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**Last Man Standing** Survive a combat encounter with only 1 party member left conscious.


I feel like this ends with the party reducing the enemy forces to one goblin, having one person hold it down, and then the other all try to knock themselves unconscious for the achievement.


~~All~~ Many achievements have their loopholes, it's up to the players whether they have integrity or not.


I wouldn't reveal the achievements to my players.


I could definitely see such an achievement being hidden until earned, alongside the plot milestones.


We Didn't Hear No Bell Have all party members survive an encounter on less than 10% HP. You're Locked in Here with Me Defeat a creature who has previously killed a PC. I'll Carry You Stabilize or Revive your party healer as a non-healer (fighter, barbarian, or rogue).


A fun story about the first achievement: My PCs found an item that allowed the wearer to stay conscious while at 0 hp (at the cost of not knowing your current HP, as well as auto-failing death saves on your turn). This led to them once winning a fight where EVERY SINGLE PC was at 0 HP. On a critical turn, an enemy upcast Fireball and everyone but the warlock (who wore this item) went down. The warlock then started his turn, pretty sure he was at 0 and had just failed a Death Save. He had a single healing potion. He chose…to Eldritch Blast the enemy. … And it turned out this was the ONLY winning line. The boss was at extremely low HP, but if he survived he would have upcast Magic Missile to kill the warlock and down the healed PC the next turn, TPKing the group. The next turn, the warlock failed another death save and then fed a healing potion to the mercy monk, who healed the cleric, who healed the warlock just before his next turn came around. Then on the next round they healed the wizard with 2 failed death saves. I will never, EVER be able to DM a combat that close again.




>I'll Carry You >Stabilize or Revive your party healer as a non-healer (fighter, barbarian, or rogue). I've got a barbarian with the Healer feat in a party with a wizard, warlock, and artificer. Where does that fit?


I wouldn't count feats. Just no class features granting HP regularly. So barb with healer works, rogues making a medicine check, etc.


Wizard should also be counted as a non-healer; as well as non celestial warlock and non divine sorcerer.


**Squishy** - Survive a campaign, from start to finish, as a d6 class with a negative CON modifier. **We're Bringing It Back** - Deal 100 damage with a single *Fireball.* **Tin Can** - Have an AC of 21 or higher without expending resources. **Star Player** - Attend every session for an entire campaign. **Persuade Me** - Successfully alter the game by bribing the GM with food. **Explorer** - Find all content in a dungeon.


(Edited some to make them more challenging, and added a few more) **Can't Touch This** - Complete 20 rounds of combat between Long Rests without taking any damage, while having been the target of a minimum of 10 attacks. **C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker** - Kill an enemy before they can complete all of their Multiattacks. **The 0.25%er** - Roll a 20 on the d20 in two consecutive rolls. **The 0.000625%er** - Roll a 20 on the d20 in four consecutive rolls. **The Crowd Goes Wild!** - Roll maximum damage with a weapon attack or a spell when using at least 4 dice. **The Crowd Goes Mild!** - Roll minimum damage with a weapon attack or a spell when using at least 4 dice. **Catch Me If You Can** - Complete 20 rounds of combat between Long Rests while never having an enemy end their turn within 5ft of you. **It's Not A War Crime The First Time** - Kill at least one enemy per round during five consecutive rounds. **Two Health Bars** - Heal someone from Zero to Full Hp in a single turn. **Teamwork Is Teamwork** - Get the killing blow on an enemy by dealing only one point of damage. **It's Just A Flesh Wound** - Suffer four critical hits in the same encounter without going Unconscious.


Last session, our sorc rolled 3 Nat 20's in a row. So whatever that percentage is.


Your sorcerer must be the cosmic balancer for when my party’s fighter rolled 3 nat 1s in a row (on the same check)


1 in 8000 or 0.0125%


Oh! In that case... **OVER 1 IN 9000!** - Roll 4 Nat1s in a row


Recently I had the first death of a player. He had 4 NAT 1's in a row. The last was a death save while his character was burning. He could be revived but it got pretty rough for the whole party.


I can one up you there, the fighter in my campaign (with advantage on the strikes) get 5 nat20s out of 6 attacks, and the other was a nat 19. The bos they were fighting was vulnerable to radiant damage (he has a crystal longsword) so he dealt a total of 237 damage (with maneuvers) and the boss was thoroughly dead. It was the most insane shit ive ever seen and kinda deserved since last session he'd been rolling like shit


Our barbarian rolled 3 nat 1s in a row. First on a saving throw, then on her attack WITH ADVANTAGE. She rolled two nat 1s at once. And almost decapitated me with her backswing


Trophy hunter strats: * **Can't Touch This** - Wall of Force + Sacred Flame a biggish creature * **Combo Breaker** - Melee Swashbuckler with Sentinel * **The Crowd Goes Wild** - Autopops when using Tempest Cleric's channel divinity * **Catch Me If You Can** - See **Can't Touch This** * **It's Not A War Crime The First Time** - Best completed against the Goblins during the Attack on Goldenfields in chapter 2 of SKT * **Two Health Bars** - Drag a commoner into a battle, let them get hit, min healing of a _Healing Word_ will heal their 4 HP


commoners don't generally get death saves. two health bars should be super achievable. At level 1, someone gets bonked and goes down (many such cases) heal them with cure wounds and roll max (or be life cleric) light work


Even not rolling max, depending on who you heal it's super doable. As long as it isn't a barbarian or a d10 class that is


assuming +3 wisdom and +2 con, you can max heal sorcerers and wizards with a 5+ or d8 classes with a 7+. Not technically max, but close enough you'll probably need a few tries.


If they’re important they presumably get death saves. But I don’t expect an important noncombatant to just let you drag them into combat. Plus, it just takes 8 damage to instantly kill them from full health, so it’s pretty much moot.


> Combo Breaker - Melee Swashbuckler with Sentinel Could you explain how this works?


There are very few ways to deal damage to someone between the hits of a multiattack. Your viable options are basically [Hellish Rebuke](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/2142-hellish-rebuke), [Armor of Agythys](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/2310-armor-of-agathys), or a reaction attack. Of those options, an off-turn sneak attack is the most promising as it does the most damage (since larger damage attacks are more likely to kill a target). It doesn't necessarily need to be Swashbuckler, but the idea is to generate an off-turn sneak attack via Sentinel when the baddie attacks someone else. You could substitute a Paladin (off turn smites, rather than sneak attack) or a Pact of the Blade Warlock (also for smites), but you'd still want Sentinel. In a world with different RAW, Sentinel + Warcaster on a Sorcerer would be viable (off-turn reaction Desintigrate?), but Sentinel doesn't give an opportunity attack with its "hit someone who attacked someone other than you" effect--it merely gives a melee attack.


