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That was nice lol like a legitimate nice convo on both sides.


Other than the borderline illiteracy on OPs part šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø "Like I been lookin Fer a wayr to askin you bout this here question. Bout fixin to ask you real quick like." Lol wtf


I have no idea what you're referring to.


Can I have what you're smoking?


Definitely not pall mall


Hahaha nah definitely not


Hardly anyone wants pall malls. Ick.


They're the fastest selling cigarettes where I work. Maybe people think they're the cheapest? But they're not even close; they're barely cheaper than Marlboros. I guess people just genuinely like them. Maybe they were cheaper once long ago, or folks grew up in Pall Mall houses so it's a brand loyalty thing. Either way, they smell nasty asf and they cost like ten bucks a pack. Idk how anyone can afford to smoke cigarettes these days. But if you're gonna smoke, I can't imagine choosing Pall Malls...


They did used to be cheaper. I started smoking about 15 years ago when cigs were $5 a pack. I prefer camels, but will smoke lucky strikes because theyā€™re owned by the same company and cheaper. They just donā€™t use as high a quality tobacco. Using the mobile coupons, lucky strikes work out to be $13.58 for 2 packs, so just under $8 a pack at least. Individually, they are 8 something a pack. Definitely gotta look for the deals now, though. A pack of camels without any discounts or coupons goes for about $12 where I am. šŸ˜­


Smokes are around 18 bucks a pack in Canada. That's why I vape now. About a quarter of the price per week


Some places vape prices are crazy. I buy geek bars and in MD theyā€™re less than $20 and last me about a week and a half. But I was in DC and the same one was about $30. (USA btw)


In where I am in Oregon, theyā€™re about $20ā€¦ but my lungs have a harder time with vapor over smoke. I have to slowly start vaping for a month or two, and then not stop to primarily use vape.


Dude there's a store by my house that does $3 off 2 packs which drops it down to $9.12. Then I use the $1 off mobile. And sometimes they have an additional $1 off on THEIR app. I was getting 2 packs for $7


Thatā€™s kinda what Iā€™m doing at 7/11 with their discounts. Iā€™m just paying like $7.80 a pack.


You can u less you can't pick none up neither


Are you drunk?


No but OP clearly was. Pick me up some o dem full flavored 100s can't nobody make a smoke like them boys I reckon.


I literally have no idea what you're trying to say. Are you speaking English?


Heā€™s probably just a bear. Canā€™t speak at all.


I think youā€™re mistaking OP for the customer.


Yeah, you're right, I definitely meant the customer. I've never seen someone text so clearly in hick and I'm from the south.


None of these texts sound remotely hick. You're just an asshole.


"And you can't pick none up either can you? I mean I don't wanna get you in trouble or nothing." You're right it's not hick. It's fake hick which is what I was making fun of. Welcome to the party.


Wrong post maybe? Lol


Illiteracy? We sure you arent topic of conversation here because op and the customer were plenty literate. Get your eyes checked.




lol wtf are you talking about


And you can't pick none up either can you I ain't wanna get you in trouble or nuthin


lol I at least see what youā€™re doing here. Iā€™m from the south & read this in a backwoods redneck accent šŸ˜‚ they just donā€™t get it. I understood.


Tbh I just thought it was funny that they were writing in such a heavy southern accent but with the downvotes and the fact that they ordered "full flavored 100's" I'm skeptical if this interaction is even real. Seems like someone trying too hard to sound like they're having a normal conversation.


People are downvoting because what you're saying doesn't make any sense.


And you can't pick none up either can you I ain't wanna get you in trouble or nuthin


Dude just stop replying lol, you made yourself look stupid and now your just grabbin for straws


Grasping for straws*


Just so you know, you're referring to the customer OP bought cigarettes for, not the OP themselves. But I did understand the joke you were making, and I thought it was funny lol.


