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Warly for the win, I like cooking and farming for my friends while they focus on their adventuring, plus the micromanaging when you have immense stocks of ungredients is also fun, knowing what you gotta cook, dry, seed, turn into a dish or feed to WX and when to do so is a really enjoyable challenge


I also like pain


It's not pain if you're doing it for your friends


You must really love your friends then


Wurt. Absolutely casual late game character. If you don't care about how fast you get through bosses, given enough merms, Wurt can destroy almost every boss without any risk of death. Also with seasonal fish, weather means nothing. Not to mention the passive sanity gain.


Wormwood. He has a really easy time early game if you rush a beefalo, so instead of worrying about your health you worry about feeding yourself and a meat shield which he is very good at. Additionally the bramble husk specialist skill will add an AoE blast every third hit on your beefalo upping its damage and letting it take on hordes more comfortably! Continuing the beefalo wormwood point, the mushroom skills are so good for the duo. You can get an over abundance of blue caps for your beefalo healing and crockpot filler, and moon-shroom clouds are super good in boss fights to create safe opportunities to heal your beefalo in combat. In my current longest running world using an Ornery Beefalo carried me all the way to celestial champion where the real fun of wormwood begins Endgame wormwood is insane. You have an upgraded bramble husk that’s still works on your beefalo, you have vines that spawn on hit that deal 85 damage a slap, and the enlightened crown adding another 42 on top of that. At this point your beefalo can enjoy a peaceful retirement because the absolute powerhouse of brambleshade wormwood at full bloom is comparable damage to that of Wolfgang and Wanda. Being able to solo misery toadstool was definitely a highlight of my DST experience! Wormwood funnily enough can make use of the enlightened crown really well, all thanks to his bee kind skill! Being able to effortlessly farm honey allows you to get more sanity food than you know what to do with in the forms of Taffy, Banana Shakes, and Jelly Salad. My favorite is banana shake as it just takes two bananas and two honey which are super accessible, gives 33 sanity a pop which lets you max your sanity right after the crown deactivates. Jelly salad is also super super strong since Wormwood can also harvest lureplants for free. And im not even getting into how Blooming makes movement speed less annoying to worry about, or how you can use combat summons, infinite light, and the mega base potential of the plant crafting. Wormwood has it all!!


YES. WORMWOOD BEEFALO IS AMAZING. Easy blue caps and forget me lots farming for healing, and lunar shrooms work as spammable pan flutes and that is amazing when riding a beefalo, since it's hard to find enough time for healing mid-battle


Also infinite berries and living logs


Wigfrid, because in general I am terrible at fighting and her special helm saves my ass every time


I like playing Wickerbottom when I play with my kids, so they can pick the characters they like (Webber is a favorite because "Spider Boy!" is fun; Wigfrid usually gets picked because they like easier combat). So I mostly just gather and craft stuff and then tell them to go kill things and come back when they need food or materials to rebuild their helmets or spears. We never live too long (well, I do... they don't), but it's still fun for us!


now THAT is why i have reddit


Wilson. I just love him 😭


Wendy. I love Don’t Starve but I often don’t like the combat, so I have Abigail do most of the fighting for me. It’s like having a Stand. I also like Walter, but he’s so nice that I feel bad making him hurt the creatures around him. Wendy is morbid so she doesn’t mind.


One of two characters depending on my mood. I either main woodie for the god tier wood gathering and fighting stuff as a moose is really satisfying. Sometimes I’m in the mood to play Maxwell with the dark wizard skin, it just feels silly playing as a fantasy wizard in this game and I love it, but I never get very far because I always overestimate the potency of his spells and I get myself killed in a really dumb way like fighting a level 2 spider nest lol


I swap between characters a lot, but for the past few weeks I've been playing a lot of Willow. I play on a lot of public servers and am kind of a noob so I rarely make it to the end game, so I like her because shes convenient for early game (cooking food on her lighter, bernie, and now with her skill tree I can set any tree on fire without worries of it spreading lol) I've also played a decent amount of Wurt, but I never did anything with the merms.


My GOAT WX, I can go ZOOM, ignore winter and summer and also have 3 billion HP depending on the situation. The only downside is the rain aspect, but lightning or an eyebrella fixes that up easily


Webber..because he is silly little boy I love him ♡


Wortox. The teleporting was nice before it became a more prominent feature


Wilson forever in my heart


Willow because she’s the cutest and she sets things on fire and has a kaiju teddy bear and is crazy in the head


I also tend to play as Wilson (he’s literally me fr fr) and Maxwell because dapperness is a state of mind💯


Wilson, I've just been around since it was originally released and loved Wilson from the get go.


I main Webber, I like that he can eat monster meat, you can also be less worried about exploring the caves because all of the spiders down there are neutral. I can get a ton of silk and spider glands, and if you know how to use him, Most AoE damage becomes a thing of the past, And im actually glad pigs don’t like Webber.


