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If only David had some kind of social media, he could simply post ‘Don’t you think he looks tired?’ and have it blow up


Thankfully he seems to be blissfully off Social Media. He occasionally pops up in Georgia Tennants posts and just seems bewildered by it all.


She needs to keep that man off of social media. He is too pure for the rest of us




Pretty much. Michael's been trying his hardest to corrupt him, but Georgia and Anna have held the line.


Michael is some sort of trickster god. You can't convince me otherwise.


Michael is adorable. He has the cutest nose ever.


He is Welsh after all


They switched?! Michael is Crowly to David’s Aziraphale? Too good!


Always has been...


It's funny how they're opposites in real life




I like that the good omens fandom overlaps with this one :D


Me too. I cosplay both Ten and Crowley. Basically I cosplay David. I also do a killer guitar solo dressed as Twelve lol.


When they announced a production of GO on Amazon, I was cautiously optimistic because I knew they wouldn’t be bogged down by standard network bs. When I learned that Neil was heading the project, I was very optimistic and knew that it would be good. He’s very protective of his work and I knew that it was even more important to him to “get it right” to honor Terry. When they announced DT as Crowley, I could not imagine any more possibly perfect casting in my life. That’s when I knew it was gonna be awesome. Awesome in the “I’m taking the day off work so I can binge watch it when it premieres” good. I have never done that for anything. Still completely exceeded my expectations.


Obviously ❣️


We need a David/Keanu hybrid to shepherd us into a new age of sanity and mindfulness.


Nobody touch his dog or he'll come after us with all the fury of the Time Lord Victorious


if only keanu's dog had a laser in his nose, it would have been a shorter , happier movie




He is rather blissfully unsavy when it comes to this stuff and I adore him for it. Did you see him on Graham Norton where he was only just learning the other meaning to use of emoticons? Bless him.


"What the fuck is an eggplant?!" lives in my head rent-free.


\- Remember: an eggplant emoji is not just an eggplant.




It's actually an aubergine :)


It’s an aubergine probably why


That is my favorite interview 😂😂


Then Georgia needs to post this.  The reaction will still be amazing. 


Honestly, David is being so smart by not having social media, that would instantly delete his faith in humanity.




Sadly it wasn’t the actual PM who said it. It was an under minister who is highly anti-trans. He did tell her to shut up Though


Actually, it WAS the pm! [Here’s the tweet](https://x.com/RishiSunak/status/1805862183626031297) and [DT’s speech he was reacting to](https://youtu.be/ETWHPxqZI2k?si=FvcbwIUPLTqhWGST). Sunak is lying about David saying he wishes women would shut up though. David merely said that he wishes one particular woman, a TERFy minister, would stop spewing her horrid, dangerous views. It’s disgusting and the hatred (and laws enacted based on it) harm David’s family. Sooo he’s understandably frustrated.


And specifically, he doesn't wish ill on her, the direct opposite of what the PM accused. He's lucky he didn't actually put David's name to it because then it would be defamation. As is, it is just a statement with no direction except that which can be gathered by context.


Yup, tis basic transphobic fear-mongering. Trying to make it seem like supporting trans rights means hating cis people. 🙄 And worse yet, trying to present themselves as noble allies who are protecting vulnerable, threatened “biological women.”


Even without mentioning him by name it could potentially be argued that the context makes it cost enough who he's referring to. Probably not worth the hassle though


Exactly, it would be too difficult to prove for many lawyers to bother with it. Luckily for Rishi, David doesn't seem the type to bother with such either.


What kind of career move is that? Going after The Doctor literally just signals to everybody that you are the bad guy.


Ugh... She played the black and woman card. No, it has nothing to do with her race or gender. He is simply defending trans rights to you know...exist. she just happens to be black and a woman and highly transphobic. SMH.


And when a donor to her party said a black Labour MP made him want to hate all black women and he wanted her to be shot, they all acted like that was offensive but not racist or sexist. They accuse the ones calling out their bigotry but defend the actual racist sexist people. Conservatives are SCUM


This is the Tory way. When their own donor was saying a black Labour MP made him want to hate all black women and he wished she be shot, they acted like that was offensive but not racist or sexist. Then when David Tennant calls a bigot out on being a bigot, they're all acting like he's being both racist and sexist he said nothing that was racist or sexist. Party of scumbags


Ironically Sunak is right. If you wish for women to stop existing, you are the problem. So if you wish for trans-women to stop existing, you are the problem. So Sunak is a problem. Rowling is a problem. Bigots in general, are a problem.