My assumption is they're looking to sneak attack on a reaction attack from Sentinel when one of they're allies is targeted, to do high enough damage to kill the enemy mid-multiattack. Worth noting it's doable with any Rogue Subclass.


You need the Swashbuckler in case the first multiattack downs your friend. Then you'd lose sneak attack if you didn't have advantage or weren't a swashbuckler!


You don't roll damage dice with tempest cleric; doesn't count


>The 0.25%er - Roll two natural 20s in a row. But also you have to be kidding me! - roll a nat 1 and a nat 20 on disadvantage And The gods hate me - roll two nat 1s with an advantage roll


You forgot: "Meh, who cares... - Roll 2 natural 20s when you have advantage on a roll."


But also "what the luck" - turn a nat 1 to a nat 20 with the halflings lucky trait.


Oh, I actually did that last one! I was a fighter too, so the person I heald was me. A dragon's tail slap knocked me to 0 immediately before my turn, then I rolled a 20 on my death save and used a house rule to bonus action a healing potion, rolled 1 point less than my maximum HP lol so in a single turn, I went from 0 to full. It was awesome.


Just got the Teamwork is Teamwork one, haha. Ironically I was trying to set up for MORE teamwork--wanted to dissonant whisper an enemy into running away from my bard and a bunch of kids he was protecting down a stairway lined with party members and allies--but said enemy was on their last legs so just croaked from the relatively minor damage of the spell. Apparently only had 1 HP left!


Worthy Notetaker Recall a piece of information from a session that happened 3 or more months ago.


I would have unlocked this achievement in our last session. Nearly two years ago (Aug 2022), we were missing a few players, so the DM decided to run a short side-quest for the two of us who could make it. We saved a Naiad and her pond from Goblins who were making the place unsanitary. The Naiad said she'd owe us a favour and to simply call upon her whenever we had need. After that session, we spoke no more about it. Fast forward to two days ago, we're about to go and take on a Coven of Hags, and I recall we're owed a favour from another Fey creature, the Naiad. We called upon her, just hoping for information that can help defeat the Hags, and she decided to come with us and deal with them too.


**ADVENTURERS ASSEMBLE** Have every member of the party present for every boss fight in the campaign. **TROPE CLASSICS** Inadvertently cause the start of the events which leads to your party having to save the world. **DR JEKYLL AND MR HIDE** Land a natural 20 on any intelligence check as a Barbarian. **COMMITMENT ISSUES** Break your oath as a Paladin. **IF THEY CAME TO HEAR ME BEG** Survive an arena game as a prisoner of the grounds owners. **NO GAME, NO SHAME** Fail any charisma check against a villain. EDIT: **I LIKE THOSE ODDS** Land a natural 20 on every attack roll you make in a turn (locked at level 5 onwards). **MICHAEL’S RIGHT HAND** Land the killing blow on an arch fiend or high level undead boss. **GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY** Have children during the campaign. **MY SOUL IS MINE** Outsmart an Archfey in a contract. **PRIMORDIAL SOUP** Defeat an elemental using the Disintegrate spell. EDIT 2: Got many ideas lol **THE REFORMATION** Change Cleric subclass as a result of roleplaying. **NIMBY 101** Aid a Druid circle or Ranger conclave in preventing expansion into natural areas. **EDGE WITH A PLEDGE** As a Rogue or Warlock, multiclass into a Paladin. **ARE THE LOVERS STAR CROSS’D?** Romance another player character in the campaign. **PEAK IMMERSION** Do something unexpected for a DnD campaign like setting up a business or getting a conventional job.


For We’re Brining it Back I’m assuming you’re talking about 100 damage among multiple targets? bc doing 100+ damage with a fireball otherwise seems like it requires a max rolls with some kind of celestial warlock dragon sorcerer multi-class shenanigans


I meant total across all targets


Oooh I like these!


True bard - successfully seduce a dragon


**You what!?** — seduce a dragon, and watch as the DM roll a damage dice on you.


Star Player - 0.0001%


One of my players in a group I DM cooks for us most of the time and his food is great. I have definitely let him get away with small things for it


I got ‘star player’ in a 3,5 years long campaign lmao


From Zero to Hero Beat a Enemy with one healthpoint remaining


"I said I cast fireball" - get hit by an ally's fireball


"I *said* I cast fireball and I meant it" - get hit by your own fireball


No, it's "I didn't ask how big the room is, I said I cast Fireball".


No, I don’t care how big the room is.


"Yeah, whoops" - when you hit an ally with an AOE simply because you were careless about the positioning and could have easily missed them and hit all the enemy targets if you had been paying attention.


FOCUSED Got through an entire session without looking at your phone. PUSHING IT Defeated a major campaign boss with a Shove attack. LET'S TALK THIS OUT Resolved a combat encounter with a persuasion, performance, or deception roll. IT'S COMPLICATED Consummated a romantic relationship arc with an NPC, and then remembered that they are played by your friend Greg and it's like...it's not WEIRD, but it's not NOT weird, yknow? Like we're all adults here, but-- LITERALLY WHY Ate a campaign maguffin to see what would happen. IT'S WHAT MY CHARACTER WOULD DO Committed a roleplaying choice that affected actual real-world friendships. TEARS IN THE RAIN Started 10 campaigns that later fizzled out unfinished. BINGBONG IS THE CHOSEN ONE Emotionally invested in an NPC the DM improvised on the spot so insistently and for so long that they became pivotal to saving the world.


FOCUSED is impossible for me. I have all my spells on my phone. :(


I love these! And to expand on them ... ITS OVER 9000! Convince your DM to allow for special homebrew rules, making your character so powerful that it breaks the game and kills the campaign. MASTER DEBATER Argue with your DM or fellow players 666 times over the rules for at least 30 minutes each time. Can be done multiple times during a session. ONCE AND FOREVER Agree to DM a one-shot for friends and then be stuck in the DM role for at least 10 years. ALL BY MYSELF Create an entire world with maps, NPCs and lore. Spend at least 250 hours on it. Realize that you don't want to DM the setting anymore and disband the entire project. GHOSTED Join at least 10 campaigns. Ghost them after at most 3 sessions without any reason given. ONE FOR ALL Create a character with an extended backstory. Go into detail how they saved the world and faced countless dangers. Make your character level 1.


