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if you are a dishie and they arent feeding you, id suggest looking for a job who does.


This is the way.


I worked at a place that would hound you for eating the end-of-shift leftovers. I never understood why they thought the food would be better served in the trash than in our stomachs.


Because they think the kitchen will make more food at the end on purpose. A pizza place I deliver to has a policy that you have to throw all incorrect orders in the trash because they believe (probably correctly) that if the staff got to eat it, they'd whoopsie daisy on purpose. Conversely every mexican restaurant I've delivered to has a staff meal a half an hour before open.


If your margins are so narrow that you can't feed your staff, you don't deserve to be in business anyways.


I wouldn’t say it has to do with the profit margins per se, it mainly has to do with stopping the rat fucks who make themselves 12 course meals or outright steal raw product to take home for their groceries. Giving the dishwasher a free burger and fries does not impact the bottom line whatsoever, but when it’s *your* business and your inventory is a couple hundred dollars short every night, you’re gonna have to put your foot down eventually. It’s the same thing with bartenders and giving away free alcohol. But yes expecting your kitchen staff to pay for food is downright asinine, regardless of what the policy is, I’m making myself a meal on my shift, I just know not to take too much and ruin it for everyone.


Then you deal with that on an individual basis


You'd be surprised at how much the staff will make. I worked at mcdonalds 34 years ago (God I'm old) and the leader in back would call out food to be made during a rush without knowing what customers wanted. It was before huge menus etc..so we'd go 12 6 6 12 12 macs, 6 cheeseburgers, 6 hamburgers, 12 double etc.. Anyhow this meant the meat person would have to have a constant supply of patties ready so they'd make an insane amount. Sure enough, end of night comes and there's a ton of extra meat patties so people would help themselves to a few burgers each. Needless to say the non honest leaders realized this and would call out extra food, which would be made and thus end of night people ended up taking home 10 or more sandwiches each. That practice ended very soon after management realized what was happening. But this is EXACTLY why employees can't eat leftovers. I think the exception should be if the manager had the food made him or herself thus it meant no funny business happened and employees wouldn't be stealing food..


Or you just run a business well enough that you can pay your staff a respectable enough wage that this doesn't happen.


If the place was just feeding the employees, would they still need or want to do sneaky stuff like that? 🤔


24 years in the industry. Never seen anyone cook extra for their benefit. Staff don't want what they're cooking, for a start. You cook burgers and fries all day, you don't want burgers and fries when you finish. Also, nobody wants to do all that extra work so they can stuff their stupid face. From porter, to head chef, I've never worked in a place that the policy was "throw out the good food" Because those stupid policies are made by people who never worked a day in their fucking lives. They sit around boardrooms and make up bullshit policies based on their paranoid notions and force them on the corporation. That's why you don't see policies like that in smaller businesses. Cause the head chef makes the call, the sous chef makes the call. They don't waste because that's their job. But in the big places where they're trying to control every little move, they concoct these harmful policies, and they get puppets to regurgitate the line and even endorse it.


That's actually really fucking stupid and all these businesses deserve bankruptcy not being in charge and being fucking cunts


Hire staff you trust. Do not hire sneaky bastards. I agree that it’s shitty that some people play these stupid games, but you know a way to avoid people playing stupid games? Feed ‘em! It ain’t rocket surgery. At my last job staff got one free meal (no salmon, no chicken - only meats we did though 50% if you want it) per shift. Annoying thing was, especially for the kitchen, was early shift went from breakfast until after lunch. Let’s face it, restaurants are not known for their staff who like to go to bed early so most were not getting up early enough to eat. Those taking the bus or ubahn could grab something on the way but I cycled, plus I cannot eat for a good couple of hours after I wake up and at least one colleague was the same. What kept happening was the early shift guys were getting hungry and wanting their breaks just as the lunch rush was starting. For FOH there’s a quiet period just after opening. So it made sense to get them a quick breakfast early on so that they could get through the morning, with BOH eating when we got hungry. This way no one took the piss. I made it clear that I was breaking the rules for them which seemed to be appreciated, and I made it clear that it was with the understanding that I didn’t want to hear anything else until after the lunch rush.


I worked at whole foods for a period in the prep foods dept. I asked my team leader about it; the store used to donate left over hot bar food, someone got sick and sued and yeah it’s an insurance thing so they don’t mess with it.


