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What part of "It's like getting free access to dashpass without signing up" do they not understand? Lol


Honestly, that sounds like they could end up with legal issues if enough people cared enough to file.


The English part


Only 1 hashbrown is $3.69????????????? ![gif](giphy|3orifdO6eKr9YBdOBq)


Still remember when hash browns were $1 and I would buy like 10 of them to play monopoly... god I was a fat fuck back then


The best way to lose weight is current food prices


I lost 40 in the past couple months cause I can’t afford to eat🙃


The ol’ third world fascist state diet.


Hey, I lost 15 in the last month, LFG!!!!!!!! 😆


Highway robbery that shit gotta be like 15 cents to make


way less. Same with fries. Maybe I’m tripping but I think I read that their margins on soft drinks and fries were around 93%-97% back when a large drink was 1$ etc.


That’s standard for most restaurants though 🙃 especially fountain sodas!


I worked at a Smash Burger like 12 years ago and I saw a chart for drinks (cups, lids, straws and soda). Altogether it cost the company roughly $0.13 for one fill of a drink. And the drink I want to say was $2.99 maybe? 20oz cup. It's ridiculous. I wish I remembered fries, but those are DIRT CHEAP. That's why every food truck has loaded fries now and they $15+ for it.


12 years ago…. I own a restaurant and the cup, lid and ice charge for me is easily $.50 before the soda these days. The soda is up 100% in the last 5 years. FYI


Ouch. Inflation's a bitch.


Correct. I also pay $52/case on fries that were half that 3 years ago. Don’t even start on pricing disposables!


You can get 10 hash browns for $3.42 at Walmart.


Literally the same exact thing too.


Yep! I get the convenience of fast food and DoorDash as I occasionally use it myself, but the more I compare stuff like this hash brown situation for example the less I use these services. It’s nothing to just throw a hash brown in the air fryer.


Oh if you got an air fryer it’s so much healthier too because you don’t have all that extra oil. Plus those deep fryers are open and who knows what the heck has landed in those things.


Me who works for IHOP: 4.79 hash browns(plus tax)


Pure profit, imagine charging 3.69 for not even half a potato. Even factoring in transportation and labour it's just insane.


Same lol


I showed my mum you paid that much for one gravy and naan. She laughed at you. I told her I have to pay the same when I try to order (I moved to a western country) and now she’s lecturing me. Are you my younger brother by any chance?


What's your mums recipe..


Also here for the recipe ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


It was “old” rice too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


You could shop for or even instacart a whole package of hashbrowns for that price lol McDs has gone off the deep end with the prices


Doordash is a billion dollar company that cant keep their word. i don’t order from them anymore.


Doordash is a scam. I refuse to use it unless it's a situation where it's 100% necessary and I am without a vehicle. Fuck doordash


It’s never necessary unless you are legit bedridden


I like to drink on my days off. Would you like me to drive to get my food for the drunk munchies? So yeah sometimes it is necessary, but, I'll admit I can plan better. Although if I could plan better I wouldn't be an alcoholic lol


So again. Like I said. It’s unnecessary. You could plan better. Or god forbid. You just don’t eat when you are hammered.


>You just don’t eat when you are hammered. Impossible


I stayed at a nice place in St. Louis last year. Apparently highest murder rate in the area just outside that neighborhood. Needless to say, I doordashed instead of walking.


Why the $2 tip though?!


Why’s it matter? Send me some money and I’ll make sure everyone is tipped accordingly.


Who cares. Idk how far away you are but $2 isn’t the worst. Typically $3 is always decent enough for driver but plenty don’t tip at all.


A mere 1.4 miles away which is reflected in the picture. With everyone up in arms maybe I should’ve uploaded the picture with the additional, 1 whole dollar, added to the tip upon arrival.


Equinevine OP, I really appreciate you leaving a tip for the driver. A lot of people don’t tip at all. DD charges a fee for delivery and then tries to pay less than the fees they charge in an effort to pocket the money. As you pointed out they also keep some or all of the tips people leave through the app and the drivers never know. I feel that we need to stop harassing the customers about their tips and start harassing DD for their actions. Can you please post the receipt for what you paid in a tip so it can be seen by people who don’t believe it happens? I’d appreciate it. It doesn’t help that Door Dash helps themselves to some, or all of the drivers tips


I don’t believe I can add an additional picture but I will PM it to you. 


