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My dog has anxiety and so do I. If it’s raining heavily and we have to flee the home she’s not budging unless I bust out the whipped cream. We would not survive very long lol.


Hahaha sameee. Pretty sure I made my dogs anxiety worse with my own 😅 now we’re helping eachother heal lol


That’s definitely true for me & my pup- when I’m doing better so is he. Right now that’s not the case though, and the list of Things Gizmo is Afraid of Because One Kinda Bad Thing Happened There Once is getting wayyy too long- even my bedroom door is on there now.


Aw man I’m so sorry you’re going through that. Dog anxiety is one of the hardest things I’ve had to learn to navigate through. So hard when we can’t communicate with them. What breed are they? Also I’ve heard amazing things with people putting their dogs on Prozac. I just got some from the vet and am going to try it out. I have some other insights on things that have helped my dog if you want to message me more about what specifically he’s going through


Me too. But also my dog is a scaredy cat, like he can get spooked so easily


Yup. Mines a 60 pound American bulldog/GSD/Doberman/pit (even has some Pyrenees in there too) you think she’d be some brave type of dog and she’s scared of balloons and lawn signs blowing in the wind 🤦‍♀️


just make sure to perish in the open so that others may feed


Awww. Well if I met you after the apocalypse we could team up, mine is super timid. Would be great if you could share the whipped cream. 👍


We can raid the reddi whip factory together and set up base camp there!


Dog has anxiety because you have anxiety. Dogs learn from human behaviour, so please, don't project your trauma into your dog.


*mental illness cured*


Doctors HATE them for this one easy trick!


Dog has anxiety because she’s a rescue and came that way, she was left tied up outside animal control by her first owners at night time with a note, underweight. Was terrified and transferred to a foster home where she could start gaining confidence and learning to be a dog. The entire litter apparently has some behavioral issues and the mother of the litter died when they were all born which can contribute to further developmental issues in the puppies according to research. She also has some herding breeds in her and I doubt they came from well tempered behavior evaluated genetics, probably from backyard breeder GSD and collie. Both breeds are predisposed for having anxiety and neuroticism - a good breeder will breed well tempered proven dogs. That’s not what’s in my shelter mutt. I don’t think you understand the amount of time and dedication I’ve put in to helping my dog overcome her struggles. I’ve worked with a behaviorist and she’s made incredible strides. She will always be apprehensive about getting in a car at night time, especially in the rain. This was a silly post anyway. Maybe don’t assume things??


Awww, that's not always true. We rescued our dog and he was abandoned having been treated very badly in his previous home. He is sweet and usually great around people, but can get anxious in some situations. Like if something is dropped, someone throws something, etc. As he's gotten older, and has some dementia, as is common, he has more anxiety (this can happen as they lose sense of hearing and sight) he is on Prozac. It helps.


I took my dog camping for literally one night and she refused to get back in the car for a week. I love her but she is not making it in the apocalypse.


She really went "We are NOT doing that again."


I want to take my dog camping so bad but I don’t even own a tent haha


Owning a tent is like the easiest part of the whole thng


You could try car camping depending on the climate!


Take them glamping! All the fun of camping, none of the set up or need for equipment


My dog ​​grew up on the street so she is better suited to life off the grid than I am. She will probably miss the sofa/bed, I will probably miss more.


3/4 of mine are also from* the streets haha ! The shepherd might have a problem though … she’s known* privilege her whole life🙄 Edit: wrong word


Yeah, mine would be fine. She’s better adapted and skilled than I am, in many ways. Sometimes I wish she’d feel safer and more secure - she’s ultra observant and quick to flee anything with bad vibes - but I think the street hardwired that in, to some extent. I’m small and vulnerable too so I get it.


Yeah. Mine was found in October as a stray, hair to the ground. We live in Las Vegas. No idea how he survived, but that's longer than I would survive outside in 100 degree heat with no constant food/water source.


My boyfriends hound who was a stray for the first 4-5 years of life would definitely be like alright SEE YA and go raid everyone’s abandoned kitchens and grocery stores lol


My dog would in theory be a decent survival companion. He's loyal, decently obedient, athletic, and seems pretty tough and brave. But despite the big brave boy persona he's actually a massive wimpy baby man who I absolutely could not rely on in any way. At the first sign of encroaching threat he would engage his defense mechanism of flattening himself to the ground and suddenly becoming 100lbs heavier and would definitely stay that way while I got eaten by zombies. Thanks buddy.  In a "we're trapped in a bunker" type of apocalypse we would be cast out to the elements pretty quickly due to his incessant barking when it reaches 6:20 pm and he has not gone for his evening walk yet. 


My girl barks at a leaf blowing 4 houses down. She barks a lot and acts like a tough girl, but if something is actually scary or weird, she hides behind me. Also, she runs from her harness/leash, and hates leaving our house. It would be rough and I'm pretty sure we would die quickly.


one time i was sure there was a skinwalkers outside of my tent, and my dog leaned against me to hide. they think we’re omnipotent gods or something 😭💀


My last dog was the biggest whimp ever whenever I wasn't around him, but as soon as he got near me he'd start shit talking everything like he's invincible. It was just like, "cool cool... you trust me... but maybe we don't bark at the bear walking around with a cub..."


