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Isn't it the same TARDIS just from 2 different points in time? So Sutty was on both at the same time.


I am *begging* you to never call him Sutty again


*Sutussy so good you turn into dust*


What a terrible day to have eyes


There's no limit to how depraved the human mind can truly get. I can GUARANTEE you that there's at least ONE person out there who looked at this new Sutekh and thought to themselves "Oh yeah. That's hot.". Doesn't mean it isn't gross, but it's not a statistical impossibility.


Monster fuckers absolutely looked at it and thought that. I've seen way worse somehow get lewded way harder.


It was me.


Im truly sorry but yes I can confirm there are people who have done exactly that. I did a brief check on a couple of places and found some questionable artwork with this specific design. It is only going to get a lot worse.


I miss the person I was thirty seconds ago…


He gonna make it so dry. 


Much like when my dog begs for food, your wish is not my command.


Sutty Gatwa?


Supposedly, but that was also the supposed way bigeneration works, but then 15 said his soul was split into 2 that day which kinda negates the 15 being pulled back in time thing.


I am so curious how this wraps back around


Don't expect it to. I'm still waiting on the Valeyard but we breezed past that without a mention.


I’m gonna be so mad lol. I’m already preparing for a letdown. They have to come back to this at some point…right? RIGHT?!


Welcome to Whovians Anonymous. It used to be just the Classic fans but we're getting plenty of New-Whovians coming in these days. We love Who, but damn if we don't feel like a disappointed House Wife at times. Promises made but never delivered. We'll keep watching though.


Oh I understand. Been in this game with Who for a long while. Ready for heartbreak


That's a good question! The answer is probably "no" unfortunately, in "The Devil's Chord" the Doctor mentions his soul (himself) was split in two, implying that there just is two Doctors now, by that logic, when 15 copied the Tardis, well, that's just what he did, now there's two separate but identical Tardis ships. The original Tardis is hanging out with the original Doctor in France.


I took it that he was sort of being poetic. He visually split in two and it took two of him to defeat the toymaker but 14 refers to 15 as older while 15 refers to 14 having some form of therapy or similar experience to cause 15 to be like he is. 14 hasn't done it yet and 15 already has. So 15 is from a point in 14s future. With that being semi caused by superstition being allowed into the universe and the toymakers 'state of play' or whatever which 15 directly references before whacking the TARDIS out of itself I take that to mean that the same thing happened with the TARDIS. It went about it's travels with 14 gained a ramp and a jukebox at somepoint before both 14 and his box got sucked off into the vortex and became 15 and his TARDIS at their given points. I also think it doesn't really matter. I love knowing the lore of doctor who and everything and clearly care enough to type this out but the doctor being one or two people doesn't matter that much in a universe where they can (and have many times) meet themselves and do adventures together through time stuff. I accept the one TARDIS, one doctor thing for the giggle because I like it the most out of all the theories I've read. But just like the Doctor's history being made a jigsaw by toymaker I don't think it matters what version is 'correct' (until a writer says it does matter in an episode I guess)


Which is honestly the dumbest humanly possible way to write that because now there are so many plot holes and stupid questions that are opened up.


Nah. Sutekh just chose the more interesting route.


He wanted to know wtf was up with ruby and stayed with the doctor that would meet her (it makes sense in a timey wimey way)


The Doctor bigenerated, the TARDIS split in two, and Sutekh underwent mitosis. It all makes sense from a certain point of view. 


Sutekh is the powerhouse of the cell.


"A man ate 10 lbs of fish sticks and custard, and this is what happened to his body..."


I unironically think Fish Fingers in Custard isn't that bad. I'd prefer something better but its perfectly edible.




Someone get Janeway on subspace


Oh man, wouldn't that be a spot to put the Doctor in. You have two companions that get mixed up and the Doctor has to choose if they split them or not. Or make it go terribly wrong like when they did it on The Lower Decks 🤣🤣


Someone get King Solomon!


Then the Doctor and the other Doctor argue with the Doctor about how to save them. Let confusion reign


She's busy chasing coffee nebulas.


Obligatory 2Fast 2Tekh


Fantastic 😂


I honestly don’t think that I care anymore. I enjoyed quite a few episodes this season but I didn’t like a few of them. It has been forever thus. So, I’m just going to take each season on an episode by episode basis like TV shows of old and not worry about the continuity. That way, if it pays off, it’s a bonus.


same, not the worst season ever but not the best, some episodes where just good doctor who some (unfortunately) just felt like poor writing, I think Millie Gibson and Ncuti Gatwa played what was put in front of them well but thats as much as you can ask from them


Yes. No criticism of them. They, and the vast majority of the cast, were excellent.