Ah that's what the post is about. I barely have the mental capacity to keep up with BS in my own country's politics so was really confused why the UK Prime Minister would hate one of their best actors. In the US it feels like every week the right is playing despicable limbo trying to see how much lower they can go.


As cool as that would be I like the fact if someone has told him he's just blissfully moving on with he's life while Rishi will never recover from this. David's in he's head forever while David probably won't even know who he is in a few years.


He's got six words for that guy


do plo no cho to sho yo plo tro sho to ho kro no kno sho ho flo sho lo plo plo kno so sho to kro ro flo do spo


That’s more than six words!


Well, if you count "word" as a quantized abstract reference, it's only six. Sure, it's a lot of *phonemes*, but almost every word's got a ton of phonemes. That probably translates as "My name is the Doctor...bitch."


David Tennant became an actor because he wanted to play Doctor Who, *his* Doctor was five. He grew up to not only play The Doctor, but wed the daughter of Five. He’s at *least* a Bootstrap Paradox.


5 + 5 = 10


It all makes sense...


He’s also fiction-Fritzled himself.


Surely this must be the first time that sentence has ever been said. "fiction-Fritzled" is insane.


I googled that phrwlase and got 'the fritzl case' on Wikipedia. I am confused.


What does that mean?


He’s had children with his own (fictional) child.


didn’t she play the doctor’s clone as well


Yes. They met on set of *The Doctor’s Daughter.*


And she's the daughter of the fifth Doctor, Peter Davison. The Doctor is literally his father in law.


The Doctor married himself and, in doing so, got himself as a father-in-law. I can't wait for Ty Tennant to do a cameo as some previous incarnation of the Doctor or something, just to wrap it all up in a nice bow.


Bro think he Saxon 💀


Saxon was effective in getting stuff done  Sunak is about as effective as homeopathic remedies for Ebola 


Honestly, being called a problem by Rishi Sunak is about the best compliment you can get.


Jk Rowling hates him too. So he must be doing something right!!!


Series 3, episode 2: “Good ol’ JK!” That did not age well… 😅


There was a post about this the other day, quite a few of us agreed to change it so it's referencing JK Simmons instead.


I can get on board with that. Solid dude. Just wants pictures of Spiderman.


He also wants 70 million dollars worth of moon rocks. 


Yes! The tardis in TEOT wasn't blowing up because of regeneration, it was the stored combustible lemons!


"Political correctness gone mad" from the same episode has... well that line was never good


Just watched that episode last night, I felt it was more of a jab at the concept of “political correctness gone mad” when he’s talking to a medieval playwright complaining about a woman being a doctor.


I've heard it was written to be genuine but Tennant hated it so he mumbled it as if he was being sarcastic I heard this on reddit a few days ago and did no fact checking, so this is clearly the most airtight piece of information anyone's ever heard


I always found it made sense at the time because people from a few centuries ago are obviously not gonna be the peak of racial tolerance/understanding, so you take what’s said with a pinch of salt if it were real life.


Even back then it was a bit on the nose but I'm playing Captain Hindsight.


Call her Joanne. She hates being called that. Weird how she's okay deadnaming trans people though. Scumbag.


And she goes by JK to have a gender neutral pen name to help get published easier


It's priceless when you see the people that woman hates, and how those people are just renowned as wonderful human beings outside of acting. Wonder who the bad guy is lol


My Mum got blocked by him during "ask the PM anything", because he didn't mean *anything* She asked "when are you going to stop the water company pumping poo into the Solent?" And he didn't like that And she's very proud of that achievement


>And she's very proud of that achievement As she should be.


I am also rather interested in poo not being dumped into the Solent.


Sadly the article title is misleading. It was actually just some minister who called him “the problem”


No [it was the PM](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/david-tennant-lgbtq-kemi-badenoch-uk-politics-1235932922/); >Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is soon expected to be ousted by the left-leaning Labour party in July’s general election, has now intervened and criticized Tennant. He posted on his X account on Wednesday: “Freedom of speech is the most powerful feature of our democracy. If you’re calling for women to shut up and wishing they didn’t exist, you are the problem.” But yes, the minister Tennant was originally referring to is also awful


"Freedom of speech is important, so shut up!"


