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In Star Trek universe, I can believe Doctor Who is still on TV and Boimler is a huge fan and probably lives out fantasies of being a Companion on the Holodeck.


The only thing that survived WW3 was Doctor Who apparently. It's currently in the RTD10^(4) Era and he's just announced the reanimated corpse of David Tennant will be the next Doctor


I can buy that. After the BBC purge, I can totally believe that right now there's a nerd with the entire collection stored in a climate controlled nuclear bunker. This is very plausible to me.


Plot twist: the bunker contained a life size AI Dalek which went berserk and destroyed all recordings prior to 2063, except for the recently recovered lost episodes and love and monsters.


Take my angry upvote; that’s all you’ll get from me.


Can we be mad at a Dalek that recovered the lost episodes of Doctors 1 and 2? Is that Dalek actually the enemy?


By the BBC purge, I assume you mean that the BBC own the Game Station, that then expands across the Simon Pegg universe?


They tried pulling a Day Of The Doctor in the latest anniversary special where all 13684 doctors come in to save the day, but 99% of them were zombies so it ended up screwing them Thankfully 900-year-old Tom Baker came in and destroyed them all, and the series is ok


I mean, I’d watch it.


Nah he’d use a holographic recreation of Tennant


It is hoped that he will bring a more organic presence to the role than his predecessor, the first post-Singularity AI to play the Doctor, D^vid 10&, who was let go after his controversial on-set rant where he shouted "The Cybermen were right, I don't want to fight them"


Wasn’t there something about Matt smith coming back or something?


It will just be a hologram, played by a similarly built actor, with an AI voice. David Tennant will have tenancy in new roles forever


Why go through the bother of reanimating his corpse? Can’t they just get an actual holo Doctor to play him? It’d be so much more poetic than what they’ve actually done.


Which Doctor would Boimler irritate the most?


I'm not sure if he'd irritate any of them that much, after all Boimler seems to already have a good "companion scream!"


Oh now I want Jack Quaid as a companion


He does! I didn’t think of that.




Uh-oh guys. I’m in trouble now.


No more.


There was a crossover comic during Matt Smith's run. RTD has stated he's open to it again recently. I'm hoping with the recent animated live action cross over they do another one with all of them and the doctor and his companion(s) at the time.


The Strange New World's and lower decks crossover was so fucking good. I could see a live action and animated who ep working out well. Even a rotoscoped episode would be fun Jack Quaid's scream is amazing and iconic.


Boimler DEFINITELY plays as the Doctor.


Good point!


Maestro and the Toy Maker are clearly Q from Star Trek.


read the screen; https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/star-trek-tng-six-doctors.jpg


This idea I love


I would put this in the "throwaway line" bin and not bother thinking about it any more. Likelihood of coming up any time in the next 10 seasons: 0.000001%. ​ ...so its not impossible, but don't waste your thinking energy on it.


Never tell me the odds!


A Star Wars quote about a Star Trek reference in a Doctor Who episode... we really ARE in crossover T-shirt territory now...


About Fracking time, too.


All it needs is a Smeghead Hologram traveling through a ring shaped wormhole with a starship that's alive.


Reminds me of that picture of Patrick Stewart with the text: "Use the Force, Harry." - Gandalf


I had a good chortle at that. Ahh. Happy days.


So you tell me there is a chance!


"You have one chance in a thousand, but one chance is all you need." - Twelve


"It may not happen 999 in a thousand, but all you need is... ONE TIME \~ Coach Bombay, The Mighty Ducks!


It’s not one chance in a thousand, it’s fifty-fifty. It either works or it doesn’t.


It would be fun if the tag goes the other way also. Just mention the Dr in a movie or have a Tardis model on set somewhere


I mean… after the turbolift scene in Discovery I really wouldn’t rule out the possibility of that ship being a Tardis


There’s literally a crossover Star Trek/doctor who comic.


I've moved it just above the likelihood of that Harry Potter crossover RTD [wanted to do once](https://harrypotter.fandom.com/f/p/3343172654596366778) (obviously this was before she showed the world her whole bigoted anus on social media). However, I think RTD is totally dusting off that old Land of Fiction idea, quite possibly this season, and we might see some fiction crossover. Unfortunately, I think it's likely to be public domain fiction, given the considerable licensing challenges of using anything else, but who knows?


