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I smoke weed but never in my car, ESPECIALLY not while I’m driving. My boyfriend smokes cigs and runs deliveries with me some times, but he doesn’t smoke in the car, ever. He’ll smoke outside of the car while waiting on an order or something. I understand people have addictions, but at least be considerate to the people you’re delivering to.


My fiance does the same. And doesn't do it while dashing. People could also be allergic. Plus he mainly vapes. smoking he's trying to quit.


Non smokers can still smell the smoke. The smell of smoke is on your hands, skin and clothing even when you smoke outside. I can sometimes smell smoke from people walking down the street, well I’m smelling somebody’s smoke. Smokers really don’t realize smoke order is strong.


I think we take plenty of precautions. I’ve never had a complaint.


I'm nearing 5k orders never had a complaint reach me at least


I don’t complain every time I smell smoke on someone, smokers have a right to smoke.


I’m a driver, and I 100% agree! No sense in that! Be professional.


I smoke a vape but only with the window open wide. Aita?


please don’t smoke vapes. you’re supposed to vape vapes


Just keep the food in the hot bag. I smoke heavy and have been rated 5 stars for the last 6 months. I guess it’s possible I’ve been lucky and everybody smells the smoke on the food but doesn’t leave a bad rating.


I smoke but only when food isn't in the car and the food is stored in sealed catering boxes when it is in my car and I'm in the same boat. Nothing but 5s so.... Editing to add that I also only smoke with the windows all the way down 🤷🏻‍♂️


Smoke as in tobacco or the devil's lettuce?


Oh no... I don't ever consume My dark lords leaf unless I'm home for the evening. And never in my car or inside the house.


*me currently heating up a dab at my desk* never inside?!


I would but it is still very much illegal outside of medical in my region and cops are notorious for wanting to stop/search/seize if they smell it on you while driving so I keep my use outside and only in clothes I won't be driving in 🤷🏻‍♂️ It's kind of a sad state of affairs but it is what it has to be.


As a Texan, yea I feel you. Thankfully wax doesn't leave the burnt skunk ass smell on you.


Yeah. I mean, I've got access to edibles (haven't seen any waxes where I'm at) but if I want to relax, I don't want to wait an hour to do it 😆... Did just have a couple of really good vape pen puffs of Gelato though. Feeling really great ATM. Lol. No dash for me today


Do you watch That Chapter because that what Mike calls it lol 😆


No I was raised Mormon lol


Nice! 😊


No, vape doesn't deposit carcenogenic particulates on the food and leave a stench. As long as you're not vaping on theor unpacked food you're fine.


Some people like to argue with me on this sentiment for some reason. I personally am not phased by weed smell and I don't find it as repulsive as cigarette smell. But you should never be doing any of it, weed or cigarette smoke, with a customer's food stuck in a hotbox with you cause that's just rude and inconsiderate. Do it on your own time and somewhere that the food isn't sitting. Smoking weed while driving is also a DUI


weed objectively smells like a skunks asshole so really if you’re smoking on the job then you should lose that job


So when did you stick your nose up to a skunk's asshole out of curiosity?


Did you not have to do that in health class? What, were you homeschooled or something?


Close. Hybrid schooled. I picked my own hours. Much like dashers do.


Dude I swear I was thinking is this guy smelling skunk assholes? How would he m Know?




It's not for everyone but I agree, you wouldn't drink on the job, weed should be held to the same standard cause it gets you intoxicated and emits an odor from a person like alcohol does


If you're smoking distillate or some other kind of weed vape, it does not smell like skunk ass.


Nothing objective about it, weed reeks, end of story.


I believe you may have misunderstood their use of the word "objectively." You're dating the same thing they said. lol


saying* not dating


Thank you so much Mr Grammar Police! We would have never been able to figure out what he meant.


Thank you so much, Mr. Grammar Police!* And you are very welcome. Always glad to help :)


I think you thought they said "subjectively"


That is a matter of opinion. I personally love the smell of Marijuana.


Then you are lost 🤮


grow up


I never was either until I started working night shift in fast food. After you smell it so often it starts to really reek


You're exactly right! I don't see why this should be a controversial issue.