... I hate you so much right now.


Yeah, I actually feel you <3


do i still qualify for Focused if my online-game, three-monitor ass is on reddit during combat <<;;


**Blessed by Fate**: Roll a Natural 20 with Disadvantage **Superlative Skill**: Roll a Natural 1 on a Skill Check and still succeed **Nuzlocke**: complete a campaign without having a familiar die **The Harder they Fall**: kill a flying creature with fall damage **Heavy Striker**: score two or more critical hits in a single turn **Over and Done With**: end a combat encounter with a single action (all enemies must have a combined CR of at least 1) **Pacifist**: resolve a combat encounter nonviolently **Legendary Trickster**: successfully outsmart a Fey or Fiend **You’re Going to Have to Try Harder Than That!**: survive an attack with 1 hit point **Last One Standing**: end a combat encounter as the only conscious party member **At the Turn of the Tide**: swing the odds of a combat with a single turn **Override**: Roll maximum damage on a spell (1st level or higher) **It’s in the Name**: Kill a Dragon in a Dungeon


>Blessed by Fate: Roll a Natural 20 with Disadvantage The other day I (as the DM) rolled double 20s with disadvantage so the wizard used Silvery Barbs. And I rolled another 20. The universe said "fuck you it hits". (Of course, the target was wearing adamantine armor so they didn't take any extra damage.)


“Here And Back Again” - Roll a natural 20 on a death saving throw just to be downed again in the next round.


Happens way too often to my paladin for some reason


"Derailed the DM's plans"


Is this like the free square on bingo?


“Start the game”


Achievement: “How did we get here? No like seriously what the fuck”


You know, I've no idea but it does seem fun thing in a way, maybe making a funny table of these in a way that can get players inspiration once in a while or something 


My character talking to a girl that is asking me to rescue her dad when I notice the "Do a chaotic evil act" in the achivements table. https://preview.redd.it/p2rdco2k2t8d1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6579a2fdc04bc96826ec8477b2f61ecac7823c61


Near the end of 4e, Wizards published a series of "mega-encounters" called [Lair Assault](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Lair_Assault) that were designed to basically be one-off combat encounters where a table would try to complete the mission and there were special hidden objectives. I only played one of them, but apparently it had an achievement for completing the module in some ridiculously short period (maybe under 5 rounds?) which apparently required the entire party to be Voidsoul Genasi so that you could teleport through a wall and skip 90% of the module. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the program or module was called


I think I'm going to use this idea for my next campaign.


Actually did this for our Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign. I’m pretty bad at giving out inspiration so I thought this would be a fun way of distributing them. Ranged from specific actions done in combat or role-playing and also for finding unique interactions throughout the campaign.


"They were Important?" - Killed a plot crucial NPC.


Come Together: the entire group is present and on time for a session The Gangster of Love: successfully seduce X NPCs with a single character We Will Rock You: defeat a boss-type encounter in a single round Be Prepared: start and finish your turn within 30 seconds, not counting time required to roll and count dice Great Balls of Fire: hit your entire party with an AoE spell


"Don't Split the Party!" Unlocked by splitting the party


**Arrow to the Knee** *Critically hit a "Soldier" with a bow* Alternatively *Use the Ceremony spell to marry a soldier.*


**Great, now we're in the Astral Plane** Put an extradimensional storage item inside another extradimensional storage item. **Don’t be That Guy** Steal from a party member. **.....Yeah they aren't coming back** Try to cast *Revivify* without the material components. **Free Willy!** Leap at least 35 feet. **Note Taker** Correctly guess the ending of an arc. **Safe!** Cast Feather Fall on 3 or more targets. **WHAT IS THAT** Find the Sphere of Annihilation.


Oh, hey! My party did that last one last session


"NOT a goddamn video game!!" Get it when you speak in character for the first time


**"10 foot poll"** Use a single mundane item to solve 10 or more different problems.


Me using the portable hole to solve several different problems.


**Zero to Hero** Complete a campaign starting at level 1 and go all the way to level 20. **Time Management Done right** Have a campaign go for a year, have at least one weekly session, without a single person canceling, not showing up, or showing up late for 52 straight sessions straight.


That second one would be the hardest achievement to get.


considering that most people take at least one holiday over the year, that's pretty much impossible - there's going to probably 2-4 sessions over the year the GM is away somewhere and so there's no game, and that's before stuff like "Christmas" where people are often away seeing family (and that's before things like "work" or "needing to look after kids" and things!). Unless you have nothing else in your life except a weekly D&D game, that's basically not happening


**JACK OF ALL TRADES** Play each class from level 1-3. **JILL OF ALL TRADES** Have at least one level of each class on a single character. **SKILL MONKEY** Gain proficiency in all skills on a single character. **TO INFINITY AND BEYOND** Play a character to 21st level or gain an epic boon. **WHAT IS DEAD MAY NEVER DIE** After your character dies, make your next character identical in every way except for their name. **OUT OF ALIGNMENTS** Play a character of each alignment. **THROUGH THE AGES** Play a game of each edition of D&D starting with the Red Box. **ADVENTURE TIME** Complete a published WotC adventure. **I'M IN CHARGE NOW** DM your first game. **FIRST BLOOD** As a DM, kill a player character. **I ATTACK THE DARKNESS** Make an attack roll against a heavily obscured creature. **IT BURNS** Take 20d6 damage from lava without dying. **TOP OF THE CLASS** Have an ability score over 20. **BUT IT'S SO PRETTY** Equip a cursed item. **SPEED DEMON** Move 150 feet in one round (without teleporting).


Instead of "The Jill of All Trades" it should be called "A Most Abserd Character" (referencing the character called Abserd by Puffin Forest).