That's fair haha my bad


They were down voting because they clearly have not been in the deep redneck south. The redditors clearly do not understand people do speak like that everywhere hear. It hurts my ears. (This coming from a retail pharmacy worker that has no clue how this thread showed up in my feed)


Shit even in Kentucky people talk like that, mostly older people though. Itā€™s kind of a mix of southern and Appalachian. There are some people I have trouble understanding when they speak because Iā€™m not originally from therešŸ˜…It once took me a few days to figure out that someone was saying ā€œoil.ā€ She was talking about another person and how he used to work at an oil refinery; I thought she was saying ā€œHe used to work at that olā€™ companyā€ - she was saying ā€œoil companyā€šŸ˜‚ So many slang terms I had never heard of before either like ā€œshoot fireā€ (pronounced shoofaaahr), buggy, chaw, holler, ballhootin, haint, sticks, bubby, etc. And then there were the grammar/syntax differences like the way they use ā€œreach meā€ instead of ā€œhand me,ā€ the way they use ā€œanymore,ā€ and so on and so forth. Itā€™s really cool being exposed to different English dialects, there are so many just in the US. It felt like a different language, it took me just slightly less time to become fluent in their dialect than it took to become fluent in French


Yes, I have family in Kentucky too lol šŸ˜† so it's one and the same to me. I grew up spending time back and forth between Florida and Kentucky. So I have heard it in both both places. My father speaks country bumpkin mumble.


Back in my Uber days, I used to smoke. Had a guy on house arrest request a BS Uber ride and then call me and ask if I could stop at the store and buy a pack of smokes. He paid me $20, let me keep the cancel fee, andā€¦ the best partā€¦ I happened to have a new pack of the exact type of smokes he wanted, which I had only paid $5 for, so, no extra driving. Best ā€œrideā€ of the night


Jeez house arrest must blow. Better than jail I guess.


Iā€™ve never been in a position to be in either long term (spent the night in jail on a bullshit charge but thatā€™s a different story for a different day), but given what I know about both, I would almost choose jail. But, to each their own. I guess the advantage is, if you smoke, you can smoke at home? Most states outlawed smoking in jail years ago


Yeah it seems like house arrest would be good for a rich person with a nice home and money for delivery people but probably not so much for most people who are in trouble with the law.


It's not about the money it's about your social network. I mentioned in another comment about hanging out with my buddy. We were in a low income building but in a big city. We didn't have a lot of money but we would pool our money and have a good time.


A lot of prisons sell vape pens in commissary now


Ohio is not one of them. At least not as of last year when I worked there


It all depends on your environment. My homie was on house arrest for a year. Pretty much everyday all day he would smoke weed and play video games. I would come over with girls and hang out. I'd forget he was on house arrest and say let's go out lol. He would play jokes like how long do you think we have till they get me, while pointing at his ankle. Good times ironically


Next time, take the convo out of chat. Call them. Give them your number and do it off the app. They monitor chat.




I do this often, and it's got me customers off the app. We cut out doordash. They save money and I make money.


Wow thats great!!!!šŸ˜Š


I wish I could get this!! I saw a girl on TT handing out business cards with her orders and I think I might do the same


Just know DoorDash/uber can terminate your contract by doing that. Itā€™s a conflict of interest. But Iā€™m all for it. I was talking to a locally owned restaurant recently and they said they charge the restaurant a percentage and charge the customerā€¦. Greedy corporations


It's not if you don't put it in or on the bag. Legally unless someone has a camera and reports you there's no evidence suggesting leaving them at drop off. Not to mention there isn't a non compete contract we are allowed to contract with other companies. Even allowed to platform with others as long as our shit is delivered on time. Who says that can't be working for ourselves also? If I'm wrong could you please provide the clause as I may have looked over it but I don't think I have.


You may be very well right. However DoorDash/Uber has the right to terminate your contract for pretty much any reason they deem fit. The way I see it; If you were handing out business cards for your pizzeria while delivering for dominos, thatā€™s a conflict of interest. You use an employers goods and services to poach customers. Like I said though, Iā€™m not %100 sure there is anything stating specifically in the DoorDash contract, but itā€™s usually pretty general.


I mean I worked for two competitors at the same time in 2014 there was still a not a non compete. It's against the regulations unless yes if you're promoting the other place over the place you're working for at the time that's true. However I was a manager at both lol. The basis is as being private contractors they can't legally use a non-compete clause. Its the basis of operation even if it's our our own business. I understand your idealism and realistic news but in this world ive noticed that isn't often practiced anymore. For example, if you are at a Job less than a year (let's say a company who deals with homeschooling certification or even elderly care) but you get into a car crash. You are out for two to three weeks due to injury they can legally fire you. Union or not cause you've not been there a year. Federal law allows them. Regardless of doctor notes or legitimate excuse for care. Platform drivers stay on they legit don't get a care in the world about us. They don't care we're hurt. We don't get pay from unemployment. Nothing. Though some of that has changed it takes a lot of time to prove up to 8 weeks if you get approved. Even then rough after. In any case, no multitasking is allowed as long as specifications are met.