Yeah I don't know I think they got their panties in a bunch last time I posted this opinion cause they find the smell of weed very off-putting. Which is understandable, some people are affected by that smell more than others. But I was still very explicit about saying people shouldn't be doing it in the car with the food cause it's rude. Reddit is weird sometimes


Idk why some stoners insist they can drive fine on weed. Yeah it may not always be as bad as alcohol, but it slows your reaction time so bad. This one time a friend picked me up to hang out and didn’t tell me he was super high until I was in the car, and I was like dude? No?? And he was like “trust me, I drive just fine high” We almost got hit 3 times leaving the neighborhood because his reaction time was so bad and I told him to just take me home already so he did lmfao and he profusely apologized for almost killing me multiple times in the first 10 minutes 💀 ghosted him


Stoner here I personally will not smoke unless I'm home for.the night or off for the day. I know you said so.e but I'm just saying cause there are high functioning and professional weed smokers out here.


There’s high functioning alcoholics too tho, just saying, not safe to drive if you’re heavily stoned or drunk even if you get away with it sometimes. There’s always a higher risk driving under the influence. Not judging anyone for what they do at home, but it’s pretty inconsiderate on the road


I agree there's no reason to be stone all I need for my deliveries is my sprite or water


Yeah lol. DoorDash is a job. You can’t smoke on the job, just do that on your own time.


Pretty much. I get pissed that there are irresponsible pot smokers that make the rest of us look bad.


Good for you for removing them from your life


Some times it shd be a dui, and some times not. Like if I haven’t smoked in a few weeks and I take a few hits, I’m toasted, and shouldn’t drive. But if I’m smoking every day a few hits just makes me feel relaxed and normal. I’m a complete psycho when I’m not on weed. I’ve been a delivery driver for the last 23 years and I’ve had one ticket in the last 21 years. I did get quite a few speeding tickets those 2 years prior, but I wised up quick when I couldn’t afford to pay the tickets. And the only accident I’ve been in was when a drunk driver hit me head on. So I am a good driver that gets high every day. I’m just not a dummy that smokes joints or smokes a whole bowl before or while I’m driving. Just a hit every now and then so I can stay calm.


Yea, smoking weed simply doesn't affect the driving skills of regular smokers for it to be any danger. It's pretty sad that people get hit with the same penalties as someone who drinks and drives.


After Colorado pass recreational use AAA did a study to find out the affects, they stated it was about as much of a distraction as having 2 younger kids in the car for a causal user. When I smoked I would get super focused on anything I was doing. I still tried not to smoke and drive, unless I really needed to.


I mean I've driven with a little weed in me back in my stoner days a long long time ago but looking back that still probably wasn't safe. Definitely not as sketchy as drinking and driving but I've had some scares where I did something clumsy. It's a danger to people if you're not all there so it's better to just not do it. The hard thing with determining how high someone is, you can't really do it accurately like you can with alcohol. Right now they'll screw people who've done within the last 30 days because it stays in a person's system for a long time. I think the fairest way is swabbing someone's saliva so they know if they've done it recently. I've taken swab tests and passed them after just hours of smoking, even though I brushed my teeth very thoroughly before I did, this was for some retail job that called me for an interview


Yeah I’m not expecting to get a break if I got caught with a pipe that has weed in it. But if they did a real sobriety test and checked eyes they’d see I’m fine. But if they couldn’t get me there they’d probably just get me on the drug test. Luckily the one time I’ve been pulled over in the last 20 years I had a cig going and put it out right as the cop walked up. And the accident I got in where I was hit head on my car was totaled and I was out of the car, so the cop didn’t bother to put his head in and see what it smelled like.


I vape in my car with the window down and keep foor in the insulated bag. Weed happens at home after I'm done for the night. I'm too paranoid to drive high. Everybody is a cop once I'm high.


PSA add-on... you essentially agreed to it, contractually speaking, too. https://www.doordash.com/dasher/us/ica-text >Section 3, subesction 2: >(iv) complete delivery of the Item(s) to the Consumer(s) **in a safe and timely fashion without taking any action that would change the quality or presentation of the Item(s)** and while adhering to reasonable expectations of food safety, quality, and health standards as required by the Merchant(s) and/or applicable law.


But if I smoke before I pick up an order….and put it in a sealed hot bag…there’s no way to transfer the scent to the bag. Even so there’s no way to penetrate the bag and get to the food.


A bag smelling like smoke doesn't affect the quality or presentation of food. I'm glad you interpret it to mean that but does the company door dash? No. Call customer service and ask them.


