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Candidate 2 if the history and examination is focused and relevant, able to come out with sensible differentials which include the diagnosis, and have a good management plan including investigating for differentials If candidate 2 is asking nonsense questions and doing irrelevant examinations, came out with bizarre differentials, then candidate 1 will be better


What do you mean by follow up plan? If it's "Idk what's going on with you but come back if things don't get better", then obviously that's poor and candidate 1 is probably doing a better job. If it's "There are a number of things that could be causing your symptoms and I will organise X, Y, Z investigations and see you back in 2 weeks to discuss the results", that's a very different scenario...


I voted candidate 2 on the assumption they did not make a major error and everything they did in the station was clinically relevant and appropriate.


Candidate 2 would likely score better in exams/osce


It really depends on how the scoring matrix has been designed, but candidate 2 probably would score better by hitting the points on more domains. In practice the only thing that matters is pass/fail and both would probably get a passing mark..