Willow used to be my main in OG don't starve, until i swapped to webber in RoG. She used to be fun but annoying cuz of the sanity fire starting mechanic Since her skill tree update she is genuinely so good as a solo character. I only ever play DST solo, I don't have any friends that enjoy the game and I definitely don't want to put up with strangers coming into my world. Fire immunity, literal fire magic, being able to summon a mini dwarf star, use fire in combat without burning your loot to Ash, contained fires with controlled burning, slower overheating and in winter the ability to just set some trees on fire, stand in the middle and warm up to overheating level without taking any damage and much faster than other characters due to being able to stand directly in the middle. Cooking food on your lighter is just a qol feature I love. Then late game she is an absolute nightmare fuel machine. Bernie literally makes nightmare creatures trivial, you can stay insane at all times and just do your thing and ignore them, letting bernie do the work, or help bernie to farm faster. It's passive nightmare fuel production. He can also help you with most hostile creatures, taking aggro and being a meatshield distraction. And her endgame fire magic is very powerful. Embrace the insanity


dst solo is a fun time, but even a casual run with a bud is exponentially more fun if you're both into it, hopefully you can find someone to play with!


Yeah I mean ive played the original and RoG for years it doesn't bother me. For me it's just RoG with more content


Maxwell. Crazy utility, gathering, storage, beefalo synergy, and boss damage potential.


Wilson mainly for lore purposes but he’s just my all time favorite


I main Winona, I just think she's cool :)


Wes is bes


Woodie. I can't go back chopping wood so slowly again


update: I play Wendy if I’m solo bc i can’t stand feeling alone and unprotected in a world :’)


Webber! He's just a little guy and he sounds funny


Also just haven't bothered to play as anyone else since I got the game in like 2016. It's been 8 years ain't no way I'm ditching him now


I like Winona with enough catapults you can beat anything is my moto also if you don't have mushlights her spot like works as a decent replacement but iv been trying to switch over to Wanda cause her watch's seem fun and the alarming clock iv heard good things about but can never manage my age in fights


Wormwood for the incredible utility and silly damage late game


Wigfrid is my goil to the end


Maxwell. for me, to have shadow buddies, kill demons and be insane most of the time is oddly cathartic after psychosis episodes. also his lines are hilarious.


Wendy bc I can’t fight worth shit.


wicker is awesome, i just summoned 30 dragonfruit with seeds like it was nothing and only had to gobble a few banana shakes and cacti to make ends meet, i'd say she's good the whole way through as soon as you get the ball rolling with living logs and reeds


woodie free axe infinite axe good never seen a treegaurd


Tree guards are twice as likely to spawn, it depends on how often you chop trees though


don't chop much probably why and im also only in early highest day I've gotten to is 12


I have a habit to hoard wood. I will say that I actually enjoy fighting tree guards, lmfao. I've gotten to day 41 in a server I have currently.


Enjoy your time then! It got a ton of stuff to discover!


I was into Don't Starve waayyy early on, so I got good at Willow and stuck with her.


i used to main wx-78 before characters started being reworked. easy to feed and keep healthy and after your first ruins you’re kinda immortal. after the reworks that i’m kinda between them and wendy. abigail too stronk. with the new reworks coming i may expand my mains pool!


Wortox because he's just a little silly imp boy and he's very fun


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SpectraP12: *Wortox because he's* *Just a little silly imp* *Boy and he's very fun* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wanda because the Alarming Clock is crazy for both DPS and convenience with the range and one-shot thresholds, infinite reusable healing and with two Walrus Tusks she never has to travel home again and can be a wandering nomad with a Town Portal spell. Edit: Also I love how almost every comment on this post is about a different character. Don't Starve really nails an interesting and diverse cast with someone that appeals to everyone.


I only just got this game, but Willow. Love my weird pyromaniac girl.


Wormwood. Best character in the game


I've never played wormwood, what do you like about him?


Only thing to not like about him is that he can't heal from food. Everything else is only to like about him. He can supply you with living logs for mid-late game items, his armor is log armor but better, since it can be used for wendy level farms on spiders, bees and wolves. Traps deal aoe, can be used to deal with bosses even if you have patience. Gardening can never be easier with wormwood. The bloom lets you zoom through maps, no great distance is a problem.


His unique armor gives splash damage which helps with stuff like bee queen. When he wears bright shade armor he snares enemies when they hit them. (Included bosses) He can heal off dumb stuff like rot, manure, compost etc He can eat moon shrooms to sleep things around him, which affects bosses (I’m not sure about all bosses, it’s basically a cheap pan flute) If you want to farm he’s extremely efficient at it. He can have 6 light bugs follow him around in a circle giving him massive free light. His bramble traps give a use for stingers, also they can reset when he’s blooming. He gets a passive speed boost when he blooms. Bees don’t aggro him, so you can collect honey for free. And he has cute skins. And there’s so much more.