I always felt that Doctor Who was just shy of greatness. Like there's always been great episodes and just okay episodes, and bad episodes. And the lore is all over the place. In a way I don't mind, because the show is always trying new things and constantly reinventing itself. But there are some times I feel like, you know, if they just had tighter writing, if could be a bit more consistent on quality, this show could be so epic and great. But as is it's always just a bit unfocused and random. Some arcs play out well, others are kind of dull. I thought the arc this season was not very focused. The Toymaker, the Maestro, Sutek, they don't really seem related. Well, Toymaker and Maestro were the closest to feeling related, the rest not so much.




also the fact that when the tardis was duplicated it was probably only what the doctor was wanting out of the tardis which would explain the jukebox, prob wouldnt have made another sutekh if he didnt even know he was on (in?) the tardis


My thought is as the 15th doctor is a future version if 14 15s tardis is a future version of 14s


It has to be, otherwise how did the jukebox get there? 14 must have put it there himself at some point, before 15 knocked that Tardis back to the present. My headcanon is that 14 and Wilf put it in, and that the wheelchair ramp was for Wilf so that him and the Doctor could go on little trips into space, listening to their tunes while they did so.


I need a slice of life comic or something with that in it.


>It has to be, otherwise how did the jukebox get there? I mean if the Doctor can hit the Tardis and duplicate a second into existence, he may very well have wished for a jukebox and accessibility options there as well. The proposition itself is both textually and visually so absurd that I don't think where the jukebox came from is an interesting question, much less an explanation as to what happened.


Huh, good point


RTD doesn't care about that stuff, he's just a vibes guy who leaves it to the audience to decide how his plot holes aren't plot holes.


“RTD doesn’t care” - that’s what a lot of stuff felt like this season :(


The writing just suketh


id say there is only one cant copy god or something like that


Sutekh had to make a decision to jump from one TARDIS to the other, and when he saw that 14 is essentially retired he said fuck it and went with 15


I think if you asked RTD he'd say he picked 15's TARDIS and there's still only one of him. Maybe it wasn't just travelling in the Vortex for thousands of years that "evolved" him from an Osiran into a god, it was being exposed to the Toymaker's magic when the Doctor split the TARDIS with the mallet.


Been wondering that since Sutekh's reveal in TLoRS. I'm guessing this would never get an answer until RTD or some future showrunner decides to bring back Sutekh. Right now my guess on how they're going to do it is Sutekh on 15th's TARDIS is future Sutekh from 14th's timeline after The Giggle. Basically 14th's Sutekh is the present Sutekh while 15th's Sutekh is the future Sutekeh. So when they bring Sutekh back it's present Sutekh. The Doctor will ask how Sutekh survived because he killed Sutekh in the Time Vortex by severing the rope, to which present Sutekh would reply with something like that's a future him but a future that will never happen because the future has infinite possibilites yada yada & because the Doctor has already did this, he can't do it again because it's considered a trick & you can only do one trick once so now the Doctor must think of another way to stop Sutekh. Basically: 4th - 14th's Sutekh: Present Sutekh 15th's Sutekh: Future Sutekh


So "present" Sutekh just watched the Doctor defeat his future self?


So my version obviously will have some holes just to let it be known because I honestly didn't take much time to think about, really you can think of it more of as a fanfic where anything can happen. But for what I'm going for I guess you can say present Sutekh is watching the whole thing but not directly like 14th's TARDIS is parked somewhere, perhaps visions of the future or maybe like how the death wave can go from child to parent, his memories does something similar where future Sutekh's memories passes on to present Sutekh's memories. And since Sutekh can only see visions of where he has been, Sutekh still doesn't know who the mystery woman is at that point in time. You can think of it as present Sutekh watching a simulation of what would happen & learning from it.


Stop thinking about it because the writer did not.


The 15th Doctor is the prime and current Doctor still. The 14th is essentially the end of the old Doctor. The PTSD from the time war. The 15th stands as a new generation.


15ths TARDIS is 14ths TARDIS from the future. 14ths TARDIS has a still slumbering Sutekh.


1. That bigeneration interpretation is just a fan theory at this point, right? 2. It wouldn't apply to the Tardis anyway, seeing as it wasn't an effect of the bigeneration but rather a reward for beating the Toymaker's game.


>1. That bigeneration interpretation is just a fan theory at this point, right? Yes. No matter how many people insist it's not.