Rishi is doing the exact thing he is villifying, hes telling someone else to shut up


The PM wants an end to free speech, otherwise he wouldn't have intervened


“I’m running to re-elect my party to majority government… I KNOW, I’ll talk shit about a beloved national treasure!” What next? Gonna punch Stephen Fry? Spit on Mary Berry?


Meh, all the ministers with the current tory government are the same.


Yup. This one in particular is mad that David told her to shut up with her anti-trans rhetoric


American, so not super familiar with your politics, but considering how the global conservative movement overlap so heavily... let me guess "Celebrities need to keep their mouth shut and stick to (job)" and then immediately gushing over Rowling and trying to get a holiday named after her?


Nailed it. If the comment is right wing they love it, if the comment is left wing they should “stick to (insert day job here)”


That's not true at all, the stereotype that all Tory politicians are the same is harmful, biased, and untrue. For example, some of them were convicted of breaking lockdown laws, some of them have been found to have breached human rights, some of them were convicted of sexual assault laws, and some of them tried to use their authority to pervert the course of justice. You can't tar them all with the same brush! /s because you absolutely can and should. Two days.


A version of that middle paragraph should be added as a disclaimer next to the box to vote for all tory candidates.


Your comment is really making me see how much we in the US still have in common with our cousins across the pond. Here’s hoping your elections tomorrow signal some happier global trends.


Even Keir Starmer is transphobic sadly.


True, but that's why I'm hoping for Lib Dems to come second and be the opposition to try and put more pressure on him.


Yes abso-fucking-lutely. I've seen one poll so far predicting that and my glee was worthy of a hundred schoolgirls. Make starmer defend to the left, ask him "why aren't you doing more" every single pmq.


No, it was Rishi, albeit not by name directly. He was 100% referring to David though. [https://x.com/RishiSunak/status/1805862183626031297](https://x.com/RishiSunak/status/1805862183626031297)


Actually, [Sunak DID indeed call DT the problem.](https://x.com/RishiSunak/status/1805862183626031297) [This article](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/26/rishi-sunak-kemi-badenoch-david-tennant-trans-row/) (and a Scrooge McDuckton of others) is misleading insomuch that it claims David is against women’s rights. He’s not. He’s against TERFs. What got the TERFs all upset was DT [accepting an LGTBQ ally award](https://youtu.be/ETWHPxqZI2k?si=FvcbwIUPLTqhWGST) and saying this: "If I'm honest I'm a little depressed by the fact that acknowledging that everyone has the right to be who they want to be and live their life how they want to live it as long as they're not hurting anyone else should merit any kind of special award or special mention, because it's common sense, isn't it? It is human decency. We shouldn't live in a world where that is worth remarking on. However, until we wake up, and Kemi Badenoch doesn't exist any more - I don't wish ill of her, I just wish her to shut up - whilst we do live in this world, I am honoured to receive this."


>accused Tennant of being a “rich, lefty, white male celebrity” who had attacked her even though she was the only black woman in government. So, and because of that one can't call out her bullshit?


"There's no systemic racism in the UK" "I'm the only black woman in government" 🥴


Terfs claiming the banner of “women’s rights” is not only ridiculous but ironic—in the US we almost had an Equal Rights (for women) Amendment to the Constitution but it failed after a campaign that featured fear-mongering about doing away with sex-segregated restrooms.


I would bet my favorite Flash Gordon lunchbox that the Prime Minister has said much much worse about David Tennant behind closed doors, but I appreciate you being honest about your meme, which is very awesome.


The Doctor lies. I don’t


I don’t know what Sunak says behind closed doors, but it seems a lot of Tory anti-trans stuff is very much for public consumption—there seems to be a significant segment of the British public who are afraid of transwomen in particular, Tories hope they can gain votes by going after them. Hopefully tanking the economy gets British voters priority rather than culture war nonsense.


"The untouchably wealthy call him 'the problem.'"


Don't you think Rishi Sunak looks tired?


The Oncoming Problem


This cracked me up in public. Well done.


During his tenure we would've called that brexit


David Tennant for PM!


Imagine though.


Happy birthday, friend! May it be a good day for you. Watch much Doctor Who!


Thank you and will do! Didn’t even realize it was my Cake day! I wish you an awesome day as well.


This country is sick, this country needs HEALING This country needs medicene. In fact, I'd go so far as to say, that what this country really needs, is a DOCTOR


Not just A doctor, it needs THE Doctor.


