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One time, I had a Dasher who put a religious pamphlet actually in my bag of food. I reported him to DoorDash because he actually tampered with the seal of the bag.


Recently had the same thing happen to me. I had no idea where this flyer had been sitting before it came in contact with my food in the bag (fries) and complained to DD. They literally offered me .70 cents due to another recent complaint I had filed.


These mfs don’t be sealing shit the stickers be falling off all the time not our fault the mfs preparing the orders don’t give a fuck


Genuine question, how do you know it wasn’t a restaurant worker? I mean I guess it just depends on the place. Like if a McDonald’s had a religious pamphlet I’d know it was the dasher, but if it’s a mom and pop place I’d fully expect it


a restuarant worker would have put the pamphlet in before sealing the bag. a dasher would have to open the seal of the bag to put the pamphlet in.


Somehow I completely missed (or maybe they added after idk) that the seal was tampered with.


Of the seal is broken or tampered with, its on the dasher. If dasher sees a broken or tampered seal, they should ask for it to be rebagged, so they don't get blamed for anything. Also, if it was someone at the restaurant, they can put it in the bag before it's sealed.


I somehow completely missed that the seal was tampered with


Idc if the pope himself gave me a pamphlet dont push your religion onto people.


Wait, is that what people think I’m advocating for?? Is that why I’m so severely downvoted?? I’m completely against that and have severe religious trauma lol


Idk why you're getting downvoted so bad. You're asking a really good question.


I think it’s because I missed the fact that the seal was tampered, or it was added after the fact. Obviously if the seal is tampered with then it would make sense that it’s the dasher, but I genuinely didn’t see that part.


One time I was in a Walmart bathroom and some weirdo left Christian pamphlets on every surface (not exaggerating). Definitely went out of my way to trash them all. I don’t have a problem with people being Christians, but I think it’s weird to make pamphlets for a religion that’s already the #1 religion in the world


People who do shit like that likely also believe things like, “Christians are the most persecuted group of people on the planet”, and “the Radical Left is trying to take Jesus from us.” They legit think they’re on the front lines of a war. It’s wild stuff. Source: I know some of ‘em.


I also hate people shoving religion down others' throats. You can believe it, that's fine, but don't try to force me to.


“Why are they shoving it in our face and trying to force it on us?!” Who does that sound like?


Sounds like my ex when he was drunk and horny.


this happened at a Culver’s i was at several years ago. i was in a wheelchair at the time and in the handicap stall there was a religious pamphlet draped across the hand rails that are supposed to be there for people like me to actually use. so i did the reasonable thing and ripped it up and put it in the “sanitary pad” disposal bin. did my business and as i was at the sink washing my hands, an old woman and child came into the bathroom and the old lady was excitedly saying something like “we should see if anyone has taken those pamphlets yet” im assuming they put them in all the stalls.. such strange behavior i don’t get it. i got out of there asap lol


Now this IS petty..get a life fr


I, however, do have a problem with people being Christian. I just don’t hand out flyers about it lol


Coke still makes ads.


Ads are still intrusive. Also Coke is a real thing.


And it’s taken far fewer lives.


Lmao good one


Thank you!


Nobody likes ads either, so the comparison stands


You have to be a special kind of dumb to think advertisements for a product are the same thing as bating for a con.


I never made any claim about the value of the ads, just attacked the argument from the post above that mentioned it seemed "funny" to do an ads for something that is already #1.


Do it. Give the dasher a one star rating *and* report them to support. We dashers have one job: pick food up and drop them off. Our political and religious views aren't to be broadcast. I've seen customers' homes with flags and signs that go completely against my political convictions, but I just bite my tongue and finish my job, then move on.


Not a dasher, but a spark driver got reported and deactivated for having Trump shit all over their car. (posted on Facebook) Customer claimed they were assaulted. The driver had no idea explained a total normal day/week. I looked at their profile then I asked if they had anything political or religious on their person or vehicle and that’s when they talked about their cars decor. This person was a hardcore right. Basing what I saw on their profile. It was hard not to laugh just because people are so strong in their political convictions. To make matters worse the driver said they were magnetic. So they could have easily removed them before delivering and replaced them when they were done for the day. I keep everything neutral. There isn’t 1 sticker/magnet on my car. No jewelry, no t-shirts or hats with anything more than “delivery driver”.