People are being so weirdly defensive about it.


It's been that way since it happened. Just saying "That's just a theory." Makes people annoyed, even if you say you like the idea.


For real. I think that idea is really cool and there is text to support it, however sparse. Still a theory though.


For point 1,its based on Ncuti telling Tennant that he can be how he is because 14 did the work on dealing with his trauma, or something along those lines. So it's not too much fan theory, it's nearly explicit that he comes from 14s eventual regeneration, after he's spent some time "healing" with Donna, Wilf, Rose, etc


For every "therapy out of order" explanation, we also have "my soul split into two". So unfortunately it remains a fan theory. If Davies wanted to offer an explicit explanation as to what bigeneration even is, he had numerous chances to do so. He refused to do it, so nothing is explicit about, hence why we still get questions and threads like this.


Nevermind that, for every "therapy out of order" explanation, we also have the fact that if 14 regenerates into 15 after his therapy and 15 goes back in time then nothing actually happened out of order.


I swear I’ve seen this asked like dozen times across 3 subs since Friday


People are too lazy to just check other posts


Davies was too lazy to write a cohesive story, tbh.


If they want him to


I see the more people questioning it, the more than the twist unravels itself.


He had to pick like his parents were divorcing it was very hard for him to pick


He was the one who put the Jutebox there, chose the dude who was promising a party over the one that probably had to talk to a therapist. Also side note: Imagine 14 seeing their tardis spew the death sand and just being like "oh crap".


Maybe there’s another universe where Sutekh hitched a ride on 14’s TARDIS and spends his days chilling in the backyard, blowing dust on any pests that interfere with his lovely garden that he’s taken up in his free time.


Wasn’t the TARDIS split into 4 in the classic The Five Doctors?


Who would have thought that a stupid idea would have made future stories nonsensical? Gosh, what a shocking development.


14’s Tardis is the same tardis that 15 eventually has. Wibbly wobbly timey whimy stuff, things don’t always happen in the right order. 14 will become 15, there aren’t two doctors running around in the same time stream. That’s why 15 benefits from the rest that 14 takes, despite 14 not having done the resting yet when he bi-generated. So in that moment, there were two tardis-es? Tardi? Plural for Tardis. But as soon as 15 entered the time vortex, only one existed again. It’s weird, and confusing, but that’s time travel for you!


I thought the Giggle made it pretty clear that 15 is from a later point in the timelines, along with the Tardis. My headcanon being that 14 wasn't supposed to regenerate at that point. The manipulation of the Doctors story by the Toy master had already jumbled something up already, killing the Doctor there was too much, causing the bigeneration effect. 14 was supposed to have been doing the relaxing, easy traveling and living long enough to fix himself. By cutting his existence short, he messed up the timelines. And the Doctor already being a complicated space time event, 15 came through. Sort of time trying to do quick patch job to keep things from collapsing. 14 still goes off, has his r&r. When the time is right he regenerates into 15 and is pulled back to the events of the Giggle. Claims his "prize," bringing his Tardis to that moment.


I think, there is another Sutekh, that lingers there. Why? Bc if Sutekh should return, RTD has a simple explanation for that.


maybe the tardis splitting is a temporal thing, like how 14 will eventually become 15 (somehow), 14s tardis will become 15s


The TARDIS “split” in the same way the Doctor did. 14 will eventually become 15. So there’s presumably still a Sutekh sat on 14’s TARDIS waiting for it to become 15’s


It's the same TARDIS  Just from different respective timelines  She doesn't like crossing her own path, but can when necessary, see 50th for three of the same model 40


Wow, an actual answer... This makes sense, what with the whole 15 reaping the benefits of 14 dealing with his trauma


It's not a corrext answer though. The Tardis didn't bigenerate with the doctor. They won the second Tardis by beating the Toymaker's game. So whether they also split Sutehk is anyone's guess.


Nope They used the same energy that allowed bigeneration to bring that version of sexy from then til now. They literally smacked her with a wooden mallet  to do it. You use hammers and mallets to drive things, split things or impale things It's not used for copy paste  By your logic, Ncuti is a clone of the Doctor not the same person. The TARDIS is as much a star of the show as any actor like a 67 impala named Baby in Supernatural. Tldr, it's not a copy 


When does it say it's the same energy to split the Tardis? I'm not doubting you, I just don't remember that. Either way, the same energy doesn't mean the same thing is happening. Also, a metaphorical interpretation of the intended use of the mallet ism't textual evidence that holds up to scrutiny, imo. I think fan theories are fun, but it doesn't really help to present them as hard fact. I only responded to the other commenter in the first place because the "actual answer" presents that info as hard canon when it really is up for debate.