Yeah that’s a normal fair tip. I just saw 19 min time. Which I assumed must mean it’s close if they think you’ll have it that quickly.




You mean, "If you don't tip what I expect I'm gonna be mad." They tipped. This attitude right here is why most people don't tip well anymore.


That's a lie. People don't tip well on Doordash because it's an anonymous service.


You go to their house, to their work, wherever they want it delivered, it’s not that anonymous.


It's anonymous in the sense that they can have a fake name and so can you. They can choose to never get to see you so they will never be guilt-tripped into tipping like how a customer can be at Panera Bread or Starbucks. They also don't have to disappoint the server like at sit-down restaurants. Think about servers and how they get typically around a 20% tip when they didn't make the food and didn't use their gas to get to your table.


They did tip. I get you want everyone to tip $10-$20 but most can’t. If everyone tipped $2 min I’d be happy.


$2 is 10% on that order, if you tipped 10% in a restaurant where I live they'd spit in your food (or worse) next time you came in.


/r/endtipping YOU are the reason this sub exists


Well for one, restaurant service is much different than delivery driving since servers are well, serving you, for over an hour. And no, I was a server for a long time, a 10% tip was commonplace


You’re getting downvoted but it’s true. I worked in a kitchen for years and the shit I’ve seen 😳


Same, I bussed tables as a kid and the waitresses were brutal about their tips. Not sure why you're getting down-voted, I guess people want to keep believing it doesn't happen. For the record... I wouldn't mess with anyone's food, I'm just saying it happens.


why should consumers have to subsidize workers wages? tipping should be a way to show your appreciation for a job well done, not to ensure your server/driver is getting a fair wage. fr stop being okay with this. we can't all just funnel money into the pockets of the wealthy. if they can't afford to pay people, then we shouldn't allow it. you're mad at the wrong person!


If you can't survive without relying on tips get a proper job




Haha pretty rich coming from the low income dude;) I don't use deliveries just find it hilarious that you lot keep begging for tips. Go back to school kiddo


I wouldn’t consider Dominos to be a luxury. If you are going to cry about $2 tips it might be time for a career change


So it’s a staple of your diet? Can you not get off your ass and go get it yourself? WTF? Is everyone now entitled to food delivery to your door and expect not to pay a premium?


Well yes. Tips are optional lol




Pizza places have been doing delivery for ages and no one is gonna pretend these chains are luxury. It’s a gig stop LARPing like you’re a chauffeur that only the rich and famous can afford.


I can always afford to tip. Sometimes I don’t because I’m not your mom. Lol


How about stop using these delivery apps. You are obviously the problem. 


Go read oldcrossant or ok-dress comment to get my feelings about this comment.


Be happy you even got one. Hold fuck dashers are greedy


4$ for a naan is the real crime.


I never tipped my mr delivery driver because I was always too poor and even now it bothers me and I think if I had money for fast food I had money to tip. I’m very broke and in South Africa so I haven’t ordered any takeaways in well over two years but if I ever do again I will tip well. Had to get this off my chest I guess lmao


It's fine bro lol, you're good. When I was a server it didn't bother me if I had a table or two of low tippers, i made good money and I wasn't about to act entitled to what was supposed to be a TIP. It wasn't the customers fault my boss didn't pay a living wage, and they were far and few between anyway, if I didn't make good money I wouldn't have done it for so long. I only doordashed for a little to supplement my income, it's only the ones who do this and expect it to replace a real job that you'll find get uppity about not getting ridiculous tips for every order. This person only tipped $2 for an order one mile away, yet nobody can convince me that's not enough of a tip. This is not a job meant to provide anyone with a main source of income, and it never will be as long as they have enough people willing to do it for what it pays already!


if you had an order for 100$ in maccas, how much would they give you?? 🤔


Man I've considered door dash, but there's no way I can deliver Indian food. I'd be fat and broke quick like. I'd never even thought of that until now.


Delete all your cards from the app. I had a refund then about 5 days later they charged my card


I use a credit card every time for big purchases and those made online so that if something negative was to occur I’d just leave it to someone with better lawyers than me when I/if have to dispute a charge.


This kind of shit is why they’re constantly getting hit with class-action lawsuits for defrauding customers.


