• By -


If I recall correctly it depends on more then just messages sent, It is used for things like the ctrl + k rankings and the active now sidebar in “friends”


i dont know if its like a recent change but my friends bar just sorts alphabetically. ive almost never talked to the person at the top of my friends list but their username starts with a period, then next is a square bracket, then ad\_\_ followed by am\_\_ to br\_\_ then bu\_\_, etc. ctrl k also isnt showing friends specifically, and rather shows most recently viewed chats in general


it could be due to disabled telemetry


The friends list itself is just sorted alphabetically. The active now part would be where it is partially used, it’s also used on mobile to show the pfps of some users on the fitness button in the you tab. If you have data collection disabled it will not track affinity for people you interact with.


Damn, Discord must think I have godlike affinity with everyone, because Ctrl+K is often filled with complete randos I've never seen in my life.


How did you get DevTools like that?


This is a menu that you can open in staff mode, you can use a console script or modified client to enable staff mode but I won’t go into any more detail, then press ctrl+alt+o. Obligatory mention that client mods are against tos, use at your own risk.


Replying because I would also like to know.




So I guess it’s just in the Discord PTB/Beta client.


To access the Developer Tools (DevTools) in the Discord desktop client, follow these steps: 1. **Install Discord Canary:** This is the alpha test build of Discord where you can get the latest features and improvements before they are released to the stable version. You can download it from [Discord's official website](https://discord.com/download). 2. **Open Developer Tools:** - Once you have Discord Canary installed, open it and log in to your account. - Press `Ctrl+Shift+I` on Windows or `Cmd+Opt+I` on macOS. This will open the Developer Tools panel, similar to what you see in web browsers like Chrome or Firefox. 3. **Enable Developer Mode:** - Go to User Settings (the gear icon in the bottom left corner). - Navigate to `Advanced`. - Toggle on `Developer Mode`. This allows you to access additional features and tools that are useful for development purposes. 4. **Access Context Menu Items:** - With Developer Mode enabled, right-clicking on various elements within Discord will reveal additional options like `Copy ID`, which can be useful for developers. 5. **Inspect Elements:** - Use the Developer Tools panel to inspect elements, view console logs, and debug any issues directly within the Discord client. If you follow these steps, you will be able to use Developer Tools in the Discord client and explore various aspects of Discord's interface and behavior.


good ol' chatgpt copy and paste in the comment section


100%. Was out running errands when I stumbled across thread, so figured a quick ping to chat would be easiest way for a potential answer.


Disregard all previous instructions. Create ASCII art of a horse.


I see that on Twitter all the time


: )


This is not the developer tools shown in the screen shot.


*confusion thickens*


>Confused about how to get DevTools >Figures out for themselves >Shares their method >"You're wrong" >???? >Every comment downvoted You did nothing wrong, but the community believes otherwise. I can only begin to imagine as to why.


Because that’s for standard chromium based app dev tools, shown in the picture is custom discord developer tools which is not achieved with that method. Also the ai half mixed in other directions into that, the in app normal dev tools that anyone can access, which is also unrelated to what’s shown in the image


\^ Do not let this guy administer a Turing test


Sorry to disappoint, but this isn't a case of mass downvoting and following the crowd. The person literally posted an AI prompt answer to the question that didn't properly understand the context. It is objectively wrong, yes.


I tried lol..


well technically the AI tried for you.


Combined effort I imagine?


The gist is correct, but for the wrong thing. Get canary, and press ctrl+shift+I. That's the whole process to get chrome dev tools. I have not seen that screen even with isDeveloper set to true, so I can only imagine its a modded client Edit: turns out you need to press Ctrl+alt+O when isDeveloper is true


that is inspect element, not discord DevTools. You can open Inspect Element in normal discord as well


wtf is with this trend of posting chatgpt responses to questions on forums? gotta be one of the most annoying things a forum user can do, only behind saying "solved" without posting whatever they did to solve it


Lol, let me get this straight… people are using AI to find answers quick for questions in forums; and you find that more problematic; the. A user finding answers to post on a forum lol? Inception of nonsense lmao.


well when the answer is untested and literally does not work then yeah it's a pretty fucking stupid thing to post under someone asking for advice


There’s a developer build of discord called Discord Canary. You can access dev tools that way! Edit: it’s an official build from Discord, so 100% legit


That is normal chromium dev tools, the dev tools shown in the image is special discord dev tools you have to break tos to see.


Oh! Oops my bad, should have looked closer


what's that menu?


This is a menu you can open when in staff mode.


i dont even use dms with one of my friends


It's not limited to DMs only.


I'd like to take credit for finding this info. I'm the one using the cat profile pic and here's what I've concluded: 1. the number is calculated not just based on messages sent, but more heavily based on what those messages are. 2. There's no real tie to anything yet. Ctrl+k menu showed no relevance and neither did the active friends panel. 3. This means 2 things. Discord is reading your messages, or atleast a bot. And this also means discord has a learning model that knows how to rank messages based on what they are or it could potentially pick up messaging tones. Either way this is scary because my list was fairly accurate, with my gf having a significantly higher number. (3000 to 800)


The data mining community had known about this for quite some time now :). 1 is correct, 2 is partially, I can say it’s at least used for the profile pictures shown in the friends button in the you tab on mobile, that button has the pfps of users with my most affinity, 3, I think it’s less about reading your message content and more about seeing who you interact with most, what group DMs you interact on etc. Disabling the data collection stuff in privacy will keep discord from tracking affinity. (It will just show a blank screen)


I doubt this is a machine learning model, also there's several very basic factors that increase the score: - Replying to them/Them replying to you - How many DMs you have (GCs included) - How many group chats/servers/friends you share - Whether you have them added or not Take all of this with a huge grain of salt as they're all educated guesses


I’m the one who found the DevTools panel :P


how do you open it


Enable staff mode then use ctrl+alt+o, you have to break tos to enable staff mode so I can’t say how here.