These are all on my dnd bucket list. If only one of these happens during a campaign I'll be happy: -Draw from the deck of many things -Gain access to a wish spell -Win a staring contest with a Medusa -Tame an owl bear or displacer beast -Outwit a devil in a bargain -Befriend a metallic dragon -Intimidate an adult or older evil dragon -Frighten a lich -Become a God's chosen -Have your group's "foolproof" plan to kill the boss work without a hitch -Permanently change a country's landscape and/or government -Come back from the dead without one of your party members or NPCs resurrecting you -Break the curse on a powerful magic item and use it for the rest of the campaign -Visit all planes of existence with the same character


**How Big is the Room?** Catch every other member of your party within the radius of one Fireball spell. **Death Maracas** Do something that causes your DM to roll more than 20 damage dice at once. **The Early Bard gets the Wyrm** Have a Bard try to seduce a Dragon within the first 5 sessions of the campaign. **Bake 'em, Boil 'em, Put 'em in a Stew** As a non-Lizardfolk, eat the flesh of at least three sentient races, each time prepared differently. **Table Flipper** Make your DM rage-quit. **An Excellent Idea, Sir Bearington** Successfully convince at least 100 different people you are actually a talking bear wearing a disguise. **What School of Magic is Economic Collapse?** Spend more than 100,000G in one city. **Caster Cassanova** "Silence" an enemy spellcaster's ability to use magic by pinning their hands to a wall and making out with them. **You No See Grod** Pass a Stealth check with an Intimidation roll. **Heads I Win, Tails You Lose** Roll 2 Natural 20's on any roll with disadvantage. **Born to Fail** Roll 2 Natural 1's on any roll with advantage. **The Legends** Make it through an entire campaign with all the original players and characters. **Encyclopedic Executioner** Kill at least 1 of every creature in the Monster Manual. **Zero to Hero** Without using any temporary effects, raise a negative attribute score to 20+. **Math Rocks go Clickity-Clack** Own at least 20 sets of dice. **2D6 +Infinity** Find a way to one-shot the BBEG. **Bobold the Kobold** "Adopt" a smaller, sentient being on your adventure, then forget about them for a dozen sessions, until one of you remembers it's in the Bag of Holding... **Further Fermentation is Needed** Get a Homebrew concept approved, then realize it's absolutely broken, either for good or for ill. **Well, This is Awkward** Have a resurrected/reincarnated PC or NPC realize their spouse has already gotten remarried. **Best By Date** End a campaign with no remaining consumable items left.


Critical hit! Fate of the gods. Land a Critical hit wile having Disadvantage. Nat 1. Super natural 1. Get a nat 1 while having advantage. Un-lucky. 3 or more nat 1s in a row Baked dice. 3 or more nat 20s in a row Rule 34. Persuade a dragon into doing something it would otherwise not normally do. MIMIC!!! Get trapped by a mimic Not this time! Attack a mimic before it reveals itself. F doors! Fail 3 times trying to open a locked door. "Simple" puzzles. Bypass any puzzle using alternative methods. (Such as breaking the wall) Those darn rogues. Get caught pickpocketing and sent to jail. FIREBALL!!! Cast fireball. Fireball!?! Cast fireball and damage an ally. Eldritch Blast! Cast eldritch blast 1000 times.


I gave my Wizard this one: "I graduated for the title": Choose a magic school and never use a spell from that school. Dude is a Conjuration Wizard and only casts blast spells.


Scheduling Conflict Reschedule three times in a row


**Does It Swing?** Use a goblin as a weapon to hit another goblin.


Drank too much caffeine. Stopped fidgeting with dice. Skipped all bathroom breaks. No stains on character sheet. repeatable (1 day/1 week /1 month/ etc.) Most games missed while not getting kicked! Most railroaded. Biggest creep


Rolled a critical hit. Rolled a critical miss. Rolled higher than a 30 on a skill check. Went unconscious, rolled 5 death saving throws, and survived. Drew from the Deck of Many Things. Killed a non-hostile character. Hit another PC with a Fireball. Obtained a +3 item. Stole an item with no value. Split from the party and a PC died. Kill a dragon.


Boom baby! Roll your first nat 20


Oof! Roll your first nat 1


Big responsibility Adopt a Goblin or Kobold and keep it alive for 2 and a half sessions.


**We're Starting Early** All players showed up on time on the scheduled game day, with no last minute cancellations. Rarity: Ultra (0.01% of players) **Mike sucks** Have a player, named Mike, join the group who only plays one session and never appears again. Rarity: Uncommon (18% of players)


Dragon Slayer: survive a combat encounter with a dragon. “The loot was worth it.” Dragon Layer: survive a sexual encounter with a dragon. “The experience was worth it” TTP: Make the DM realize their newest asset is penis shaped within 10 seconds of it being revealed. “Too late to change it now” TTN: Start a campaign as an artificer. “It’s only a matter of time.” Stingy Healer: Bring the same creature up from 0 hp two turned in a row. “They got their turn didn’t they” Stingy Dealer: Acquire illicit drugs by looting a corpse. “Should’ve haggled.” Unlimited power : Hit the same target with the witch bolt spell 3 turns in a row. “Let them feel the power of the dark side” Unlimited Cower: Start a campaign as a Kobold. “Crying is not a free action” Once More! : reach level 5 as a Martial class. “This is the best day of my life!” Twice More!: reach level 11 as a fighter. “I’ll fucking do it again.” Thrice More!: reach level 20 as a fighter. “Told you” Even further Beyond: cast haste on a lv20 fighter. “*insert preferred anime reference here.*” Closet Furry: Start a campaign as a Tabaxi. “At least it wasn’t a shifter.” Uncloseted Furry: Start the campaign as a Tabaxi Bard. “Was the Neon really necessary?” Steel Yourself: Start a campaign as a warforged. “From the moment I knew..” Steal Yourself: As a rogue, steal from a party member. “Shame on you.” Seal yourself: Cast Polymorph targeting yourself. “More original than a T-Rex.” Begone Thot: Banish a fiend back to their home plane. “They’ll be back.” Begone Thought! : Successfully land Feeble mind on enemy Wizard. “How many counter spells did it take?” Friendly Fire: Cast fireball in a space that hits an ally. “I didn’t ask how big the room is.” Friendly Pyre: Down an Ally with an AoE fire spell. “Some of you may die, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.” Oops all Orphans: Be a member of a party that collectively has no known living biological parents. “People with healthy parental relationships don’t decide to wander the country side in search of monsters.” Oops all Organs :roll a 1 on the d20 when making a check to harvest a body part. “Who wants to carry the ruptured venom sack.” Blessed dice: Roll 2 natural 20’s on an attack, ability check or saving throw for which you had disadvantage. “Never tell me the odds” Banes Dice: Roll 2 natural 1’s on an attack, ability check or saving throw for such you had advantage. “Break out the dice jail” Wheaton’s dice: Roll 3 natural 1’s on the same ability check, attack roll or saving throw. “There is no explanation!” Misleading name : attempt to ingest a black pudding. “If I had a nickel…” Misleading pain : Get surprised by a Mimic. “They’ll never trust a toilet again.” I could go on for a while more but I’m tired.