This, and it has little to do with Doctor Who itself. If the Doctor appeared in the Star Trek universe, it would undermine the whole narrative of the ST universe - its seriousness, its reliance on a more scientific foundation (compared to DW) and all of its stakes.


I immediately assumed the cast and set of Star Trek, not the actual universe. We know Star Trek can't be in the canon Doctor Who timeline because Ruby just addressed it in the context of the show


I’d be totally down for that. Take one of the captains to space. Patrick Stewart ends up captaining a ‘real’ spaceship and uses his experience from acting in Star Trek to save the day.


You'll probably enjoy Galaxy Quest lmao, it's exactly that premise


I was literally about say the prior poster was talking about doing a Galaxy Quest!


By Grabthar’s hammer… *grimaces* What a savings.


That legitimately sounds like a great episode


It was a pretty solid movie called Galaxy Quest.


Lol yes i know.


Need minisodes back for these exact situations


And then he sees this beautiful woman at the end. He saves her, but then all of her clothes fall off. She'll be scrambling to cover herself up by Patrick Stewart would have seen everything.


Galaxy Quest? :)


The show Star Trek exists in the 20th/21st century. However, there's no reason why the ACTUAL United Federation of Planets and Starfleet can't also exist in the 23rd century. Also there's that one comic book crossover between ST:TNG and Eleven's (I think?) era...


Star Trek (the show) only exists because the Doctor takes a young nerdy kid named Eugene to the future and (for once) it turns out to be a nice place to visit...


Thank you, this is now my headcanon and I might actually die for it! :D


Just wait until you hear about what happened with George Lucas https://tardis.wiki/wiki/George_Lucas


So Jar Jar is real but the rest of Star Wars is fictional


The crossover is considered a "parallel universe", which I think is just DW code for soft retconning. The events that exist in the 23rd century don't seem to line up with Starfleet, but it doesn't mean there isn't some future Starfleet which inspired by the show, which is considered ancient history at that point. However, I don't think the *actual* Star Trek plot will occur in the main DW universe.


"Parallel universe" could also be code for "Canon doesn't really exist in the Whoniverse, so we're really just trying to hedge our bets on how the fandom take this one" xD


In the case of the DW/ST:TNG crossover the two shows being from different universes with different histories is kind of a plot point. The Cybermen crossing into the Star Trek universe starts causing the two timelines to merge, The Doctor remarks on having knowledge about things from Trek that he shouldn't know about and even remembers an adventure between the 4th Doctor and the TOS crew that The Doctor points out definitely didn't happen. It's a fun story.


I've never read it! I would love to get hold of a copy and read it for myself someday, it sounds SO good (and of all the Star Treks, TNG is my joint favourite - alongside Voyager \^\^).


There's the ship Amy and Rory are stuck in Sardac's cloud in, in the Christmas special. That was very Star Fleet. That said. I too assumed he meant a Hollywood basement.


That's what I assumed, too, though knowing that they would be in the 60s in the next episode also helped.


Not sure if it’s canon, but there’s this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation/Doctor_Who:_Assimilation%C2%B2#


OP mentioned this.


Do I look like I read the text?


I don't know. I can't see you.


Name is manbeardawg Somebody who reads would be manbearpig


Man door hand hook car door?


lol I take it ya don’t watch South Park?


I’m half man, half bear, half dawg. I’m also super cereal.


Not really.




Doctor Who has no defined canon (or not very well defined; there’s some exceptions) so you could totally take this as legit


The Doctor had crossed over into the Federation Universe at least twice if Assimilation² is to be believed. With RTD being a Trekkie and the Whoniverse being no stranger to crossovers (iirc there were also Marvel comics once?), it wouldn't surprise me if he can get sone strings pulled for such a thing.


The crossovers with Marvel were kind of limited while they had the rights to make comics with the series with one notable exception: Deathshead. A Marvel UK character that started out in The Transformers comics (while they were part of the Marvel universe), bumped into The Doctor who then dropped him off on top of the Fantastic Four HQ.


Limited, perhaps, but still within the realm of possibility.


It is more likely to crossover with The Orville.


I could live with that.