"No, we can't go outside, it's raining and I don't control the weather." Takes a shower. "It's too dark out for walkies." Turns on a light. Anything about the kitchen that isn't me accidentally stepping on them. Lol. I love trying to see (good) things from my dogs' perspective.


I think my dog doesn't think I control stuff, he just thinks I have handier (pun intended) appendages and a height advantage. He'll come ask me to get him treats like this is his pantry and I just work here (I don't usually give them to him but that hasn't stopped him from trying! One of the only times he'll bark is when he wants treats and I'm not going over to get them (thankfully he does only one bark to complain about this injustice)).




Is your dog a golden retriever? I'm getting golden retriever vibes lol


We’re all good if the aliens taste like chicken or cheese.


Or if they emit some kind of high pitched squeak sound


Literally LOLed


This made me laugh a bit too much but I love it!


Yeah, my dobie would swallow whole anything that smelled like peanutbutter.


I’m going straight to the dog shelter and letting them all free. Any that vibe with my two dogs are coming with me.


This is the best answer.


I'd be down to kick-start the apocalyptic feral dog packs that roam the empty streets


Next thing you know the dogs are outside the Wawa wearing bandanas smoking cigarettes next to their motorcycles and not even the zombies are gunna mess with them.


Probably coming from someone who has probably never owned aggressive dogs or seen a dog fight or seen a dog attack anything...


Reminds me of the guy in the Titanic who freed all the dogs in the kennels to give them a fighting chance


My husband strongly believes (and he's probably not wrong) that I'll die within a day in the apocalypse. The first thing I think is "Who's gonna release all the shelter animals? What about the animals at the zoo?" I imagine *prisoners* will be released quickly or figure it out, but what if no one checks on the pet shops? Anyway I'll get like two down the list before being devoured


On this front, I stand with you.


Yep, and pet stores, too. I'm busting out all the critters. Sorry for the budgie and guinea pig takeover jk I am not sorry


I'd find other bigger dogs to help protect me and my little dog and roam or go to the woods nearby and build a fortress. I'd loot a home depot a get tools and what not. I'd go to the woods make a rudimentary sunken Cobb house and a 12foot fence of trees. I'd plant trees and bushes around that fence and a natural barrier would slowly grow as I rebuild the fence and make it super strong. Meanwhile the dogs would be in the fence (huge area enough to grow food and have a house and all that) doing they're thing. We'd hunt and survive. Do I currently posses these skills? Nope. Would I probably die holding my dogs because I failed? Yes.


I have thought about this as well. I just come to the conclusion I die with them.


And why not? Why such a strong will to live in a dangerous world where everything is gone?


My dog and I are both horribly suited for most apocalypses. We’re both petite so I suppose we might last a bit in a bunker situation.


As long as the bunker has a couch and a blanket me and my dog could totally survive a few days. But I can’t move out from under the blanket either or she will kick into on mode and start barking and being annoying.


If you are a petite woman you will survive, but if you are a petite male you will be dead soon unless you have a Gyro or "The Humungus" need a "Toadie".


I think needing few resources to survive would be an advantage for men and women, where resources are limited. Only short kings in the bunker. Also, human beings are men and women (or enby). I don’t like being called “a female.”


This is a question of curiosity. As a female/woman why do you have the preference of woman over female?


r/Menandfemales Not all women were assigned female at birth. It’s also dehumanizing to be called “a female” (a female what? Bear? fern? wall socket?) which is why some groups purposefully refer to women as “females” while calling men “men.” I’m not sure further discussion is appropriate for this sub, so suffice it to say that calling women “females” is often a deliberate attempt to dehumanize women and/or reduce to them to their reproductive organs, so it’s nails on a chalkboard at this point.


definitely we won't survive Quiet Place 😅


Thought of this too haha I remember another movie similar to the quiet place, the Silence and they killed the dog because he wouldn't stop barking! I'd never do that, I'd rather die with my dog.


Oh yeah definitely not 😭


Me: some health issues that need management forever My dogs: seniors Bye bye!


Same here. I'd definitely give my dog and I a painless way out. There's no way we would be able to survive an apocalypse.


Two dogs and I hike and camp regularly. I think we'll be fine. They have their own harness and carry sets. We communicate through clicking sounds and hand gestures. To wait, go left, go right etc. I don't let my dogs bark outside... so they run inside and to the bedroom to bark. But they're extra alert when I go down to eat, that's when they bark at any noise. Don't know if they'd be able to find food themselves though. One of them likes to eat grass so there's that.




My neighbors dogs always bark and the neighbor would yell at them. It doesn't work. So everytime the neighbor's dogs bark I let mines go back inside. I don't speak or scold them it just becomes a routine when it happens. Don't give them the option to bark back. On hikes, if there is an uncontrolled dog we just take a different route to avoid the situation all together. If we can't, we back track. I think the most important thing is to take a break on trails. We would stop intermediately to 'wait'. To build patience and to refocus on me, then, when they do go off leash they won't stray too far, and actually look back to see if you are still behind them. The 'look back' part is important.