Thatā€™s wild! I wondered about that though! We used to have a local guy who did all the food deliveries and when doordash came to town he went out of business :( he charged like a flat fee and youā€™d just order your food and pay for it and he would just pick it up and bring it to you!


We had a guy like that, too. He was an absolute fucking lunatic in a very friendly way, and had a bunch of guys that he dispatched to restaurants all over the city with alarming speed and accuracy.


Lmfao they really don't understand what contractors are then huh contractors *should* have the opportunity to have multiple streams of avenue.


I started doing this when the pandemic hit. I made a fb post in my local community pages and put posts on the next door app. It took off like wild fire.


Do you have a burner phone or you giving out your real number?


I havenā€™t tried it yet but Iā€™d probably use my phone number? I use a prepaid account anyway super simple to change my number if needed. And Iā€™m in a small very safe town.


Yeah, then you see a complaining customer on this sub saying their dasher was "doing too much" by giving them a business card and then reporting you to dd. Very good idea though. I may try it, just use a second number through whatsapp/ text now & use that number just for dashing. I Def see problems with that though, like in dd, they know you're available to take orders. Unless you only do orders the same set times everyday, I'd feel bad advertising that I can deliver their things outside of dd, then not be available 5/10 times(as an example), when they need an order. Also wondering how payment works? They pay for items and 1.50-2.00 a mile + tip? And they pay it at delivery? What if it's a big order and you don't have enough to cover it upfront? Just wondering, cause as a customer responding to a fb ad, I'd be hesitant to send the money for the food+the money for a tip+the money for mileage to someone I didn't know, in hopes they actually bring my food. Sounds like a good way to extra l make extra money, just wondering how you work those things out? Thanks!


The way my daughter does it when I pick up for her is that she will go to the company she is ordering from and use their app or online order thing. I pick up and drop off. Of course she's not paying me extra....normally we swap lunches/dinner, because I have allergies which make it so I can't eat out... so she's preps my meal, and I pick up hers. I'd imagine, though, that the tip/ delivery fee could be given through venmo/paypal/cashapp/ cash on delivery. This way, you are not out the cost of the order. More risk for the customer that way though as if you don't deliver they are out the cost of the meal.


That's the American dream right there haha


This is the way.


Will you go grab me some toilet paper


For $2, you getting just enough to wipe once. $5 I'll get ya a roll. $10 I'll get ya one of those 12=48 bundles.


Thanks I'm on the toilet please deliver the single wipe to my bathroom thx thx


You call them in chat. Like you press call customer. That call isnā€™t monitored and it doesnā€™t give the customer your real number.


the number provided by doordash is a doordash number. calls are recorded


Use a Google number


That's why you use TextNow or Google Voice for things like that.


You could turn your caller Id off if youā€™re worried!


Iā€™d say use a fake number on an app to do this kind of thing. Google voice is free.


I see both sides. Interesting.


You need to learn the game and realize this is how you make better money


maybe get a burner for this? the point is the tracking on the DD app could get both ppl here in big trouble


This cannot cost you your job - it's at the Dasher's discretion, but there is no rule against doing this.


It technically violates section 5.1 of the ICA. They could deactivate for it. >Contractor shall not (a) retain, use or disclose Personal Information (i) for any purpose other than the business purpose of providing the Contracted Services or (ii) outside of the direct business relationship between DoorDash and Contractor;


I'm no lawyer, but I don't think this is applicable, as the Dasher is entering a separate verbal contract with the customer. They could definitely deactivate if they chose to, as they can for almost anything or nothing at all it seems, but the only way DD is even looking into this is if something goes wrong with the transaction and the customer contacts them, then likely both customer and Dasher are being released from the platform.