The prime minister in question could be Harriet Jones, Harold Saxon OR Rishi Sunak. 💙


Whenever I think about Harriet Jones, I'm reminded that 9 said she was the Prime Minister to lead Britain to a new Golden Age. 10's first showing he stopped that from happening, opening the way for Harold Saxon and foreshadowing the Time Lord Victorious. It's a great bit of writing.


I love the implication that, to The Doctor, a Golden Age isn’t worth keeping in power someone who would kill a ship full of hostile aliens that no longer posed a threat.


I also don't think it was a "moral" as that. Sure, the Doctor is great, but the guy still has bit of an ego He doesn't interven and change the courses of history despite of how bad things gets. He doesn't kill Hitler, Stalin, etc. Somehow he has a problem with her killing a spaceship? Imo he's more pissed that she killed someone he personally let go and gave second chance to than about her killing harmless aliens in general. That kind of egotistic shit is very much the Doctor.


Harold Saxon at least was out there proactively doing stuff.


Adding that to my list of Time Lord names. The Doctor, the Master, the Dissident, the Racist, the Other, the Rani, the Valeyard, the Visionary, and the Problem


I feel like the Problem would be the Time Lord who isn’t even a bad one, but simply forces silly ideas to exist throughout time on pure accident. “Imagine a Fork and Spoon…having a child…” “What” “Sp — ork. I rather like that idea.” “You know, I do too.”


I feel like "The Problem" is what other Time Lords would call the Doctor


Maybe The Problem is the answer to Doctor Who? Rishi just casually spoiled the whole show.


If his real name is "the Problem" that would explain why he never tells anyone lol


This made me giggle. Esp cause I can’t help but picture a promo photo of a grumpy David Tennant in a suit.


You forgot the Corsair and the General I think. But I feel you.


YES them, I figured I was missing some


Tennant coming back for the next anniversary as "the problem", and ten, and fourteen,and seventeen, and twenty one.


There's a time lord called the Racist?


No, thats another joke I made a few months ago. I forget exactly the context, I think someone posted a screenshot of @ google search that auto-suggested "doctor who the racist"


Cool. Thanks for the explanation.


You forgot "The incoming storm."


I used to think to lead a country, you had to have the brains. The past 8 years have proven otherwise.


I'd argue the full 14.


Anyone calling David Tennant "the problem" should definitely immediately undergo enough self-reflection to realise that they are, in fact, the problem.


Tennant just can't help himself from pissing off UK prime ministers.


I maybe wrong, but isn't one his children trans (or at least queer)? Would you blame a father telling someone who apparently is trying to make the life of his child to shut up? I know I wouldn't.


Yes. He was accused of throwing Kemi Badenoch under a bus to protect his daughter. To be honest I call that being a decent parent.


It's not like David made up her views. She jumped in front of a bus.


Did the bus proudly advertise  £5million a day in funding for the NHS because of Brexit ?


The one that promised something like £350million a week or something for the NHS? I thought it looked familiar as it ran her over


I’m sorry if I don’t understand, but I’m trying to learn as much as I can. I thought Wilfred was non-binary and went by they/them pronouns? Again, I apologize if I sound ignorant on this subject.


They/Them and non binary are under the trans umbrella! It's represented as the white stripe on the trans pride flag. Although there are some non binary people who don't like the trans label, and choose not to identify as such.


This is how he'll come back to the show next time, he's playing a different Time Lord called The Problem


LMAO, that's it make him \*cooler\*, that'll learn 'im!


Is this real or what? What is this? I feel like I have to know


In summary: Kemi Badenoch, a black female Tory MP, regularly speaks, shall we say, poorly about Trans people. David has previously criticised her for her views, Kemi has responded by claiming he was being racist and sexist, despite never mentioning her race or sex, only criticising her views and statements. David then spoke again about her at the LGBT Awards and said whilst he wishes no harm on her, he wishes she would shut up. Kemi again said he was being mysoginistic. Sunak responded: [https://x.com/RishiSunak/status/1805862183626031297](https://x.com/RishiSunak/status/1805862183626031297)


Why does Rishi Sunak think he knows what freedom of speech means and who’s going to correct him


Also, Kemi Badenough is the Minister for Women and Equalities but she's repeatedly been homophobic and transphobic. Maybe not the type of scumbag you want in that position.