I'm sorry, if you report someone for what's on their private vehicle, you're a psycho. If they had an Obama or Biden sticker, would we be keeping that same energy? Lol no


I didn’t report anyone. I was a mere spectator on Facebook. Political shit and religious shit doesn’t get my panties in a bind. Also, I said “it’s funny” because *people* are strong on their political convictions. Meaning both sides. So, you’re correct the person wouldn’t have done anything if it was something that leaned towards their own beliefs/mindset. My saying this, is to remember to keep it neutral. If you’re neutral. They’re only going to judge you on how you look and how you do your job.


Perfectly said. It's ridiculous.


Lol, trumpers are a special breed of stupid. I keep myself politically neutral at all times while on the job.


Both extremes are a special kinda stupid. Like what are they fighting for? Who’s a better lier? Both sides are equally corrupt. I put my votes in… but really I don’t think it matters. I think they’re behind the curtains pulling straws to see who wins. Fighting about who’s better and why to the point of ending marriages/friendships/family/jobs… like it’s serious but not so serious to lose things that you’re bonded to. In the end, who ever wins/loses are not losing their bonds over it and are definitely not thinking of John Q voter at the end of their day.


Ehh, yeah, both sides are corrupted. But the question is: which side is loudly proclaiming that "real men wear diapers"? I'm sorry, but there's no comparison between the two sides when one obviously is already over the deep end. As for ending relationships with people formerly close to you over politics - if you were living through the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany back then, would you want to associate with anyone that willingly submitted to the ideology that the Nazi party preached? Think about that very long and carefully. There are hard boundaries that certain people cross due to lack of conscience and thought, and you certainly shouldn't be associating with them because you don't need to be poisoned with their toxicity. I don't discuss or involve politics while dashing, but online? Different rules, different engagement. I stand by my comment that the far right movement is full of insane people, and they're a threat to the rest of us. EDIT: Edited my comment alongside with the edits you made in yours. Nice try in moving the goalposts, but no cigar.


You didn't by chance type this reply while dashing did you? 🤣😂🤣😂


I did the same once. I don’t want anybody putting anything in my bag. I’ve gotten mints before and it’s cool and it’s a nice thought, but I don’t trust candy from strangers. But don’t put a pamphlet pushing your opinions in my bag get a grip. I feel like if it’s evangelizing then throwing a pamphlet in a bag is lazy anyway, like who is actually seeing that and thinking oh wow I should convert


As a Christian… leave a 1 star.


Absolutely justified leaving 1 star


You care to much then, random Reddit user.




I absolutely would've given them 1 star, fuck that


I’d take the tip back, report them and flag them as 1 star. All they need to do is pick up food and drop it off. If they want to preach religion, they need to do it on their own time.


100% No tip, 1 star. Go get a job at church if you wanna preach


“Jesus just left you a 1 star rating” is what I would’ve messages them


“I prayed about it and god told me to give you a 1 star rating. He said you had some kind of lesson to learn.”


God that would be the ultimate own


Right? What could they possibly say that wouldn’t discredit their entire religion? lol


One star. Unprofessional. You don’t see McDonalds employees handling out pamphlets through the drive through. Same people who think this is fine would probably lose their shit if they got a Muslim or gay rights/pride pamphlet.


Exactly, but they never think in the reverse. They never think what if a Muslim tried to talk to their kid about their religion. American Protestants really aggravate me sometimes.


They gave you free toilet paper!




Report them for a religious hate crime. lol


I wonder if it was a jw or a morman? Lol it should rub you the wrong way - food should be free of politics and religion. So should water. So should shelter. Sorry not sorry.


Well said.


I've had customers push religious pamphlets on me and one guy gave me a 3 star rating because I refused to take the pamphlet one time.