Pity the Orville was cancelled.


It's neither canceled or renewed currently according to Seth. Just in limbo.


Oh good. I'm glad I'm wrong.


CBS/Paramount holds on to Star Trek for dear life. Maybe a crossover could have happened in the BBC days, but Disney is not going to get its paws on it. Never say never, but there's no way Disney gets the rights to stream anything related to Trek in the near future.


>CBS/Paramount holds on to Star Trek for dear life. But on the otherhand, Paramount+ is selling it to the highest bidder, and not in a classy way. And all BBC/Disney need is a lease, not ownership.


It’s of the same level as ten talking about Arthur Dent (“now there IS a nice man”) It’s a nice nod, nothing more


Could always just be the Doctor teasing Ruby


This is honestly my favorite interpretation.


I think it is a tease and a wink.


A twink?


Yeah that Enterprise crossover is a big “what if” for me. He pitched it to writers for the Tennant specials but no one was interested.


I think there are crossover comics


Strange New Worlds and Dr Who would be perfect.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


Definitely a nod to Trek and we're supposed to think Kirk and Picard exist, but that's the extent of it. There won't be a crossover. Trek is Paramount. Who is with Disney. The uniforms in the video in Space Babies were very Trek-inspired too.


Yeah the uniforms looked very starfleet!


And it’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Spock


Maybe he means the cast, crew, and set of the show, not that it's real in the DW universe


They were in 1963 recently. They totally could've went to the Star Trek set and met William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Deforest Kelley, etc. And then - to really impress the American audience - meet Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, as Desilu, who produced the show. How cool would that be?


About three years too early unfortunately.


And then the Doctor has "Babalú" on his jukebox later in the episode.


Okay, I'd actually pay money to see that. I love that song. And he looks like he'd dance to to it very well!


It’s not out of the realms of possibility, the Dr has crossed over with Transformers in the past when he encountered the original Deaths Head. Deaths Head would eventually be rebuilt as Deaths Head II, who would go on to encounter various Marvel characters before eventually having his own comic.


Could mean just going to the set rather than star fleet being part of the universe


Literally like 30sec after The Doctor says this line, we see a dude weafing what looks like a bootleg 32nd century starfleet uniform


I hope so, that would be fun to see.


It would be funny if they went back and met the actors, too!


Maybe they can go back and save the final episode of Enterprise from being so bad.


"Look Frakes, you and I go way back, but I can't let you do this, mate."


Doctor who could be the one that made the galactic barrier to protect from the octo-synths who were made by the cyber men.


assimilation 2 comic 11 amy and rory meet star trek tng could easily do an alternate universe type deal


If Strange New Worlds can have a musical, a time travel episode, and a crossover with Lower Decks, it can have a Doctor Who crossover!


Star Trek and Star Wars universes are never going to cross over. Both pieces of work exist as fiction in each other's universe. Doctor Who being Disney will probably have a cross over with Star wars.


1. It's not a hint at a crossover special. 2. It is a tongue-in-cheek comment. Any agreement between BBC/Disney and Paramount would not be kept under cover and allowed to be teased in such a fashion. At best, it could be a tease that RTD would love for it to happen, just in case there's someone inside Paramount similarly amenable who would have the power to make it happen, a Hail Mary pass made on a whim.


Honestly with the quality of the rest of the episode I wouldn't worry about it


Would be more likely to get some Marvel collab, Daleks would be a pretty good villain for the MCU…


I would love to see that, but we live in the universe where X men and Avengers can't appear in the same movie because lawyers have stronger superpowers than any mutant.


I mean, it isn’t really impossible. The Daleks did appear in both LEGO Batman and Looney Toons Back in Action. And there was the Doctor Who/Star Trek IDW crossover.


We need a Doctor Who - Picard crossover.


Not an actual crossover as that would have way too much baggage, especially given how much time travel is involved in star trek. Meeting future Earth's exploratory spacefaring organization that parallels Starfleet? Much more likely


Or maybe if they use it as like a Children in Need special. Like not a full episode but used as a special thing


There was a mini graphic novel series that had Doctor Who and Star Trek in the same universe. Maybe that's it?


Nah, 4 and 11 met the crews of different Enterprises, he just needs to figure out cross dimensional travel.