My dog would definitely protect me but not before being the reason the zombies (in one scenario) found out our location because she barked upon sensing them nearby.


I have a retired, geriatric chihuahua. We’re not going to make it very long.


My dog would probably last way longer than me tbh she eats anything and everything and has never had an issue with bowel obstruction I think she'd probably do better on her own than with me She's also quick and a huge runner so she'd probably be able to get away from everything. Her only downside is her love of people and kids. She'd probably run right up to zombies for attention


Oh man. My dog loves people so much, AND he loves the smell of dead things. Zombies would be a problem for him...human-shaped and so excitingly smelly? He'd NEED to check that out!


Oh I think we’d be fine. One dog is security (big grumpy Malinois/mastiff who doesn’t like strangers), the other one (fast little Malinois) would catch rabbits. The bigger doggo could also help carry/drag supplies since he’s an absolute tank. Most of my hobbies double as survival skills (MMA/martial arts, gardening, canning jams/pickles, sewing, knitting) and my job (now ICU, former ER nurse) would give us an advantage too.


Dang. I’m coming with you. I can cook and Nelson excels at eating.


My dog (American Akita) hung out with me while I rewatched "Threads" earlier this week. We agreed our plan of action was to die instantly. Same with zombies. I'm pretty funny, though. Aliens might keep me as a pet. I'd make a good, if prickly, pet. Like a witty, feral cat.


The movie Threads from 1984?


My dog would get us killed in like 5 minutes.


My lovingly foolish dog would probably die defending me. My husband will pretend to “get me”, and my dog will jump up and silently tell him no.


My dog and I are incredibly fast. I think we’d stand a chance running from safe place to safe place. Lol And she’s a hunter so she’d be able to get us food very easily!


I have 3 dogs, though I think my husky would just run off into the sunset. I would not be able to keep her on leash during an apocalypse. If we're lucky she won't go far. My GSD and shepsky would say with me. My boy GSD would think he's protecting me by barking but would hide if something scared him. I think they would just travel with us and get fed as they can. I'm sure my barky boy would help dangerous people stay away or be apprehensive at least.


I found my people. I've sometimes thought about these scenarios especially when I'm bored. Something dramatic like how they'd let people board those military trucks, like in Black Summer. I'm not built for the apocalypse. I can't run for my life. The only exercise I know is breathing so for sure I will 100% die. And somehow I'm okay with that. But in these scenarios what stresses me out are my dogs. I have 11 of them. I can't evacuate without them. What do I do? So I'd probably just wait it out and die with my dogs.


exactly! when i was a kid i used to have nightmares about being on the Titanic, but they were only ever truly scary nightmares when i had to try and keep my family (lots of siblings) and pets alive as well. when it was just me, it wasn’t as scary, i just accepted i would die lol


I too watch a lot of apocalypse type movies, especially lately (watched some truly spectacularly bad ones on Tubi today in fact!). I'm pretty sure my dog would do something dumb and get me killed immediately if it was any type of situation where we would need to be very quiet. Today he somehow managed to get his dew claw stuck in his collar's D-ring while standing still a foot away from me, so I'm just not optimistic about our chances. I will say that he is very loyal and would stick with me as long as I am alive though, so I guess there's that (although, I'm not 100% convinced he wouldn't abandon me for someone with better snacks). Out of curiosity, any recommendations for movies? I've watched so many and am now having a hard time finding anything good that I haven't seen already.


World war Z is a good one and 28 days later too


Train to Busan if you're in to zombie films. The Road is good, but really not light-hearted.


I just watched an episode of Calls (AppleTV). Super creepy! Am thinking it’s gonna be pretty awesome.


For TV, Silo wasn’t bad and The Last Man on Earth sitcom is pretty fun. The Last of Us is good. Kingdom on Netflix is neat, though I guess a third season has disappeared into the ether. If you’re interested in more Korean zombie TV after Kingdom, try Happiness. It’s survival more than apocalyptic but I loved The Terror series even though I hated the book. For movies, since Train to Busan has been recommended already, Snowpiercer is fun. Also Edge of Tomorrow. And I’m sure you’ve already watched like Mad Max, Children of Men, Shaun of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Zombieland, etc.


Thank you for the recommendations! I've seen all of these except Snowpiercer and Happiness; I'll be sure to check them out!


This is the end is such a funny apocalypse movie! As long as you enjoy juvenile humor like in Superbad.


We go camping together, strolling the woods and just vibing with nature in general. He is easy to feed (some bread and meat is enough, he doesn't tolerate dog food so well). He isn't too big, so it would be easy to take care of him. We would be fine until some zombie stumbles over us, because we didn't notice them (he's deaf and I have the attention span of a potato).


