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I'll take a manifestos written by drug addicts on the back of a toilet over this.


Unexpected comment but so true


They at least have the decency here to scrawl it on some paper after snorting a ton of cocaine in the parliament toilets…


They’ve had 15 years. Get in the fucking bin.


Atkins needs to stop telling porkies! Same woman who claimed to have an offer in December yet was unable to present said offer for 6 months +


There’s literally 0 reason anything they said they WILL do, couldn’t have been done already, it’s all a ploy and only the dense will fall for it.


Classic example is the "28,000 more doctors". Every year, there are more than 7000 medical students graduating as doctors. Easy to say that after four years, there will be 28,000 more doctors.


To be honest if pay and conditions don't get fixed they'd be lucky to have that many in total


They will have no problem reaching that number, they could get 28,000 in one day, they just have to drop the pass mark for the PLAB to 30%.


"We will publish a Major Conditions Strategy to prevent dementia, cancer, and mental ill health from occurring" Tell me you know nothing about ~~healthcare~~ ~~biology~~ science, without telling me you know nothing...


Ah fuck. All we've needed for the last hundred thousand years is a "Major Conditions Strategy". All that time in doing research - what a waste...


It's just willful at this point isn't it. No one is that stupid. Who actually believes this shit?


To be fair I think this is something that was already being worked on quite hard at a national level from a public health perspective and is actually pretty important - with public health intervention being one of the few ways there are to reduce healthcare burdens in the long run. Sadly all the work that’s gone into it is now being binned due to the prospect of a shiny new government. Not that a shiny new government is a bad thing - the incumbents are a pile of shit bags. But there will be a lot of wasted effort, which is a shame.


Hard to take them seriously when the Tories have slashed public health funding over the last 15 years, leading to worse health outcomes 


Agreed. Everything is terrible. It’s just a shame how long term health system management gets kicked around as a political football.


Was it too much for the manifesto writers to try to articulate the concept of incidence in lay terms? I guess I should heed Hanlon's razor


In summary "more of what we're already doing" with no recognition that actually things are pretty damn broken and only going to get worse


We all know that they'll just keep screwing everyone over despite whatever they have written in their manifesto.


In fairness their whole manifesto is just explaining how they’re going to screw people over in order to fund tax cuts for billionaires


The only thing this is good for is toilet paper


It’s on my phone screen, it’s not even useful for that!


please tell me we are not going to start treating PNEUMONIA in pharmacies who do not have the skills or tools to diagnose and treat that with confidence which will lead to either terrible antimicrobial stewardship to be safe, or tragic misdiagnoses


It’s all lies. All of it.


You know it's lies as they wrote it down.


This is a manifesto from a government that has failed to do any "governing" for multiple years now. Why waste time reading drivel that they won't bother reading themselves.


28,000 more doctors, but the average number of years experience will likely be lower as the older consultants retire, the current registrars CCT and flee and the SHO/medical students that can, leave and careers. Yes there’ll be a constant supply of F1s and IMGs but we need the experienced talent to stay and there’s no mention on how they’ll retain us. They should also focus on making sure “doctor” isn’t replaced by “medical professional” rather than dog-whistling to their gender-war loving voters


not even going to read it , actions over words


Not even worth reading, we have experienced their approach to healthcare for over a decade already


Imagine what a mere fraction of the money embezzled on NHS track and trace could have paid for?


Pharmacy first extending to HRT now 💀💀💀


A lot of people think the election will be a slam dunk for labour. But a lot of people I have spoken to are still going to vote Conservative. These are generally older white people with more socially conservative views who tend to be a lot richer. Also, regrettably, young people don’t vote as much as they should


Nice to see they’ve baked their transphobia into it. At least they’re open and honest about wanting to destroy decent gender affirming care for trans people instead of addressing any of the thousands of actual NHS concerns that need work.


All they have are vapid ‘culture war’ points that don’t do any good, pick needlessly on an already marginalised and vulnerable group- all in an attempt to get the daily mail/ express readers to dementedly scrawl their “X” in the Tory rather than the ~~BNP~~ ~~UKIP~~ sorry, reform box. When all they’ve done over the last fourteen years is enshittify everything, and sell it all off to their mates, all they have left is needless hate and division instead of ideas


Mad how trans denial is one of the most effectively actioned points in the doc


Doesn't matter who you elect NHSE run the show


NHSE run the show, but the government and secretary of state set the agenda for NHSE and decide funding for it


And this country overwhelmingly votes Tory apart from the odd time here or there. Which is why we need to scrap the NHS.


The cosmetic clinic restriction sounds good and is much needed tho.


It’s irrelevant.


We saw a few of these pledges in 2016, no? They clearly weren't true 8 years ago then if they've still not been done




Hi Rishi, you can't fool us!


Lol. I’m only scared they will fool public with this propaganda while competition will just lag behind