You said, "This cannot cost you your job." It can. The chances may be low, but it still can. They can scan messages for keywords and see that you agreed to deliver tobacco products to the customer outside of the platform. It's even spelled out in their [deactivation policy](https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=dx-deactivation-policy®ion=US&locale=en-US): * **Off-Platform Services**Ā - Delivering or accepting payment for any service or item solicited by a customer on or through the DoorDash platform outside of the formal offer presented to you through the DoorDash platform.Ā 


I stand corrected. That being said, DD isn't going to look at the messages unless there's a customer complaint or dispute.


They've been known to scan for keywords in the chat and send them to humans to review when a chat is flagged. It's not worth the risk for $5 when it's much safer to call or just pick them up and negotiate payment in person.


This! I have brought some cigs before for someone but as soon as they started asking I called. I have never done it again but it was late that night and I just was ready to hurry up and go home.


A bot monitors chat. Just censor stuff ezpz


Yeah a lot of people are commenting similarly. I agree, itā€™s a good idea to get it off of the record that DoorDash can accesss. Iā€™ll hop on a call next time. Good looking out, stay safe everybody. :)


Donā€™t give out your number


As I've stated in the replies, giving out my number has gotten me about 150 customers off the app. I make more money a week off customers off app than I do via doordash.


What do you do for there 150 customers off app?


They place orders either online or the mobile app, and I pick them up just as I would with doordash. They save money without the upcharges and fees, and in turn, I make more.


Do you pitch this offer to the customer? How do you introduce this?


I do. Do not communicate with them in the app. I started this when the pandemic hit. I brought "taking out the middleman" when i delivered, and it just took off. People started taking my name and number down and actually calling me. I started trying to figure out ways of reaching more people, so I made fb posts on my community pages. I also made posts on the next door app. I did this about once a week, and now I still do them monthly.


How do you do you pricing? How much do you charge? Is it per mile from store to customer? How do you handle multiple people trying to book you for the same time?


Let them monitor - there's nothing wrong with doing this if the Dasher chooses to.


Do not give anyone your actual phone number. Many scams are designed to just get your number, which is enough for them to get into your account.


They can't get into your acct by just having your number. Lol. I have about 150 customers currently off the app. In order to get my info, they'd have to send me some form of link of code. I don't click links.


Let them be scared. The smart drivers know how to poach customers.


Why do you think scammers ask for you to ā€œcall themā€? Do you think they want your number to hit you up for some coffee tomorrow morning?


I thought they wanted it for polite conversation! You mean... they don't actually want to be friends!? šŸ˜­


Of course they do; didn't listen to that cranky, lonely person. I've made so many wonderful friends through scam texts! Btw, do you have any Apple gift cards...? One of my friends is in a tough spot, and they just need an Apple card to get back home to their million dollar a year job and the mansion they live in. Just a lil mishap with the company card, you understand how it goes. eBay would also work! I'm just another Internet friend, you can trust me šŸ„°. /s




Iā€™ve done that before but on the receiving end. Thankfully the door dash driver followed through and ended up with a $35 tip afterwards (including food tip).


I did this for chips for a pregnant lady and she never tipped me. She got me for like $16 šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Damn that sucks! This is why I was hesitant and why I wouldnā€™t hand them over until I saw the tip in my balance.


Yeah I learned my lesson. Iā€™ve never gotten an offer for her again (I had delivered to her 2 times before this). Never will do this again.


Iā€™ve been there. Back when I did Lyft I had someone offer money on tip to wait in drive through and got stiffed. I like to be trusting but so many are not good for it.


Thatā€™s OK when she gave birth, all of the nurses were assholes and they fucked up her epidural. Karma is a bitch


But he pay back the cigs as tip so I mean in canada it would mean you spent 10$ on a pack of smoke got refund 10 and tax 4 so you actually paid 4$ to bring the guys smoke ?


Not in Canada. The smokes were 7, taxes might take 3 on the 15. Still 5 up for 2 minutes and no extra distance.


Yeah I was wondering the same. He is giving away money on taxes on something he truly didn't earn on


this happened to me. woman gave me $120 thru cashapp to get 6 $8 bottles of wine while she had covid. nice $70 tip. not to mention the tip she left from her food order.


Definitely of age is theyā€™re asking for pall malls šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If *


I asked a dasher to do this for me once too. I gave her $20 for an $8 pack of cigarettes. My car was in the shop and I was desperate. Thank goodness she had been to my house a couple times before and was cool with it.


