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Absolutely love bob's car update post. He's got a sweet ride


I literally saw something similar to his in Detroit!!! Wrong model car though.....




Tonight on distractible: Jesus crashes his car delivering lenses


Bob decided to deliver his own fridge


And wade tried doing a jump in a speed boat


I would LOVE to see his progress of learning things and his thought process, but I 100% understand that he may want his hobbies to remain a hobby for HIM, not for content.


This. This is why I don't want to see it, give the man some privacy


Of course the occasional car / garage update would be welcome ;)


I love Mark's lens talks, but I *really* love Bob's car talks


I’m interested too! But didn’t Bob bring that up as an example of a hobby he *wants* to have outside of content creation? I’d feel bad if he felt pressured to create content out of it and it became work too, it sounds like that’s pretty much what Wade is struggling with right now. Obvi they’re adults so they will do whatever they’re gonna do, but asking for this to be content too feels like it misses the point of that conversation a little bit.


Couldn’t agree more. Though, I absolutely wouldn’t mind if he goes on tandems about cars though like how mark goes about lenses when he learns interesting stuff. Hearing about their progress in personal hobbies/ interests feels inspiring but only if they willing indulge. I would hate to see something they like doing turn into an obligation they feel like they have to do


Yeah this post is weird. Bob specifically doesn’t make content out of his car stuff. That’s his personal time and it should stay that way.


You got your wish lol


Honestly I would love that too, mostly because of bob since I’m not exactly a car person and it sounds like a fun afternoon


Honestly, hearing about Bob's DIY stuff with his car makes me feel more like maybe I could try some things with mine one of these days. But I wouldn't want him to stream or record anything if it would take his enjoyment away from it.


I would also love to see this, I love cars!!


An eight hour car episode would be epic. Have Mark and Bob drive Wade home. Be the world tour into!!!


I would love for him to just start fucking with a hotwheels car occasionally during streams or when recording Distractable. Just start going "oh FUCK. No, don't run over the keyboard!! Oh don't mind me, just working on my car".


I think Bob underestimated how much we love car updates.


Yes, car content is fun. Something different from the stuff we normally hear about. Some of us are also gearheads and appreciate the updates. Bob, no pressure in continuing any updates with us, but know if you did feel comfortable sharing, you have some car geeks here with you.




He did also say that he likes to have something that's not for content, I don't think we should encourage him to change that


Not car guy here, and yes, I would watch it. I would watch it with my other half, and he loves cars, and then I get to see 2 of my faves people info dump on Japanese cars (they're my partners' fave too!)


I do not know Shit about fuck when it comes to cars, honestly borderline nothing. Maybe he could go into the absolute basics of taking care of your car, and I bet a decent chunk of people would appreciate that.


I'd be down for watching some car fun! Nothing better than getting up in there and learning along the way!


I'm not a car guy but I would watch Bob work on his car just to hear him talk about random bullshit.


I would love to talk car stuff with Bob. I'm a car guy with multiple project vehicles lol.


I am an auto mechanic


I never know any of the words on car talk, lens talk, hard drive talk, or bald talk. But I love them all. It's great listening to them talk about their passions.


I don't.


I’d watch as well!


I would also love to watch it. I hate that (from what i understood) it seems most of his reasoning for not even entertaining the idea is that "real car people" will nitpick him to death 😕


A true gear head won’t nitpick him. The ass wipes of the car world would. Shame really.


That's what i hate the most


YES!! As a car girl, I’d happily watch Bob work on his car.


Well it’s not exactly what you where asking for but you got your wish in a way lol


I agree, as someone who knows absolutely nothing about cars other than how to drive it, I would love for Papa Bob to teach the audience about car stuff and nerd out about his car : ) Parents can often lose their own interests and desires with a kid and Bob doesn't seem to think people care. Bob still deserves his own sense of self and to feel as if people will listen when he speaks. It's honestly kind of sad sometimes how much Bob seems to think we don't care about him or his interests. I know Mark is more popular in terms if numbers but the podcast and everything else these 3 have built wouldn't exist without all 3. TL;DR Bob is cool and deserves to have a space in the podcast to talk about his interests like the others do : )


Bob's great. Idgaf about cars tho. If it's Bob + Bob's brand of fun and funny, I'm generally in. If it's technical skill, tech specs, and automotive details, I'll prolly just throw it on in the background and game for a bit er sumthin 🤷🏻‍♂️ All you car folk can have all that if you like it tho ☺️ Not throwin any shade.


*tap tap tap tap* sUbArUuU