It could happen though....or some variation. Trek lore goes no further than 33rd Century. We have some Who stories in the 22nd Century. Jack is from the 51st. But most Who accepted lore happens either in the late 20th to 21st century or millenia in the future or the past. The existence of the Federation would not fully derail Doctor who as it's not totally impossible or unfeasable to fit them. And who in Trek just means a more extensive future


RTD always wanted to cross with trek. Apparently, there was some talk about it before Enterprise got the can


It could just mean go visit the sets..


they have met... in comicbooks lmao, but i think that's what was being referenced here, like the doctor has genuinely met the crew of the enterprise so upon hearing them mentioned he throws that out, but idk if that means we'll ever get an on screen crossover, maybe, maybe not


They would just visit the set where TOS was filmed. Or a far future were people LARP as Starfleet.


Its gotta be a reference to the comic


I think it was just a fun line. The show seems to be taking a more fun tone (which I like). It was like in 9s regeneration when he said he could have 2 heads or no heads. Everyone knew the next Doctor would have one head but it was just a fun line.


I wrote this elsewhere but I think that "let's visit them" is a hint that the Pantheon trapped the Doctor in a fictional reality, that Ruby is a fictional character created by them for their own amusement, and that the Doctor is going to turn the tables on them by making Ruby a legend so that she can stay real after he defeats them. After all, The Chuch on Ruby Road literally opens with the Doctor telling us a story starting with "Once Upon a Time", and all the 4th wall breaks, and the Sonic looking like a TV remote...


I think that's reading even too much into that


I think it was probably just a joke really. This isn't the first time this has happened. Back in The Christmas Invasion the Doctor implies he has met Arthur Dent (from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy).


In an infinite Universe, anything is possible...


RTD did say years ago that if Star Trek had still been running back during his original run he would have asked about doing a crossover episode. Don't think he wouldn't try!


When did we start taking lines that were just meant to be throwaway jokes so seriously? Like the Butterfly Effect and Pete in Thin Ice, it's just the Doctor pulling his companions leg and not elaborating.


I like to think it means a version of Star Trek does exist in Doctor Who world and the Borg are just a different kind of cyberman or based on cyberman.


People have mentioned this multiple times. It even spawned a thread last week where someone asked what crossovers you'd want to see.


That fits with the pantheon narrative because they seem to be able to do anything with the universe maybe the crossover would happen kind of like that were there is one about acting and they bring star trek and Doctor who universes together


Or maybe he wants to visit Desilu studios in 1966


It'd be fun, but I doubt Paramount would ever go for it. Especially since the tone for Star Trek has tried to go more 'realistic' in recent years.


I thought the same thing - and I'm fantasizing about a DW / ST:SNW crossover. It would be AWESOME!!!


It'd be insanely fun if they could somehow cross over with Strange New Worlds. That's the perfect Trek show to handle a crossover that insane. The chance is abysmally low but still, the vibes would match perfectly.


This is one of those overlaps where a Star Trek TV show and Doctor Who have been in production at the same time


I wonder how the cybermen would get along with the borg


That's happened in a comic crossover


It just seems to be a matter of fact that fiction tends to become reality with the Doctor. Jaffa sungliders in army of ghosts, robin hood, at this point I think the Doctor just assumes they'll eventually meet them too.


I hope it was just a joke.  Or going back to the 60s to the filming of a TOS episode could be awesome.. but the 2 existing in the same reality,  when trek has long since been established as existing as fiction in their world would be pretty dumb,  unless it's a land of fiction thing.  I love DW,  I love Trek.  I just hate the idea of trying to make them coexist in 1 reality. 


Or a Wormhole X-Treme thing


Of course of this crossover ever happened it could lead to the greatest show in TV History leaving both Doctor Who and Star Trek behind. About 2 beloved Characters meeting and teaming up. The Adventures Of Adric and Wesley would be a major hit


No. He was talking about visiting them filming.


Isn’t it a call back to season 4 episode 1 like the nanny and there all the babies that were sucked up that’s why there so smart


it would be very cool. And star trek strange new world already did what i would call experimental episodes (for exampel an musical episode)


I f-ing hope not


No.  Dr Who is a pathetic Bastardisation of what it once was.