I have a very quiet golden who is 3, and he don’t leave my side no matter what. We went for a rainy hike today at the park and there was a dude running behind us, my dog go didn’t get aggressive but he made sure he was between the other runner and us. I would make sure my guy had food and water in a bad situation. He’s a good boy and loves his humans and cat siblings. ❤️ As for the apocalypse; I would hope we could. He’s extremely responsive as in I don’t have to say his name More than once to get him to come towards me. He eats a healthy diet, likes fruits and veggies, I think we would figure it out. While he is the sweetest boy, he doesn’t like people messing or touching me (hi, mom here) and gets aggressive if strangers try to touch me.


..old school: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072730/ ..A Boy and His Dog..


Love that movie


Not seen that in like 20 years. ...set in 2024 no less.


My apocalypse plan is make it to a Walmart or Home Depot type place. If we get there as soon as we can, she'd be fine. She barks a lot but if she gets scared she's quiet. It doesn't really matter though because first step after getting there is reinforcements


I've watched/read enough apocalypse stuff to warn you that this is everybody's plan, so be prepared for a crowd lol.


My dog and I both have arthritis along with our own health problems. I fear we may die right away, but I will be sure to hang on in the end for him to go first because I would not let him go alone.


I have the Mad Max dog in good lol. Lots of dinky do dog food for both of us


Hahaha, this is a funny topic, but something that I have thought about a lot! My current and prior dogs were both chihuahuas. My last chi barked at the wind blowing, so she would be a challenge if we needed to hide. My current is mean as hell and would do well, but not sure that I would be able to handle him. He only lets me pick him up when he is ready. We are working on it, but it is a slow road.


If we were done for, I would delete myself and my dogs, together. Not waiting to starve or suffer some excruciating fate.


Three dogs. If we are on the move: One I would have to put in a carrier because she is too small to keep up and has no defenses. The other would stay right by my side and protect me no matter what. The third would run. But no zombie is catching him ;) we are a package deal so mess with one you get the others. Even the little gal. She is little but she be crazy.


We're both too old and prissy to make it for long. But that's okay. We've both had a good life and will dine upon the finest canned goods until the end.


My dog hunts, so she will earn her keep.


I have three large idiots and a livestock guardian (thank God). Boris (the livestock guardian) has kept us all safe from coyotes and human home invaders for the last 3 years. He's 160ish lbs of devotion and I think we would do just fine between my rifle/sidearm and him. He's been tested and proven. And not many people are willing to come in between a dog that size that's willing and able to defend its flock from a bear, let alone a person.


My dog would probably try to bring the zombies a toy and jump on them to try to get them to play 😒😭


My dog is a basset and that means we are screwed. Anything that requires running is out. She barks at everything and everyone, so no stealth capability at all. She is also almost 9, so she’s an old lady in basset terms.. no climbing and no walking at all immediately after long naps. She is stubborn and only cares about eating. So any food shortages and there will be hell to pay. That being said, I’d stay with her until our inevitable end lmao.


Sure, if we could stay in the house and have food delivered through the zombie horde and the electricity stayed on to keep the electric blankie toasty, we’d be just fine. Oh and if the pet store delivers treats and toys.


Considering he gets the zoomies every time we’re outside (which is alot)…I think he’d be zooming around the zombies or aliens and I love the visual of that (pug/terrier).


My dog stopped a break in one summer. She got a piece of whoever it was jeans and I probably should’ve kept it as a damn trophy. She’d most likely be the brains and muscle of our team while I just complained all day about not having access to my Crunchyroll account.


Despite their size, Chihuahas are one of the most aggressive dogs - they don't understand how tiny they are. And I'm only 5' 2". Me and 2kg Hetty will stand or fall together.


If I were a small dog, I'd be aggressive too.


My dog would get me killed first.


Bf and i have 2 great danes, we often imagine ourselves in a zombie apocalypse.. we die in every scenario because they go out to play with zombies, or start barking in the middle of a night


Zombie apocalypse? My golden retriever would be done for. “OH MOM LOOK AT ALL THE NEW FRIENDS PLEASE LET THEM PET ME!” *full body wiggles*


I lived with my dog through the apocalypse already during covey.


Probably just give extra nom noms


In different situations different types of dogs would be perfect. In a bunker situation a small less active dog would probably last longer. But in a fighting zombies everyday in a dystopian city situation, larger stronger atheltic dogs would probably be best. But my dog can’t go a day without sitting next to a warm fireplace so no we definitely would not survive!


My guy will be the perfect apocalypse buddy. Stays right by my side, low quiet growl if anything is wrong. Only alerts me and not loud enough for others to hear. Big enough to scare anyone or anything. I've thought about this so much. Only downside is epilepsy. That would be a tough one to work around without meds.


Oh my goodness, you guys. You never disappoint me with your comments. I've tried taking 2 sips of my tea, and both ended up coming out my nose and all over the floor. My dogs are here to clean it up, though.