You should be more careful with things like this. The [deactivation policy](https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=dx-deactivation-policy®ion=US&locale=en-US) prohibits off-platform services, which is defined as "Delivering or accepting payment for any service or item solicited by a customer on or through the DoorDash platform outside of the formal offer presented to you through the DoorDash platform." DoorDash monitors the chat. They search for certain keywords and chats that are flagged are reviewed by a human. If they catch you doing this, they can deactivate you for it. The next time this happens, let them know that DoorDash prohibits doing this through the app. Then, when you get there, negotiate in person. Or, if it's something you can live with having to buy for yourself, pick it up anyway, and explain in person. Also, you probably should get Venmo, Cash app, or Zelle if you can. I've gotten some extra tips through them in the past.


All they had to do was say pallmall and call you a sweetheart and age was already verified. I totally read that sentence in Sue Dillonā€™s voice. Glad it worked out.


100%! Iā€™d have been willing to bet money she wasnā€™t a day short of 50 and I was right.


I was expecting at least 70 šŸ˜… Iā€™m close to 50 myself and now feeling extremely old šŸ„²


Yeah Iā€™m getting there myself. 50 would be a conservative number that I would put money on although still not a lot. She also had a name that hasnā€™t been used much in the past few decades.


OP took a risk and it worked out. If you do this, good luck but if the risk doesnā€™t pan out and you never get your tip or DD sees the chat and deactivates you, do not complain. This is you taking a business risk and being cool with the consequences.


Lol risking job for 8 dollar


How is this risking your job? You're an independent contractor and are free to make side arrangements however you wish. I can see if it went wrong you would have no recourse through DD, but there's no job risk here at all.


Because you can get fired for doing this?


An independent contractor who signed a contract agreeing not to.


Actually the contract says we can: 2.4. As an independent business enterprise, Contractor retains the right to perform services (whether services similar to the Contracted Services or other services) with or for other businesses and/or other consumers, and Contractor represents that they advertise and hold themselves out to the general public as a separately established business. The parties recognize that they are or may be engaged in similar arrangements with other businesses to supply services similar or identical to the Contracted Services and nothing in this Agreement prevents Contractor or DoorDash from doing business with others. DoorDash does not have the right to restrict Contractor from performing services for Contractorā€™s own business, other businesses, consumers, or any other third parties at any time, even if such business directly competes with DoorDash, and even during the time Contractor is logged into the DoorDash Platform




This was great DD (Due Diligence) Iā€™m glad they are not restricting drivers on this end of things.


That doesn't apply in this situation, every part says '**others**' no part mentions between you and their customer. Everything in your post is in reference to a third party. Now check the deactivation policy and see what it says about bringing other items solicited by the customer outside of a formal offer.


You're taking your "employment" with Doordash too seriously bro. You're an independent contractor so calm the fuck down and make whatever money you can.


I am calm and I break the rules, but I don't post details about it. It's not taking anything too seriously, I was simply explaining something. I'm not sure what you're upset about


It also says in 5.1: >Contractor shall not (a) retain, use or disclose Personal Information (i) for any purpose other than the business purpose of providing the Contracted Services or (ii) outside of the direct business relationship between DoorDash and Contractor; This is using the customer's information outside of the contracted services. They likely won't deactivate for it, but they could. ETA: The [deactivation policy](https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=dx-deactivation-policy®ion=US&locale=en-US) also explicitly prohibits "Delivering or accepting payment for any service or item solicited by a customer on or through the DoorDash platform outside of the formal offer presented to you through the DoorDash platform." This 100% could get you deactivated if you're caught, so you really should negotiate outside of channels DoorDash monitors.


Personal information is like the persons name, address, and phone number, not pall mall cigarettes. We canā€™t do anything with knowing someone out there likes pall mall cigarettes, this clause is in there so OP canā€™t give away the customers name, address, or phone number, which he didnā€™t.


It says that you can't use the customer's information outside of the direct business relationship between DoorDash and the contractor. Purchasing cigarettes for them would be using their information for something outside of the relationship. In addition, the [deactivation policy](https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=dx-deactivation-policy®ion=US&locale=en-US) explicitly prohits accepting payment from a customer outside of the platform. * **Off-Platform Services**Ā - Delivering or accepting payment for any service or item solicited by a customer on or through the DoorDash platform outside of the formal offer presented to you through the DoorDash platform.Ā 


Yes, you canā€™t deliver items outside what was requested, like others have said. So OP does risk deactivation for that. Iā€™m pointing out the first policy you pointed to talks about personal information, which cigarettes does not fall under. Personal information refers to name, address, and phone number.