Rules Lawyer for the People: correct the DM on a rule. Rules Lawyer Against the People: correct another player on a rule.


Fail to Plead the 5th: Rules lawyer unfavorably for yourself on purpose in the sale of fairness. (God I’m *guilty* of this one)


Rules Lawyer vs Rules Prosecuter


I put together a full collection a while ago: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1515pH2F4lcS8MyzQ5LVZt6ctAR_ch1Ht/view?usp=sharing


*Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies* - Congrats! Someone in this situation is being That Guy! *I Cast Magic Missile into The Darkness!* - Cast any 1st-Level spell at a target and miss. *I Can’t Fix You Up Completey, But You Can’t Have Everything* - Roll the minimum amount possible when upcasting any Healing Spell. *You Are Likely To Be Eaten by A Grue* - Enter the Underdark for the first time. *Oh, no! A lurking grue slithered into the room and devoured you!* - Awarded by the DM to any player who ignored at least three (3) clear warnings that their actions would have obvious and instantaneous repercussions. *Curse Dimwit, his family, and his entire kingdom!* - Use any damaging 9th Level Spell on a target whose CR is less than half your total level, rounded down. *ah dude +4 str stam leather belt* - Attune your first Magic Item. *Obligatory LeeRoy Jenkins Reference* - Instigate your first Total Party Kill. Edit: this is fun so I’ve got more *Labyrinthian Stupidity* - Pray to the Lady of Pain. *Imitation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery* - Successfully cast each of a Named Character’s signature spells. (Ex. Bigby’s Crushing Hand; Mordenkainen’s Disjunction; Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, etc.) *Copyright Infringement* - Successfully cast a signature spell on the character who created it. *Double Cross Low* - Successfully use a Maneuver during combat. *My Precious…* - Fail any opposing check made against a sentient item. *Linear Fighter* - Successfully hit the same opponent with four (4) or more melee or ranged attacks. *Quadratic Wizard* - Successfully hit four (4) or more targets with the same spell. *The Man in Black Fled Across the Desert, and The Gunslinger Followed…* - Fail to apprehend, or otherwise defeat, an NPC that has been established to be your rival or nemesis several times in a row. *Legendary My Ass* - Force a target to use all of its Legendary Resistances in one (1) turn.


Dungeons and dragons: Complete one dungeon and kill one dragon


**Don’t tell the Elf** Throw one of your party members at an enemy as part of an attack.


Nothing to see here... - Successfully hide a murder. Alms for the poor. - Donate money to poor NPCs. You gonna die for some chickens? - Kill someone in a tavern brawl. Dragon slayer - Kill a Dragon. Dragon Layer - Successfully seduce a Dragon. Heros death - Sacrifice your character so the party may escape. Legendary Hero - Survive your heroic sacrifice by defeating the enemy by yourself.


1). Friendly Fire...Ball Down an ally with a Fireball. 2). Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will actually kill me. Kill an enemy with Vicious Mockery. 3). That's a 2, but... Roll a 2 or lower than a checks DC, but pass thanks to bonuses of ten or more. 4). Two Bandits, One Action With a melee weapon, kill at least two enemies through attacks made on one turn. 5). Blender With a melee weapon, kill at least five enemies through attacks made on one turn. 6). It's dangerous out there Kill an enemy with environmental damage. 7). Silver Tounge Successfully negotiate a discount from a merchant. 8). Watch your step Successfully spot a trap with a passive perception check. 9). What's yours is mine Successfully pass a slight of hand check and pick someone's pocket. 10). They Fly Now!? Find a way to make something fly that doesn't normally. Throwing a Gnome doesn't count Barbarians. 11). Where'd they go? Turn someone invisible. 12). George the Dragon slayer Kill an adult dragon. 13). That will never work While polymorphed as a donkey, seduce a dragon.


Achieve Henderson 1, 2, 3.


Hold My Beer... -you did something stupid, but awesome. Darwin Award -A Dumb Way to Die Inconceivable! - Roll 2 Nat 20's, with disadvantage


Inspired by my current Curse of Strahd campaign: I'M GIVING YOU A NIGHT CALL -- Meet Strahd for the first time LAST RITES -- Lay Ireena's father to rest PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS -- Travel on the road to Vallaki YOU HAVE NO POWER OVER ME -- Assassinate a political leader for funsies UNLIMITED POWER -- Do your best galactic emperor impression HOLY DIVER -- Restore the bones of St. Andral SUCKS TO SUCK -- Survive a vampire encounter SMOOTH OPERATOR -- Talk your way out of a tough situation HOW 'BOUT A LIGHT? -- Light the entire room on fire


Played pre books. 45 years and counting


###“Coolest Rule” Your DM has to make up something on the spot to resolve an interaction and agrees to resolve all similar interactions in the same way for the rest of the campaign even though it doesn’t necessarily coincide with the rules. ###“Collateral Damage” You have just murdered a bunch of innocents with one of your AOE spells. ###“You can’t Triple Stamp a Double Stamp!” You counter spelled a counter spell countering a counter spell. ###“Hadron Collider” You put a bag of holding in a bag of holding. ###“Terminal Velocity” You fell at least 200ft in one turn ### “Defacto Leader” You’ve made the first suggestion at least 3 times and everyone else has gone along with it. ### “Tis but a scratch” You’ve survived with only 1hp remaining for 3 consecutive attacks. ### “Judas” Sold out one or more of your allies for coin. ### “Cold Turkey” You’ve gone with fully depleted spell slots for the last 3 encounters. ### “I’ve come to bargain” Challenged a creature who’s defeated you twice already for the third time. ### “Oh yeah!” Break through a stone wall with only an unarmed attack. ### “Might makes right” Convince npc’s using intimidation at least 3 times. ### “Calling Card” Describe killing an NPC in the same way 3 times. ### “I’m the captain now” Hold at least 3 hostages without having a plan first. ### “Third times the charm” Roll a Nat 20 directly after rolling two consecutive natural 1’s.