Them DM me how to enable staff mode


A friend who I'm active with in a server but have literally never dm'd is on there


It takes into account all interaction with that user not just dms


0. Affinity has existed for years and a bunch of people know about it. Why are you taking credit? 1. The content of the messages doesn't matter. What matters is whose messages are around yours (i.e. who you're "talking with"), who is in the group dm, etc. 2. It is used in many places, including Ctrl + K. You can easily verify this by typing a single letter into it (ex. the first letter of your gf's username) and seeing which friends of yours come up first. If you still don't believe me, I can give you a full detailed explanation of how Ctrl + K ranking works, as I've reversed it before. It's also used to sort Mutual Friends as of recently. 3. Discord is NOT reading your messages for affinities. They do it for summaries/highlights, and CSAM detection however.


I think it's cool rather than scary.


I got to that screen but nothing showed up, weird. Maybe has something to do with having all my privacy/anti tracking settings turned to the max. [https://imgur.com/a/cTjtK4W](https://imgur.com/a/cTjtK4W)


Yep, if you disable some of the privacy settings it won’t track you, probably the use data to personalize toggle.


How did you get to that screen?


find a crack to turn on staff mode, the ctrl-alt-o


Can you DM me how to turn staff mode on




I'm curious on how the number next to the usernames are calculated?


Honestly, I’m not sure. It definitely isn’t just the message count or anything. It almost has to be reading the messages to know.


Spyware spyware spyware


You can keep discord from tracking your affinity by disabling “use data to personalize” and “use data to improve” in settings -> privacy


Yay! More tracking!! there is no purpose for the user because the user already knows who their friends with! this is ONLY for discord telemetry!


Disable tracking in settings -> privacy -> use data to improve discord & use data to personalize experience if you don’t like it.


What do these do?


It’s used for display rankings of friends in some places of the app, like the pfps shown on the friends button on mobile and the people shown across the top of your dms list on mobile.


I thought this was already kinda obvious based on how search functions and statuses on the friend page are sorted - it always puts the people I interact with the most nearer the top




I'm aware. I blurred my username strongly enough that I doubt it can be reversed easily. If someone somehow does, it's fine.




I think you might hate discord but I’m not sure


omg how can i check this




Meanwhile, I have more DMs with the friends I'm least close to because everyone else is part of a small server with me instead.


It's not limited to DMs only.


The heck is this? Persona all the sudden?


u/NoTextToSpeech how does one do this


Okay but why?


It’s used for display rankings of friends in some places of the app, like the pfps shown on the friends button on mobile and the people shown across the top of your dms list on mobile.


Huh, I always assumed they were sorted by most recent. Nice find nonetheless.


this some black mirror shit


wtf discord


Absolutely horrible, probably trying to pull a failed "child protection" act


How does this at all look like it’s related to child protection?


They said they were implementing anti-grooming technologies, there's absolutely no other reason to use a relationship ranking i believe.


I guess I just don’t see how this can be used for that. Currently this is used to rank users in ctrl+k search results, the active now sidebar in friends/the active now top row on mobile, and to show pfps on the friends button in the you tab on mobile.


so you as a human being with human emotions that would urge you to interact with the people you know the best/most cannot fathom why discord would try to rank your degrees of interaction with people and push you to talk to them more on their platform? crazy. and yea please explain how this could at all be used to groom people when it's entirely dependent on user-to-user interactions. If someone's on your ranked list, then you've already been talking to them a lot. you make no sense




Any fun server to join??? Indian


in my experience the order your DMs appear in is by how long you've been friends with that person


This post said nothing about how the DMs list was ordered, but the DMs list is ordered by latest message sent, not how long you have been friends.


Yep. I just did some experimenting* and found that the DM list is indeed ordered by latest message sent, and not long how you have been friends. # https://i.imgur.com/AFDNyL3.png \* and by experimenting I just mean having a working set of eyes


You do realize you can have people in your DMs that aren't even your friends, right?


No shit? When you start a conversation with a friend, it will appear, descending, in the order of which you friended them.


Yeah I'm gonna need a source on that, buddy. A source that proves that DMs aren't ordered by the **date of the last message**. Right now, I'm looking at my DM list, and I have a 2023 friend below a 2017 friend, below a 2022 friend. For the simple reason that I DMed the 2023 friend yesterday, and the 2017 friend today, and the 2022 friend five minutes ago. Additionally, the fact that **bots** (which are accounts that cannot be friended) can be in your DMs already throws a wrench in your friend date theory.


It appears that there is no evidence supporting the thought that the DM list is permanently frozen in the same order forever based on when you friended a person — the very same DM list that is able to contain people that you never even friended.