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shadow prison and shadow duelist over and over doesn't work?


I don't know what shadow prison does, I mostly use servants and duelist's


It's one of the strongest abilities in the game. It takes away the ability to move from anything trapped inside. Repeatedly trapping enemies and bosses while letting your duelists attack them works for almost every encounter. There are a few exceptions where you have to put more thought into how you use it but that's mostly for bosses with complicated abilities. If you keep up the prison all the time and resummon duelists when they die, deerclops should be a walk in the park. Consider only using 5 duelists at a time and brining cactus, so you don't have to deal with nightmare creatures.


can you make treeguards kill it




I just killed deerclops on my solo Maxwell world! I kited him - people recommend not doing so because the fight takes longer, but given Maxwell's low health and high sanity (so you probably won't go insane even while taking your time kiting), it's a bit more viable! I brought a tentacle spike, football helmet, puffy vest, and a thermal stone, as well as jerky for healing. Go out in some random clear corner of your world, set up a fire, two fires, or a fire and a lantern for room to run around. A maximum heat thermal stone also offers light so you have a bit of leeway if you need more space to kite or to run away. Two hits and dodge - run in the opposite direction until you hear/see his attack hit the ground, and run immediately back for two more hits. Play it safe and heal as soon as you get hit even once!


If you plan on trying to tank it: Make armor, a hambat, perogies to heal, and place two campfires next to you fully fueled to negate his freezing effects.


I did it without healing items (your advice is rlly helpful,)




Worst case scenario, lead it to the swamp. It will eventually die against all the hostile mobs there, between spiders, merms, tentacles...


Spawn tree guards with either worker shadows or by leading deer lops around. Aim with his crotch. He’s not as effective at destroying trees as bearger is.


He is not hard to kite for a boss, run behind him or away out of range when he is about to strike. Bring some healing and sanity food so you can take your time to learn. Always wear armor, at least a football helmet with maxwell. Alternatively you can tank her next to a campfire, but watch maxwells low health carefully. I'd use a marble suit for this.


Go away from base 30th evening, when night comes and you hear her growl, place a pre-made sign down, this will attract her, as she attacks structures. If you're not confident in kiting take a marble suit/night armour (and football helmet), a hambat and load a campfire fire until it's blazing. As long as you are on top of the fire you won't freeze. (she gets a free hit and you get fewer strikes) Tip: Set the sign down near beefalo or bees, or a swamp biome in case you are swarmed by nightmares they can finish off or distract her.


Circle around him


Getting an ornery beefalo should work rather well. If you're good enough with kiting/heal frequently you might as well just bring a dark sword and football helmet (an ornery beefalo does as much damage as a dark sword if I remember correctly). If you feel like it get some dreadstone and make armor and helmet, shadow and ancient equipment buffs the duelists so if you use a dark sword and dreadstone helmet and armor they should be able to deal with deerclops fairly easily


2 logsuits, 1 football helmet, 1 hambat and 5-10 cooked cactus, you just literally stand there while next to a firepit (So you don’t get frozen) and hold the attack button. There’s no other simpler, easier way than the traditional way. Low on health/sanity, eat the cactus. Taking too much damage, add 1 helmet/logsuit. Trial and error. Do it now.


Clops does 75 damage. That's 15 to your health each attack if you have a football helmet or log suit. That means you die after 5 hits. A football helmet has 315hp. That means it breaks after 5 hits. That means with a *full durability* (important) football helmet, you can tank 4 hits. A dark sword has 100 users and does 68 damage per hit, and maxwell doesn't take sanity drain from it. Deerclops has 4000 health, so one dark sword is enough to kill him. So with full health, full sanity, a full durability football helmet, a dark sword, a precrafted campfire, a thermal stone, and a puffy vest, the fight should be very easy. The fight gets harder if your internet is bad, you have lag compensation on, you don't have fingers, or you don't know you can press f to attack, or some other issue that prevents you from being able to to even the most basic of kiting. Deerclops is a gank boss though, if you're caught unprepared you'll have to improvise. > I have to run for my life if I piss it off. Don't run, running is not a strategy for winning a fight. You want to range leash. You want to stay at the edge of its attack range, go in to bait the attack, then move away to dodge the attack, then either go in to attack or go back to the edge of range to deal with some other situation. > I've struggled with Deerclops for a bit There's different strategies to improve, it depends on exactly how the fight has gone. If you are coming into the fight with all the preparation I described, then dying, you need to think about improving your execution. Try and and kite it without attacking it, to get used to weaving in and out of range, and get an idea of its attack range. Then when you're comfortable with that go in for one counter attack each time. Then when you're comfortable with that go in for two counter attacks each time. If you're coming into the fight with a basic spear (rather than a dark sword), no armor, less than full health, low sanity etc, then you need to instead focus on better preparing. > I'm Maxwell Some players gravitate towards Maxwell because they don't feel comfortable kiting shadow creatures, and the thinking is because of Maxwell's dapperness they'll never have to fight shadow creatures. Thinking like this will put a huge cap on what you can do in this game. You need to be comfortable going insane and killing shadow creatures, in order to graduate from newbie status.


I really enjoy Maxwell for his sanity, I rarely go insane (if I do, it's for the nightmare fuel). And damn, I'll take this advice for the next times I fight it. You're insane for giving this advice, lmfao. The way I beat it was, spear (I didn't have any meat) 3 shadows, football helmet and wooden armor. It's basic but it works.


Obtaining a crafting station and the materials for a darksword is very high priority. Not only does having a proper weapon help with deerclops and other bosses, but it helps against hounds, helps against depth worms, helps with clearing ruins and so on. Maxwell has unique benefits with the dark sword too. It doesn't drain his sanity, and it also buffs his shadow duelists.


Don't die


You're funny lmfao