That’s actually a lie that corporations train management to respond with in most cases to discourage those kinds of questions. In the U.S. there are good faith donation laws specifically to offer protections for companies donating. As long as proper safe handling procedures and temperature control were maintained.


Staff meal is a non negotiable. Job’s thankless enough as it is


its literally the cheapest compensation too


It can also be written of on the store’s business taxes as a loss.


I worked somewhere with an asshole owner, i got a new manager and on his first week said "your working in the kitchen you get to eat for free" he changed his tune as time went tho lol. The asshole owner got to him i guess


This. every job i’ve ever worked fed us in some way


We are ALWAYS asking dish dudes if they need food or a “lemonade”


This looks kind of placed in a way for people to just grab it.. they have to follow policy..


I’m not sure where you work, I’ve been a chef in big cities and small towns, I’ve only ever seen that structure (20% off during shift, 10% when not working) from big corporations, which is really sad because a lot of the time they have healthier profit margins than smaller operations. I agree with @sailorsaint , there are plenty of jobs that feed all BOH staff during shift. If you happen to be in Charlotte DM me


Blxw spreading the love.


Damn, I was a fishies and never got any food unless chef snuck it for me.


Best restaurant I ever worked at, the owner would demand we take the left over rice and anything that would be out of date by lunch the next day. I don’t think I bothered buying actual groceries the whole time I was there. Their to go containers were also basically low end Tupperware, so my cabinets stayed full lol


If you work in a kitchen and there is no staff meal of any kind and you are not allowed to eat free food and instead forced to throw it out, you need to ask yourself some serious questions about where you work. I think even McDonald's treats their employees better than that honestly.


Seriously. I had a friend who worked at red lobster who'd bring misshapen biscuits they didn't sell bc it wasn't up to the restaurants standards. They tasted just as good as the perfectly shaped biscuits, and they definitely weren't wasted.


I had to stop working in the kitchen because of the food waste. I just don’t have it in me to throw all that away


Can't stand food waste... if you prep so much, as to have a constant toss of the same product, you reduce prep, or remove the item from the menu. Not rocket science.


Problem is whenever you prep less they order more of it


Schrodingers prep list. Yep.


Then you run it out. It's okay to 86 an item.


It's ok to you. Not to everyone's bosses though. Owners be trippin.


In 13 years I have literally never had a boss that would rather trash product than run out early. If you do, then run the numbers and show them what it's costing them.


the ones i’ve had have been more so like, chew you tf out in the middle of service and force you to make more on the fly when you’re covered up because they think their dick will jump clean off their balls if they have to say “no” to a customer request. i’m not saying i disagree with you - those owners/bosses are shitty. i’m just being anecdotal.


One of my old kitchens would let you take home rice and miso(in a normal sized container) at the end of shift if there was some left and we couldn't use it for the next day.


What surprises me the most is how much of the food waste comes from customers. Like they’ll order a burger and fries and then eat less than half of it. Maybe it’s just because I’m broke, but if I order food, I’m eating all of it unless I physically can’t or there’s something wrong with it. The most common source of customer food waste is pancakes. My restaurant serves pancakes all day. People will order 3 of them and then eat about a fourth of it. Albeit the pancakes are pretty fluffy (like half an inch thick), so I can understand if someone ordered 3 not realizing how much food it’ll be. But the servers always ask them if they’re sure and so many still say yes.


I had to do a repair job at a garbage dump where they had a specific building just for grocery store food waste. For a city of 200,000. There were mountains, 30 feet high and 50ft wide of thrown away cakes and baking that all looked good. Same thing for produce and meats. It made me physically sick seeing all that food gone to waste, instead of donated or even just if the companies would order/make the proper amount to reduce waste. Fuck the grocery stores in Canada, they are the reason why we are considered the most wasteful country in the world, not the consumer. They'd rather charge too much and sell a couple and throw away the rest, than charge a fair price and sell it all. And of course we have laws preventing them from donating it to food banks. And don't get me started on the Canadian dairy cartel. They dump millions of gallons of milk to keep the prices of milk and cheese high.


Totally fair feelings to have. They should feed you what you’re able to eat, and if they don’t, you should find a new job. It’s literally the cheapest investment to their workforce that they could make. However concerning buffet food: it’s usually left out for as long as it’s safe to eat. Once that timer ticks over it’s _not just maybe_ dangerous to eat. Anyway speaking from experience buffets suck to work at. Look for a retirement home or something similar, they’ve much lower stress to be found.


