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Take this as a sign from the universe. Get a tire and be safe.


If we can figure out how to pay for it, definitely have to get a new one, or at least a decent enough used one. It's been a rough 2 weeksšŸ˜’


Can you get approved for affirm? I pay $20 a month for 2 new tires from tirerack. They come with a road hazard warranty. Just got to pay a local tire shop to mount them They do have their own credit as well, but applying for affirm and using them was the cheapest checkout option


Love Affirm. Great savings yield, and if you make your payments it can help your credit score


Thatā€™s how Iā€™m building my credit. I didnā€™t have any credit at all until I used it to pay for some comic con tickets


Thatā€™s what I did in a pinch when I needed winter tires. And ordered from Amazon


thatā€™s not the way to go and in fact is criminal or our government to allow such extortion.


Yes, credit cards are all extortion. They're forcing you to use them My dear, the definition of extortion is to get money through violence or threats. I don't think you understand the definition of the words you use Why would any credit institutions lend you money with anything to gain? How would they pay their employees?


Does it help to use ā€œsoftā€ extortion then. Knowing they create an economy where 40% of people are living pay check to pay check at ā€œminimum wageā€ EVEN at 40 hours. Itā€™s all simple napkin math buds. THEY KNOW these people can not afford basic costs of 250+ Essentially ā€œforcingā€ them into taking loans that would not exist otherwise IF they actually paid people a living wage. If we cut out all the stupid ass programs that the crack heads can utilize, all those tax dollars being wasted upward to 40% overall. So yes itā€™s in essence a soft extortion. So some crony dick bag can charge susan who bust her ass every week some obnoxious fee for NEEDING that supplement. I guess the system has you on a string since you lack the larger picture here that iā€™m drawing.


America is so broken and fucked up that the vast majority can not produce the resources to simply change out 4 tires comfortably. I think this says quite a fucking lot about this country and who our leaderships prioritize before all of us. I donā€™t care about excuse that maybe save money or cut this expense and so on. Iā€™m pretty positive the vast majority do that all fucking ready. Yet we as a nation remain extremely passive and think being hard on each other is the solution when the problems stem from the government. Just saying I to feel your pain and iā€™m honestly tired of it. 3 million illegals catching free money, billions of aid going to other nations and WE as people can not cover basic maintenance costs or itā€™s decide on gas or groceries. Iā€™ve been poor and wealthy and i will never disconnect from those of us in such situations in the ā€œlane of the 1st worldā€ i spit on that bs.


Used to be able to get used tires at any tire shop, mounted and balanced for $25. Now most won't even sell used nor mount and balance a used tire you bring them due to liability or so they claim. I'm guessing it's more like greed. One place had a new tire for almost $170. Found a used one at a junk yard for $45, there is a shop that will mount and balance it for another $45.


No i completely get it and iā€™m aware of what you speak of which is why i stand up for the people and not some crony ass system. To many people suckle the system dick anymore and itā€™s extremely disheartening to see that common people can not afford basic emergencyā€™s not even mid level emergencies. I hope you the best. Lastly people love making cope out on how to get by when there is no reason copes out are being made in a ā€œ1st worldā€ nation.


When it rains it pours. Itā€™s so hard to get ahead now a days. Just this month: $700 washer, 1k breaks, saving for $1,300 tires, tire guys kinda did not want to let me drive out but I just cleaned my accounts for those breaks, and just found I need 6k in dental work that starts next month. been trying to save to fix my car ac that went out last spring. Keep working more hours and adding more jobs. But it feels like Itā€™s less money every year. I feel for u. I hope your husband can take u out in his car later to help pay for that tire.


It sure does pour. This is our only vehicle and we are living in it, so we depend on it. Bank account is almost $300 overdrawn, had to get foodstamps again while he was looking for work (down to $8 until next month) and after gas yesterday, I have $6 left from DoorDashing. He just started his job yesterday, so it'll be 2 weeks before we see a full check since they pay weekly.


Years ago I used to buy used tires. Not sure if thatā€™s a thing anymore. Have kids now so I donā€™t do it anymore. DD does not pay that great. In my area after gas, taxes, maintenance, itā€™s about federal medium wage. Is it just the 2 of you? Have you thought of getting a cdl and doing team driving together? There are companies that will house you and pay for your training. U will have to do your 2 week driving training apart but then the company can put yā€™all in a truck together and yā€™all take turns driving while the other sleeps. These guys get really good pay.