>A bag smelling like smoke doesn’t affect the quality or presentation of food. You absolutely should not be anywhere near someone else’s food if you think so.


If the bag smells of smoke, the food inside has a high chance of the same. Not too many restaurants use airtight containers for delivery use...


Replying to Affectionate-You3194... I mean, idk what hill you would want to die on, but the word ‘presentation’ here is pretty all encompassing… smell is an ‘attribute’ of presentation. Whether that be the food/item itself, or its container, it’s compromised.


I wonder why smokers don't put all their dash stuff in the trunk. Ihave boxes, hot/cold bags, drink holders etc. If I was a smoker I'd just move all that to the trunk. Occasionally I bring my dog and I use the trunk so that the food items are nowhere near her or her hair.


More centrifugal force on the fragile items. But I don't smoke with the food items in the car. if I know I have smoked anything close to the time that I picked up the order, I put an airtight bag over the order. So my deliveries never stink and my ratings reflect that. You just have to take some care in how you handle food. The delivery person didn't do that if your order stinks of any kind of smoke.


Thank you! I'm not a smoker, and the smell grosses me out. It sticks to absolutely everything, even paper delivery bags.


As someone who is allergic and very sensitive to smoke I would definitely agree with this. Independent Contractor or not, there has to be some level of decency to the way you deliver. Yes, nicotine is a nasty addiction, I get it, but with vaping there's really not much excuse IMHO.


Not allergic, but I have a sensitivity as well. My family would joke that they could remove our fire alarms because I could smell smoke the same time they went off. I'd recognize it any day, and be disappointed.


This is just a prime example that if there isn't a rule/law or repercussions of doing something that, most people are inconsiderate of others, lack self-accountability, and won't do the right thing if they don't have to.


It’s just like the shopping cart returns in parking lots: really shows who is a decent human being




I absolutely agree as a driver, this is the bare minimum here.


More people should be busted for driving while high. Sick of these fuckers high as a kite doing it while driving.


If you’re going to smoke, do it prior or after and wash your hands+cologne no one will complain or notice unless you can’t handle your shit which you shouldn’t do it + deliver peoples shit


I’d much rather my food smell like smoke than cologne. Cologne lingers too long and some times ppl put it on so thick I can taste it for hours afterward.


True most fellas don’t do it right two spritz and u can go 2 the ritz all u really need probably cannabis users overcompensating for the smell


For some reason I taste cologne and perfume a lot when I go to deliver food to a motel. Right at the entrance, and it’s hard to get the taste out of my mouth. Doesn’t happen in the bigger hotels. Not sure what’s going on. I don’t use cologne a lot, my old spice deodorant gives quite enough of a good odor imo. But when I do use cologne I put one spray the night before on the shirt I wear the next day. And the smell is plenty strong for the whole day. I use joop or Michael Jordan cologne. Not even sure if they make those anymore. I still have plenty left in the bottle of each I bought about 10 years ago.


How much do you have to smoke to.allow it to permeate the food shit. But I smoke in-between runs but won't smoke on a delivery


100% agree with this I have dashed for years, and I have also ordered food from DD for years I've got plenty of food where the bags reek of smoke I don't personally smoke cigarettes but I do smoke pot, regardless I wouldn't smoke near someone's food I mean even if you do choose to smoke in your vehicle there are definitely ways to make sure that the customers food doesn't smell that way, like instead of being cheap and lazy keep a container or hot bags in the far back of your car or trunk so that for one it stays warm or cold and two whatever your smoking or doing does t affect your customers food. Also this is a dangerous thing to do around someone else's food because some people have allergies to tobacco and/or chemicals that are in cigarettes. Unfortunately a post like this isn't likely to gain any ground but I've definitely thought of this before. Cigarettes make me nauseated I can't be around them idk what it is and it's weird because I smoked them for about 10 years of my life..


I’ve had a few favor deliveries where the driver must have been chain hotboxing cigarettes. I’d have rather the food show up cold with stuff missing.


My generation was supposed to end that cigarette BS. Whenever i see someone younger than me smoking i just… shake my head its ridiculous its still a thing


I only smoke when I don't have other people's food in the car and when I do have other people's food in the car I keep it sealed so it stays hot and doesn't smell like anything other than the food


One of the main reasons I stopped using DD. My food constantly reeked of cigarettes 🤢


Yea as someone who door dashes and smokes cigarettes I would never smoke while taking an order, I would be so mad if my food smelled like cigarettes, there’s no good reason u can’t wait 10-20 mins for a smoke or whatever


As a driver and a customer I 100% agree. I grew up in a home where a parent smoked and the smell now disgusts me. When I order food/groceries I don’t want it smelling of smoke and having to either clean everything or throw it away. I definitely understand people have their addictions but be considerate of others. Just because it doesn’t bother some doesn’t mean others won’t be affected by it.


