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Right now the scientific literature suggests you need to drink 9-14 drinks a day with aspartame to see side effects. Most research sees a very limited amount of evidence for issues with aspartame in humans.


Ok nice, if I drink one glass of diet soda with aspartame I get terrible pains where the gallbladder used to be. But I might just be reacting to it in a different way, my doctor tells me that it is doe to the lack of the gallbladder.


Cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal) is a pretty minor procedure. The majority of people go on to have perfectly normal lives and don't really have to make any changes to their diet. The gallbladder is not really an essential organ. The only time most people feel discomfort is after eating a huge, huge amount of grease and fat in one meal. And that is rare. I'm a doctor myself, and I've seen many patients who've had their gallbladder removed for years and they haven't had any problems or complications from it.


Good to know, in that case I am out of the norm, I had mine removed and every time I only look at greasy food I get a strong discomfort. Thank you for the clarification I appreciate it and don't mind being educated on this.


As someone whose gallbladder was removed 10 years ago, I've noticed absolutely no difference in the before and after. I still eat the same and drink exclusively sugar-free drinks. Doctors all told me I could continue my life without dietary changes too so... /shrug


I had mine removed and you should look into what the gallbladder does and how your body stores fats now. There is a chance you end up with a fatliver. Also aspartam now really hurts me since the bladder got removed


I just had a google and all the results I've read basically say Gall bladder removal does not cause any serious long-term problems, although you may experience some common minor side effects such as: Diarrhoea Flatulence Short-term constipation But it's not in any way a vital organ, and you can live normally without it. I couldn't find anything about fat storage either. The only change is that without a gallbladder, your liver releases the bile directly into the small intestine where digestion happens the same way it does with a gallbladder. I'd personally also argue that gallstones are a lot worse than living without a gallbladder, but that's just my experience. I'm just gonna trust my doctors, if they had a problem with sugar-free drinks they would've told me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok, in that case go ahead, my doctor over here in Europe tells me that alcohol, fatty foods and aspartam are going to hurt my liver, not that those things are good for you even with a gallbladder but without it, it will affect your liver. But you do you, it is interesting that due the gallbladder removal I have to go and get my liver values checked every 6 month and I don't even drink alcohol. I guess there are different medical options but I trust my doctor and the Swedish healthcare system 😉 Stay healthy and I hope nothing is going to happen with either one of us


lmao I'm also in Europe my friend. Just two countries southwest of you in fact. I've made gratuitous use of my free, Western European Healthcare over the years (altough admittedly we aren't big on wasting tax money on preventative checks here) and trust the doctors completely. I've even been back many a time for stomach problems, and none of the specialists have mentioned my gallbladder or aspartame ever. If any of the doctors or specialists I'd seen in the past ten years told me anything of the sort of thing you mention here, I'd have taken their word for it. But so far I've been living unchanged for 10 years without issue, and I'm not exactly a healthy eater. Guess we'll see how long I remain this lucky for. I wish you all the health too :)


I got my gallbladder out in November and I feel exactly the same expect I'm not being woken up in nauseating pain every once in a while