Yeah…no. 1 star. The fuck😭


Man imagine your order food answer the door and hokie is like “do you have a moment to speak about our lord and savior Jesus Christ” bro found the way the be a door knocker and he knows before he knocks if they are gonna answer


As a part-time DoorDasher that was unprofessional.


I'd report it as well as give a 1 star review.


1 ⭐️


Proselytizing using food delivery? That’s ingenious but also a new low for the gig economy.


You should've given them 1 star over it, totally inappropriate


1 star , Jesus never tipped 🤣


He tipped over some tables once! (aka don't mix religion with business)




Bro, this right here is the best thing I’ve seen in this entire comment section. I completely forgot about that story but it works so perfectly against the type of behavior OP is annoyed at. “Jesus destroyed a place of work because it was conducted alongside worship so why the f-ck are you recreating a setting he hated” lmao


Now that I think about it, Jesus would commit a hate crime at Chick-fil-A for that exact reason wouldn’t he lol


How do they know you don’t find offense to their religion. I’d report.


I would be pissed. Go brainwash someone else with your fantasy figure 😂


My aunt carries those everywhere with her and leaves them all over the place She always used to hand them to me and my brother to stick them in bathrooms and I always made it a point to bury them in the trash (as a staunch atheist from birth with a cultish religious family) Idk why they do that. Do they really think a silly pamphlet is going to scare someone into or convince someone that their religion is the right one? I’m just assuming they were Christian. I would usher def left 1 star


Saying this as a Christian. I too would throw them away the second I found them in bathrooms. Like let's think this through I want someone to become a Christian, so I will leave a tract that looks like $100 then write something like "Disappointed. Jesus is better than $100 and won't disappoint you" Because who doesn't want to get bait and switched, to then go. "Man this Jesus guy sounds great, I am in!" The logic is so bad its hard to call it illogical. Its religious wingnuts who think they are scoring points for the kingdom, but I have news for them, they aren't. That's not how Christianity works at all. Although sadly many act like it is.


Go to the church and put the fake hundo in the collection plate and then bounce


You literally described my aunt I feel like most of the Christian’s in my life are getting it very wrong. I honestly feel like I have a better understanding of their religion than they do sometimes. They are awful people but do shit like that and think they are eternally saved and that I’m not. It sucks seeing them not even want to try to be moral or be nice people bc they constantly say as long as they’re saved they’re getting into heaven. “Life is a test, and all it takes to pass is getting saved. Jesus wants us to be good people of course but he knows we will fail over and over and as long as I pray at night and ask for forgiveness I know I’ll go to heaven” All that seems to matter to them is not going to hell. It’s erased much of my family’s will to do good when it’s hard; because they’re already done in their eyes. I’m going to hell forever because I’m not saved, even if I make a a daily effort to be a good person and they don’t. I don’t think that is what Jesus wanted I almost feel like my distaste/anger towards Christianity is more towards this whitewashed right wing evangelical version of it that I believe to a be a product of a cocktail or issues that have nothing to do with god and everything to do with political extremism, the way mega churches/capo have twisted the religion to be self centered. I know I’m a rambling a bit but I do believe there is a version of Christianity that is harmless, has great personal utility for its followers and has great beauty in it. But the version that I encounter on a daily basis here in Texas is not that. It’s almost like there’s been a split of some sort and I wish more people were aware of it


ah Texas, my old stomping grounds. Greenville, north east of Dallas here. My family got a lot of it wrong too, although in different ways and I have had to work through that exact question. I know what my family is saying isn't correct, but is that because it is all wrong, or their version is jacked up. Of the 4 kids in my family, I am the only one whom would consider themselves a Christian. And I hope they think about that. Messy stuff for sure. Would love to chat more, but we should likely move it to DMs or a better r/ thread than this one And if you don't want to chat more, totally makes sense, keep wrestling those hard questions, and know your family likely really does love you, they just suck and showing it. And perhaps suck at even knowing what loving someone would look like. Broken people tend to break other people.