I used to smoke and dash but I also had my parameters. Food completely inside warmer in the trunk or backseat to keep the heat and all my windows down. Plus I’ll only smoke if the drop off is more than 10 minutes, when my delivery is 5 minutes away I put it out and let it air out which my windows are already completely down so not much to air. But definitely disgusting cigarette smells on food


Put it in the trunk.


I can never be understand why people smoke in their car in the first place. The odor SEEPS into everything.


My first and only time being a doordash customer was ordering food from a lady who smoked in her car. Ruined my sandwich. Never again.


You sure it wasn’t just the disgust in doordash up charging you double for that shit sandwich?


There was definitely some of that. I drive myself 2 miles and get my own sammich and save the $15 extra. Also, I dash now so everybody keep using DD and tipping well 😆


Yeah, I don't smoke. Even if I did, I would open the window all the way.


Just put the orders in your trunk if you smoke... Pretty crazy idea right....


I doordash too and make sure it's kept neat and smoke free. When I get door dash that smells of smoke , it doesn't make me too happy.


Dont smoke with an order in the car. But thats all the professionalism a driver owes.


If my food or food bag smells like someone’s funky car when I get it, I’m one starring it for sure. I can’t deal with that.


Yeah, I'm a dashwr too, but if it comes to me smelling of weed or cigarettes, I always report the driver and get my tip back from support.


I love weed but If my food smells like the inside of someone else's lungs im going to get my money back one way or another


Just a PSA...its illegal to smoke maryjane in your car and all of us that don't smoke can smell you as you pass by. 😅 I do enjoy the posts on reddit saying cops can't smell shit....like everybody can smell your dank ass down the block


As a former smoker (tobacco only…I’ve never actually smoked pot), I can say from experience that you become desensitized to the smell that surrounds you when you’re a smoker. I used to be in the nightclub business and had operations that were grandfathered as “non-regulated” establishments with regard to smoking. Having now not smoked for probably 16-17 years and being rarely around it, the smell of stale cigarette smoke on someone‘s clothes literally makes me gag sometimes, possibly depending on what brand they smoke. (The smell of some weed, even a few houses away does the same thing…but other times, I just notice it, even from a distance without the associated gagging.) This past Saturday, I performed in a venue zoned as a “Private Club/Fraternal Order” in Virginia, outside of D.C., and the liaison between the buyer and myself (not an agent, but someone who works there that contacted me about the booking) came up as I was setting up and said, “Oh…I just realized I probably didn’t mention that we were a smoking establishment. I hope that’s okay.” I said it was…as it was a huge room and didn’t think it would bother me. It did. Like…it seriously affected my voice towards the end of the show, giving me a painful rasp…kind of like Joe Cocker’s voice…and my clothes and jacket smelled like a stale ashtray when I started packing up for hotel checkout the next morning, leading me to keep my dirty laundry bag out of my suitcase so I didn’t have to rewash all of my clothes. I seriously forgot how bad the dank smell lingers. Fast forward to tonight…I was sitting in a line of traffic near Erie, PA that had been stopped for quite some time (post Solar Eclipse traffic) and a girl in a car in front of us got out and walked along side the vehicle she was in to smoke. About 25 seconds after her lighting up, it hit me (from probably 30 feet away) and I rolled up the windows and closed the sunroof. The moral of this story is, smokers usually have no idea how strong the smell is and how bad it smells…unless they quit smoking and aren’t around it for a long time. Personally, I’d be bothered far less if all smokers only smoked things like Indonesian Cloves…then you could add some pineapple and they’d just smell like a Christmas ham!!! (Similarly, I’m not bothered by the smell of most vapes, despite how unhealthy they probably are for both the smoker and the people in the general vacinity. At least it’s better than that stale ashtray giving up on life horder household smell that’s just flat out repulsive to most of us non-smokers/former smokers.)