The building I live in has a fully functional air-raid shelter, but pets aren't allowed in them so I guess we both would just die


I have a Yorkie, he fits in a bag and best of all he doesn’t bark much. Not sure about food though I guess we’ll have to share


I’m on this same page. Put my poodle in that stupid chest-backpack thing (it’s the safest bit ugliest of the bags) and hope for the best.


me and my friends talk about this lmao. my girl is a good trial finder, and she’s pretty quiet for the most part, but she’s the most clumsy dog i’ve ever met. and she has no fear of cars. so it depends on the scenario


My dog is a giant goofy baby and I have too many health issues to survive an apocalypse so I’m dosing us with my sleep meds byeeeeee


My dog doesn’t even drink outside home. She’s a Shiba so there’s a lot more to unpack. Not gonna end well in the apocalypse.


A small part of the reason I have my dogs is that they are part of my prep. I hunt with them, so when the time comes, we'll be doing a lot more. They are also great for security and warmth.


The main issue that would cause death is: fear. Dogs tend to slow down when they are fearful or enclosed or overly agressive. 99% of dogs under 40 lbs would immediately be zombie dogs, if it’s a thing.


We would definitely survive. I used to do martial arts. My dog is a mix of hunting and guarding breeds and has the instinct to do both. She also recognizes sketchy behaviour in people immediately, and alerts me, and she'd love to hunt if given the opportunity. Also she's short and bulky, basically like a torpedo with paws, so she's super fast and strong.


If the apocalypse happens my house is being filled with carbon monoxide and we are going peacefully.


Ugh. I had to leave an abusive relationship, so this became very real to me, especially as I had two cats, one disabled, a reactive dog, and two sugar gliders (technically the last two were my ex partners, but I’m the one who cared for them and spent money on their care, and I saw him kick the dog so I sure AF wasn’t leaving them behind) I had apocalypse dreams for like two months after leaving, where I would have to escape some disaster while carrying all the animals with me. I’d take those dreams over the other ones any day lol.


It will be hard at first as your dog will be well out of his comfort zone. But dogs are adaptable. If you took to the road tomorrow and started walking all day, every day, your dog would adapt. He'd learn what's worth barking at and what's a waste of time, what is a threat, what isn't. He'd learn to stick with you or get left behind. If you've ever seen homeless people's dogs, they tend to be pretty chill. They've seen it all, they live outside, they are exposed to every kind of stimulus. (Your mileage may vary, I know not all are like this). But on the whole, they let the world go by and they only react if absolutely necessary - if there is a threat or they need to protect their person. If SHTF and your took to the road with your dog, he would learn along with you. If it was zombies, he'd learn what zombies are and that they're bad and he'd be able to smell them. If you could keep him alive long enough to learn, then unless he is very old or impaired, then he would adapt!


My dog tried to eat a stray kitty last night, I feel like they’d have to be afraid of him instead


I'd stick one pup in my pocket and one in his backpack and try to defend all 3 of us.


I have a sheltie who would definitely get us killed since he’s EXTREMELY loud and somehow has a bark thats triple his size. I would definitely die for him and risk my life for him. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself as a human. Sure I may break my bones but when they heal I’ll never forgive myself


My dog is a massive scaredy cat (not going to use the other word I had in mind) - she’s very skittish and would definitely run away and leave me 🤣.


I’ve already thought out my plans for Z day. My Aussie will be my main priority. She can guard, hunt, she’s durable as all hell, will stick close, a great nose, very in tune with me.


I have a weird reoccurring dream about surviving some type of apocalypse. There's always a scene where we're all hiding, trying to be incognito. My dog starts whining, and I nod. I start crying and hand her over to my brother and let him know that it's time. And BOOM. He snaps her neck. And then I wake up actually crying lol.


Mine is a pekingese mix, and really easy going, AND my ride or die, she would fit in any backpack so we can tackle the apocalypse together. Only issue - she’s a fussy eater so I don’t know what I would do if her favourite food ran out 😂


Faust would probably alert at the wrong time and get me killed, but he will be an excellent emergency food source... FFairuza is a retired working dog and has some bite training, so she'd be actually useful in a SHTF scenario.


Me and my little dog hiding out in the forest, make my own shelter hut, we'll be right


We’ll be looking at the flowers… but the cats will be fine.


We have a zombie apocalypse first step survival plan. The roof is the safe place. First up is our older dog Evie. She's the smartest and we'll need her. Next up is my partner. He's an electrician and former truck driver and grew up on a farm. He has practical skills for days. Next up is our younger dog Barkley. He's tall and can find food anywhere. He's also fast enough to catch rabbits. Final up on the roof is me. I'm the least capable physically but I'm definitely the meanest. I also grew up in a rough town and know how to use a cricket bat. 🤣 Don't know what to do about the barking though because Evie definitely has opinions. Anyway. It's been discussed and this is the order of survival. 👍


Reminds me of the Tom Hanks movie [finch](https://dogwithblog.in/finch-movie-review/) I’d do whatever it takes to care for the doggo when I am gone.


I could finally let my dog catch a bird or a rabbit like she wants haha.


Ever read World War Z? (book, not movie, completely different) The dog chapter broke me. We do not deserve dogs.


i have strict orders from the lady to kill her, the dog, then myself. going back to the barbarians of old is not the walking dead samurai swords. its desperation, hunger and a lot of evil. humans can do awful shit.