This is my second account that I used to only use for porn but now it is just never used since I have a fiancé and my main account count got banned for 7 days because I was arguing with a racist and I guess Reddit got confused and banned me for putting something in quotations I get my account back tomorrow and I’ll shoot you a message !! Have a good day friend


>All that seems to matter to them is not going to hell. I had some clients watching Jimmy Swaggart... It's interesting, these televangelists only ever talk about how they're "saved by the blood of the lamb." Never about charity, or brotherhood, or acceptance, none of the things Jesus actually taught... only about how their sins don't count (the "blackest black" can be washed as "white as virgin snow") because He "died for them." They must've done some pretty fucking horrible things if all they can think about is how those things "don't count."


I'm a Christian and televangelists don't represent Christianity. Just the opposite, greed. Give me a small church with a pastor who works during the week and preaches on Sunday because he loves the LORD and really cares about people and tries to help people in need.


This is a really good point Thank you for sharing


1 star rating


You sure they did it? I was making a delivery a few months ago and there were people putting religious pamphlets on every door in the neighborhood so they’d fall out onto the ground when the door opens. I was afraid they’d think I left it, so I messaged the customer after drop off letting them know it wasn’t me 🤷🏼‍♂️


I had the same thing happen once I usually give 5 stars and no comments but I sis give a 3 star review that time and put a comment that they did that. Honestly it's not their business whether or not someone follows their religion and it could be potentially triggering to some people. Rate them low let people know. Their job it to deliver food not preach/push their opinions.


Do what you feel, this is inappropriate and would bother me too. (Customer and driver)


I would flat-out report them to doordash support, keep your bullshit fucking religion to yourself.




Where is the pamphlet


There was already a pile of them at the laundromat and he had to give them all away before the next prayer meeting. Give him a break. He has to meet a quota.


Living in the bible belt ive had this happen on a few occasions


Ex-christian here. I grew up with the bible only reading material in the house. The bible states that pushing religion onto others will not get you into heaven. I would had giving them a 1 star. Not everyone is religious or want to be pushed into something.


I would instantly give then a bad review. Dont push your brainwashing bs onto me


One star and a complaint. No question.


Ew. I just want my food, not your religion.


It’s irritating but nothing to get overly upset about. Toss it and move on with your day.


Yeah its petty. Just throw it in the trash and stop letting little things bother you


1 star instantly


I got one of those once. Didn't care, just threw it away


I’d 1 star. You paid them (assuming you tipped) to deliver food, not their beliefs.


As long as the bag wasn’t tampered and still sealed I’m just throwing the other bulljive in the trash 😂 all due respect to everyone’s religion but nah I’m good lol


Nah, that's bullshit


Hahah harmless but funny. This made my day! Mormons be steppin up their game, or was it later day saints? Heh they will always find a way! No soliciting sign, no problem, you’ll answer your door for dd, muahahaha!


I mean, who cares.


I would have given a 1 star rating.


I’ve gotten those and given 1 stars


Rate one star and report.


Any religious person who forces their views like this onto people, are fakes. Def report it.


I have received religious pamphlets as tips so I here ya


Had a sams club delivery driver do this to me a few months back


Seriously a 1 star rating because of a pamphlet? Throw it away and go on about your day 🤦‍♀️😂


Yea f that guy for trying to be a good person how dare he


They need to be deactivated


1 star with the message "Matthew 23:15." Then report.


Last night a Dasher hit my lamp post in my front yard shearing it clear off the concrete and ripping off the electrical box. Then squeeled his tires and fled. I guess he didn't notice the very obvious cameras pointing right at my driveway. Filed a property damage claim with door dash, gave them the whole video. Also filed a police report and he's gonna be facing a charge for fleeing the scene of an accident. For me its just the principal of the thing. Its not going to cost a lot to fix or anything, im going to just do it myself, I installed it myself. Had the dude actually stopped, got out of his car and knocked on my door and told me I would have told him shit happens, don't worry about it. I didn't discover it until this morning. I got the order went inside and my dogs were going nuts(typical when cars pull in and out of the driveway) so I didn't hear anything at the time. Go back and review the video footage, sure enough dude was in a rush apparently and backed into the lamp post sending it flying. Hits the gas squeels his tires and gets the hell out of dodge.