Kill the Tarrasque.  Or my favorite House rule we had if you Roll 20 on attack, confirm Critical and roll another 20, Roll 20 again for instant kill no matter what.  1 in 8000 chance of that happening. And it never happened at like the big badass dragon is was always like some Blood Golem or whatever when it did happen. 


Kept You Waiting Huh? — Have your PC “die” only for them to come back later and bust the party out of trouble


-Tear an eraser hole in your HP box. -Die for no other reason than you weren’t paying attention when the DM described the scene. -Roll 2 nat 1s in a row (second achievement for rolling 2 nat 1s while having advantage. 5e exclusive obviously.) -Play a netdecked build only to realize it either sucks, or doesn’t mesh. -DM a game (Legendary achievement. 0.01 percent of players have this achievement.)


"A man needs a name" after 1 hour of figuring out an npcs name. "Go get some rest" after 3 hours of game prep "An alignment of the stars" your whole party can come to play and actually show up.


I'm actually giving my players achievements and they seem to enjoy those a lot, and has made them roleplay a lot more! But some easy ones: A series regular: play 10 [xyz] sessions Backstory reveal! : player shares something about their backstory Could this be the one? : romance route unlocked One man zoo : the druid wild shapes to x different beasts. Smooth criminal : a successful rogueish attempt Heavy hitter: manage to one-shot an enemy Pockets lined with gold: have x amount of money Also like.. character / story specific stuff.


- First steps: Defeat either a goblin, kobold, bandit, skeleton, zombie, or giant rat. - Ol' reliable: Reach level 20 as a human fighter. - Bard of Brothers: As a party of 4 or more bards, deal over 200 damage in a single combat encounter. - Sleep is for the weak: Reach level 4 exhaustion. - Multitool: Be proficient in 5 or more tools. - Universal Translator: Know all languages. - Healbot: Restore 1000 HP. - Jack of all trades: Have a level in at least 3 different classes. - Campaign ruiner: Discover the Deck of Many Things. - Got the whole squad laughing: Have 3 or more enemies affected by Tasha's Hideous Laughter. - SupaHotFire: As a bard, cast Viscious Mockery 5 times in a single combat encounter. - Face of the party: Have 20 Charisma. - Zealot: As a cleric or paladin roll a 25 religion check. - Fast AF: Move 200 feet in a single turn. - Educated savage: As a barbarian have 20 Intelligence. - Brooding: Create a rogue with the urchin or criminal background. At level 3 pick assassin as your archetype. - Size doesn't matter: Become tiny or gargantuan. - First half of the game's name: Explore a mega-dungeon. - Second half of the game's name: Kill a dragon. - Palpadin: As a paladin, cast Witch Bolt. - It's not you, it's me: As a warlock, break your pact. - Teacher's Pet: As a wizard, have at least 50 spells in your spellbook. - Back to basics: Cast Magic Missile as a 9th level spell. - The bigger they are: Defeat a gargantuan creature. - The Lock'ness monster: Pick 30 locks using thieves' tools. - I didn't ask how big the room is: Cast Fireball. - Dead man walking: Get resurrected. - It all goes downhill from here: Kill 1 innocent NPC. I can do this all day.


defeat a dragon


In a dungeon :)


*Knights of the Round Table* Have 5 consecutive sessions without anyone not showing up.


**”You Sly Dog!”** • Interrupt a BBEG’s monologue **Eye of the Beholder** • Fail a saving throw from a Beholder’s eye ray. **Trappings of Destiny** • Successfully disarm a trap **How the Turn Tables!** • Successfully spring a trap on an enemy **Jailbird** • Get arrested **Real Estate** • Obtain ownership of a piece of property through legal means **”I got slimed”** • Start a round of combat inside a gelatinous cube **”He’s trying it on…”** • Perform a morally questionable act as a lawful good character **”’Ello, beastie”** • Get eaten by a creature **”Sadly yes, but I survived!”** • Come back to life **The New Me** • Get polymorphed **Sticks and Stones** • Kill someone with Vicious Mockery **Diamond in the Rough** • Play as a character singled out by prophecy **”My name is Inigo Montoya…”** • Complete a revenge arc from your backstory **Prestigious Line of Work** • Play a significant role in starting a war


Name of the Game - Encounter a Dragon inside of a Dungeon


**We Spared no Expense**: having the Party spend more than 10.000gold in one shopping session. **Its a Flesh Wound**: Surviving an Encounter with 3 different conditions and 10hp or less. **Show must go On**: One or more of your party members died, but you push forward to end the mission. **I'll be Back**: getting ressurected when your body was Desintegrated. **Do you Feel Lucky?, Punk?!** : Succeed in an Intimidation roll during an encounter. **Oooh Sweet Neptune**: Realising too late that you've made a mistake **I can do this All day**: Getting Knocked out/unconcious and getting back up from healing/rolling a nat20 on a death save more than once during an encounter. **I HAVE THE POWER**: being able to cast 9th Leveled Spells **Make a Wish**: you can cast the Wish spell **You Had me Monologuing!**: let the BBEG do his monologue, while a party member tries to flank him/sneak around. **I Love when a Plan comes togheter**: Devise a plan for an encounter and have that plan actually work **COME OVER HERE!**: Force a movement on a creature towards your character. **I was an adventurer Once**: HIt an NPC in the Knee with an arrow/bolt. **Smooth Criminal**: manage to steal/pickpocket an NPC without getting caught while the NPC is talking with a party member. **Its ABSERD**: have 1 lvl in ALL CLasses. **Friendly Fire IS DEFINATLY On**: Cast fireball with one or more party members in the radius **Hail to the KIng Baby**: Become a Leader figure of a faction/kingdom. **EXTERMINATUS**: Be responsible for a Cataclysmic event


**We Are So Fucking Back** - roll a Nat 1 and then a Nat 20 when you have advantage **Duck Season, Fire!** - the players talk themselves into a plan that will actively backfire on them **Doing the Most** - End your turn having used your full movement, Action, Bonus Action, Reaction, and Item Interaction **Blame the GPS** - Teleport takes you somewhere *way* off target **I DID Say So Before** - Party attempts to use Prisoner Transfer from Cell Block 1138 (maybe this is table dependent, but this is suggested at least once a campaign at my tables) **That's One Hell of a Bird** - Finish a dungeon without taking a Long Rest


*Brownie Point* - Fed the DM


**Fava Beans and Chianti** Eat a humanoid corpse.


Yoyo - get downed and then back up 4 times in a single combat without having to making a death save Yes, I'm sure - Continue your course of action after the DM says "are you sure you want to do that?" I'm doing my part! - be the only person to succeed on a group roll while also having the lowest modifier of the group Seriously?! - when rolling 4 or more dice simultaneously, roll a 1 on every die I am become death - when rolling 4 or more dice simultaneously, roll the max on every die


Punching Wood: Kill a treant I'm a Lumberjack: Kill 10 treants Rip Them All Down!: Kill 100 treants What do you mean by "goblin"?: Encounter at least three types of goblin (middle earth small orcs goblins, warcraft ferrengi trader goblins, dance magic dance david bowie goblin, stolen fey feyrunian goblin, etc.)