Yeah, alot of people really don't understand that us who never grew up in a smokers house are really attuned to that smell. Even kissing women who smoked was horried. They're mouth was cold and dead feeling. 💀 and pot to me smells like literal vomit garbage. I don't tell people not to do it, cause it's a free country. But so many people get offended when you say it stinks or you don't wanna hang out at their house. Like I respect your desire to smoke, why can't the door of respect swing both ways and you respect my want to avoid it 😇


That is absolutely inconsiderate and ridiculous. I'm an UberEATS delivery driver and ALWAYS treat every customer's orders (food/packages) EXACTLY the way I'd like for mine to be treated. It just comes down to having a sense of fellow feeling and basic courtesy.


Agreed. The customer is already paying double or sometimes even triple to have it delivered. They deserve their food to be in good condition


100% I would like to add that it's not common, but I'm actually allergic to nicotine. Like deadly allergic, and I have been sent to the hospital just from being near it, and I can't go into buildings that allow smoking. I have had to reassign some orders because the restaurant was in a casino. It also makes me extremely sensitive to the point that I can smell it on people when even others can't. I have never gotten a delivery that smelled of tobacco, luckily, but if I did, the driver would definitely get a 1*, and I would be fighting for a contract violation.


Ok I get this fr. I do use blueberry disposable vapes while dashing tho' with a 5 star rating and no complaints BECAUSE all of the food goes in a separate USB heated carrier zipped up. Groceries go separate in trunk. No smells here except 4 delicious HOT fresh food.


vape smoke doesnt linger, weed and cigs do


>pay $2 for delivery >Not expect it to be delivered by the absolute bottom tier of society You get what you pay for, use a local delivery service that pays minimum wage + tips. Doordash pays sub minimum wage.


And get charged $20 for something from McDonald’s. Crazy people out here still using the shit.


Ummm sum of us only smoke when we do not have food in our cars.


The Dude Abides. My religion encourages drug use and or cigarettes in vehicles. My vehicle, my religious freedom.


Most religions teach us to be thoughtful and kind to our neighbor, to strive to be a better person in this world. Are you confusing addiction with religion?


You dare to tell me how to practice my own religion?




Amen and Amen


Got a delivery two days ago that reeked of smoke. Fortunately the food was in plastic containers so my food was ok but the bag was so bad my whole kitchen smelled until I scrubbed down the counters.




I completely agree and that also goes along with keeping your hygiene up, keeping your car clean some of the Dasher I see out there look tweaked out, and God only knows how disgusting their cars are inside. Come on people I’m a smoker of both but I do not smoke in my car and I would never While I had someone’s food in my car, every delivery like it’s your own how you would want your food to be delivered


See i dash and when i dash i only use my vape. Yew ik driving while smoking is bad but all the realllllly bad drivers make me anxious qnd its one the only ways i know how to make money simce brewking my hip


I once ordered subway and my sandwich tasted like cigarettes.


Honestly thanks for saying this cause every time I’m delivering to a resident of my building (it’s a secure building with high traffic of cars) I will smell the cigarette smoke off the plastic bag and gag. It’s not great at all. I get this is a stressful job but like there are so many options to keep the smoke off the bag. Keep it in one of the insulated bags, put it in your trunk, something. And don’t go into how y’all don’t make enough money or tips. Y’all can afford a $5 bag if y’all are buying your $10 pack of cigs a week.


Well the smoking probably shouldn’t be happening with food or insulated bag in the car. Definitely wash hands before handling an order.


I mean, I agree. However, it is their vehicle. We can't tell people what job they can or can't do bc they smoke in their cars. I don't smoke and think it's awful too. That's probably reason #1274947wyw7r84939272 I don't order DD, GHor UE anymore.


I agree. I drive but I also order and it happens more than I’d like it do. I hate when all of my food smells like an ash tray


Vape. Problem solved.


I could say, don't order delivery where I don't realize until I arrive that you live in a building where you aren't confident the elevator will make it up or down, there are holes in the walls of the hallway, and when I leave, I feel like I did a bong hit from the contact high from walking to your door.


couldn’t agree more, i had an order a few weeks ago REEK of weed when i brung it in the house, which usually i dont mind the smell but its like it seeped into my food and my food just tasted like an edible.


Give them a bad rating


I agree.


Yeah treat the food how you would pick it up (if you could or did)


Oh I 100% agree!!