Thank you. My first thought as well. Dont be angry about old buffet food getting thrown out.


I have consumed such food. Eggs and sausage a bit like this… deeply regretted it about an hour later.


Could have been a full service restaurant who runs buffets. That's what my old place did, on Sundays we'd offer a breakfast buffet but anything leftover was made no more than 25 minutes before because we rotated and only made enough to serve ehat we had in the restaurant.


According to ServSafe, hot held buffet food is considered "ready to eat". Which means there isn't really a limit to how long it can be out as long as the temperature is maintained. Same concept as a sandwich you order at a shop. If you buy it, then eat it after leaving it in your car for 8 hours in the summer sunshine, cooking along with last week's bag fries... it's on you what happens next. Apparently, it's also on you if you choose to eat buffet food at all. Personally, if I get sick from it, that's my body's punishment for being weak. Though, I understand most people do not feel this way.


>isn’t really a limit This is not true at all. There is a scientifically determinable time limit that depends on the type of foods and the temperature they’re kept at. It would be specific to each dish. The servsafe qualification doesn’t expect the average Joe to know these things, however. it’s the most barebones food related qualification one can get I think. In other words: servsafe is not an authority on these matters. It’s just a qualification.


I don't mean there isn't a limit on how long it stays safe to eat. I meany the FDA considers buffet food ready to eat, so there isn't an explicit limit on how long something can be hot held like there is for raw foods. Sorry I didn't explain well. I was kindof poking fun at the lack of protection. Of course, if a bunch of people get sick, the restaurant could still end up liable, so they have a vested interest in making sure that doesn't happen.


Wasting perfectly good food should be a crime.


There are rules about how long things can sit out. This came off a buffet. 1 guy gets sick and the lawyers swarm. Now if your eating it when told not to you can't sue... That's how I did as a dishie back in the day. Stuff I want I put aside and we were the last ones to leave every day. Like don't ask don't tell


Exactly!! All those dishies ready with their high power lawyer on retainer just waiting to get food poisoning from surplus buffet food


This is why the local grocery stores locks the dumpster when some idiot got food from it and got sick and sued them for his idiocy.


It's also to prevent people going 'whoopsie, this looks bad, time to "waste" the whole tray and take it back to the dish pit to eat' Not defending policies like this, but it's probably where it first started, because it sure is something I'd do


I was a high school cafeteria lunchlady. The kids had to take fruit or juice, they were told if they didn't want it, to throw it away. The trash can would be full of perfectly good fruit, directly above the trash can was a poster that said "Don't Waste Food". It was a scene straight out of idiocracy, every day. It made me so sad.


Who the fuck doesn't at least take a juice for later? or was I already old in high school?


To be fair, the fruit that my school (and most schools in my area) served was flavorless, textured like sand, covered in wax that you could use to blind the kid next to you but angling it to reflect fluorescent lighting, and often nearly spoiled. I don't know why a farmer would ever bother growing a red delicious apple tree. It's not even worth it's weight in paper


Restaurants still believe that they could be sued if someone got sick after eating their leftovers. To my knowledge, this is a myth because they'd be protected under "Good Samaritan Laws."


Also, it's pretty difficult to point to one thing you've eaten and say that's what definitively made you sick.


My boss says it's a sin to work in a restaurant and go home hungry




I remember working at a restaurant for the first time and when they did family meal I was surprised because other restaurants I worked at previously never fed the dishies and BOH. Then I remember the Chef one day coming back with a full plate of food that was a mistake handed it to me and said enjoy. I was taken aback at first but yeah it was nice to be working in a place where I felt appreciated. Also working in a hotel where we did banquet events they let us have the left over food and take some home too. I remember basically having some food at home for days. I hated throwing away food so much.


That is terrible. I used to work at a restaurant that had a buffet 3 days out of the week. When we would clean everything at the end of the night, every one of us would load up a fat tray of food, sometimes even two. I can't wrap my head around the fact that someone would rather throw away perfectly good food as opposed to letting your staff eat it, or taking home a plate. That makes no sense!


They are worried that people will "over prep" food specifically to take it home everyday day. So if they are forced to throw it away. They won't do it. I learned this from a regional manager at wendys 24 years ago. So fucking backwards. Corporate mind set in a paragraph.


