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Settings -> privacy -> turn off “in game rewards aka quests”. If it’s still there click the … -> not interested




i dont get ads anywhere, because i live in the 'war country' and nobody waste money here


was surprised to see something like that


You can disable that in the settings, it even tells you that you can simply disable it if you click on it. Also, this isn't even an ad. Its just a thing where you get ingame rewards for some games simply by streaming the game to your friends. I actually kinda like it. Its free rewards for almost no effort. You don't even need to stream to actual friends if you don't want to, just stream to your own alts.


I just turned them off instantly. I honestly forgot they were a thing until now


blud, your useing a free service, even if it gets ads, you have nothing to complain about


I pay for the service (Nitro) and was still seeing these earlier


Keep licking those boots


I do have every right to complain about it. I will use adblockers on everything I can. I don't use Discord's default shitty client anyways too


But you do use their servers right?


then get out of this thread. this doesnt even affect you


THIS RIGHT HERE, "how dare you try to make money on this service i use every day for free that lets me text chat, voice call, and steam/video call my friends from anywhere without any cost, unbelievable"


Nah, fuck that. If they start putting ads in, it's time to leave. And I say that as someone that pays for nitro.


as a nitro user aswell, id assume that any actual ads we would be excempt from


That doesn't mean big flashy ads that get in the way are okay for people not spending on nitro. They'll leave the platform and we will all go with.


they shouldnt be big and flashy but they can be there, and this is a hypothetical situation, bc there isnt even an ad, like OP claims. its a quest, which serves to allow you to get something out of completeing it


quest is just a fancy word for ad. They are advertising you to play and stream a game to get something in return. Still an ad. But they can be disabled, which is pretty generous.


are you actually like, naive? or something? this is an ad. it’s sponsored. they didn’t put that there because they like PUBG, they put it there because they were paid to put it there to bring in more players. it’s an advertisement.


ok and? it isnt bc if you complete the quest you get something useful, and its togglesble, stop argueing that a none issue is one


in a mobile game you can watch ADS to get rewards. or just be able to keep playing the game. it’s still an ad. why are you shilling so hard lmfao


this is not an ad you watch, and ads, im stop feeding your agression


These quests don’t really get in the way afaik, it’s just a banner above the profile.


This ain't it chief. Check the MASSIVE list of investors they have.


Sure they may have some investors, but what do those investors expect in return? Growth and profit. Unfortunately you don’t get profit by providing a free service to people.




You people use boot licker as an insult for literally everything 😭 Like tell me how you’re a boot licker for not expecting everything to be completely free?


This! Lmao people have ran “boot licker” into the god dam ground it doesn’t even have the meaning they think it does anymore.🤣🤣 it’s giving I’m desperate to fit in.


Nah, I enjoy having a brain and being able to understand that companies need to make money to continue providing their free service. If that means disable-able ads that give you things, or putting unnecessary cosmetics behind a paywall, that’s fine.


They can also make more money by not constantly developing ways to get money out of us. I’d imagine no one wants those games and Easter egg icons and shit they just wanna talk to friends and post pictures. It’s why major game studios are failing with their mega blockbuster 509 person team games when gamers have shown that among us and brotato are fine


What are other ways you propose they make money?


I get bullshit like this and I pay 'em. So...


That parts a bit more shaky, but there is still a way to disable them, and it’s not like they are mobile game ads that are in your face and keep you from using the app. It’s also not like discord is the only one benefiting, you are as well when you complete the quests.


But these are ads/promos about games I have zero interest in whatsoever. So it's promoting random crap at me like any other ad/"offer."


So disable/close it and move on with your day


You know we are the product right?


I do Since we are spammed in nearly every aspect with ads ( radio tv billboards nearly every website Ingame..) Im tired of being bombarded with ads rbh So thats why im complaining :)


Ja it’s so annoying.. I wish there were ad blockers for real life


Not going outside (real)


I understand your frustration. This seems like a decent compromise IMO and it's even beneficial. I don't mind adverts in general if they are relevant and unintrusive.


"billboards are all up in my face! if only i could walk away or just not look at them!


websites have ads so they can stay online, unless you intend to pay them all?


Nop at this point im using an adblocker


good for you. now, discord doesnt even have ads, thats just a promotion where YOU can get something for completing the quest, which you can disable, and even if it was an ad, it has a rught to be there, unless you want to not have a chat app tmr


So you don’t intend to pay them, and you expect them not to use ads, so how do you propose they make money?


Ah yes, the the old taste of boot is a fine thing. Savour it friends. For one day a fouler boot could replace the present, and you'll long for that first fresh boot.


That's not an ad, that's a deal to get some free stuff ?


Ad is short for advertisement. It's an ad even if you get something free.


Also known as "advertisement"


wouldnt that still be an ad? Advertising free stuff is still an ad in my eyes, especially if it advertises 3rd-party products


It's an ad for PUBG, urging you to work as a promoter for PUBG for free


There's literally an option to disable it, what would please you people, a blood sacrifice?


I had a quest for Genshin Impact with the same requirements. Meh, it doesn't piss me off that much *yet*


People when they find out that it costs quite a lot of money to run a service like Discord: 👁️👄👁️


Except I have nitro and it’s there lmao


Bruh they make money through nitro and partners lmfao


Nitro and partners is probably not pulling enough money in. Companies sole purpose at the end of the day is to make money. Especially since they have investors, investors want to see growth and profit so they can get a return on their investment. I don’t even think discord was profitable until a year or two ago.


As soon as they added it... No one liked it...


I don't mind it, it gives some minor in-game rewards for pretty much doing nothing, and if you don't like it you can just disable it


man, I wish there's a way to turn it off in the app settings.... imagine there's an option for it .... oh wait


I have yet to receive one and I want to.


just turn them off lmfao


Okay completely off topic question but why is the Verb not in Infinitiv here? Is it conjugated to PUBG? Learning German and noticed this


U mean the word "Beworben" right ?


No not Beworben, I understand the conjugation for that. I mean Streamen


I have yet to see a single discord ad lmao. Then again I’m a moderator with nitro so prolly explains it


These are discord quests. One way or another they show up for everyone. In my case I can only see quests if I go to the settings section.


Ah Ive never gotten one so idk