I used to smoke cigarettes but I’ve since quit I vape now and when I have an order I don’t vape I wait tell I deliver it


They certainly could say no smoking on the job. Nobody cares if you've written contracts. That's an argument from authority that's supposed to convince people based on your claimed expertise. The document doesn't mention smoking. It isn't plainly stated. When contacting doordash they specifically said to me they have no policy concerning smoking. Obviously it's a case by case basis and smoking hasn't been a concern enough for them to make a specific statement on. The thread is if you smoke you shouldn't deliver food which is horse shit and like I said if you're so concerned about it go get your own food. I've done thousands of deliveries and have great ratings. I have no idea what a driver could be doing in the short amount of time they have your order that the smell of smoke permeates the bag and containers the food is in to ruin the food. Obviously there are shit drivers like there are shit customers. That's life quit bitching and like everything in life if you have very specific expectations then do it yourself to make sure it's done to your standard. Don't cite legalese and claim its clearly stated and don't use horse shit logical fallacies and throw away all of logic to support a bad argument.


Vape or use zyns bro ez.


Can you put the food in the trunk? Or airtight cooler?


Thank you for posting this.  I posted recently about how my food arrived stinking of cigarette smoke and people were absolute jerks to me on the thread. I don’t think smokers realize how much their cigarette smoke in their cars and on their hands affects the food that they are delivering.   Fortunately, door dash offered me a partial credit for my food due to this.  It was my first time ever complaining about a dasher. 


Joe momma


If DD did even any basic screening at all half of the drivers on here currently would be jobless. How they've managed to get this far along without requiring drivers to have food handlers permits is absolutely beyond me. There is zero accountability on there end for food safety, so at this point I'm just eating my popcorn and waiting for a lawsuit. It's no longer a question of if, but when...


Ugh and then you can’t even enjoy the food because it reeeeeeks. I had one dude pull up and could smell him from the sidewalk (about 40 or so feet). After being a smoker myself I’m so sensitive to it. Had to throw everything out.


I smoke in my car but never when I have a delivery whether it's in the bag or not. I've never gotten any complaints and I maintain a 4.9+ rating. I'm sure there may be a small residue but it sounds like you're talking about people who actively smoke with the order sitting on the seat and yes that is completely unacceptable.


Had a cigarette before an Uber was scared they would smell it, then give me a negative review got in the car, smelled like Mellons, and weed. Another time I got my food and it smelled like car like idk gas or motor oil they clearly just stuck it in their trunk or a bag that been sitting. Couldn't even eat the fries *


I do not care if my food smells like weed. As soon as you spray your shitty perfume or cologne to mask the smell, then we have a problem. Rather it be natural then chemicals.


If you do not like how (very TECHNICALLY) independent contractors choose to use their vehicles, time, and energy, then as a Dasher AND customer, maybe you should go back to the medieval days of ordering pizza at Dominos and picking up your own food 😉 You are not the boss of us. Back off.


If I may add something to this...please consider not wearing perfume or cologne/after shave as well. My drinks smelling like perfume/cologne is awful.


How does that even happen


i can smell peoples cologne/perfume at stop lights driving next to them. some people dont understand that less is more.


Such a bunch of Karens... I agree out of courtesy you should not smoke with an order in your car while delivering. I'm a driver. I'm disabled and it's the only thing I can manage for extra income. But also... you ordered food on a service that pays less than minimum wage to drivers when factoring in gas and vehicle maintenance etc and now you're bitching that drivers smoke while delivering, even vapes.... I see people complaining about the cleanliness of their vehicles etc. Get over yourself. Put a note if it bothers you and say you might tip extra if they follow your directions and requests. Understand the service you're using and be thankful it exists at all. Maybe someone will come up with a service which actually properly compensate people which would allow them to set higher standards for drivers such as no smoking... and it would be significantly more expensive. Some serious first world problems here. You think drivers don't deal with bullshit all day too? You think some orders don't stink our cars up for hours? Rude customers, rude restaurants absurd requests from customers..... in a number of occasions I've had customers request I "not park in their driveway" because their rich Karen ass didn't want anyone harming their concrete so I had to walk my handicap ass up their long driveway to their mansion to deliver their food. Fucking embarrassing. You don't see me making reddit posts about it crying. Get over yourselves.




One thousand percent agree with this comment!!! Too many Karen’s on this fucking thread omg… people need to grow the fuck up!!