Companies think that this helps the bottom line. Problem is that doing this is usually associated with a company that pays bottom end wages. This, in turn, incourages theft and they end up losing way more money than if they paid their employees a fair wage and fed them. I have worked in a lot of restaurants and it's been close to 10 years since i had to pay for any part of a meal at work.


Not sure what these comments are. The real reason this is done because of the health department. You’re only allowed food to sit for a certain amount of time before it needs to get tossed. If they don’t follow these regulations and someone gets food poisoning, not only will you get temporarily shut down and hit with a massive fine and be forced to pay restitution, if word got out the PR would probably shut you down permanently. Even if they don’t get food poisoning, if the health dept found out it’s not being followed you’d still get screwed hard


I'm at a club and we do buffets 3 days a week plus 5-10 banquets. Theres so much waste it's disgusting, but so long as everyone is respectful to each other, the kitchen takes all the leftovers and puts together a quick to go buffet for employees. One box for everyone and then once they've gone through people can go back for seconds/thirds/whatever keeps the dishwashers from having to haul extra heavy bags to the dumpster. This is all on top of two dedicated employee buffets for lunch and dinner. I'll never understand places that don't feed their employees and I'll definitely never go back to one.


For some dishwasher and utility technicians it would still be fair game and good to eat or take home.


Definitely need to find a job anywhere else. This is a very low bar to surpass when finding a restaurant job anywhere in the US.


Two reasons, one if employees know they get leftovers they start intentionally making way too much of something specifically to make sure there’s leftovers. And two, while still perfectly safe *usually*, all it takes is one employee to eat something that’s technically sat out past the recommended time frame and claim they got sick and there’s a massive lawsuit. It’s the same reason homeless shelters for instance can’t accept any food that isn’t non-perishable. Frivolous lawsuits have ruined many things in America, and free food is definitely one of them.


Yep, unfortunately some employees ruin it for everyone. I used to manage a restaurant and we used to allow the closing BOH staff to take home whatever “expired” that night because it was just going in the garbage anyway. Then some of them started changing day dots on things they wanted to take home and ruined it for everyone. The GM said we weren’t allowed to let anyone take anything anymore after that. I hated throwing away so much food. The worst was when we had hurricanes and had to abruptly close for a day or two; we would come back in and have to throw away half a case of cooked ribs, steaks, all kinds of portioned veg, etc.


Lawyers have indeed ruined so much


Fun fact: Los Angeles has the most stringent policy on donating food due to the constant lawsuits by homeless people for food born illness. I work large events for a hotel and we will fill up 8-10 curb side bins with perfectly good food in 1 night because it's impossible to donate. I'm talking about 1000 Lbs of perfectly good food. in the trash. in 1 night.


The cooks try really hard at my place to feed me but the manager (someone above Chef on the totem pole) says no and got upset that she couldn’t sell five dollars worth of food after daily trashing of 1000 dollars worth of unsold food. It’s a military cafeteria so food is cheap but the point is she freaked out about five dollars. It’s effing trash. Why get freaked out about trash not being sold. Ill take all my lunches from home from now on. Pay is okay for now but the money per hour of not being home is net 10.75 due to a long commute and a forced hour break in the middle of the shift.


I ain't no bitch, id eat out the can like that


Tell me it's your first job at a buffet without telling me


Any place that doesn’t feed their employees, especially food that’s getting wasted, is a place I’d never work for.


you know what sucks at my place they only feed you good if they like you . im a introvert so they all hate me lol


Tell them to get fucked and goblin your way into that can. At this point, you're not eating their food, you're eating their trash, I'm willing to bet they haven't written a policy on that.. yet.


a restaurant that doesn’t feed their dishwasher isn’t worth working at


Definitely find a new job. Also what dishes are guy washing yall in there using foil pans lol


Bullshit. You can find another dishwasher job that will feed you. 


who's gonna care to see if the dishwasher throws out said food. either eat it on sight or box it


Totally agree, the food should be in organics bags.


No way I would ever work somewhere that did crap like that. Even when I worked at one restaurant (only place too in my own experience) that made us pay 50% if we had food that got messed up or was dead we got to eat it for free. I’ve always worked in places where they don’t wanna waste food if they can


name and shame!


I've never worked a restaurant that didn't feed us. That was often the only food I got during the week. One full meal per 4 hours worked, plus all you can drink (soda). You need a new job m8


This place you work at is something else! When I used to cook at a high end steak house. We treated our dishwashers like royalty. They were not allowed portioned steaks but they were allowed prime rib with all the fixings and any side they wanted. Pretty much anything on the menu other than steak, lobster, crab they were able to have as their staff meal. TREAT YOUR DISHWASHERS WELL!