I live with a chihuahua that would protects me from our own vacuum. I have no doubt that he would save the world in either of those events. 😂 if you know, you know. Our Golden Retriever on the other hand would be the bravest boy hiding under the bed until the coast is clear and he can safely come out to play toys.


lol, my big intimidating looking boxer wouldn’t make it 10 min (she’s a big chicken) but my little west highlands terrier is badass and would probably save the world (I’d just be chasing him trying to keep up) 😂


Pandora is the name of my dog, she is just a little dramatic and has that "I just a baby" energy. I slipped on ice once, and she yelped like she got hurt. lol I would try my best to keep us both safe but we are basically dead...lol


My dog eats her own poop (or the poop of other dogs, she’s not picky) so I wouldn’t have to feed her at least.


As long as my my go-bag is full of tennis balls, my duck toller will be fine.


Mine’s a 9 lb senior Chihuahua. I have a front facing carry pouch for him. His feet would only touch the ground again when he needed to potty. This, as far as he’s concerned, is the life he should be leading already.


So my house flooded a few years back in a storm and my dog just froze and had to be carried out. At first it was like wow I’m gonna need you to be a little more proactive in this adventure and tune into some survival skills. On the other hand - he got scared and quietly waited nearby for me to show him what to do which is probably better than most children are capable of, so maybe we’d make it after all.


I'll just curl up with my pup and pass away with her. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving. As a protector she's amazing and she will kill anything that's a threat. A zombie apocalypse? Nah she'd try to "get to know them" because she is super social. Yeah thanks daisy. Looks like we're screwed lol.


Oof, don't watch "I am legend"


My dog won’t even go out in the rain. We’re dying for sure.


Ironically I have around 400lbs of dog food for my two Rotten Shepherds currently. Give or take a year supply of food for the cat. A friend of mine recently asked me if I was prepping for an apocalypse and if so said my pets would outlive us all.


This might be really dark, but im loading my animals into my car with me in the garage, turning on the car, and spending the rest of our time together snuggling until we go to sleep forever. I have no ability no will to survive an apocalypse. First of all, I barely have the will to survive as it is. Second, I can't shoot and don't own guns. Third, I'm a woman. We all know what happens to women in apocalypse. Me and my animals have had a good run, I have no will to even try to survive that and I'd rather pass of carbon monoxide poisoning than getting ripped to fucking shreds while everyone around me also gets ripped to fucking shreds


This might be my favorite plan yet. I don't want to find out what happens to women in this situation, even before the zombie attack.


I don't have a dog. I have a cat. I don't know why I'm here. My cat will run into a bush and die of hunger because he's a dumb ass who can't hunt. I will walk into the zombies willingly to be eaten shortly after I lose internet access.


My dog is part Schnauzer so he'd be loud as hell. I'd definitely know when a zombie is approaching, but he'd also give away our location. Maybe it'd be enough to scare them away, but who knows. Even if we didn't get eaten by zombies, we'd probably both starve to death very soon. I have food allergies and he is VERY picky.


I feel like my lab can learn anything. We may not last long but we will be together to the end ❤️


I live in CA, so apocalypse is a relative term lol I'm mostly worried about earthquakes, as I already know I can't evade the weirdos here! I keep extra food on hand and pack some things in my go bag for them. I'd be hosed in a zombie apocalypse as I have two shepherds. Their whole existence is based on bossing everyone around which is likely to draw zombie attention, what with the running around, barking and forcefully asking for pets. Best wishes in the apocalypse!


When I had dogs, one of them was blind and later went deaf. He did not move quickly because he couldn't see anything and bumped into stuff if you moved the furniture ever so slightly. He also took gallbladder meds his whole life and was on low fat kibble. He wouldn't have lasted long, unfortunately. On the other hand, I had another dog with phenomenal eyesight and probably would have lasted longer. The were both mini poodles though, so I don't think either of them would have survived in the apocalypse. I would have done everything I could to keep them safe, though.


Omg I have actually thought about this as well! For me when I had one dog I was like it’s cool I will get a dog strap and strap her to the front of me like a baby incase we need to run…. But now I have two I’m like wtf I think I would try and bundle them in the car and make a run for it and figure it out on the way but honestly I feel like these things do need to be thought of just incase lol All else fails I will die with them as I would never leave them!! Times like this I wish I had a rottie so they could just roll with me and fight off aliens and zombies with me hahah


I’d try to disuade him from trying to make friends with every foe and I’d wind up dead in the process. He’d soon be responsible for making the next species of Alien-Doggo hybrids and soon become lord pillsbury dough boy over all the earth.


I am legend


I'm Gucci my service dog will probably be more concerned about taking care of me and worried that I'm not taking my medications. I'm more likely to have issues than my pup is.


my dog is a demon chihuahua. we will survive the apocalypse.