It’s literally not that big of a deal. Just throw it away and continue on with your day.


Whole lot of facism going on in this thread. It's called freedom of speech people. Just because you don't like or agree with them you want to attempt to harm them in some way? Fascists.


I wouldn't care. I know what they are trying to do and their intent isnt malicious or harmful. Should they do it? Nah. But in their mind they think they are doing the right thing. As long as my food wasnt messed with. I would let it go.


It's referenced as the good news! I didn't say anyone was Satan's spawn. The good old chastisement about judging others all while being judged.


I myself could be considered a "religious person", but I have never and will never do something like that... first and foremost it's just unprofessional, second did they honestly think you would see that and be like "wow, I need to repent!"?? I understand the concept of attempting to convert someone or whatever, but that is absolutely not the right way to go about it.


It was probably already there before your dasher delivered it. I see stuff like that all the time when I drop off orders.


1 star, no tip, report


I love Chict tracts they're hilarious, I have a collection. Own it or treat it like junk mail? Wouldn't it be easier to just throw it away rather than post on reddit about it and get butthurt?


If you dont like it..wipe your ass with it and throw it ...


Report them that's what I do. They all got banned from dashing at least for me.


Super unprofessional. I’d report and one star.


I’d give him a one star. I’m selling insurance now and dashing until i build up my income. I won’t even leave my cards in them, as much as I’d love to. People just want their food.


Instant 1 star and report


Most people in the comments would have zero issue with this if they agreed with the message on the pamphlet I’m willing to bet


Naw, I'd think it was inappropriate to leave anything with my order. I paid for you to bring me my food, not for your opinion on anything.


Well yeah, but that’s the point, stop soliciting shit to people you don’t know.


Report them as making you feel unsafe. Fuck this BS.


I don’t love when that happens either, but honestly it doesn’t really hurt anyone. You can just throw it away. It’s not like they’re knocking on your door to talk.


It was left with the order? Some of us must have boring fucking lives to get your panties in a knot over this. Throw it away and move on. Like all the other shit that gets stuck on doors. If he didn't tamper with the order, who cares?


Oh my god who cares how bitter and hateful are you. My goodness


One time, someone gave me a pamphlet I didn't want, so I threw it away, then moved on with my day.


One star? Did you not get your food delivered to you? I would drop one star and leave it at four stars.


"I should be able to preach to you while I deliver your food. It's muh right. Don't like it? Then ignore it." -thegreek420


I would 1 star and report to doordash support, keep your bullshit religion to yourself.


You care too much then random Reddit user.




One star? Do all have black and white thinking? Give them a star in between because you got your damn food and that's what actually matters. Who cares if they also delivered an extra piece of trash. Throw it the fuck away with all the plastic from your delivery.


As long as you get just as upset over all of the unwanted solicitation you receive via junk mail to your address as well. Or you could just throw it away and be done with it.


Leaving a religious pamphlet with an order is a violation of social norms and just good manners. OP, IMO, is right to be upset here. Junk mail comes to you, which is true, but you didn't pay for that. Someone else paid to get you that junk mail. In this situation, OP paid to have a service done, and the service provider dumped unwanted spam on them. Your example and the actual situation are very different.


My thinking is just throw it away and be done with it. It takes energy to take the time to go online and bicker about it. Why even rent space to this person in your head when you can just quickly be done with it?


Clearly you have nothing better to do than bicker on Reddit so I’m not sure why you are judging OP, or anyone, for doing the same. If it’s not your fight, ignore it. I’ve never understood this.


I never understood why a piece of paper warrants someone renting out so much space in their head.


And yet here you are 🤔


The driver paid to get you that junk mail. It’s not as different as you think.


