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Counterargument: spicy volt goat chaud froid


Counterargument: Wolfgang (you don't even have to do anything for buffs and no downsides)


Porque no las dos? Play duo and make Wolfgang do a million damage.


I know what you want to say but I think he should be a stronger character all together give him more unique ways to support other, don't make him just a spicy volt goat guy


defense up, damage up, resource gathering speed up, sanity switch, instant use sleep potion.


what sleep potion ?


The Instant use one


I mean, he’s going to get a skill tree, so yeah he absolutely will be stronger.


He's not that bad, I love him, hunger downside? Eat 2 meaty stews every 3-4 days, boom, no more hunger downside, and u can make powdercake mixed with spices to collect recourses better, fight better and survive better than most characters, and when it comes to healing it's really not nearly as difficult to make unique dishes as people claim it to be, not to mention u can always salt them, seriously just get a pierogi, a tallbird egg and some eggs n bacon, moqueca and ur absolutely set, he's super fun to play, the elements of overheating or freezing can also absolutely be negated by super easy recipes he has, his downsides are nowhere near as bad as people make them out to be. I personally can't wait for him to receive his skill tree because it might just make him straight up insane to play.


super easy recipes idk about that his winter neglecting recipe has vegetables that grow in summer and the opposite for summer And I think Warly is lacking fun recipes and mechanics outside dishes and spices the fact that he is not better at gathering or making food than others kinda sucks


It would be fun for him to make "food helpers" that slowly spoil after some time to help with gathering/etc. Also BECAUSE he's a chef I think his hunger should drain slower, he should be used to being near food and not eating it.


He cooks faster. And for healing he should require less healing food since garlic powder stacks with armor.


I do hope he gets a skill tree that makes him more interesting to play. He’s not *bad* bad, but as others have said, he’s innately worse once you have a fair number of dishes stocked up. I have to thank him though since he made me get off my ass and learn other recipes aside from Meatballs and Meaty Stew, especially ones that gave sanity.


ig u dont know how to play Warly properly but ur right that he needs more content. definitely isn't as dry as you claim though


Thats such a bad argument I know how to play him but I find him a lot weaker than others character especialy now, he can just create dishes and spices when other characters have so many things going for them, they have some smaller perks that help them and some bigger ones where Warly is just the guy with some unique recipes


spices are an insanely good perk. Volt golt jelly in rain with pepper also makes him one of the highest damage dealers in the game as well. He's solid on resource gathering with honey, about top 4 behind woody, maxwell, and probably wolfgang. He offers a unique experience and forces you to explore parts of the game you normally wouldn't have with other characters. Warly can literally make potions with spices on twinkies that boost his survivability as well as utility. Also you need to remember that dst is a multiplayer game and Warly also acts as one of the best support characters in the game.


I feel like warly is in the wickerbottom boat. Wickerbottom has imo strongest overall kit in the game hands down. However once you get celestial portal you can swap to Maxwell and maintain all of wickerbottoms perks plus maxwells. Wickerbottom is obsolete afterwards. Same kinda with warly. Insane amount of utility for the team but once dishes are stocked up no need to really play him. However following the same logic you could say pretty much every character is obsolete outside of Wolfgang and wurt.


No he’s a really terrible character to play.


a big problem with warly is outside of groups, characters like wigfrid and Wolfgang can easily get similar or better damage warly can with less effort so warly is often seen as a weaker character for solo


no you just dont know how to play him


Skill issue tbh


The biggest problem of this character is no reason to play him once you stockpile his dishes. So the actual problem might be ability to stockpile his dishes in the first place, because these ARE strong. Similar problem occurs with Wickerbottom and Maxwell, but one might prefer to deal with low sanity instead of low health, and just because of that, she is not useless completely as Warly.


He feels like Wes but is actually useful (especially if you got friends to buff and help). Kind of like a challange character


I agree that he need skilltree but not because he's weak. Warly is boring compared with characters like Wanda and almost any character with rework/skilltree.


I think he is weak compared to others and yea I think the worst thing is that he is lacking in gameplay mechanics that make him more interesting


Now that Winona is getting her skill tree, warly will be the only underwhelming switch and forget character left, currently you really just want him to cook and spice stuff then switch to someone with combat perks for max effect, in very few cases you can say "I wish I was warly right now to use his portable crockpot" compare to how much you would miss other characters perks, like willows fire spells, wortox teleports and Wendy's Abigail. He just needs more to do than being a spice chef, clear advantages from eating a variety diet could help, food efficiency when cooking? Maybe make it so while his portable crockpot is nearby he can "cook" special dishes that generate an aura around the pot, like a light source, or heat or cold


his design is just flawed in my opinion becuse they forgot to give him pasive perks


His design isnt that flawed he was just left behind after all the others got updates and skill trees. Wilson used to do nothing, but having a beard not long ago.