My Labrador would drop his favorite ball in front of every alien, zombie, or psycho, and wag his tail so big his butt would dance. He tried to give his ball to a calf on the other side of our fence yesterday but the calf wouldn't play fetch. As long as they aren't wearing a hoodie, he'd accompany them into the house in the hopes of a treat. In other words, we humans would have no hope but our dog might get a nice game of fetch.


I am reading the *Zombieland* rules aloud to Lucy right now: * Cardio -- check. * Double Tap -- going to be a problem for both of us. I definitely don't know how to aim a gun, and she doesn't even have thumbs. * Beware of Bathrooms -- check. * Seatbelts -- well, she has a crate in the car. I'm going to hope. * Travel Light -- In the event of a zombie apocalypse, we will be leaving the poo bags at home. (Still gotta bring the treats, tho.) * Don't Be a Hero -- Not this bitch. She's terrified of smaller-than-life wooden cat cutouts. And A+ proficient at sudden U-turns (on cue). * Limber Up -- check. (She runs with me regularly. We got this part.) * When in Doubt, Know Your Way Out -- This part will be on me, but Lucy has no problems sticking with me. * Check the Back Seat -- This is literally where her crate is. * Enjoy the Little Things -- Like cookies. In the event of zombies, we are probably not the worst prepared dog-human pair. Aliens seem much more variable to me, increasing the odds that we're fucked.


My husky hunts and kills small prey, then leaves it on command. She's actually not a barker so she's pretty quiet except when she has an attitude. Her energy is endless. I think she would outlast me, I would get us both killed, or she would do something really stupid like escape and then I would die trying to catch her lol.


My previous pup was not a subtle, or quiet dog. He was a 110lb husky/pit mix (guessing maybe more malamute over husky because of his size, but who knows) and he had the attitude of a teenager on his best days. If he thought he needed something, and I either wasn’t fast enough or told him no, he would talk back with his grumbles and random noises…he was absolutely ridiculous and made sure all of his complaints were known by everyone in the vicinity. I always told him if it ever came down to having to hide in the wilderness he would absolutely be our downfall and give us away in record time. He also loved absolutely everyone so he would probably just bound up to who/what we would be hiding from lol


My dog would be a pretty good apocalypse companion. She’s 113lbs, obedient, and great off leash. Despite being very friendly, she is also very visually intimidating and a natural guard dog. She would throw down for me in a heartbeat, but can also turn off her “guarding mode” when she gets the all clear. Unfortunately, she’s also lazy as hell and can’t run for shit. But, yanno, same… so we’d probably get got together. Go team.


I have a shepherd/hound/dane mix. He's laid back until he gets in protective mode. Then he'll eat someone if they would try to harm me or my wife. He definitely definitely senses who I don't care for. Not gun shy, either. We would have a better than average chance at survival.


.."handling the apocalypse" to me is sticking together..providing for them (i have 3) over my own needs, like immediate food.. ..and teaching them from being couch-dogs to being alert & able to protect our pack..


My plan is to put my puppy in a front pack and ride out of the city on my mountain bike via the river trail with my husband. Yes I have considered this thoroughly and am packing him a go bag


My old girl is protective but not overly so, unfortunately she's going blind and deaf. My husky would ignore both me and the zombies eating me unless one offered her a treat.


I had a dog that was given to me when I was 17, his name was Kobe, he was a mutt but he was really handsome. He didn't have any formal training but he stayed by my dad's side because he had cancer. He would follow my dad everywhere, even if it was just in the bathroom. My dad died suddenly and we left Kobe at home alone for a couple of hours but it wasn't until the next day that we realised that we left him alone. (I come from an indifferent family so we weren't able to have other people take care of him despite asking and even offering payment) During my dad's wake, we left Kobe at home and he guarded the whole house by himself and even stopped a robber from breaking into the house (we found a machete by the gate after the burial and Kobe had a small wound). He was a medium dog but he had piercing eyes so he looked intimidating but he's a total softie when belly rubs happen. Those 3 days, Kobe was able to guard the house by himself (my mum and I took turns giving him food and water), even after my dad passed, he remained in his "guard post", a chair that was facing the gate in our lawn. We would definitely have survived an apocalypse. He eventually had a son that I named Happy (I was 18-19 by this time) he was the literal definition of sunshine on legs because he was always happy, he was smaller than his dad.. think of a corgi but with longer legs but he was a noisy dog who barked at everyone and everything. To be honest, my teen years up to early adulthood was in survival mode as we lost a lot of things to get my dad treated for cancer but my dogs were at my side. When I got my first paycheck, I celebrated with my boys because they were my companions. I know most people viewed them as pets and would say they didn't have a choice but they didn't complain when we didn't have enough or leave like most people did because my family wasn't that rich anymore. They sadly passed because of old age. My last dog was Appa, she was given to me by a friend because he found her in the streets and he couldn't take care of her. She was a German shepherd mix, Kobe showed her the ropes I suppose because she was always on guard but a total cuddlebug when she's not guarding the house I sadly lost her suddenly last year because she got sick. I know the vets and I did our best but I wish she was still here playing with me. I definitely would survive an apocalypse with my trio but I miss them so much.. I know they're probably playing together now without the limits of old age and sickness :(