DoorDash has messed up so many times and getting your money back is damn near impossible. A couple of weeks ago, I ordered from Penn Station. A dasher was assigned and my order was made. When I received the notification that the dasher was on the way to the store, I checked my dashers location. They were approximately 20 minutes away from the store. I rolled my eyes thinking how cold my food will be when it gets here. Ten minutes go by, dasher is in same location which is a residential street. I sent the dasher a message checking in. No reply. Minutes later, I asked dasher to release my order so someone else can pick it up. They don’t reply but do release it, only to accept it again one minute later. I reach out to customer service which informs me that the dasher is on his way to PS. I told them the previous information. They told me if my food isn’t here in the next 45 minutes they would refund me. I told them to please cancel it because it was about 15 degrees out that day and I didn’t want cold greasy food. They told me that I couldn’t cancel my order. I lost my mind. They hung up on me. I called back five times to be immediately hung up on. I finally got in touch with someone different who said they could cancel my order but I could not get back the tip I had given. Mind you, the dasher had never moved from their spot from the beginning. Once again, I lost my shit. Eventually I got a credit for the order and a refund for the same amount (minus the tip) I’m fairly certain the double refund was a mistake so I just accepted it. I asked about the tip and they said if I reach back out in 24 hrs they can refund my tip. I had given a double tip because it was cold and snowy out. Absolutely ridiculous.


Obviously the delivery fee not being 0 is a lie, but the 10% just proves that 90% of people don't know how to read a promotion. The 10% comes off the service fee, before you even hit the checkout screen. Not on DD's side, as they did still lie about the delivery fee, and honestly, great job getting some of your overcharged order back from them.


I can show you previous receipts and for my area the average is roughly $3-4 service fee.


#It's getting worse and there's nothing to do about it. The gig app companies are leading the way in figuring out how bad they can treat people. They pull this because the consumer has ZERO RECOURSE against it. Who are you going to report DD to that they haven't already paid off? Nobody and they know it.


Honestly I think someone should level a class action lawsuit against them. Their practices are predatory and illegal.


You could have bought a whole package of hash browns for that money.


Could’ve been a millionaire if bitcoin hadn’t been “too confusing” to mine some 13 years ago.


You didn’t have to mine it, just use it for making online purchases and cashing out on poker sites snd then don’t be dumb and remove the money =\… I had 5 Bitcoin once worth around $1500. 😑


lol would’ve been the easier route however, I was living like I had expendable cash back then lol. So would’ve had to take the freeway.


Ha yeah. I just can’t believe I never left any. I remember thinking it was a good idea for foreign transactions but never thought of it as investment. I did have around $20 or less that became $800 when it was $18,000. Mostly bummed me out. It was so little I couldn’t do anything at the time.


But you're still an asshole for assuming less than $5 is reasonable. Just bcuz you can tip that low and still get your food doesnt mean you're not an asshole.


Your mad at bro for tipping? Tipping is optional lmao


Sure it's technically optional but o ahead and not tip and see how often you dint get your food or if you do it's cold.


I’m from the UK I never tip… it’s rare to tip delivery drivers unless it’s really bad weather or something


Ya, well, you're commenting on a subject that is a completely different thing in America. We're not paid well enough to not get tips. I would prefer the way it is over there than how it is here on this subject and many other things. America is the stinkyest of the trash.


Thanks. Your tip of $5 isn’t enough in my eyes so you’re an asshole too.


I guess reading comprehension isn't you're strong suit. I said a minimum of $5 and that's only if it's like a mile away. I'm the type that tips my server $20 on a $30 bill. I'm the type that tips more if I can tell it's been a slow shift for the server. I'm the type that has tipped my whole bill before and even given a server a $100 tip before bcuz I had it to give. Point being is you don't seem like you really care about shitting on the next person as long as you get what you need.


No, I can comprehend what you wrote just fine. I used the context of your sentence, $5 minimum, to clue you into the fact that isn’t enough in my eyes. “Shitting” on someone for what seems adequate? Perhaps I should just be like DoorDash and dole out ~$2 then who will you blame?


I'd blame doordash like I already do and also you. Difference here is you can choose not to be part of the problem and not be like doordash and shit on people but nope you choose to be just like em. It's also ironic that you say you delivery also but also tip like shit and wouldn't even accept your own order but have no issue placing it.


