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I highly recommend [the DjangoGirls tutorial](https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/).


Thanks a lot :) I'll take a look


hey bro , how's life after 4 years of working in the field? are u paid well? did u avhieve some of ur dreams? Im just starting out <3


Unfortunately, I ended up not following that path. I was already working (with SAP) at that time and didn't have enough free time to study Django... Right now I'm still working with SAP, but meanwhile I learned Python and ended up developing some personal projects using what I learned, but was mainly stuff related to bots/automations, web scrapping and things like that, nothing related to Django or Web Development...


I started with the docs/the official tutorial, and it's what most people recommend. If you don't want to go that route, I'd recommend starting with "TDD with Python", since it's free and covers both the basics and some stuff (ie: testing methodology) that isn't really in the Django docs: http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1234000000754/index.html


That's awesome. Thanks mate. I just started a job as a junior data scientist / programmer / devops engineer. Been working my way through obey the testing goat. I'll check this out next.


Thanks /u/naught-me :) I thought the course would be better because it offers the complete package, because they also use bootstrap, which I want to learn as well


I have finished most of that course and I am so thankful that I found it! However, I would only recommend it if you know next to nothing about web development; several lectures are devoted to the basics like HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap and so you may consider that a waste of time/money. Other than that the instructor does a good job at explaining core Django concepts. Note: don't pay more than $10-15 on any Udemy course.


Thanks for the tips :) They have always this promotions right? The course actually cost 200€ (supposedly it's original price) any time?


Yes they often have deals and coupons to buy the courses for much cheaper.


Thanks :)


I would say do the Django girls tutorial, the official tutorial and the mozilla tutorial and then you will be all set. No need to pay for any courses.


Thanks. Secondo person to recommend the DjangoGirls tutorial, it must be really awesome :) Anyone knows how much time (in average) takes to complete that tutorial?


I recommend it as well. It's fairly short and a little more basic than the official tutorial (which I would recommend after the DG tutorial). If I had to guess I'd say it takes around 5 hours or so?


When you say 5 hours, it's just by reading the source material without coding?


No I meant in total. To be honest, it's been a long time since I did that tutorial but you can just copy and paste their code. Once you get Django up and running it's pretty self explanatory. You can skip the deployment part to PyrhonAnywhere if you plan on hosting somewhere else.


Thanks HomerG. That's fairly quick... I'll definitely give it a try in the next week :)


It really is one of the best you can find. You should also maybe have a look at [Two Scoops of Django](https://www.twoscoopspress.com/). It is a great book that will help get you started with best practices. It is good even if you know how to code.


Aren't books a bit of a gamble? I'm saying this because this kind of tecnology it's always changing so eventually books become obsolent because they're not "updatable"... I know things doesn't change that much and take a while, so books can actually worth the investment :)


Certain books maybe but Two Scoops is now in its 3rd edition and it is well worth it. And it is a great reference. The authors are well respected in the django community too.


Yes, but I'm not talking about book editions. Of course the authors will update the books, but the books we already bought will not be updated, we would have to buy the new editions as well to be up to date :) I know I'm exaggerating, but you get my point :)


Yes but it is still a good starting point and a great way to get to know the best practices. Once you know them it is much easier to keep up to date with changes.


Yep, you're absolutely right :)


Don't tell me that, my head will only get bigger =) Seriously, though, if you are going to invest in a book I would definitely suggest that one.


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind :) But while I'm not sure if I'll truly "embrace" the Django world (I'm sure I will, I just love web development), I don't think it's the right investment


Same opinion, there are a lot of references (and official docs as well, whether Python or Django) which are free so you don't have to pay for a course. If you already have programming knowledge, then Python should be very readable, even if you haven't formally studied it (it was designed that way). For Django, I suggest going through the official Django tutorial, and perhaps the Tango With Django tutorial too (though might be older, but it was helpful in my case).


Thanks :) Already bought it, but I'll take a look at references you mentioned as well


I have one more question (which I think already know the answer)... I should learn git and github/bitbucket before starting to learn django/python (or any opensource language) right? Right now I'm a SAP programmer so I never had to use github or anything like that, because everything works in a "closed" environment, but I'm well aware of it's purpose and how it can help me in projects... so I definitely must learn git first right?


You should. I use bitbucket and deploy to pythonanywhere right from the repo. Others have mentioned Django girls, which happens to lay out how to do that. I recommend it highly. I just bought the course you posted here too btw.


Thanks. Awesome :) Will you take the course in the next days?


Maybe, I have a bunch of stuff going on right now. I'm try to finish up a django website I built for a client, which is mostly done now. I also want to make my own website, and I'm try to decide if I want to use django or flask for that. I do love how easy it is to deploy django so I may just use that.


You must have a lot of experience by now. Do you think the course will add anything useful?


I have some experience, not sure about a lot. We'll see, for $10 it's worth a shot.


Yup, I agree :)


This git book is free and a great resource https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2 and have a look at [Codecademy's learn git course.](https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-git)


Thanks :) How about this one at Udacity? https://www.udacity.com/course/how-to-use-git-and-github--ud775


I love Udacity. Well worth doing =D


:) So it's settled, I'll take the Git course at Udacity, then the Django Girls Tutorial and finally Django Udemy course I mentioned above, which integrates bootstrap and I want to learn that as well


Sounds like a plan =) Have fun!


A silly question that cames to mind... I'm a Windows user (yeah, I know, don't kill me yet :P ), and I know we need to use a terminal a lot with Django and Git, so my questions is... should I use Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell? I know the Windows PowerShell kind of emulates the Linux and Mac terminal, and that two systems are way better for coding than Windows, and since I have a little experience in Linux (Ubuntu), should I use the Windows PowerShell?


If you have a 64 bit Windows 10 system you could check out the Window Linux Subsystem. (Google it) It gives you a pretty complete Ubuntu Linux environment inside Windows. I have not used it in anger but it does work for Django. But most of the time I can do all that I want to do including git and pip inside the free Visual Studio 2017 Community edition which has inbuilt python and Django support.


Yes, I have a 64 bit Windows 10 system. I'll definitely check that, thanks :)


maybe start with Flask? not as "heavy" as django and might be better for someone starting out


I'm a newbie in web development and Python, but I'm a programmer, so that's not an issue, no need to start with something "lighter" :)


aaaaah i see, you only mentioned that you knew a little php.. in that case you should be fine.. i havent that udemy course myself.. but did do one similar which def helped.. Im not a dedicated dev guy but didnt find it all that bad.


Sorry, my bad :) In the course description it says that's for all levels, so I think it start with some basic stuff, and the with more advanced over time... I'll give it a shot, it's only 10€, and for the Udemy reviews I think it might be well worth the money. I just wanted to have an opinion about the course "outside" Udemy, a more "impartial" one


Would Udemy cover anything more than the basics?


no not really. not from my experience at least


Yeah, that's what I thought. $10 is pretty cheap though.


yeah agreed, i always snap up a couple when they have these sales.. although looking around there are loads of free youtube channels that go into more detail.


/u/dmanden did you took the course?