TPK: Caused your whole party to die. Internal Dread Caused your DM to sign heavily and stare blankly at his DM screen.


Mathematically Improbable!- Get 2 Natural 20s when you make an attack with disadvantage.


Friendly fire Successfully avoid all damage from a party mates fire ball Highest highs Roll 3 or more natural 20s in one session Lowest lows Roll 3 or more natural 1s in one session


Leave multiple enemies at 1 hp using an ApE spell. Win a contested roll with a nat 1 Lose a contested roll with a nat 20


**Just Like The Simulations** Get that perfect character combo off **It Says It Right There** Utilize an obscure character trait, tool, or language. **Dungeon Dragon** Kill a dragon in a dungeon


Seduce a fish


There'd definitely be super easily silly ones like Into the Darkness: Cast Magic Missle for the first time


[Double Kill] > Kill a creature with another creature simultaneously [Triple Kill] > Kill a 3 creatures with 1 action with 10 ft [Overkill] > Kill a creature with 2x the target’s remaining HP [Killionaire] > Kill 10 creatures with 1 action  [UNFRIGGINBELIEVABLE!] > Kill 25 creatures during combat without taking any damage  [From The Grave] > Kill a creature after you have died  [First Strike] > Be the 1st creature in combat to kill a creature  [Bodyguard] > Prevent a creature from being killed if the hit would kill the creature.  [Guardian Angel] > Revive 3 creatures from the dead during combat  [Superfecta] > Win combat when 2 or more friendly creatures are incapacitated while surrounded 


Taking a break complete a battle incapacitated on every one of your turns. it wasn't meant to be repeat the saving throw of a spell or effect at leat 10 times without succeding why did the dm even bother defeat a boss before they get to take a turn in which they get to act. one turn wonder reduce the hp of an enemy with cr equal or greater then your level to 0 in one turn


The live play podcast Critjuice had achievements.


I actually just DMed a one shot (two sessions really) and tracked achievements/stats for my players. Simple stuff, most damage dealt, most damage mitigated, most kills, etc. Also awarded one for most locked doors opened, ended up tied between the rogue (lockpicking) and the fighter (door violence). They really enjoyed the recognition from those stats, and I'll be incorporating that into every campaign in the future!


**A River To Your People** Forever DM a campaign for 100+ sessions.


Better Luck Next Time: Give a great speech or cool description of what you are trying to do, before rolling a 1 to try and accomplish it.


In honor of Dungeon Soup.... **Rock Hard**: Win staring contest with a medusa. **The Monkeys Paw Curls**: Make a Djinni wish for death **Infinite Lich Jerky**: Cut pieces off a regenerating creature to eat. **You little shit**: Unalive a Dracula mid-monologue. **Counting Cards**: Pull every card from a Deck of Many Things. **Unstoppable Force**: Move an immovable rod. The hard way. **She had it coming**: Break the heart of a succubus. **Torment**: Maze the Lady of Pain.


Geneva Suggestion (flvr text) “You need help.” Commit multiple crimes against humanity


GOD HAS LEFT THE CHAT •Successfully make the DM rage quit with a critical hit


War Crime Commited


*Strategically Transfer Equipment to an Alternate Location* - successfully pull off a heist of a magical and magically-protected artifact. *Gotta Get That Cheddar* - steal all the cheese in a single town. *Thanks For All Your Hard Work* - successfully steal a cult or plan from an antagonist or villain, then use it against them. *I Thought You'd Be Stronger* - kill a demigod. *You Keep What You Kill* - after killing them, take over a BBEG's organization and continue their plan. *Are We the Baddies?* - come to the realization that your group has become irreparably evil during the course of a campaign.


**Sniping's a Good Job, Mate**: Land a ranged attack on an enemy that's at the very edge of your range. **A Platypus? ...Perry the Platypus!?**: Roll a natural one on a skill check to notice that someone's disguised. **88 Miles Per Hour**: Travel through time. **When Someone Asks You if You're a God, You Say Yes**: Successfully convince someone that you're a deity. **Objection!**: Represent yourself in court. **Getting the Band Back Together**: Finish a campaign that went on hiatus for at least a year, with all the original players present. **What's Up, Doc?**: Take the Healer feat. **Blue... No, Yellow!**: Fall off a bridge to your death. **By the Power of Grayskull!**: Multiclass to hexblade warlock while playing as a barbarian, or vice versa. **It Belongs in a Museum**: Play as a character with the Archaeologist background. **The End is Never**: Annoy the DM by deliberately avoiding a plot hook. **Life, Uh, Finds a Way**: Encounter a dinosaur. **Don't Panic**: Leave your homeworld. **You Have Huge Guts**: Kill your first demon. **Flim-Flam Every Nation**: Sucessfully pull off a heist. **Unseen University**: Play as a wizard in a party consisting entirely of wizards. **Modern Major General**: Play as a fighter with 20 INT. **Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru**: Use the Quivering Palm feature of the Way of the Open Hand tradition to kill an enemy. **A Grand Day Out**: Visit the moon. **No, John. You are the demons**: Die and be reanimated as a zombie. **Prepare For Trouble, Make It Double**: Be launched at least 200ft into the air, and land without dying. **Put... The Candle... Back!**: Find a secret passage. **I Know You're Here, Dracula, You Big Fucking Nerd**: Enter Castle Ravenloft. **Die, Monster! You Don't Belong In This World!**: Kill Strahd von Zarovich. **More Often Than Not, Are Hotter Than Hot**: Enter the City of Brass. **Updated My Journal**: Enter Sigil.


