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They almost had me in the first paragraph, no lie.


This is the best usage of this format I've ever seen


So hill dwarf gets +1HP per level, stack with tough feat which is +2HP per level for a total of +3HP/level


And then barbarian and be the chonkies chonk of chonks, with a 9th level Aid spell


Or draconic bloodline for another +1 (although barbarian is still valid)


Average HP per lvl for draconic sorcerer is 4.5 + CON. For barbarian it's 6.5 + CON so barbarian is more efficient.


But dwarf plus draconic source plus tough is 7.5 wich is above barbarian assuming they don't get though


Your thinking too small. Be a wizard with that kind if HP. Walk into combat and nuke yourself and the enemy alike. Then draw out your axe (dwarven proficiency) and finish the rest off.


I feel like they need to have the levels on them for the bonuses


Obviously satire but so many things I see on d&d pages sound just like this with not a hint of satire


Like The abuse of getting married to gain +2 AC, then divorce and marry another person of the group, rinse and repeat. And once you married everyone... Kill yourself, get resurrected and Start again!


Divorce doesn't even cut it, you have to be widowed.


Marrage for tex benefits? (Polygamy) for +2 AC benefits. Also, only works on humanoids. Satyr and fairy PCs are literally incapable of being married


Just like in Batman Poison Ivy should be able to shut down the cities power with no effort because they are called power **plants**. It's so obvious and she's dumb for not trying.


This is basically the material The Riddler was working with in the 60's.


... There is no possible way they didn't turn that pun into an episode in the animated series, that's just *too* good to go un-used


While I appreciate the technicality, even a half-competent DM would point out that you also lose a level when you give it away if passing it back and forth between allies counts as gaining one every time it is handed to you. Therefore, your character has 1HP at lv1, and a 1 for every other stat because I'm the DM and I say that you will be also rolling for stat loss when you lose a level


Well it never specified that you lose the HP when you lose that level. But yeah, attempting this level of pedantic is just asking for it.


You can gain a negative number. And therefore losing Max Hp.


It doesn't say "When you gain a level, gain an number of HP equal to how many levels you gain" It says "...it increases by 1 every time you gain a level". Nothing in that allows for losing HP. Increase means it goes up. If for some reason you consider losing a level to be "gaining a negative level" then your HP would still increase by 1.


What about making them? Should avoid that issue.


If you're making the level you aren't gaining it because you already had the components you're just rearranging them into a level.


It doesn't say you lose any max HP when you lose a level. But to be honest, even a quarter-competent DM would not let you gain max HP for acquiring a construction tool.


then you would have to buy a thousand levels and carry them around in a big bag


You dont lose a level. You gave it away willingly


Ok. So any stat points gained just go to whoever has the level at any given moment and the stat buffs are fixed, and the only difference is the hill dwarf gets a bonus +1 to max HP when they have it EQUIPPED. Furthermore it counts as a weapon so you can't use your normal weapon at the same time. If you choose to use it as a weapon, I will figure out the stats for it at that stage (flavour text: you don't want to get me to work out it's stats)


the level has a place inside all our hearts


“What if D&D was made by Bethesda?”


It just works


This is what "rule abuse memes" should be like. Things that result from ACTUAL RAW but wouldn't fly at a table due to the massively obvious RAI. It just bugs me to no end when somebody says "oh hey you can brick the game through this funny glitch in the RAW!" only for them to just ignore the RAW and then hide behind "it's just a meme, chill bro"


I was expecting something with gaining levels and losing them with level draining monsters, but instead I got this brainrot.


This level of "technically" deserves an equal "Technically "level" is a colloquial term for a "levelling tool" or "levelling gauge". Therefore, yes, you gain and lose a levelling tool one thousand times. Good job." Other option, check the tools section of the items table and see, there is no such item as "level", therefore you can't do it.


I was assuming that they would be included in either carpenter's or mason's tools. But Xanathar's Guide's Tools section does not list them for their components. So I guess my masterplan has been foiled


The classic "level" in old world tools is a plumbed and string lots and lots of string, and a measuring device. What we tend to use in modern times, if not electronic, is a spirit level. So this trick wouldn't work unless someone had the home brew or which ever rules book needed for this specific equipment.


For a second I thought it was gonna be another round of bullscheiße nonsense Good meme


Ah, but when you give it away you “loose a level” this negating your level. You want 1000hp buy 1000 levels


Imma "level" with ya, i think its a cool concept :D




You could also build a second storey onto yourself to also gain a level.


> 1 extra max hp and 1 extra max hp So by your reading it doesn't increase current HP. Got it.


I hadn't noticed that, luckily getting to full HP is only one long rest away


Rocks fall. Your Dwarf dies.


This post makes me irrationally angry because the fury I’d feel if any of my players pulled this, have an upvote


I want to beat Jesse to death with a hammer.


I gotta make you read , I need to see it now , but before I go I need to make you learn how YOUR F*CKING CHARACTER WORKS !


I appreciate this post a lot, because more than once I've made the comment/complaint that SOMEONE at WotC needs to buy a goddamn thesaurus and I'm happy to see it expressed in a fun way. Seriously though; Character level, class level, spell level, spell SLOT level.... PLEASE just pick another word and make our lives that much simpler!


I'd rule that you gain HP per level owned concurrently. You buy a level, therefore you gain +1 HP. If you give it away, you no longer have that level, so you lose 1 max HP. You want 1000 HP? Better find one thousand levels. Of course, since ownership of levels is all that maatters, you can benefit from levels ypu don't physically have access to at that moment, so long as you can have them be transferred to your person at any point in time and make use of them. This caused the emergence of level trading and investment guilds, and the less said about the level market crash of '01 the better.


Reminds me of when I first started playing 5e and I misread the health rules for PC's and thought it scaled exponentially


Half expected the meme to rely on somehow losing levels and the character's backstory would be that they repeatedly got to level 2 only to be reset to level 1 somehow while still retaining the +1 hp per level gained since it doesn't specify that you lose the hp on losing a level.


most litterate dnd player


But then you give the level to the ally therefor you lose a level


But if you’re passing a single level back and forward, you aren’t gaining it, any more than if you’ve gained 1000 dollars if you hand a dollar back and forward. BUT you could absolutely collect levels and store them in your bag and have as much HP as you do levels. I’d let that shit fly in my campaign just for laughs.


Lmao. Nice.


Here’s your 1000 copies of Harry Potter, or HP


i'm sorry, WHAT?


You still only have net 1 level.


“…” “Everytime you pass it to an ally you lose a level, therefore you lose any benefits that came with gaining that level. Also, by the way, in our next campaign we’re going to be tracking character inventories and weight limits.”


Hey, it’s technically RAW.