When the tips low I make a point of blowing clouds into the bag and holding it closed if at all possible


Man I smoke daily. I don't believe it effects everyone the same. Especially if you have a high tolerance already and just so happen to be drinking a cup of coffee. I bet ya my reaction time is just as good if not better than someone who doesn't smoke. Also I'll throw in there that I have never wrecked. Period, I guess I could of just been really lucky for a really long time but I have always been good at driving pretty much anything. Believe it or not when I was young I used to drink and drive and never got stopped. I can remember seeing triples and trying to focus on the middle image so I don't swerve everywhere and it worked surprisingly 🤣. I wouldn't do that again though and also I don't drive if I just smoked. I always put a few hours window in between and never smoke anything while delivering. If I didn't get orders I would pull over and get out and have a cigarette but that's about it. I think it's different for me though because I grew up smoking it for years and I'm even a medical cannabis grower but when it comes to driving you gotta use common sense and just dont risk it. If your intoxicated at all it ain't wise to get behind the wheel. There has been a time or two where I had to stop and sit for a while at a friend's house because I decided to smoke right before I had to leave or something like that. Anyways what I'm trying to say is I don't think it effects everyone the same but regardless as long as your being mature about it it shouldn't be a issue. Doordash is a job rather it's hourly or not and you gotta treat it that way, I always try to think what would my customer think if I pulled up high as shit with my car all smoked out. If it were me personally I probably wouldn't take the food because I would think if this person is that careless then I can only imagine how my food made it here and if it's in one peice or not.


Hi , maybe go get your own food


Wow, that’s disgusting. I want my barbecue to smell like barbecue not like pot BBQ.


You had me till that edit about representing DoorDash. DoorDash doesn’t deserve to have their perception considered.


PSA: Nobody cares.


You can get it yourself


Just say you're a dirtbag, bro.


Maybe don't order doordash


"I'm A Dasher Myself" Why do they always say this line?


Because I understand how the process goes, and I understand the contract that every dasher agreed to…


Now this is funny your food will not smell like smoke unless it's smoked


I have had plenty of deliveries where the bags reeked of cigarette smoke. I don’t complain to the dasher or take away from their ratings because I’m a dasher myself, but I’m allergic to smoke, of all kinds, even candles will cause me to have a sinus infection with in 24-48 hours of having one lit. So I understand this post completely.


Ok, well, don't use the app. I'd rather have cig smoke or cig smoke smell on the bag, then half eaten food arrive or not arrive at all. U take the risk with food delivery just like everything else in life. It's their car and they can do what they want in a car they pay for👌 it may be in the contract, but people break contract all the time by signing up under other people's identity and when they are out of line with the restaurants and customers yet I still see these people so my point is DD has very low standards for drivers and u complaining does absolutely nothing except waste ur own time!!!! And I know that because u on here complaining and if DD was actually doing something to fix it, u wouldn't have a need to post about it 👌


1. this post took me all of what? 20 seconds to make..wouldn’t say I wasted much of any time. 2. I did do something about it: talked to doordash support and got a full refund sooo..


As you should get a refund. I'm simply saying it is going to continue regardless!




I had this issue with some Instacart grocery orders when I had ankle surgery and couldn’t really leave the house. A couple orders came and the bags just stank of cigarettes. If you smoke in your car when you’re not delivering the car is still going to stink. If they’re delivering a couple of orders on the way to me there’s plenty of time for the odor to cling to the bags.


"It's an addiction" sounds a lot like "it's a mental disorder symptom". It's an explanation, not an excuse, for shitty behaviour. And it can be treated.




Don't need to personally. I cook better than most of the restaurants on here anyway lol. But if they're going to perform a service to people they should be presentable, and so should their service.


Oh trust me when i say “reeks” i mean reeks. As in it wasn’t even edible at that point.


Talk about a drama queen lol. You are literally paying bums who can't get a steady job $2 to get your greasy ass food and bring it to you. If you want a quality service then order from a quality service.


i dont smoke but its not up to you. You are ordering from from a IC. We work for our self's. We choice how we do it. Thats how doordash works. Go pick it up.


good luck having customers much longer with this mindset 😂


Funny society we live in that brags about having the right to be unprofessional. Low IQ behavior.


You see, I also so happen to be a dasher myself. I know how the system works. Enough complaints from customers and enough refund requests = you getting slapped with contract violation notices and enough of those = losing your job. So have fun with that!


