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It sounds like the real issue is finding a workable solution to keybinds. There are mods that let you lock items to certain inventory slots to make switching easier, alternatively you could get a mod that lets you pause mid fight to manage gear. I’m also left handed and I don’t see how that’s relevant honestly. You should be able to easily reach 1-4 at least while still moving though you might need to rebind your attack key if you use f. You could also think about getting an ‘mmo’ mouse with lots of buttons on the side.


Yeah I’m coming to the same conclusion. Experimentation is pretty punishing in dst as there’s really no downtime to fool around, you either manage, or you don’t. I think you’re right with rebinding attack button, possibly to somewhere on the left side of keyboard since if mouse clicking during combat isn’t necessary, I can just take my hand off the mouse entirely so I also have access to the number keys (laptop, so no right hand number pad). I think my mistake was trying to either use left click for attack, or binding attack key on right side near arrow keys. After none of that worked, I just gave up and went back to controller (played dst on console for years).


Oh, I think I see what you’re saying. No, can’t reach 1-4 as I use mouse with left hand, arrow keys for movement on right. I’ve never been able to use wasd for movement on any game.


Oh I see that’s a very unorthodox setup lol. Maybe it’ll help if you change your movement keys to something more central then so it’s easier to reach more buttons.


Oh that’s an idea, I’ll give that a try. Thanks so much!


The most important mistake in managing is the “F” attack key, it must be replaced with “Space”, also replace the first 1-3 keys with Shift, C and V. These buttons are enough to cope with any boss with one hand


I like mapping middle mouse button (clicking the mouse wheel) to inventory slot 15, so you put something you want quick access to in the last inventory slot. With fuel weaver I think I'd probably put either backstep watch or swapping between insanity amulet and body armor in that slot. BTW, backstep watch can replace usage of a lazy explorer in this fight, which is convenient since you skip over having limited uses plus no sanity cost.


Thanks so much for the tip! I definitely make use of the backtrack watch for kiting and freeing from bone cage. I still have to figure out a keybind system that works for me. Are you a leftie? Do you use mouse click or attack button for attack? When I use mouse click I have a hard time kiting as the mouse cursor is constantly moving with my character/camera, so aiming is this nonstop moving target, whereas with the attack button…oh, maybe I could map it to a key on the left side so I don’t have to take my fingers off the arrow keys mid kite. Hmmm…I’ll have to give it some practice. Everything I’ve tried feels like I don’t have enough hands.


Not a leftie so sorry bout that. Maybe you can have attack on spacebar just for the duration of the fight, if you don't have a lot stuff lying on the ground that could interfere. I put attack on one of my mouse's side buttons because I agree that having to take a finger off movement keys to attack feels bad. I didn't suggest it because I assume most won't have extra buttons on their mouse.


I am a Wanda-main myself and I must say I personally really love this fight... What do you mean with keybinds? Like hotkeys? Because I am personally not sure what you mean... The way I fight (and play in general) is with one hand on the movement keys and I also often use the "f" Key for movement in the direction of the enemy's. I personally do all my itemswapping just with my mouse... The only hotkeys I use are 1 and 2 to heal sometimes. The only Wanda-specific tip I have is to utilize the watch that lets you hop backwards a few meters (I forgot the name) instead of a lazy explorer... Also if you have trouble with item-switching and don't have trouble with celestial champion, just use the bright shade staff instead of weatherpains to kill the little things because you don't need to aim it with your mouse. That should reduce your APM a bit so you can keep up :) Sorry if I misunderstood what you meant. If so just elaborate how you currently do it. Hope this helps :)


FW can still be cheesed similar to the lureplant/houndious method but instead of lure plants you can use the fully upgraded dreadstone pillars. They heal themselves over time.


Hi, I kinda do this mistake a lot (I'm left handed too, I think this might help) but if you put weapons from 0-10 on computer, you can switch it to said weapon. Good luck btw