You expect that junk in the mail You don’t expect or ask for that junk when your paying someone to deliver your food. That’s a false equivalency and really shitty imo Sounds like something a Christian would say to defend it


Agreed, mostly. Christian here, and what the dasher did is not defensible. if u/MidnightFull considers themselves a Christian, they got this one wrong.


Thank you for being a respectful Christian and understanding that non religious people don’t want to deal with that stuff. I come from an extremely Christian family and have been instructed to leave those pamphlets every where I go my whole life and I got so sick of them. Life is stressful enough without having to get witnessed to or reminded of religious trauma/existential issues on a normal Thursday afternoon lol


I am sadden to hear it, like legit tearing up. People can be the worst. We are not all that way, but sadly too many of us are. Feel free to tell your family some random Christian on the internet says they are flat wrong and might want to consider Matthew 7:21-23 in which Jesus speaks of the end times and a group of people doing stuff like your family does. The group claims they were out serving God and doing good, but Jesus condemns them and says "depart from me I never knew you", the ultimate 1 star review.


I am a Christian actually. However, I personally don’t believe in Bible tracts because they aren’t biblical. My response is more of why even rent space to this person on your mind? It’s a fast throw away. All you have to do is just toss it in the trash and go about your day. So I’m speaking more to why someone would want to exert emotional energy over something that can be solved by just throwing it away. It’s called choosing your battles.


yep. I can see your point, but a counter point. Just because you have that ability doesn't mean others do So you can just toss it in the trash and never think of it again? Good! But other people may not have that ability. Their background, their worldview, did they just fight with their spouse, are they dealing with other issues like work, and family, and bills, all factor in. What the Dasher did was over the line. How big of a line? I mean they shouldn't do jail time, but they do deserve a negative review. And OP is venting. And maybe another dasher reads all of this and says "yeah maybe a tract is a stupid idea" and doesn't do it. Also, don't make false equivalency arguments.


If it was just random Christians leaving shit at my door I would hate it. But someone who is working? Using their delivery gig as a way to leave unwanted shit at my door? I’m going to rate 1 star and report that crap. I hate it. And I shouldn’t have to deal with it when I’m just trying to get some dinner.


What if the door dasher included “free Palestine” pamphlets? I assume the same response?


You are being petty. I think the pamphlet is silly and unnecessary, but they absolutely did the job you asked them to and deserve a fair rating for that.


They did not ask to be solicited to by any religion when they ordered door dash. They should be reviewed accordingly.


They also didn't ask to be given a card that says "please rate me 5 stars!" or "have a nice day!" with their order either. Just ignore them and move on with your life?


Agreed. The Dasher should not do that either. It is possible for more than one action to be wrong, even though at the moment we are only condemning one particular action. Careful with this logic. You see it the other way too. Someone will say "Ah get over it, at least the Dasher didn't sacrifice a baby giraffe on your doorstep" and that commits the same fallacy in the other direction.


Correct. That should also be rated accordingly. If you want to give them 5 stars for that, then do it. I don't want to be preached to by any religion if I'm not at a church.


Asking for 5 stars is not trying to get me to believe in their particular fairy tale, its about the job they are actually doing


I bring you your food in really quick time, the order is perfect. I also take a massive shit on your doorstep. But hey I did the job you asked me to do, so why wouldn’t you just ignore the shit and move on with your life?


The job was to deliver the goods not god. It’s pushing religion on people who didn’t ask for it it’s unprofessional


pretty sure they’re not allowed to solicit anything and it’s against doordash rules


I just read the TOS. I didn't find anything on solicitation.


that’s surprising, but i guess i believe you


Yeah I was surprised too. I could still be wrong and missed it, but I skimmed through twice.


This is not true, actually


lol! I have a collection of Jehovahs Witness pamphlets that I leave randomly


Not a good track?


I miss the America of tough, thick skinned people.


What is the issue? I understand you don't want ads, but I see them on pizza boxes, Amazon shipment boxes, etc. Would you still want to rate your Dasher a 1 star if it was a business card for landscaping services? I think 1 star is extreme. Rate 3 or 4 star and move on.