The current government’s Minister for Equality is a black woman from the hard right of the party. She has built a nest for herself by importing nonsense from the US right wing. She celebrated Black History Month by attacking schools that teach “white privilege” and “critical race theory”. Her views on colonialism are… unexpected. She is anti-LGB and especially T. Tennant criticised her when accepting an award, and now the Tories, facing their worst election result in 250 years, are pouncing on him because they can’t kick the shit out of the PM until after polls close.


The prime minister of course being Harold Saxon.


This coming from the man who still believes he has a chance at winning. My left bollock has garnered more confidence and votes than him at this point.


He doesn't think he can win. In fact, he's hoping he'll lose his seat, too, so that he can bugger off to California to be a techbro. He fawned over Elon Musk enough that he might get a job with him.


Oh, no thank you, please. Instead we will send Elon to you. No need to send Mr. Sunak here. Ta!


How about we meet in the middle, although we may want to wait for iceberg season.


Don't you think he looks tired


Wow, how can he say that to the President of the World?


Can, can we get a Red Nose Day skit now where Tennant pops up playing a different Time Lord named The Problem? I know we don't need him playing a Third Time Lord after 10 and 14, but it would be hilarious.


We should all be concerned when the Prime Minister attempts to treat a private citizen criticising an elected official as suppression of free speech. The call is coming from inside the house, Rishi


I find it hilarious how quickly these conservative politicians will play the victim and try to cancel people when they publicly criticise political correctness and cancel culture. Hypocrites!!!


Hopefully the PM will be gone after tomorrow the transphobic And Homophobic A@@@wipe. David Tennant not going anywhere soon. Kemi Badenoch wishes people like me (gay/ queer) would just not make a fuss. Hopefully she be gone tomorrow too. Sorry had to get that off my chest.


"Rishi Sunak, former Prime Minister" "Yes I know who you are"


He may not be my favorite Doctor, but he is quickly becoming my fav DW actor


Don't you think he looks tired


Don't they look tired?


Don't you think he look tired?


Ooh The Doctor The Master The Problem Can we have another Timelord and call it The Certified Problem, certificate masters and doctorite The Timelord Cult of Academia noverunt omnes experientiam non


Seems like a great addition to the series though... The Doctor, The Master, and then The Problem. Side Note, 'The problem' is probably the worst supervillain name ever, with his sidekick 'The Minor Inconvenience'


I’m pretty sure the Doctor has been viewed as “the problem” by half the universe at this point


Life your life in such a way that some woman’s sugar baby turned politician calls you a problem.


“Don’t you think he looks tired?” God I hope the tories die a political death


It all makes sense now, we've all been in an episode of Doctor Who since 2015, and on 4th July the 15th Doctor is going to turn up and fix the space time continuum.


Honestly, as an American, I’d really like all of that


I don't think he's going to be the Prime Minister for much longer.


This is hilarious 😂


Yes, we know who you are


*The Master Vainglorious - Doctor Who: Series 3 (Original Television Soundtrack)*


Doesn’t he look tired


If a person like this minister targets you, you know you are doing good things.


Rishi, he's taken on much scarier prime ministers than you, buddy. Don't you think he looks tired?


My new theory is that he knows his party is going to lose so historically on Thursday he's trying to create a distraction so that people about the Doctor beating the Prime Minister instead of how unpopular they were


I love him. That is all.


by friday former prime minister


Wow, that’s quite the honor even for him


"Don't you think he looks tired?"


Don’t you think he looks tired? In coming


As a trans teenager, I admire David Tennant so much for sticking up for us and showing his support despite it risking his career.


I posted the article about what our David said about that hateful woman and Facebook took it down. David needs to keep using his platform for good. Let the haters hate. We shouldn’t care. This is DAVID. We love him! He IS the Doctor.


David Tennant being based as always.


"Don't you think he looks tetchy?"


I'm convinced he's really just The Doctor, pretending to be a human actor named david tennant, who also plays The Doctor.


The good thing is that when the prime minister says something is bad then it must be good!


But does he have… Sonic sunglasses? 😎


I am out of the loop, why is David Tennant a problem for Sunak?


he's been vocal about trans rights lately and just won an award for being a good queer ally, so the conservative side of UK politics is having a bit of a meltdown


Tennant made some less than complimentary comments about a Tory MP recently, due to her being a raging transphobe.


Another Time Lord?


Wait. Is Mr Rat Face-No Sky TV trying to trick people as theres been a lot of Vote Saxon memes. He knows that Saxon won the election and its the Doctor's nemesis?


Sunak does look a bit tired.


Joke’s on Rishi. He’ll be out of a job tomorrow.