Food is only good for four hours, then health code says it is unfit for consumption


I would look into *stealing*


First thing I think of is food waste. There are people starving on the streets in front of restaurants that have employees out back tossing trash bags full of edible food. Sure, the homeless could dig it back out, but they deserve dignity too. I don’t know how or who could or would handle collection and distribution of said food, but I do know if I was homeless, I damned sure wouldn’t turn down the day’s leftovers.


.. it's so crazy there's world hunger issues, and no way to transport the food to people that need it. I just can't wrap my head that we breathe the same air as children who are starving. Super depressing.


If they dont give it to us for free, we steal it. That’s that


Don’t get mad at the restaurants get mad at the health department. That’s why this stuff happens


I work in super fine dining and I don't ever get to eat the food there , but chef always be cooking dope shit up for our dish washers and bussers he's legit AF


Fuck that place! Look elsewhere for work if you’re able to do it.


Find a job that will feed you. Fuck these people


Bro just bag it up in secret lmao


For reals, so much good shit thrown away. As a dishie it always pissed me off when I’d see good ass cake be thrown away.


Screw the obsession over identity politics. This is the stuff we need to worry about.


i knew a guy who worked at a pizza place, he told me they threw out leftover boxed up pizza and homeless people would raid the dumpster. they put the boxes of pizza in garbage bags. that sounds good too me if you have to eat food from a trash can


The aluminum trays you could take to scrapyard. 35 to 55 cents per pound. Most pay cash. Let them throw the food. Ask for the metal.


Gtfo of there and work for a mean chef who is really nice to his dishwashers. You should not be hungry at work, working food service.


Damn it someone coulda ate that dried out Mac n cheese and that stuff on top that I can’t tell what it is and I know those gross looking dogs still gotta a lil snap to them! What a waste


I work at an open kitchen so tasting food is pushing it for them. And the number of times people have looked at me cross-eyed over the thought of throwing food away. My rule of thumb is if not in front of customers then no one will care but I also have to think of what is resale able. But if it's a waste then your right to get mad


A buffet where food is always going to go to waste and no free employee meal for everyone? Quit that shit place and let them know why you left.


No good restaurant leaves their staff hungry


Anyone who works in my kitchen gets 2 meals a day if they want it


Fuck that shit


Any place not feeding their dishwashers isn't worthy of having them. For all the work you put in in the pit, the least you deserve is a hot meal on your break or after your shift.


Dickheads with a "captive customer" mentality


Shit company time to get a new job


This is what our boss used to do instead of giving it to us or donating it to homeless people


It grosses me out when a kitchen just throws food away instead of letting their employees have meals or donating it .


Don’t work at that place


As a GM, if the restaurant didn’t let me feed everyone on my staff a free shift meal and heavily discount off shift for my people… I would be looking for another job. Your managers and corporate suck, sorry :(


I work for a very hot food forward chain of convenience store, we toss hundreds of dollars in food away a shift.


I remember that trash can being my lunch and dinner at another job. Not good times


I'm not a dishwasher, but I'm a executive chef, being in this industry is tough and we all get paid shit for what we do, a free meal is the only constant benefit we have. I'd leave that place and find something better where they care about you.


Stuff likes this makes me want moloch 2024 and I 💯 do. Can’t feed the hungry and we kill babies. Eff this pos world 💩


Food waste is one of the most horrible things about this system. I cannot stand it, under any circumstances.


I worked at a diner that used to give us free food when too much was made or the customer didn't want it but the servers kept "accidentally" ordering the wrong food so the manager just made it so, regardless of the reason, if the customer didn't want the food we had to throw it away


Those breakfast sausages I would take a chance or pocket a few before I trash em


Any place that serves food and doesn't give their employees a free meal or $10 off during their shift is cruel


Quit. Any place that isn’t willing to feed an employee is shit in my book. We get free food on a select menu and 50 percent off everything else. They also allow us free salad bar.