15 mentions there's some residual energy of the toy makers domain left over so he gets a hammer and uses the left over energy


Yeah, I don't see how that is tied to the bigeneration, though.


Bigeneration split a future incarnation out prior to end of life regeneration and brought the future incarnation into "present" Now either the Doctor split and thus the TARDIS was split Or if "you" insist the TARDIS is a copy, then Ncuti is a copy of David, not a split incarnation. You can't have split AND copy using the logic displayed 


You haven't explained why you think the tardis split functions the same way as the Doctor's bigeneration, though. The Tardis is still split, just in the moment and not due to timey wimey bigeneration.


It's not split. It's the same TARDIS , just from a different/future point in the Doctors timeline  Just the same way you saw War, 10 & 11 side by side in the Curators museum, or 10&11 in the Moments hut , arriving to help War...


Well I'm just gonna assume the doctor had his recent bigeneration in mind when he "split" the tardis. I feel like that would make it possible since it's due to the same energy he used that made his bigeneration possible to begin with


So you think we got two different copies of the Doctor and the Tardis by two different means?


>Bigeneration split a future incarnation out prior to end of life regeneration and brought the future incarnation into "present" That is just a fan theory. It is also the only theory that makes remotely any sense within the context of the larger canon and numbering, but it still remains a theory.


We don't know *exactly* how bi-generation works. It might not literally be a generation splitting into two - People think it's pulling a future doctor back. If that's the case, the 15th doctor has already experienced all of the 14th doctor's life. It would likely mean the Tardis is also the *same* Tardis, but the 15th being pulled back in time. So, yes, Sutekh is on the 14ths Tardis. But that's not an issue, because he will die eventually once it becomes the 15ths. It's no different to, say, if we had a crossover episode with Matt Smith. There'd be another Tardis from the past - Sutekh is technically there, but we already know he never attacks because this is the current doctor's past, in his own linear life. TL;DR: Probably Timey Wimey stuff.


It's a question of where you stand on bigeneration really. Is 14 going become 15 later or are they now entirely separate? The former seems to be the intention so it stands yo reason that it's one Tardis at different points in its tineline. Davies also said events this season would demonstrate that 15s is the "real" Tardis. They didn't, not really but if I had to guess Sutekh would be what he was referring to. But I mean really, fill the gap with what you want, Davies isn't going to do it.




Such is the power of Sutekh


That’s suggesting the Celestial Toymaker can duplicate the God of Death. You don’t Name the entire pantheon one by one *and then* refer to yourself as above them all unless you can back it up.


He got bonked like a church bell


You have to remember Sutehk wasn't actually that big dog thing the entire time, that vision of him spinning around in the time vortex on top of the TARDIS was just an illustration of the fact he had been with the TARDIS for so long, clinging to the very skin of it in some incorporeal manner. I doubt the TARDIS even really knew he was there or she would have mentioned it in the way she communicates with the Doctor. The point is Sutehk was imperceivable so moving over to one of the TARDIS' would have been a simple matter. Or there is indeed a second Sutehk and 15 had no idea when he used his comedy hammer that he was duplicating the god of death too.


Don't expect anything to be explained. This is Doctor Who, every regeneration plot threads get dropped.


Honestly I thought the Sutekh reveal would be about 14 and Rose's off-screen trip to Mars that's mentioned in the garden


I think it proves that Gatwa has the original Tardis. So likely not.


Never gonna be brung up again so doesn't matter


It's a plot hole.


I agree. That doesn't mean I have to stop liking the show, but I don't think it is perfect


I think it's a timeloop. Basically, 15 and his TARDIS were pulled back in time for the bigeneration. At some pointin the next season; 14 will reappear, be forced to regenerate (possibly due to either The Boss or The Master) and then loop back to The Giggle.


I remember in an interview or something a while back, RTD said that 15's Tardis is the "original Tardis" and it'd be proven later in the show. I'm guessing Sutekh is that proof, so he stayed on the og Tardis while 14 got a Sutekh free Tardis


He did say how 15th Tardis and 14th Tardis is the same one is going to be explained in Season 1 and it didn't happen. Of all the things that didn't leave the cutting floor, I feel like this was an important one to miss out.


Neither. Sutekh is attached to both Tardises, just at different points in time. 15’s Tardis is the same Tardis, it’s just from a future point in time.