As an independent contractor, you still agreed to terms... https://www.doordash.com/dasher/us/ica-text >Section 3, subesction 2: >(iv) complete delivery of the Item(s) to the Consumer(s) **in a safe and timely fashion without taking any action that would change the quality or presentation of the Item(s)** and while adhering to reasonable expectations of food safety, quality, and health standards as required by the Merchant(s) and/or applicable law.


Driving high and smoking is illegal so


PSA to you. Get fucked.


I think by putting it in the hot bag it blocks most of the smoke. Because I’m a heavy smoker both weed and cigs. Well actually much heavier with the cigs. I take about one hit of weed in an hour, but cigs take quite a few puffs to finish just one. So I smoke with the food in the car regularly and I’ve had a 5 star rating for a long time now. Not sure if it’s a glitch or what. Even if I didn’t smoke I’m not a perfect delivery driver.


I smoke weed after picking up deliveries but never heard from customers or doordash about it. ratings are all elite. I mean I have the window down and not hot boxing while driving. The shit I deal with in nyc from traffic to waiting mad long for an order because there's 9 other drivers plus walk ins waiting to get help and driving crazy miles for low pay vast amounts of the time, and then having lazy customers making you travel up the the 5th floor no elevator or 39th floor with elevators but maze like hallways, you'd want to smoke weed to mellow out and think about the whole process. Only app I don't smoke weed is Amazon flex because I'm constantly getting out my vehicle to deliver the packages. It's wrong but so is the pay. If smoking weed gets me thru a $11 order going 5 city miles then so be it.




Omg not the internet of all places!




Psa to Karen customers. If the scent of smoke or a vape on a bag is so offensive to you then go get your own food. I don't even smoke in my car during deliveries but I am sick of seeing a million posts about people having unrealistic expectations of a service they apparently don't understand. It would probably be less effort for you to just go pick up your own shit than sit around crying in reddit posts about the smell of cigarettes. Find a real problem to complain about....


So didn't have a car for a period of almost 3 years. And for over a year of that I didn’t have someone to come get me and bring me or a restaurant or store, I HAD to order delivery. I’m also allergic to smoke. Not EVERYONE has the luxury of being able to go get their own shit.


What's your point? That doesn't change the reality of the situation. Also. You're so allergic to smoke that the smell of smoke on a bag does what to you? Sorry but I smell bullshit not smoke.


I'll do as I please thanks. Also I have a 4.93 customer rating. Continue.


LOL you're literally paying bums $2 to deliver your food because you're too lazy to get it. If you want premium service.. then use a premium service.


Weed smell doesn’t bother me. I like it! I May even tip my fellow stoner extra. I hate cig smell tho and am very sensitive to it. Ex smoker, 7 years cig free.


Maybe some dashers don't have a choice for where they store the bag as in Some Dasher may live in their car and smoke in their car because it's the only place they have. Doing it on the job okay annoying but even if the dasher is just a cigarette smoker in their car likely the hot bag will have some small smell though I highly doubt unless they blow the smoke right in the bag that it actually affects the food


maybe go pick up your food yourself if youre worried about what other people do in their free time, just saying when i go pick up my own food i never have a problem with how my order is handled lmao. if you think your $3 tip is gonna dictate what people do with their lives then maybe you should look at picking up your own food


But it’s not their free time, they’re working? They can smoke during the actual free time, when they are not working.


Just report the driver was intoxicated and that you found marijuana bits and ashes on your food bag, its a guaranteed contract violation if not instant deactivation to the driver. These scum drivers need to be removed off the platform some customers can suffer from Asthma or COPD or other respiratory illnesses that can be triggered from after smoke smell. Im also a heavy smoker but I always got respect to never smoke around family or on the job. The few times I smoked in my car were because of wind or rain, I always pause my dash for at least 30min after I smoke to air out and buy those orange sprays they sell at the smoke shop it really helps mask the smell and I always put the customers food in hot bags in the trunk so none of the odors that might still be present in my car gets on the customers food. Although I usually tend to not smoke when working because then I get the munchies and buy too much food and since I usually pause my dash after I smoke, a simple smoke break costs me +30min of my time or in other words a smoke break costs me at least $12 so I use that motivation to just smoke after I finish dashing.


Damn bro cope harder. I’ve dashed for years, never lost my 5.0 rating and smoke between every delivery. When people make a non issue an issue 🙄much more important things to be focused on.