I delivered, well over two years ago. I stopped because it became obvious that what I expected which was $100 a day, started to take longer to attain. It’s delusional in my opinion of you that it’s the customers fault for the low payout of an employer. If DoorDash provided $10 and a $3 tip was included to drive 1.4 miles you’d be happy I bet. Instead you choose to be angered that DoorDash pays some dismal amount and my tip is somehow just as dismal now. So continue wallowing in the fact that the expectation for more falls onto the customer.


I believe that both the company and the customer are the blame plan and simple. Just bcuz 1 is bad or worse doesn't negate the fact that the other is too.




Your broke ass tipping 2 bucks is the problem here


You seem to be mad that customers tip isn’t what you want them to provide. Perhaps you should be mad at the employer for making you feel that way.


1. We’re not employees. 2. This isn’t the 1980s.


Perhaps then all the employees, or 1099’ers, form together much like those in New York and California have done. Otherwise continue to wade through those who are and aren’t tipping to ensure you have a proper day.


I’m perfectly content with not letting under-informed voters and the government dictate MY pay framework, thanks. If that means I’m required to wade through endless “offers” from deadbeats like you into perpetuity, that’s MY problem.


Yes it is your problem you’re correct. Hope your day gets better.


This is so passive aggressive it makes me sick. Tell me you’ve never worked in the service industry without telling me you’ve never worked in the service industry.


You’d be wrong, like a stale croissant. Everyone (I hope) does what is best for them and theirs if you aren’t going after the betterment of oneself why bother? Coming after me an individual is right by you though.


Wow you can read my username how impressive. You deserve this. You posted this looking for sympathy because you didn’t get three dollars you felt entitled to. Guess who else didn’t get three dollars—the person who delivered your food.


Sympathy, no. Just merely informing the masses of what has occurred to me on two separate days at two separate places. It may not just be my “three dollars” hence me posting this here. The person(s) completed the delivery so you’re under the impression I canceled the order midway? I didn’t.


Aww, big bad companies enslaving you to an unlivable wage? Totally their fault!


Are you talking to yourself lol? A tip is a tip, you're the one who chose a job that relies on customer generosity and soft begging. And he did tip, $2, which is perfectly acceptable for an order one mile away. Maybe don't expect doordashing to provide you with a liveable source of income...?




You worried about my pockets, guess I ain’t the only one broke.


Ordering steak from McDonald’s already said that about them 😂


Unsure how much traveling you’ve done but there’s different things regionally at McDonald’s. Hawaii has spam at their McDonald’s but I guess that makes someone broke for ordering what they like?


I can make that Tikka Masala at home with garlic naan for 15 bucks and it's dinner for 3 days.


Can you send me the ingredients you’d use? I would love to make it at home


I use Pataks simmer sauce. It's legit you should really try it. I've had "hole in the wall" Indian curry and this sauce is damn close to the real thing. Some chicken cut into chunks and a package of naan bread heated in the oven for 10 minutes.


You are being rightfully shamed for tipping poorly. You’ll spend $5 on hashbrowns with tax but won’t take care of the people bringing you your food. These drivers get paid in sawdust, the least you can do is make it worth their time.


Not my fault they get paid in saw dust nor do I feel the need to compensate as if I employ them and I didn’t pay $5 for a hash brown.




lol so let’s add DoorDash fees to what I’m supposed to tip, Right.


It’s hard for people out there right now. You seem to have no empathy. I tip all the time because I care about other people. You are taking advantage of kids and immigrants and you want people to feel bad for you for not getting a sliver of a discount. You’re a greedy psychopath who is extremely blasé about their treatment of other people.


Guess it isn’t hard for me, since I’m the one ordering? Lol sure thing on the rest of that must just be sitting there writhing.


I don’t even understand your comment. Your English is not very good. I’m assuming you are from a country that is not the US because of your treatment of people working for you and your lack of empathy.


You know what they say about assuming. And because you cannot understand must mean it doesn’t have meaning and depth.


Depth? Lmao. Okay, whatever, I’m done, you’re never going to see that how you treat people is shitty and bad. Enjoy your sociopathic, libertarian, cheap life.


Yep, hope your day gets better too.


So you admit that you would break your contract and harass a customer?


