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Nope as in its not normal?


Nope as in you're not the only one. I started about 2 months ago and lost 15 pounds. I'm on my way to getting my BMI below obese from this job alone lol


ha fattie the diishie


I did the pit for a year at a nice ass sushi restaurant, coming in to a mountain and dealing with a a mountain at close is very mentally exhausting. Once I developed a seamless system I found it so much easier. I challenged myself to be quicker every day until I was fast than the line cooks for close m.


For me it's 100% about business flow. If we're slammed all day, yeah I'm exhausted as fuck by the end of shift. my back hurts, soggy everything not sure if it's sweat or dish water. If the sales are as projected, where the slow hours are slow and the busy hours are busy, I'll feel completely fine by the end of my shift.


I think it may be because you go waaay too fast.


I work mornings and I hate leaving anything behind for the next dishie because I know how much it sucks to walk into that. So I tend to overwork myself and speed through things towards the end of my shift. Unfortunately it has really messed up my back


Take up yoga! I work sauté and it seems to help alot with back and shoulder pain. You are only how young your spine is.


Ye 30 minutes once a week really helps


Think about how much you’re getting paid and then rethink how you’re approaching the job. Just go at a steady pace and stay on task. Most dishwashers don’t suck because they’re going too slow, they suck because they’re wandering the kitchen or hiding and generally doing nothing at all.


Definitely not. I took a job as a dishie out of sheer financial desperation, and thankfully only had to tough it out for a little bit, because I received and accepted a considerably better office job about a week into the gig. I was completely physically broken even after that one week. There was not a single part of me that wasn’t in constant agonizing pain. I admire people who are able to withstand the demands of the job. I am literally not built for it.


First week at any physically demanding job is always the worst though. I'm used to it now. But it is definitely affecting my back and knees. Several of the chefs used to be dishies and they tell me they hated it. I don't necessarily hate the job, I just wish I didn't need a 2 hour nap after every shift


I didn’t hate the job either, my stamina is simply not at that level, and I have too many medical conditions where it would have been sustainable. If I thought I could survive, I would have kept it as a second job.


No I just woke up from a nice power nap in the employee dining room


Well yes its work, however, maybe your moving fast? working those pots pans like hookers in mexico?, take it easy, rush if necessary, take a cig, and eat eat eat, caffeine maybe?


You work in a hot environment where you are working your body non-stop for hours. You are exhausted because you are essentially working out.


My pits smell like a se crack ho in August rn


Nah that job is the worst lol


Been in the industry 25 years its exhausting as fuck and never gets better


nah. this job aint for the weak. definitely takes its toll on you.


It can be. Like work wise, I got it down, and I can handle what gets thrown at me. For me, it's when everyone is on my nuts for some reason. If a line cook, foh does a mistake oh its OK people make mistakes :)! If I do, it's so when we're you going to do this? How long have you been doing this?




hell no. I transferred after a month of being a dishie and begged my GM and AM to make me a BusBoy in FOH and it worked lol


No, you arent alone. Just this saturday, i stayed extra 2 hours. I also working a second job on the side mon-fri at, fortunately both conflict with my work schedule so i havent had a day off in just over 2 weeks, I feel dead, my wrists hurt as I type this at work, time go back to the pit


Yes. But you need to start exercising and going on walks that helped me.


Second this! Yoga, stretching, swimming, walks all help.


It is a profession that requires discipline, a good lifestyle, and adequate sleep, paradoxically.


If you’re new your body will get used to it. Maybe a month or so. I remember when I first started to get into this work just the act of standing for long periods would exhaust my muscles, obviously not the case anymore. But even having done it as long as I have there are definitely shifts where I’ll just come home and collapse. But I have bad sleep habits due to anxiety so I view this as a blessing hahha


i’m so fucking exhausted all the time i literally was crying from stress at my shift today she always makes me stay 30-1 hr extra and my feet are dhing my back hurts it feels like i’m being cut in half because of the vent over position i’m constantly in


It’s not a hard job but it’s physically demanding for sure.


I always take an energy drink with me to work. Place I work gets insanely busy and I'm the only dishwasher. I wash probably a few hundred pans a night plus stacks and stack and stacks of dishes. It's non stop from the moment I get in til just after close. I'm 40 years old and I don't come close to getting tired. You'll get use to it or have to find a different job. I make almost $600 a week so I'm not going anywhere lol