I worded it poorly. The issue is that you can't deliver off-platform without using their personal information to do so. That's how you violate section 5.1. You're using their address to make an off-platform delivery. That is also how the deactivation policy works within the terms of the contract.


That's not what PII means


You're using the customer information to perform a service outside of the platform. The English, non-legalese version in the deactivation policy prohibits "Delivering or accepting payment for any service or item solicited by a customer on or through the DoorDash platform outside of the formal offer presented to you through the DoorDash platform." I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. I'm just saying you shouldn't agree to do it in a message that DoorDash can monitor and scan for keywords like "cigarettes."


Ya know, if you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about youā€™re always free to just not say anything.


If you want to negotiate off-platform services through the DoorDash app, go ahead. But don't be surprised when you get deactivated for violating the contract. Read the deactivation policy, which sums up the contract in non-legalese terms. It explicitly prohibits "Delivering or accepting payment for any service or item solicited by a customer on or through the DoorDash platform outside of the formal offer presented to you through the DoorDash platform." Go ahead and buy the cigarettes. Just don't admit to doing it in a chat that DoorDash monitors for certain keywords. People have been deactivated for doing this.


Donā€™t understand the downvotes, youā€™re probably right.


They don't care if it's right or not, they just care how they feel about it. Even if they read the TOS, that they signed saying they agreed to, they probably wouldn't understand it anyway.


Just please watch texting customers about purchasing outside the app. DoorDash has access to your messages and they prohibit this. Iā€™ve done it myself with customers DoorDash donā€™t pay me enough to care about deactivation but Iā€™m just letting you know


be careful with doing this, when you leave they could edit your tip to $0


I don't think u should send a pic cuz they just look at chat and ban u be careful


This gives me faith in Humanityā€¦ someone followed through on their promise.


How do you not have cash app or anything lol


Iā€™ve asked this after getting to know a dasher, was cool of you to do for her.




bro was hella sweet lmao


Lmao. I have epilepsy and can't drive. I have actually thought about asking a door dasher to get me some snus when I've ran out but I thought better of it.


Doordash support has access to all chats and customer interactions. Source: saw support tickets where drivers were deactivated for buying cigarettes and vapes


I wont police what other Dashers do but if you're gonna do something blatantly against the Terms of DoorDash you should do it over a voice call and not leave permanent text proof. They prolly wont but they can deactivate you for this.


Ur a good man but be careful next time you donā€™t wanna take chances


Did this once for a nice lady in Tucson. Delivered booze and she asked me to grab her some smokes. Paid me $20 on top of the cost of the smokes.


I do this frequently lol...I just add 20 to the tip and they can keep the diff... 8 bux not bad for swinging by a farm store for a second lol


I wouldnā€™t do it but Iā€™m happy you did. Just curious, what if someone asked you to pick up a backpack from a friend or something? Say they were going to give you $100 and it was on the way. Would you do it?


I sure would. I know where youā€™re going with this question too. Iā€™m just poor enough that yes on the regular I commit felonies for money.


Jeez thatā€™s super sketch. 100 for probably trafficking drugs is not even close.


Yeah ā€¦even though the guy was niceā€¦DD tracks and monitors all in app interactionsā€¦not saying u will get in trouble..but u can lose this gig for $8. Ya never know if the person ordering is even old enough to smoke -they prob r..but u dont know in advance


They said that they would check their id before leaving them.


Poor smokers


the fact that you asked for ID was genuinely good on your part. do beware though they do monitor chats on doordash (i believe)


Woulda been bad if they tip baited you and you paid the 6 bucks for cigs and got nothing in tips


Yeah, I took a chance. I did wait until the order was complete and had confirmation of the tip. Can they change it after that? If they didnā€™t make the tip I could always find someone to buy the smokes.