Come awn grab a lil sausage it’s not touchin nothin


u deserve somewhere that’ll feed you my restaurant sucked ass and even they kept me fed GOOD 😔 if you can find a job somewhere else just leave


There is rampant homelessness in my country as well as working class families having to use food banks due to the cost of living crisis, so much starvation with children and adults going hungry every week and yet there is so much food waste. Make it all make sense?


just take a bit when nobody is looking


That’s so dumb. I get free food at my work (some things are not free like Steak and Ribs but that’s understandable) and if there’s a wrong order we usually get to eat it


Those discounts are offensive 😂


That’s fucked up


Noone should starve in the hospitality industry. Noone . If management likes policies like this its just a big fuck you to any employees. The work is hard enough without that kind of petty bullshit. Especially since its not any work for the employees if people can snack from stuff like this. I get that people shouldbt snack stuff meant for the customers but trays like those are fair game. If management cant do that, the restaurant is a) failing financially or b) not a great place to work. Both beeing reason enough to look for a job elsewhere


Texas Roadhouse would always send home leftovers with the staff. It was encouraged. We'd call out and ask if anyone wanted the mashed potatoes, bbq pork etc. Before ditching it. It's the only kitchen i've cooked in that's done this though.


yeeeepppp only kitchens i stay at long term are the ones that take care of the ones busting their ass. 21$ an hr and free shift meals and fry snacks all day long baaaayybeeeeee


If they don't feed you = go see another job trust me! I'm a dishwasher because I get free food! I was a grocery clerk during covid time and it was annoying to make my own food or buy food, you waste money for lunch. I was like fuck it. Im going back to dishwasher jobs.


I haven’t worked in the kitchen in years, but that is one of the golden rules…. Feed the dishie


I refuse to work for any kitchen that doesn't feed me


Brother man. That food is still good sitting like that. Grab what you can, shut your mouth and keep your head down.


It’s been ages but I have never worked at a restaurant that didn’t allow the staff to eat basically whatever they want.


We toss out probably a dozen baked potatoes and sweet potatoes each a night, because we’re “not allowed” to take them, but GOD FORBID a customer has to wait an extra 3 minutes for us to mic one to prevent this “loss in product”.


Serious bullshit, I would say fuck it and eat it right in front of management, I am on a lot of phyc meds tho and my rents paid for two months


Completely unacceptable. When I was a dishie they would give me any dish or dessert I asked for (if it wasn't too busy). People need to learn to respect the dishwasher.


i worked at the big whole foods in Santa Fe NM... for two years i worked there they never paid me my worth skip one of my raises and won't back pay me. it's the worst job I've ever had in my life in all the aspects a job can be... 80%of the people were POS


We'd pack it up and give it to the houseless across the street. They'd watch the place at night. Some of them worked as dishwashers and prep. Pretty symbiotic, pretty cool.


Any place with a working kitchen that doesn't feed staff should be burned to the ground.


Every week the truck comes in if anything isn’t opened I have my manager’s permission to take it. I take it home bake it off in my oven and go all around town and hand it out to people who need a bite to eat. It’s become a fun routine.


Makes me so upset that stuff like this doesn’t go to homeless shelters


I've eaten out of the trash before and would do it again (not meat tho) as long as it's not too old


I genuinely do not understand this. Back when I was managing I would have servers offer what was left of the buffet to customers, even those not eating buffet. (We would run breakfast buffet so it was offered to those eating lunch once we began serving lunch at the end of the buffet). Then, if no customers took it I would literally beg any of the people working to eat it so it didn't go to waste. I would even force the teenagers who we had in the dishroom who I knew hadn't eaten to take a plate and take a break. This is just shitty management or ownership and I suggest you seek a new place of work as everyone needs dishies right now.


The brewery I work for we get a free meal on shift, 50% off when not working, and two free beers after shift.


That makes ME mad, I love buyouts at my spot that opt for buffet service because we all get fed, dishie goes first, then kitchen, FOH and the managers get what's left.


I’ve only worked at one spot that wasn’t super wasteful..(or tried not to be). End of the night we usually had like 20-30 pieces of fried chicken. So I went home with a bucket every night for 2 years. Loved that place would still be there but got sick as a dog and had to take something a bit less demanding.


Buffet food is legally only allowed out for a certain amount of time, I think it's 3 hours? After that it will start growing harmful bacteria and must be thrown out, if you eat that and get ill, the restaurant could be under some serious trouble, you should get free food, but not the stuff they legally have to throw out.


Get used to it


Been in hospitality over a decade and I’ve never seen a disher that didn’t get a shift meal.


If the buffet is disposable pans you aren’t missing anything but food poisoning man. It’s a waste of food for sure but probably safer for you.