Yes, it's just us, our dog and a pair of cockatiels. I have poor depth perception so I can't get a cdl. Hubby does have one and after being OTR since 2016 has taken on a local cdl position hauling fertilizer to farmers fields. He hurt his back with the one lease company so long rides in a semi are a no-go anymore.


That sucks. Back injuryā€™s are horrible


$1K for brakes? šŸ˜


they will find the hole. you could also use something like fix a flat to plug the hole. but I highly recommend getting it plugged.


if the hole isn't too big, see if you can get it plugged. walmart where i live charges $15 i think.


I can't figure out where it's leaking. The tire has some weather checking so I think it's cracked enough to start leaking.


Get a spray bottle and put soapy water in it, spray the tire as you move the car up little by little (2 people) and see where it bubbles. Thatā€™s your leak point. You could by a plug kit at a hardware store for $6 and do it yourself easy if itā€™s a little mail or something


they will find the hole. you could also use something like fix a flat to plug the hole, but if im not mistaken, you're limited on how many miles you should drive if you use it. works great in a pinch though. I highly recommend getting it plugged.


Check out the spark driver thing, for when dd is slow.


I am waitlisted for Spark, Shipt and GrubHub, waiting to get insurance renewed to get back to Uber Eats and finish signing up for InstaCart. I wish I could go back to a regular job, but between us living in a vehicle with a dog and 2 birds atm and wrecking my knees and ankles wearing the wrong shoes waiting tables, I just cant.


Remote customer service sucks for the mental health, but telecom jobs pay decent and it's a steady paycheck. (You sit all day) Amazon logistics is a wfh if you can find a place to stay and hookup.they also send you a laptop.


I will have to look into it. Amazon is building a warehouse in my area.


No warehouse nearby requirements just secure internet.


Update: had Walmart look at it, it's definitely the weather checking leaking so it cannot be plugged. It also had been previously FixAFlatted, so that option is out. Found a used tire at a junk yard, will go get it this afternoon and have it put on the rim at a shop, MIL is going to use her CC over the phone at both places to pay for it and we have to pay her back when she gets back from Florida next month. Thank you everyone for your help, it's much appreciated!


When you are able to afford new tires, I strongly suggest going through Costco. They automatically warranty their tires and it comes with lifetime balance and rotation. I have had two tires patched and two replacedā€¦all for FREE because I purchased my tires there. They offer the same warranty on individual tires too


Our nearest Costco is a few hrs away. We usually get our tires done at Tires Plus, they have great staff and great warranty, we just can't afford $500 in tires for a few more weeks.


Have you tried looking online for credit cards related to car maintenance, thatā€™s how I got my new tires with NTB, no initial payment and interest free for 6 months.


Bad credit decisions were made 20 years ago, can't get a credit card. Working on fixing credit and in the next few weeks we are getting secured cards to help build our credit and they will turn into regular credit cards after a certain amount of time of on time payments.


Think of it this way maybe if youā€™re out dashing the snow would have negatively affected you. This way you are safe from it.


Most definitely! Some bad JuJu out there this morning!


OP, where do you live ? If you're anywhere reasonablely close to me, I may have tires you can just have or buy for cheap.


I'm in central Wisconsin. I got a used one, just trying to find someone to switch th on the rim. My grandpa had the equipment to do it himself but after he passed away, it disappeared out of the garage.


I put air in my tire Every single day for a week, until I could afford to get the valve stem repaired.


Been there, too. Even have a portable tire inflator that plugs into the power port in the vehicle.


Lol we are definitely living the dream out here!




Ah yes the classic tire chase. Iā€™ve been in that boat too, and itā€™s triple blows when you have low profile tires and there ungodly expensive To be fair I know exactly youā€™re going through, my wifeā€™s car decided it didnā€™t want to be a turbocharged and committed Hari Kari - im looking at 4500 dollars in repairs so sheā€™s being using my car for work




Just stick a plug in there


People's tires leak and it's game over??? LOL that's wild


It was snowy, cold and generally yucky this morning here in Wisconsin. I didn't want to chance the tire going completely down and not be able to change it myself. I've been stranded for hours before by a flat tire while dashing by myself. Got it replaced this afternoon and did a few hrs of dashing tonight.