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Whether it’s allowed under their policies or not, if it’s in a private environment and you don’t report yourself, nothing’s gonna happen.


even if I'm wanted in 22 states for murder and drug trafficking?


Only 22? You new in the game huh?


Well the government is still gonna track you and anything you do even if it's "private"




I honestly don't think it's against discord ToS so your account should be fine.


Sure, but considering how hard they scan/alter attachments and shit it's not that absurd a question


And you’re gotdamn right, it’s not just a Discord thing, but whenever a company starts to follow along with COPPA restrictions, stuff gets real hairy for the standard user. While Discord’s attempts to follow are lackluster, they’re prominent in all the wrong areas.


From [the Guidelines](https://dis.gd/guidelines) > 9\. Do not make sexually explicit content available to anyone under the age of 18. You must be aged 18 or older to engage with adult content on Discord. > **Server owners must apply an age-restricted label to any channels that contain sexually explicit content.** > **Users may not post sexually explicit content in any space that cannot be age-restricted**, including in avatars, custom statuses or bios, server banners, server icons, invite splashes, emojis and stickers. (See our [Sexual Content Policy Explainer](https://discord.com/safety/sexual-content-policy-explainer) for more.) According to Discord's rules, you would need to mark the channel as age restricted (which can be done for voice channels, just like text channels, in their settings). But I'll go even further than /u/ThicketSafe: you can't report this, so nothing is going to happen regardless. Discord don't store voice or video data, so they have no way to actually verify or confirm the report, and there isn't even a way to report anything in voice chats anyway (they don't have a web form anymore, so you can only report messages, servers and user profiles through their relevant context menus / buttons), so even if someone *wanted* to report you, Discord aren't going to be able to act on anything.


i do not see anywhere to mark my vc as 18+ however the guidelines don’t mention vcs anyway so i’d assume they’re clear


The setting doesn't show up on iOS, but on other platforms it is in the same place as a text channel ([see e.g. on desktop](https://imgur.com/od7oSBD)).


makes sense, on my phone rn, i’ll def check it out when im home never heard of an 18+ vc lol


Doesn't show on old mobile layout on Android neither. Wonder if it's desktop exclusive?


why would the old mobile layout receive updates...


I screen shared 🌽 with my long distance gf for 2 years and we both still have our accounts


Admitting to this on your main is crazy


Admitting that they've got a girlfriend? Yeah, what a perv.


The watching porn with your girl part, my girl would be absolutely gobsmacked at the mention of doing that


Nothing wrong with showing off your starchy vegetables


Everything is crazy to you Gen Alpha folks huh


Watching porn with your girl IS crazy wtf do you mean Also not gen alpha


Calm down virgin


That is true but make sure all parties are of proper age.


My friend literally streams porn games in our discord when were all in a voice channel hanging out. For note everyone in the chat is at least 18 years of age. I think its fine as long as everyone is of age.


Nsfw guy 🪱 


This feels like a weird question to ask considering most people would just assume "yes" considering it's, y'know, in private


Are you in a private call? Is everyone in said private call ok with it? Is everyone in said call of age? If you said yes to all of these questions you’ll be fine


I feel like if you're both consenting discord should fuck off out of your dms??


Is Discord's AI even smart enough to see NSFW stuff on screens?


I sure hope they don't log screenshares


Is it such a good idea when someone could be catfishing you are seeking future blackmail opportunities?


Wild conclusion to jump to about someone you don't know lol


How well does op know them 


We don't know and it's not really our business. Just a wild assumption to jump to right away.


People post on a public forum to ask for opinions. If a comment helps one person to think twice and protect themselves then that has to be a good thing. I doubt op has considered that people can and do record and share something they might assume is private. 


It's one thing to say "hey OP be careful when doing this sort of thing, make sure you know the person and stay safe" and another thing to say "is it really such a good idea to do this sort of thing when you're probably being CATFISHED and BLACKMAILED" For all we know OP just wants to do sexy times with their partner in DMs.


What if OP is the catfish, huh? HUH???


What if we're all catfish, feeding off the bottom of society


How is it possible to have bad take after bad take?