My dog is an anxious boy BUT he also trusts me and would follow me anywhere. He’s summited mountains with me. Id a backpack and carry him (40lb) in it, grab my new sniper rifle and we’d tough it out. He’s also a good judge of character and believe he’d protect me from anyone with bad intentions


I have two GSDs with two completely different personalities. I feel like my confident friendly GSD probably wouldn't do well. He's not a fighter and the couple times he's had aggressive dogs or animals confront him he fought back too late or not at all. He's never expecting something not to love him and approaches everything tail wagging. My anxious GSD who really only likes our family and a couple other close friends and merely tolerates any other visitor, would probably do better. He trusts no one and watches everything. He also won't hesitate to return an attack or defend. (Fortunately, I've only seen him have to do that once when a doberman slipped its choke lead and came charging at him at the vet clinic.) I just wouldn't take him on any stealth missions because he talks like he's half husky.


Three of my pack launch themselves into the car at the first sign we might be going somewhere, and all three are Velcro dogs to me. We would manage just fine. They're very clever herding breeds so I'm confident I could train them in the skills we would need to adapt to apocalypse life. The fourth would ignore me and go chase apocalyptic nightmares until he got eaten :')


Mine is an idiot lmao. I’d die constantly trying to keep him out of trouble.


We will do ok . The longest we have done off grid is a week. But we are mobile and ready.


This actually scares me. Ever since the movies A Quiet Place and the other one where there’s creatures sensitive to sound and the families dog keeps barking so they kill it. Fuck. No. What a nightmare. I’m kind of a survivalist, I collect and study. I was homeless for awhile as a teen. Survival isn’t something I’m generally scared of in a apocalypse. But I worry for animals and children. I work overnights at a dog daycare/boarder. I could only hope it happens when I’m at work with my dog clients. They all love me, protect me, and listen to me. I’d have that building a fortress.


I’d have to have a baby bjorn on the front and the back lol. I have a deaf dachshund and a lazy frenchie that only walks a half block at a time. It would be a bad time with these 2 chuckle heads.


My kids think I’m weird bc I already have a plan for this. Our dog was abused and she is a total psycho, she will also try to knock me down so she can run away if she gets startled, like she knows she just has to be faster than me if a bear chases us…… So if my kid is still living at home when the poop hits the fan we have to eat the dog bc she would turn us in for a milk bone….if the kid isn’t home the dog and I would probably just hang out at home til fatty got hungry enough to kill me bc she would not do well in that kind of world at all.


My dog will be fine, just as long as she has her binky blanket and can get under my duvet.. also known as *not fine* 🤪


When my dog was younger, we would've been an unstoppable survival force. He was fast, agile, strong, obedient, smart, and eager to please. We could've hidden and camped out, him catching small critters like rabbits for us to eat. Nowadays he's old and a bit stiff, can't see or hear too well, and rarely hits full throttle lol. I'd probably hunker down wherever I could, and try to keep him inside.


My chihuahua who passed, he and I did tons of stuff by ourselves including cross country trips and long hikes. He was extremely well trained and his only downfall in an outdoor survival scenario would be he was completely snake blind - one more than one occasion he just tromped across a whole ass snake laying out sunning itself (non venomous thank god).


uh. We’ll both die, for sure.


I have spent time thinking about this before, after reading something about most humans disappearing AND I realized I would be spending so much time rescuing all the dogs that got locked up in people's houses when they disappeared.


Yeah you are so right about that I've got a AM staffy he's a blue boy nearly 3years old and we go everywhere together as when I got I told him his name Jacki jack Jax's and we will be together forever and that's what we have been probably over 40.000 klms of road and footpaths and we love it there's no better than to have your best mate and boy right beside you there's no better feeling hay


Me and my beautiful boy we also were on the streets for awhile and from the he always wants to be out side of our unit but he's great and wonderful to be with he gives unconditional love everyday and it's the best and won't trade that in for anything


We would both die because he barks at everything, so he’d alert the monsters/velociraptors.


Oh my dog would handle it better than I would. He’s a machine and he’s ride or die for me. Super athletic, stealthy and would probably love a reason to go after someone or something. He’s just bold af and truly devoted. This dog would do days without food and run on a broken leg if he had to.


I have 2 huskies. They are gone. They... they just left. Took off running and realized I wasn't there 30 miles later. Their one shared brain cell wasn't strong enough to get them home. I'll look for them, but it'll wind up like the Evangeline story - they are so fast and distractable. They're probably ok, though. Surprisingly resilient little bastards when they aren't eating batteries.


We’re both dead. She(Lab) loves dead things and will definitely, after getting over the shock of moving dead things, try and steal and run away with a zombie leg or arm. And then I’ll be dead trying to take it from her. Also I can’t see worth a lick. So once my glasses break I’m done for.


This is why I keep a ton of old glasses, and get a cheap back-up pair when I can for my current prescription. Going through ALL of those would take awhile as long as I don't lose the bag with them in it.