into Internet culture and play games most likely you wouldn’t even understand the point


I don't understand this point of view as a persona can be created on all platforms. This concept has been around ever since social media became normalized, and that's not due to Discord.


As opposed to just texting on imessage or something? Not at all. Normal texting others you’re yourself not being a persona


Okay, but not everyone has iMessage or wants to text using their phone number? Besides, someone can have another phone number, they can always pretend to be someone else or put up a 'persona'. That has nothing to do with the platform they're using and all with who they are as a person - and how they use the apps they're on.


Maybe not everyone does, but when you’re talking about dating, then of course they do. I’ve honestly never heard of irl friends let alone boyfriend/girlfriend keeping up with each other over Discord. I of course have some of my irl friends added on Discord because we play games together, but it’s not at all our main chatting source. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with using Discord for the majority of your conversations, I’m just saying that it’s definitely not appealing in the dating scene haha. And i’m sure any girl or even guy for that matter would back me up on this


I can't relate to this as I've used Discord as my main chatting platform for years now, even when I was in relationships. Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There's nothing inherently wrong with using Discord. It's an app. Not appealing in the dating scene? So, I should change my preferred messaging app to fit into the 'dating scene'? No. People could just accept each other as they are, as I don't call it weird, even if I don't use those apps, if people ask me for my Snapchat or Instagram. I just say I don't use them. Simple. Most of the time, they then say things like they'd rather not be using them either or something along those lines. 😂 I hope all those 'girls and guys' back you up. I'm an adult female, not a girl, and I don't need anyone to back me up on this as it's MY preference.


All I’m saying is if you genuinely, whole heartedly believe Discord of all platforms is a normalized form of communication between intimate partners, I think it’s time to take a break from the Internet. It’s not about changing yourself for the dating scene it’s about not making yourself an outcast, there’s a difference. Obviously there’s a stigma behind it if what i’m assuming is one of not a lot of girls on whatever app (Tinder?) that is and she happens to call it weird, I seriously doubt not at least 95% of normal women share that same opinion😂 Trust me man, I’m trying to help you.




So if I prefer Discord, I should be taking a break from the internet? What kind of view is this? What about all those people using all those other apps on a daily basis? Sure man, you're very helpful. Telling me to stop using the internet because I prefer Discord. I posted this as a support question on the Discord subreddit.


he’s right


he truly is lmao. discord is for creeps


Seen as childish/ where odd people hang out


Straight thing - he/she doesn't want to talk to you 😞 lol jk


They were talking just fine, or else I wouldn't mention this to them. I cared. 😂


I'm joking lol Actually the thing is many people find discord difficult to use. Same was with me in the starting. I use to think it's wierd and complex too lol


I know you're joking. 😂 Yeah, but it's an app. Like any other app, it takes a bit of getting used to, and it's very user-friendly. It has functions other apps have as well. So I don't really get this point. It's not rocket science to open up an app and to check it out. People online nowadays don't seem to realize how the internet used to look, and if they think Discord is too weird and complex, that says a lot. 😂


>I don't use Social Media >but uses discord which is also a social media Me: what??!!


Discord is not 'a social media' such as Instagram and Facebook are, but it's an instant messaging platform. That's why the comparison doesn't make any sense. An instant messaging platform can't be compared to the general social media platforms.


my friend who is a complete normie thinks discord is weird too for some reason lol


I don't know why this got downvoted. 😭


I take it in stride 😆


Honorable mention. 🫡💯