Attended 5 sessions in a row. Can go up by 5 each time for more.


*Bread can mold. What can you do?* : Roll a Zero or below.


"I didn't ask how big the room was" - TPK your party with an AOE spell. Bonus points if it's fireball


Self inflicted party wipe should be one.


Having a good, wholesome time with your chums.


All 18’s: Roll all 18 for your character 


Dragon Fucker Death by Crit Fail War Crime Speed Run Tabaxi in a tree Thats not a Key Unleashed an actual unstoppable force and ignored it Centaur up a mountain Didn’t burn down this town ( gold star ) Broke the timeline Cheated death via eldritch sugar daddy These are the list of ones my main group has completed. I will only elaborate on a few 😂


"I didn't ask how big the room is, I SAID-" Down a party member with an AOE spell


"PvP in your sleep"; kill a fellow PC with a cast of the Sleep spell.


I use for my table the "112 non-campaign specific achievments" from the /DND subreddit. By now it's ten years old but still holds up :)


I didn’t hear no bell -roll a Nat 20 on a death save Stop he’s already dead -kill the boss in one round


**Friendly Fire** - accidentally reduce a party member’s HP to 0 **Press X To Skip** - interrupt a conversation by attacking **Pugilist** - defeat an enemy using only non-proficient unarmed melee attacks **Boom, Headshot!** - defeat an enemy with full health with one targeted ranged attack **My Mom Is Gonna Kill Me** - have one of your equipped weapons or armor damaged or destroyed **ULTRA COMBOOOO** - land 10 consecutive melee attacks without taking damage in a single battle **Murderhobo** - kill a friendly NPC


This needs to go on r/d100


Rocks Fall - trigger a TPK through a silly action rather than a die roll.


We also need achievements for DM too :)


**Taunt Fate** Prompt a DM to ask you "Are you sure you want to do that?" **Spit In God's Eye** Survive the consequences of committing to an action that has prompted a DM to ask you "Are you sure you want to do that?" without any major consequences for the party.


"What do you mean I can't take it back?!?!" Accidentally kill and entire crowd of peasants that the dm didn't put tokens out for on the battlemap because he described how crowded it was a month ago irl and "you should just remember" and the dm won't let you change your mind when he tells you about all the peasants you just killed.


"Dethrone The Architect" -Make the DM sigh in defeat with one of your shenanigans that just completely annihilates their villain they just spent months building up to-


Honor the dead: Persuade an undead to betray its master Done that... GM didn't expect this... was fun


Dead wall of Bards (c) - use body of your previous character to your advantage in same arc.


‘Min/Max’ - multiclass into a fourth class on one character


**I got this** Deal the final blow of a combat encounter with a unarmed melee attack. **Can I rest now?** Survive an entire combat encounter with no spell slots or other class features available. **It's not that hard** Successfully bypass the DM's puzzle room with minimal effort. **I can do that?!** Remember all of your class features.


On The Box Kill a Dragon, in a Dungeon. Twice.


**I Didn't Ask How Big The Room Was...** Cast Fireball within an inside area **Astral Explosion** Put a Bag of Holding inside another one **Dying of Laughter** Kill an enemy or boss with Vicious Mockery (i did this once, hence why I'm adding it) **In the name of God** Successfully use Divine Intervention **In-character** Gain Inspiration **Out-character** Affect the party outside of the game


**How did we get here?** Have a character multiclass in every class at least 1 level.


True Pacifist Complete a 1-20 campaign without causing any harmful affects to anyone. Cheese This Push and pull a target through Spike Growth for at least 100 cumulative damage. Yo-Yo Be reduced to 0hp and regain at least 1hp for 3 consecutive rounds. Learned As a wizard, learn every possible spell on the wizard spell list. Flexible Magic As any prepared caster, cast every spel on your spell lisl at least once. Magic is for Suckers Finish a 1-20 campaign without using Magic or Magic Items.


I got an idea to make a feat as an achievement rather than hitting level that increase ASI. Although, I don't know if it's a good or a bad idea.


INEVITABLE suggest arson


Make the dm cry.


**It's push not pull.** Spend hours trying to open an unlocked door.


**I'VE NEVER HAD A STUDENT SCORE ZERO IN EVERYTHING BEFORE** As a Wizard, prepare only Fireball after a long rest.


EVASION Kill a dragon without taking damage from their breath attack


Welp…….. ( accidentally kill yourself and at least one other pc ….. this is why I’m banned from oil )


*I'm doing my part!* Run at least a session as the DM! They want to play too!


I know I struggle to remember to give inspiration in games sometimes... I'm absolutely going to use some of the achievements here as reminders to give inspiration. The first time someone achieves one of these, they get an inspiration point.


TPKed your entire party with wild magic.


YOU DID WHAT!? - Place a Bag of Holding inside another Bag of Holding.


Achievement Unlocked - Did what the DM expected


Bare minimum: you made a character who wanted to be part of the group and got through a campaign without calling someone a racial slur, engaging in inappropriate roleplay or saying "that's what my character would do"


Killed a king with stick


**Ooops** - Burn down your first Tavern **Friendly Fire isnt** - Down a Party Member with an Area Spell (by accident). **Well Done** - Kill someone in Heavy Armor using Heat Metal


I've got a player who killed off his character in the first five minutes of the first session because he wanted to make another character, then killed off his second character in the first five minutes of third session. He was already talking about killing off his third character by the end of that session because the DM didn't introduce his character the way he wanted. I have no idea what that achievement would be called other than "Do You Need Some Aspirin?"


Axe to grind Do the most damage in your party to a flying monster with nothing but throwing axes as a barbarian.


They were totally not important (yea, they were): Kill the BBEG when they are disguised as a friendly NPC


Finish a campaign


Never wish again: lose your ability to cast wish Turkey: Use a luck die to roll a third one on a d20 roll after rolling two ones on an advantage or disadvantage roll Gravity Falls: Get reduced to 0 hit points after suffering fall damage


**The Most Beautiful Sound** Make your DM facepalm so hard you can hear it over Discord.


"here there be" Encounter a dragon


The RGB award. "Rube Goldberg Bull#$%@" for inventing an overly complicated 23 step process to perform a simple action.


What rewards would you give for the achievements?