I delivered Chinese food and from a family owned pizzeria. There was no contract.


I have no idea what you’re trying to say.


I wasn’t a contractor I was an employee and I doubt my employers would even care that I used shitsenders to annoy people who would stiff me on massive orders. I never worked for DoorDash.


Okay buddy.


Am I the only one whose attention was more on the fact OP tipped like shit rather than them not getting the promotion. I highly doubt if they got the discount on fees, they will apply that to the tip.


No, you’re not, there’s others who have the same opinion as you. Why should the discount be applied to the tip?


I'm saying that if the person got the discount I doubt they used the money they saved to give a better tip.


You’re correct I didn’t save money to then spend it immediately. So do you go shopping during a sale or wait for the price to be high?


I steal as much as I can as often as I can, and yes, I also look for sales, but I save more from stealing than any sale has saved me. It still doesn't negate the fact that you're complaining about not saving money, and even if you did, you wouldn't even do the right thing and tip properly.


Properly? What is the standard for a proper tip?


Well, as someone who rarely ever orders delivery period bcuz its a rip off and in order to tip properly it becomes even more expensive so I don't do often but if I did it would depend on how far away the restaurant is from me. I'd tip at least $2 per mile and a minute of $5 even if tge restaurant is acrooss tge street bcuz at that point im a lazy fuck who should just walk over and get it myself. This is also about the same ratio I look for when I'm delivering orders myself. Delivery service is a privilege and one you should pay accordingly for. You can't afford to tip properly than you can't afford to order, and this is the reason I rarely ever order delivery.


So that’s not a standard and what you believe is correct to you. I’ve delivered too and if it didn’t appease me I didn’t hit the accept button.




Before the masses get to you let me help out. The subtotals, which is what the promo goes off, for both of the orders is over $12 on each order. Not sure where the $6 you’re seeing is coming from though.


Long shot but.. is this Haandi? Lmao




When they refunded to Chase, it caused a $10 transaction fee. OP may have still lost money, check your statements. DoorDash quality gets lower everyday


that’s weird because the $0 delivery fee works for me and i’m not on any subscription or anything like that


You tipping only $2 is the shadiest thing here


What’s your standard tip?


Yeah its very shady of them to false advertise but I'm not surprised. Also I would avoid reporting stuff like that on every order before the quality of service drops. You already know doordash is not applying the 10% discount/$0fees before checkout so at this point if you keep reporting you're technically abusing their platform by pretending to act like you were misled with support.(Im not justifying doordash just saying how it is) As a dasher, some customers that report too often, require me to upload a reciept picture to confirm I picked up their order, and that picture is shared with the customer. Normally thats not an issue but in the likely case that the restuarant manages to fuck up your order, doordash will tell you the order in ineligible for a refund or credits because doordash will use that picture of the receipt and treat that as if your order was properly verified to be correct and will deny you a refund possibly when you might actually need it. Yeah, you can do a charge back with your bank and create a new doordash account but why go through all that hassle. The whole point of using doordash is to utilize their "convenience service", dont inconvenience yourself. Again not justifying or siding with doordash or anything like that, I just hate when customers cant get a refund because they report absolutely everything and when doordash takes measures, they 1 star me when its not my fault, I deliver what the restaurant gives me, I must trust the order is verified by the restaurant because as a dasher were not supposed to check customers orders. This is just advice if it fits cool, if not never mind it.


Your tip is trash.


$2 tip lol


You spent all that time reaching out to support regarding the error, posted it all to Reddit, and are now fapping in the comments. Also, a $2/3 tip means someone found a DeLorean and time-traveled to 1985. With all due respect, I think you need to get a life and stop being an entitled freak. 👌


Yet here you are. Now imagine everyone that see this post and those that don’t see this post just blindly being taken for their money. Lotta 2’s and 3’s start adding up don’t you think?


Imagine thinking that an in-app, pop-up advertisement applied to the specific restaurant from which you wanted to order food. Imagine not having enough basic critical function to check for the separate list of the “rotating group of restaurants, updated every Friday.” Imagine tipping an amount that was the standard forty years ago. Imagine …


I’ve covered the premise of “specific restaurants” in other comments which you seemed to have read some already, you must’ve missed one. Check the one deleted comment, so yes people do miss things. That tip from 40 years ago isn’t good anymore because of inflation is it not? Well why aren’t wages across the board just as aligned with your way of thinking so that everyone is able to tip adequately, to your standards.