I work at a restaurant where little food goes to waste. The only food wasted is by customers and thankfully not us. You order, we make. No pre made shit that sits all day and goes to waste. I atleast pride myself in that aspect of my job


Y’all all need to just start taking meals. They guna fire everybody ?


Dishies, if not, are the most important workers in every single industry that involve the kitchen. That is why they must always be fed for free no matter the circumstances.


What kind of "company store" bullshit is this!? What a fucking waste and they're so desperate for customers that they need their staff to buy their product too? And the aluminum pans that just get thrown out like that-- what the actual fuck, get reusable serving trays. The sheer amount of waste is seriously fucked.


them sausages look good- why did that one pan HAVE to get sat in the mac n cheeeeeese!? LOL when you finally do get out just be there to put all that food into one aluminum tin and walk out!


Disgusting. Down right disgusting to even think about. There's quite literally zero excuse for food to be wasted like this.


That's brutal wtf. Even at 7/11 I got to eat the doughnuts we were gonna throw out lol.


Me 2. Dam. We gather all that and sell it at local ball games. Make a killing. It’s great. Did 3k this sat.


Them dogs are still good, stuff your face while making eye contact with your GM to assert dominance, just think of the starving children! In all seriousness this is bullshit. I hate unnecessary food waste like this.


I fr ate a couple, they were so fucking good


That’s such a bummer! I love left over brunch food


that's craaaazy


From experience this is a healthy food safety issue which is why it's in policy to trash all leftovers. I agreed it wasteful, but just like food accident for free food ... People are capable of far worse than stealing food, a good food poisoning report And on the job provided food caused it... could be a nightmare for any business owner and a come up for the theft. MOST in this climate choose to not take such a risk. I feel it's bad for moral and employment benefits, But i see and know why its a rule ...because I asked before and then was forced to throw things away on a old job I worked in food service.🥺🌭😭 In Philly ..doing Corporate food service back in the 90s was so diff... We ate all that ish!! After ever banquet😁🤣


I’d be eating that food for free no matter the trouble I would get into


Hideaway pizza is like this , fuck those greedy cunts


That is disturbing


Very restaurant needs a dishwashers, only some give out food. Find those places


Liability issues. They don’t want to get sued for food safety negligence. It sucks but I’m assuming that would be their argument.


change the policy...


Saw a video of a guy who “throws the food away” in a separate bag with no other trash. Double secures it with another bag. At the end of the day he takes it from dumpster. Feeds himself and others.


You should bounce based on the appearance of that macaroni alone.


The TGI Fridays I worked at did this. If they caught you eating dead food, they'd charge you for it later without telling you. Also wasn't allowed a lunch break on 12+ hour shifts.


Well that second part is just straight up illegal lol


That food is face up, not actually touching any trash, I'd dig the fuck in if that was me. Ain't nobody beneath face up trash food.


Yep. Those trays would be coming right back out in my day.


Adjacent to refuse… is still refuse


Why would you eat that? Looks like shit! Be thankful


I never understood managers like the OPs. We don't have buffets except for special occasions ( Mother's Day, Easter etc...), but when we do, whatever comes off buffet is fair game for staff. With the amount of waste seen in this photo, the OPs manager needs to learn how to forecast.


It's not the manager, even the manager called bs on it, it's the greedy corporation, they hate giving their employees benefits


A restaurant that doesn't feed its employees is not worth your time and energy


You and the sponges need to start some Anarchy in that mother fucker. Find the cracks, fill your bellies.




All the comments are not addressing that this is from a buffet. There’s no reason why the staff can’t have this.


People who throw away that much food are the reason why I unapologetically eat out of the garbage in a pointless attempt reduce food waste.


Change the trash cans often. Now it’s a big to-go sack.


Broooo my heart is broke all that looks mad good


Disgusting waste of food in the name of capitalism.


You shouldn’t be eating garbage like that in place of a meal. Stupid policy though.


Niggas always throwing away food and shit. When people are hungry af


Ain’t late-stage capitalism grand?


The same shit when i was working at mcdonalds


I’ve worked 3 kitchens over the years and all of them wasted no food; it was always given to or shared by staff.


Especially when you're not allowed to eat it, or take anything home... With how many calories we burn, employers had better be giving their dishwashers free meals either before or after shift. They are going to either give everyone diabetes, or make a person's diabetes worse. Probably gonna give people heart problems too, running on fumes like that.