Yes. I would still rate it 1 star if they were trying to sell me anything. I’m pretty sure it’s against TOS, too.


Um ignore it then… ?


Why is it always "Ignore it!" and not "Keep your religion to yourself!"?


Why is it always “ignore it” and not keep your sexuality to yourself


It is. The only ones whom care about sexuality are the ones trying to suppress it.


Is not that serious. Laugh it off and dump it in the garbage. People get bothered for the stupidest shit these days maybe he had good intentions some how in his head he thinks he's helping u who knows but watever the case is not something u should get so bother by that u should be thinking of getting someone in trouble for and potentially losing there job move on worse shit happening in the world. That's what's the problem these day's this new generation are too soft and always in their feelings. And these boomers think they can push there bullshit views on everyone


So here's the thing. You have been mildly inconvenienced with a slip of paper that says things you don't agree with. *GASP* The HORROR! They did everything their contract required. Doordashers are independent contractors and are absolutely allowed to leave pamphlets, business cards, mints, cutlery, any way they want to customize their delivery so long as the food is not tampered with is allowed. Giving a 1 star review puts their job at risk. If their rating, for whatever reason, falls below 4.2, they can be deactivated with no notice. So you're basically saying that a slip of paper inviting you to consider their faith is so egregious, so offensive, so immoral, that they must be punished for daring to suggest such a thing. Normal individuals with a healthy mental state would see the paper, roll their eyes, and throw it away.


I mean they could also treat it like regular employment and leave their beliefs at home instead of trying to push them on others. That’s a thought.


I would be so fired if I pulled this bullshit at my work. Good point.


If it was a white christian customer and the driver was inserting church of satan or atheistic documents into your food, would you hold the same opinion? Ive seen absolute shitshows of human beings who would take this as the biggest affront they could think of


Yes. Unlike a lot of people nowadays, I maintain relative logical consistency. If someone put a church of Satan pamphlet with my order, I would laugh, roll my eyes, and throw it out. What I would not do, is become enraged over a small piece of paper expressing someone's identity, and try to exact some form of retribution for the offense. That's not just petty, it's bigoted.


It is not bigoted, religion is not an attribute, it is a choice to believe a certain way. It is not bigoted to dislike religious people in general, its when you start picking SPECIFIC religions that it gets dicey


>Normal individuals with a healthy mental state would see the paper, roll their eyes, and throw it away. We will probably get downvoted, but you make good points. People are easily offended these days.


I knew this would immediately be spam down voted.  Unfortunately, a lot of people don't understand that freedom of speech applies to people you don't like too. When you confront them about it, they get pissy. But that's okay, because we have freedom of speech. You have the right to not like it.


Freedom of speech is the right to criticize your government and not be punished for it. It does not apply to whatever you decide to do or say in your regular life. You don’t seem to understand freedom of speech.


I think you would like a YouTube channel called Amagansett Press. He does first amendment audits, taking videos in public places, and a lot of uninformed people try to tell him he has no right to video them. Some people freak out on him or call the cops. He stands up for everyone's 1A rights. When you are in a public place, there is no right to privacy. I'm addicted to his videos. It's entertaining to see people's reactions - kind of like Reddit!


I leave an extra 20 dollars in a bible on my stairs and if they leave the bible I give them 1 star. No not really, but if I did I'd be like you. I just let them go on with their lives.


You are just throw it away


What is the issue? I understand you don't want ads, but I see them on pizza boxes, Amazon shipment boxes, etc. Would you still want to rate your Dasher a 1 star if it was a business card for landscaping services? I think 1 star is extreme. Rate 3 or 4 star and move on.


An ad for a landscaping service is not the same as someone shoving their religion down your throat


Right. Literally choking from it. Call the doctor! Call the nurse!


What is the issue? I understand you don't want ads, but I see them on pizza boxes, Amazon shipment boxes, etc. Would you still want to rate your Dasher a 1 star if it was a business card for landscaping services? I think 1 star is extreme. Rate 3 or 4 star and move on.


Yes I would. No solicitation needed for anything, make-believe or real.