So you see how in both pictures there is $0 delivery fee and the and that promo is opened in each establishments own store…


Are you blind? It literally says $0 delivery fee on the restaurant location page for the location they're ordering from.


I didn’t see that at first no need to be rude


It's literally on the first picture. Why would you make a comment about something without actually checking to see if your comment is correct




Your post was removed, as it contains vulgar content.


You mean like the two pictured that the promo pops up on and shows $0 for delivery fee until you go to checkout… Maybe spend at least 1 second using your eyes and brain to read before running your mouth.


$2 only


In Asia they don’t tip at all just cuz ur greedy af and failed out of college so have to dash for a living doesn’t mean $2 tip is bad. It should be a $0 tip and u should go back to complete highschool you uneducated piece of shit


Most people dashing have actual paying jobs. They doordash as a supplement side hustle because America is becoming unlivable.


I bet you I have more education in my little finger than you.


What's the average tip you see for orders 1 mile away lol? $2 is fine, he's doing his part


Definitely shady. Although I won’t deny timing might be an issue. Couldn’t help but notice your offers would have come thru at roughly $5. Anyone outside a 4 mile radius would prob decline unless on hourly.


I would defend you, but your tips are trash.


I don’t need defending though…? That’s fine.


TBF / FWIW it does say : "get 0$ delivery fees and 10$ off orders WITH A SUBTOTAL OF $12 OR MORE" ... could that be why it still have the delivery fees ? both of your orders were for way less than 12$ ... i don't have that Weekly Drops promo to test it myself , but that's the only thing outside of Doordash's incompetence that i could come up with & i hadn't seen anyone else mention it . i hope that was the case in why you didn't get the promo & i hate that Doordash was so stupid to not inform you of that -- if not , i hate that Doordash made that promo and worded it the way they did to imply DashPass rewards w/o needing a DoorDash subscription


May want to look at the picture a little longer.


Just did , don't know why it wasn't showing me anything above the Garlic Naan and the Hashbrowns -- my apologies 🙏🏽 thanks for pointing that out -- damn , yeah DoorDash sucks for that


and i don't know why my brain wasn't braining on the subtotals -- again my apologies 🙏🏽




To be fair and honest as can be, you are placing an order with the knowledge that you aren’t getting the delivery fee removed at payment. It shows you all fees and you agreed to them by paying. With that being said, you are intentionally trying to get a refund due to the horrible system in place. Why make this stupid post…


Because I ordered from the establishments while qualifying for the promotion then didn’t receive the expected outcome.


You did it twice knowing the outcome from the first time not to mention what I said previously about how it legit shows you how much you are paying and what for. Yet you still accepted the payment. lol…you siting there on your phone like oh it says no delivery fee and 10% off. Goes to pay, *showing there is a fee for delivery still* still pays and then complains after even though you saw the charge before payment. 


So by using my credit card as I always do, I should’ve initiated a chargeback because the terms of why I made the payment was clear yet I didn’t receive my good/services properly. Use better judgement in the future.


If you want to do that then be your own guest lol do it.  Will result in you getting the little amount of money you spent and maybe you will feel better about your weird petty thefts of food.  DoorDash will gladly deactivate your account and you can proceed to make another account and scam accordingly. 


The only “theft” would’ve been from DoorDash but you don’t seem to understand that. If you’re fine losing money whether it’s small or large amount then go on ahead.


I don’t use DoorDash it’s a waste of money. I live in Seattle everything is in walking distance so I can manage to pick up my own food or cook my own daily. I don’t need to steal food from doordash just to keep my belly full and do petty crimes just because I don’t like a business. 


lol don’t even use DoorDash yet you’re here, commenting. Who stole anything? I guess being ignorant has its perks in life.


It’s Reddit bud. Someone mentions doordash in any proximity of my phone then I get recommended shit like so. lol you must not know how personalized ads work. 


Wow that’s how that works!?


That kettles looking pretty dark over there. 




Not everyone is lazy. Many people use DD because they are disabled and/or cannot drive. Don’t be an ass.


$3.00 service fee is already 50-80% off the normal pricing.