I think they can change the tip up to one hour after the delivery


Thatā€™s good to know


I had todo that once too šŸ˜…


I never respond to these messages and after drop off I text back and say oh sorry I just saw your msgs


what a bro.. ;)


Wish this worked for me I asked my dasher to get a vape for me and she stole my $20


What state are you from? My mom canā€™t drive and she always jokes about asking the DoorDash driver to pick up smokes and thatā€™s what she smokes hahaha


This that shit right here. Fuck all these delivery apps earning more than the driver makes. Gets yours


This is wholesome I had a similar experience with the doordash customer but it was with two bags of ice from 7-Eleven. I was hesitant but since I was dashing near my house I knew that if I didn't get the money I'd have two free bags of I knew that if I didn't get the money I'd have two . bags of ice. Apparently they couldn't order it off the door now shop and they ordered stuff on 7-Eleven. Made an extra $20 plus the cost of the ice.


Wow youā€™re a good doobie! 100! And I give you kudos for being smart and responsible about inquiring about ID and assuring you get confirmation. Youā€™re an awesome person šŸ¤©


This reminds me of my mom LMAO


that was nice of you... me personally(I smoke cig's), I would never ask a non-smoker to buy my cigarettes for me(because they dont smoke so why would I put them in a position to purchase something they dont even do themselves), let alone on a delivery app.... they dont allow cigarette purchases in the app for a reason, and those chats about it can get you caught up.... but thats just me


Iā€™ve done this but they had in the notes for the app. Turns out it was for the night before and they never answered my texts. I still went and got them and they paid me for themšŸ˜‚


i was very sad to see that saucy was shut down/being absorbed into DD if I remember correctly. never had it here in Bako, but we spent 3 months in Fresno, and it was just a brilliant idea. it had a limited selection of gas stations and smoke shops, and it only allowed you to buy alcohol or tobacco. out of cigs? run out of rolling papers? broke your rolling machine? all available on saucy, delivery to your door. lol


I live in a state where recreational weed is legal. Some states allow *special* delivery companies, and you can get it delivered. My state however, does not allow delivery, so my only option is to go in person, and I don't have a car. The only walkable dispensary is pretty overpriced and has a very small inventory. There's another I prefer, but you can only get there by car. You can also place online orders and then pick it up in person. I've never done it, but many times I've thought about ordering food and asking my driver if I could place an order at a dispensary in their name (since order name obviously has to match ID), and have them pick it up, and I'd pay them back in cash, or send money (plus extra tip obviously). I know picking up cigarettes at a gas station is a bit different than picking something up from a dispensary, but still nice to see that some drivers are open to taking side quests haha


I don't trust the "add to a tip" even with ranch packages lol. But glad it worked


Yo! I have done that too. They gave me a 10$


it's cool that it worked out for you, but I wouldn't do it again and I would delete this post because what you did is actually illegal (depending on the state you live in).


If he's checking ID there is literally nothing illegal in any state about this transaction.


while this is certainly a type of legal "grey-area", it would certainly be a fineable, if not, arrestable offense in at least 24 states. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4263913/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4263913/) If you can't be bothered searching/reading, you can also use logic. If cigarette delivery were perfectly legal, why doesn't doordash already offer that option?


I have had two orders ever come through as 711 alcohol and it was actually cigarettes. They were wrapped tight in brown paper with a 711 sticker on them, I had to scan ID but no signature was needed on either. That was months ago and have not had an order like that since, it was clearly ordered through the 711 app delivered as third party on DoorDash. Also it was from one specific 711 thatā€™s a bit more sketch, not from any of my usual ones.


Seeing as this is a private transaction, pretty sure it wouldn't fall under any laws, and if it did who is going to get that ball rolling? You think DD is going to report the Dasher? This would be the same as if my friend asked me to pick up some cigarettes for them on the way to their house. Honestly if anyone is truly that concerned they wouldn't do it, but it seems to me there is very little (if any) risk on the part of those who would.


Maybe itā€™s just not an option in your area because doordash literally has guidelines for ordering tobacco for a reasonā€¦ https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Delivering-Tobacco-Guidelines?language=en_US#:~:text=You%20can%20only%20deliver%20tobacco,photograph%20and%20date%20of%20birth.




Public transportation sucks here


I do this all the time the one resturant i order from is right next door to a smoke shop i ll measshe driver to stop n grab smokes i have cash in hand they get 5bucks for the food amd 5 bucks for the smokes