Ooo that seems really fun, thanks!


wormwood main i am a huge plant person honestly love his design overall, i fell in love so i decided to main him purely based on his design alone. hes quite a challenge at first because you have to deal with the "you cant heal with food part", but with that i learned how to kite, used equipments/items more effectively and efficiently instead of tanking and spanking. with the changes hes honestly been better at fighting we a mushroom gang, and i just want to say thank you to klei for loving our plant boi muah muah


Wormwood makes funny noice so I play as him


Warly. Help pub people and its fun to play by himself. OP crock pot Some dishes you can make early game and be more powerful Honey spice you can make early game and become almost as good as woodie


Maxwell. He gives easy sanity, you can refill your codex umbra, and I like the low health. It's hard to go insane as him. Edit: forgot to add I often play as Wikerbottom and Woodie


Walani cuz I like her examine lines. As for dst, I just default to Winona


Wigfrid's ability to face tank really allowed me to get into the game before being forced to learn fight mechanics, and I have stuck with her even though I don't need it much anymore


Also wickerbottom. She's a librarian, and she let's you skip straight to the better science machine. And day 1 backpacks are such a boon


Wolfgang on DST. Wilson on DS.  Wolfgang is just more fun for me to play as since he does work faster and I'm quite good at sanity management. Wilson because I like his play style best. Also unironically beard hair is convenient. Also I really like the variety here. I feel like they've done a good job of making characters special.


Webber, hes cute, lovable,adorable, and is the one of the rare mvps for food (3 eggs one monster meat for others people hunger needs or get fancy during winter grab as much ice you can and make all of it into meatballs spring is a joke since the issue of sanity drain is actually a good thing as sanity is reversed on lunar island.) also im a sub branch of webber mains aka a lunar webber as you could tell by my flair i base at lunar island and trust me its way easier to live there as sanity,light, heat (summer will be awful so be careful!) is plentiful. plus if you see a webber talking about trade networks, thats me!


Warly, uhh, because yes


WX-78, I just like robots


WX-78, I like to be lamp and ac-


Probably Wigfrid is the closest thing I can call to a main now, I've always loved her character, and now she's actually really fucking great, her strengths suit my playstyle perfectly. But I've pretty much "mained" all character over the years.


Not a very interesting choice but Wolfgang. I like being able to ooga booga my way through any issues. Hound wave? Bonk. Nightmare creatures? Bonk. Seasonal boss? Bonk. He’s just too destructive and good for me not to use lol


I don't main anyone, i get bored of playing with one


Woodie, cause Woddie


Webber is my son and wurt is fun!


Lately Wanda and Wolfgang, they just carry a bunch of chef and farmers that spend full seasons at base, and inexperienced fighters could always rely on them


Woodie, because he's very generally good at a lot of things. Not exactly a jack of all trades, since he's got nothing special about crop farming, but he's generally very good for killing bosses as Moose, exploring the map (especially the ocean) as Goose, and harvesting lots of resources like rocks and trees as Beaver. He's generally outclassed by characters who specialize, like Maxwell can be much better at clearing a forest since his shadows pick stuff up, or Wolfgang still does more damage than Moose, or WX-78 can explore even faster with a cane and some speed circuits. Woodie has the advantage of filling a lot of niches simultaneously and can do it fairly cheaply It helps that idols are very cheap. You can get the full benefit of Moose form with a little monster meat and grass, whereas Wolfgang would want to craft some kind of powerful weapon and decent armor. WX-78 can be as fast or faster, but they need to scan things and make circuits, and ideally, a cane. Give Woodie lots of seeds and monster meat, and he can map out all of ruins and the ocean (with the caveat being not actually being able to interact with it while doing so).


I will always love Wormwood with a passion. I learned how to play the game by joining public servers and becoming the local farmer (slave) and eventually learned how to play by myself and do raid bosses and ruins with him. Being a base mom while I got the hang of the mechanics made learning don't starve a blast, and it was thanks to Wormwood. The best thing is that he wasn't only a begginer friendly character since actually playing him alone is really interesting and never gets old with his unique perks and downsides


Webber because hes AWESOME and i love him!


Wurt. She's adorable.


Wendy, cant fight very well and having abigail is a huge utility. Would love to pick up other characters like Wurt though, or even wormwood but still sticking with Wendy :D


So hear me out... Wonkey. I always loved Wilbur from shipwrecked and its a shame i cant play him in together but after the moon quay update i could basicaly play the same character, he just looks a little different. Also, untill I get Wonkey I just play Wortox, I FREAKING LOVE EASY HEALING AND TRANSPORT