I consider him flawed becuse I think a character should have a mix of pasive and active abilities. And he was made with only active abilities and not to many of them at that his only pasive ability is faster cooking on fire (But it's a worse ability than even a beard so cmon)


His passive ability is his extremely powerful crafts and recipes. It's just undermined because character swapping exists. He's a crafting based character, his power isn't in his own ability, it's in what he can make that nobody else can make themselves. He's one of the strongest characters in the game, he just doesn't stay in use after stockpiling his stuff because you can swap and use them with other characters after they're made (except portable crockpots, those are still exclusive to him). He's literally a meta defining character, and if swapping wasn't an option people would be begging to have one in every server, like Wickerbottom and Winona had to go through. Hell, if he plays selfishly, he's stronger than most other characters by direct comparison because of the buffs he can dish out making his effective stats better than theirs.


Those are active abilities I wouldn't say he is meta defining or one of the strongest characters. I would say he is a jack of all trates but he is not the best in anything In terms of beating the game Wolfgang is a lot stronger and in terms of surviveing wurt is stroneger


Have you made volt goat chaud froid yet


I think a good perk would be him starting with a LOT of recipes written down in the Cookbook. He is a Chef, for god's sake! A lot of newbies would play him If he was granted tons of free recipes just to learn the dishes. Pictures that: he always starts with Cookbook and 15 dishes written with 1-2 recipes each. And he should be able to pick spoiling foods and turn into another one with fresh durability. You know, in real life, we pick spoiling vegetables and make a soup to consume them. Something like that. He should be able to soup up spoiling foods.


Someone else had an idea so he could chop ingridients in half and make crockpot dishes of that (Just like in real life you are not useing all of your ingridients for a single portion of food)


I think you could do. It even simpler. Just make it so any crock pot food he makes comes out max fresh.


Warly is definitely one of the better balanced characters, his downside is actually noteworthy, and some of his upsides can be outright gamebreaking, if situational


So we are gonna just ignore that his upsides are the best in the game and we're just gonna focus on not that bad downsides?


What do you mean by the best upsides in the game? If you mean spices and Volt Goat Chaud-Froid, that doesn't require playing Warly. You can play a character much better at gathering resources for it, swap to Warly, then swap back to someone who can use it better. Outside of that, Warly's day to day passives would be more like his situationally okay temperature regulating food, or being able to cook a little bit faster. These aren't really worth playing a picky eating Wilson. He's not unplayably bad, but I'd argue that if you take away the strongest abilities you'd be better of character swapping for, you're left with underwhelming dishes like Glow Berry Mousse and Fish Cordon Bleu.


You see that part where you glossed over having to swap to Warly, to access Warly's upside? Yeah, that. His crafts are part of him, just because other people can use them after he makes them doesn't mean they're not attributed to him. Just like how your example includes swapping to a better gatherer and fighter. Warly's a crafter, so of course his power's tied to crafting. He's just not selfish like Wickerbottom mostly is, so other people get to play with his toys after he makes them (because the intent was to play support and buff everyone, not hotswap when you need a craft).


I get that warly was *intended* to play support and buff everyone, but he has very few abilities outside of what you can get by hotswapping. It doesn't matter what Klei's intentions were if the most optimal way to play Warly is to not play him for more than 5 minutes every 5 hours of gameplay. Wormwood was also intended as a support character because he's one of the best farmers in the game but benefits little from farming. He's not a swap character because he does other things. No one would play Wormwood once the giant crop farms get set up if he only farmed. If the Skill Tree gives him stuff like, "Warly can be affected by two Spices at once," or "Spices are more effective on Warly," or "Eating a variety of foods increases their healing," or anything Warly specific, he'd be fine. Even something simpler like "Crockpots cook 25% faster near him" or "Foods cooked by Warly last longer." Like how Winona's new skill trees give her a reason to exist besides "Make the cheese catapult setup and make things faster." Warly needs any reason that prevents people from asking, "Hey, we already have a stack of Spicy Volt Goat Chaud-Froid. Why are you still playing Warly?" Right now, the answer would be "To cook Bacon and Eggs 25% faster" or "Shut up, I can play who I want," or "Surely Fish Cordon Bleu is worth it, non?"


Does he need a skill tree ? Yes. But Warly fills a specific niche of character that are hard to play, but rewards you immensely for doing the maximum with him. He plays similar to Wanda or Wes. I think we need some weaker characters to balance the game out as well. Sometimes you want a challenge.


