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Some dogs just don’t know how to play with humans. One of my dogs is that way. She’s not a people dog at all and doesn’t understand toys. She’d run and roughhouse with our other dog when she was younger, but even then had zero interest in toys. I could get her to play with me if I acted like a dog - kind of jumping up and down, running around, and running towards her. We just had to find her enrichment in other ways. She loved walks and chews and things she could lick like stuffed Kongs. She loves to look out the window and watch what’s going on. We’ve had a second dog for much of it, so she was always able to play with another dog. We’ve had her for a decade, and it’s never been any different as far as toys. Even when other dogs are waving them in her face and showing her how it’s done. I might as well wave a book in her face and ask her to read.


It’s not their job to "know how to play with us“. We’re the so called advanced species that domesticated them. We have to get to their level, not the other way around. Also, I hope you didn’t stop social playing. That can work wonders for your bond.




I wasn’t even replying to your post, but ok. 💁🏻‍♀️


Many sheepdogs just aren't enamored with fetch, or carrying things around like retrievers do. We've had Shelties and Aussies, and they are smart enough to learn the game, but will often just do it a few times and then get bored with it. Frisbee might help -- they often like to chase things while they are moving. But if she doesn't want to bring back a ball so you can throw it again, she might not be interested in bringing back a frisbee so you can throw it either.


I would just focus on the things she already likes to do and can do-- my dog plays fetch only occasionally so I have to burn his energy off in other ways. Trick training, agility (I set up jumps for him), hide and seek, rolling up treats in a towel and letting him figure it out, etc. Since she likes to jump and pull you might find she really likes a flirt pole. You can use it to train and reduce reactivity to teach self-control and she can also go crazy with the toy on the rope as a reward/release cue :)


Flirt pole? 😂 such a fun name. I will try it. I dont want to try the same thing since the same thing isnt working for me


This video is a good overview of how to use it! https://youtu.be/PZngak0ChcI?si=UiSvPcMOHLsnmuZf I have one I made out of a stick, an old piece of rope, and a toy. Cost me nothing lol


I do have a rope at home and will try after work in the park


My dog will for play a little while to work himself into zoomies, but there are other dogs of his breed obsessed with balls and he’s not. We play for a little and then he’s done. He plays with the flirt pole until he catches the toy once. He really likes learning tricks and playing find it and getting food puzzles, so we do stuff like that instead.


Some dogs like to retrieve some don’t. My toy poodle and a cat I had loved it but no other dogs ever did. There so many things you can do to interact with your pooch.


Have you tried a flirt pole? You can find them on Amazon. If she has some terrier in her and a prey drive, she might love that! My terrier is obsessed with the flirt pole. Like your dog, he’s not a big fan of fetch.


Yes! Or a tug-e-nuff [you can get them on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Tug-Nuff-Rabbit-Chaser-Squeaker/dp/B09NC8LFBS?ref_=ast_sto_dp)! I think they are a little easier to maneuver than the flirt pole and the leash part is durable. My last dog didn't fetch but went WILD for the flirt pole toy. I used to have to hide it when we were done lol


We just walk and hike together. 4 15 minute walks during the week and then 5+ miles total on the weekend. She will chase balls but not bring them back so I am good with her playing with dogs at the park. We have a lot of friends with dogs, so it is nice to be able to let them hang together when we meet up.


Maybe you can try playing tug and evolve it into "fetch." Most dogs naturally follow moving and exciting things, so you have to get animated here. It may feel silly at first, but just pay attention to your dog and not other people. I'm not a dog trainer, but these are things that have helped me with my dog and friends' dogs. - First, put a leash on your dog, even if she is reliable off-leash. You want something to stop your dog from turning it into a "chase her" game. - Using a tug toy (or similar toy that you both can grab at the same time), wave it around in front of the dog. If she goes for it, don't let her get it. Wave it around for a few seconds as if teasing her. You only want to do it for a few seconds, because you don't want your dog to give up. - After a couple of seconds of jumping around and getting the dog excited, throw the toy about 3-5 feet away. You don't want to throw it too far at first. - When your dog picks up the toy, get excited, animated (say yay! Good girl! In a high pitched voice) and start "running" in the opposite direction of your dog. When I say "running," I don't mean a sprint, but an exaggerated jog. You want your dog to "chase" you with the toy in their mouth. But don't go too far. A few steps is enough to trigger the "chase drive." - When she reaches you, play tug with her for a few seconds, and then ask her to let go. If she knows this already, great, but if not, you can either wait there like a statue until she gets bored and lets go (at which time you praise and reward), or you can try trading for a treat. - Once you have the toy in your possession again, repeat a few times. You want your dog to associate bringing you the toy with excitement and fun. Then increase the distance and then you can change the toy to a ball. I hope this helps and good luck with your pup!


I love thisssss i saw it on a video and this is truly genius, worked when we got started she was a rescue and she didnt know how to play at all. But I’ll try again and add some of the elements you discussed


My dogs think fetch is the dumbest game. Other games: tug, flirt pole, chase with toy. My dogs love tug. My boy will die for the flirt pole so if your dog is like that, be careful. They can overheat themselves fast.




Yessssss 🫢


I have had 3 Irish Setters, none of them played fetch. No big deal to me, there are plenty of other things they all found to entertain themselves. My current Irish Lass tells me "I don't do stupid dog tricks, you go get the ball!" LOL She does know the basics and biggest one is move so I don't trip over her. She blends in with everything and she never jumps on me.


my dogs always been the same… she may go chase a ball but is mostly interested in the chase… or she may just look at me like why do you throw that ball all the way over there?


Try a herding ball