His passive advantage is your sheer motivation to keep him alive so he can one day reunite with his maman again


Soothing tea should and taffy easy sanity dishes


I really like Warly, but he needs a skill tree and probably a buff up. I don't play him usually, and if I do, it's for the recipes and stuff.


As a person who survived on Warly 200 days in the row, I can agree that it sucks to play him. Yes you can get best damage for all your team, but it requires a lot of very hard to find resources. All his unique dishes doesn’t have any upside, because all of them require super rare items, and I think we can all agree that nobody enjoys grinding. And all of them lasts not even for three days - for half a day! I want to explore and not to be stuck in the kitchen so I can satisfy my hunger drain and I also don't want my friend stuck farming so we can get spices. He doesn’t have access to the best healing/sanity restorations. Getting all spices is so time consuming (except maybe if we speak about honey spice, which you don’t use anyway). Inability to eat raw food means that you will be forced sometimes in making lower nutrition dishes from the food, which is again really bad game desing, give Wolfgang 10 potatoes and he will be ready to conquer the void with you, and if you would give 10 potatoes to Chef he would say to you "why so small?". Lower nutrition values means that you cannot eat dishes with low hunger values effectively making it meaty stew meta. He consumes even more meat than wigfrid! He needs rework badly, at least he needs some kind of passives from his skilltree.


I want to say that even with his flaws I like Warly but he really needs attention from klei the most out of every character in this game right now. Even more than Winona needed it in my eyes tbh (I'm not saying that she didn't need it or deserve it becuse she also did need it before her skill tree)


If a character is rated solely based on combat powers, then I may agree with you since he can't just spam healing food and doesn't hit harder than others. He's more of a support character imo, and based on my experience having one in a public server means nobody's going hungry because he can use ingredients very efficiently. For the downsides, I've seen ppl fighting about whose downside is more annoying, Warly or Walter's...


In my opinion it sucks that food problem is better solved with wickerbottom which is a character that does way more than just food and is a way stronger character in general, also wortox is stronger in my opinion (but he is boring)


Right well firstly, eventually everyone will have a perk tree, be patient they can't get to every character at once and there's characters that need work a lot more than Warly. Secondly, he's a support character. He's meant to play alongside other characters. He's obviously not gonna be an amazing solo character. There's certain characters meant for playing solo, and certain characters meant for playing with other characters that compliment them and their skill set.


I know what you mean but they are no characters that need a skill tree more than him at this moment. And I wish that they will improve him so he is a better support with more interesting things he can do to make him a character that is rewarding to play us and not just a character to change to do some dishes and change back to another character becuse that's the only thing he has going for him


Warly has three problems in my opinion. 1. It takes a lot of time to build a healthy supply of its beneficial dishes, unless you only want to get volt-goalt chaud, which means everything else in the character is useless to you and proves the weakness of the character 2. Once you get the healthy supply of the dishes, there's no additional reason to stay on Warly and not switch to another character with better combat abilities. 3. The chef pouch is useless. Klei nerfed the pouch to keep the Insulated pack relevant and it having less slots than backpacks with a weaker spoilage protection than Insulated pack, there's just no reason why it exists in the game. A good skill tree can resolve most of these. In my opinion, warly should have some benefits towards farming the vegetables that it uses for its spices and special recipes, or better yeilds from fishing all in order to reach the character peak benefits faster and reduce the setup time. Furthermore these dishes can provide stronger and/or longer lasting benefits to Warly itself compared to other characters, giving it a reason to keep playing Warly instead of switching characters. For the chef pouch, it should be reworked into a non-backpack container so it can provide benefits unique to Warly, with dedicated slots for carrying stations, spices and spiced dishes which also reduces the inventory slot pressure.


hes like a medic, pretty shit on his own but good with team


Hes terrible. I never played him and I don’t think I ever will. He has too many problems and almost no upside to playing him. His upsides straight up get negated by having more hunger drain, only eating crockpot, and the thing where he has to eat different dishes. I don’t see any reason to play this guy, ever


"I've never played him but he's probably terrible"


It's nice to play some weaker characters with nifty gimmicks every now and then. I don't want to be full thelucite WX by day 10 every game lol.


lol. I play 500HP WX. It’s super fun.


WX is one the "funner" strong characters in my opinion. Wortox is strong as hell too, but I absolutely despise playing as him.


I think the worst part about him is that he has only 2 perks making him even more defult than Wilson he should just have more mechanics to play with i find that more fun than just dificulty


He's probably the least noob friendly character in the game besides Wes. I'd definitely give him a shot though. He's my favorite character but I have hundreds of hours in the game.


Thats why I'm saying he has fallen off, I myself don't want to play him becuse of his dificulty but becuse he is a chef and I want to make food for my friends