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There is no way for the delivery driver to know wether you asked for a refund let alone if you received one. We have 0 to do with that part. Dd does not tell us. So that was not a retaliation for that, that was either stupid, a retaliation for a bad tip, or a bad translation.


↑ This


also pretty sure when you take the tip back, it doesn't affect dashers like UE or IC


I've read multiple times on this sub that customers can't take back tips on DD. What gives?


They can’t. At least I never have in 4000 deliveries. They may get it reimbursed by DD but they eat that.


A customer can get their tip partially or fully refunded. Regardless, it does not impact the amount the driver receives. Doordash eats the cost.


Customers can get their tip back, but it never gets rescinded from the dasher's pay. 11k deliveries here and never once.


Not tipping before order will result in an even worse experience. Because we know exactly how much a customer tipped prior to accepting or declining. If we know there is no tip. We will not accept it. We will be faced with driving to the store, waiting for the order and then delivering it. All that for 2 dollars. You will eventually get it. But it will be stale and cold. DoorDash will slowly keep raising the delivery pay to entice a driver to deliver it. Just FYI. Most of the time when an item is missing it is on the restaurant, not the driver. We can only work with the information we have. The bags are sealed. And some restaurants and insist on putting the drink in a flimsy drink holder in the sealed bag. As long as the receipt matches what we have we proceed. Rather than putting yourself in an even worse situation. Just do it on a case by case basis.


Firstly, the dasher has no way of knowing you requested a refund. Lastly, you didn't remove your "very generous" tip. The driver keeps the tip whether you're refunded or not.


Yeah tips don’t get taken back. You sound like someone that just abuses the system to get free product.


Right like since when can they take the tip back? Lol


That's been one of the main reasons I use only doordash because it's locked in


how do i sound like someone who abuses doordash when I literally just stated 2 occasions where I got a refund that was justified. Restaurant forgot my drink and dasher didn't follow delivery instructions. Like what😂why would rhey have those options on doordash if we're not allowed to use them. Normally when they forget something i just go up to the store and get it myself because it's no big deal, but my car was in the shop so i couldn't. Never understood why yall blame the customer for not receiving a proper delivery.


Well you can’t take your “very generous” tip back because door dash don’t work that way. If you tip after your order is delivered you run the risk of your order just sitting there as I know I would decline that order… I stand by my initial assessment that you are abusing the system.


okay, ig i am abusing the system while people who work for the system need to abuse their work ethic. if you say so.


We wouldn't know you got refunded. It doesn't affect us.


thanks i didnt know, maybe they just didnt read the delivery instructions


Can confirm, we do not know when you get a refund for a missing item, or even that an item was missing unless you as the customer specifically tell us, directly, through a call or text from you to the driver. We also are unaffected when they refund your tip, they just eat the cost, they don't take anything from us in that regard. No idea why he did that, maybe having a terrible day or maybe he was just running on complete autopilot at 2am and had no idea he even did that/put the puzzle together that oh, it's 2am, or didn't read the instructions... no idea. Accept the apology you never got, and see what happens in the future, probably a one-off incident and you were just really unlucky that night. However, not tipping on the order is a great way to A. have your order sit for ages, B. have grumpy Dashers deliver your order, C. end up as a story on Reddit about a no-tip no-trip. Don't get jaded, either tip or use a different platform if you think there's such a problem with DD. I mean this sincerely, so you aren't so frustrated or upset over these experiences. For example, I stopped using one delivery service because of problems and now use another instead because it took away much of my frustrations. No point in continuing to complain when the same things keep happening, you know? It obviously didn't fix it, so you move on and try again elsewhere.


I agree with this, you are very well spoken. This was actually my last time using doordash, when they rang the doorbell in the middle of the night like that. Since then, i've switched over to Uber Eats. I do tip before & after receiving my order. I could screenshot every one of my past orders and there will be a tip on the receipt. Im not just going around throwing out no tips and still having these people deliver my food. My mother quite literally raised me to tip generously simply because there is a possibility the same delivery person could come to your door and do something to your food, hell i get mad when people dont tip I think it's rude. But yes after having problems with dd before I just thought it was time for me to stop using it. Haven't had any problems with delivery since and always meeting nice delivery people.


this sounds fake lol, are you getting the engagement you wanted from it?


i mean if i could i would post the messages but i dont think i can view them again.


absurd, you didn't tip because you are clearly one of those. #1 policy for a door dash driver (unwritten and often denied) is... no top, and a all caps do not ring door bell? (impish grin) DING DONG DITCH!!! WHOOT haha but I mean... what do you expect? Not tipping or low tipping is absolutely the worst thing you could do to another human that you ask to do you a 1 to 1 service. Not only is it proper etiquette to tip 10-15% for a 1 to 1 service (i.e. one person doing something for you) but it is human. You can argue that it is expensive, and the answer is... it is. If you can't afford to order your food and do the right thing with the tip, perhaps you should order less, or not at all.


ugh, i wish people with paragraph comprehension would comment under this post, until then im stuck with brittle brained people like you.


"I often tip before delivery" which means often not all the time. Which means... you are not a tipper, and that's if you are telling the truth which is unlikely. Your response here trying to belittle me calling you on your bullshit is indicative of someone that feels like a "Lordling" (Translation for you: Someone who can't afford to tip well, gets shoddy service because of it, and expects people to bow before them regardless of the fact that they clean bed pans for a living)


Ah yes, "I often tip BEFORE delivery" , which means i tip before i get my food, since you want to break it down. But I always tip after if i don't tip before. Like how do you assume I don't tip at all because I only tip selected dashers before even receiving my order, often. If its a big meal, or difficult they 100% get a tip before. If anything It's generous, and Ill still add more if I felt their delivery was good. But if THAT'S your correlation...😂


yes yes you sound mad. Everyone knows what tip before means it means you put the tip in your app when you order like a normal person. You are focused on the tip a lot, I see that, which means you are so mad about the idea of giving money to someone for doing something you want to control it like a dog and a master with food. Yes pseudo lordling you are so powerful... like the wizard of oz behind your curtain of bullshit.




Punishing a delivery driver for the restaurant mistake is not the flex you think it is.


The app has multiple reminders for drinks, it was at least 50% the driver's fault. I've done it more times than I'd like to admit.


Some restaurants put the drink in a sealed bag. Especially McDonalds. You can ask if it’s there, but you cant open the seal. So.. it’s possible.


Speak of the devil, I just forgot a drink god dammit. Feel like an idiot now


Yes! You are wrong.


If you didn’t tip I’d say that’s the reason he did it. Drivers don’t even know when they forget stuff unless the customer texts them afterwards


Dude he said he tipped, didn’t say how much but he said he took it away at the end for waking his household


And? You literally just said they didn’t say how much they tipped so what exactly is the point of your comment?


What was the point of yours?? “If you didn’t tip that’s the reason he did it” bruh he tipped but neither of us have enough info to say he tipped enough, so fr what’s the point of YOUR post? I’m pointing out you’re making assumptions was my point


thank you!




You’re the idiot? Again we don’t know if this dude even cared about the tip and was possibly just tired and didn’t read the notes as op said this was the middle of the night, I’m pointing out there are other reasons than maliciousness on either parties end that this could happen. Stop assuming other people’s experiences for them.


Dude what the actual fuck are you talking about. I’ve never had someone on my dick this hard about asking a simple question🤣 you need to go to bed or get off reddit or something bruh I’m not wasting anymore time responding to children


You didn’t ask a question, you made a statement


"You didnt tip" and "you didnt tip well" are 2 different things that you're trying to claim as one


Okay so now you’re punishing me for missing a word when I typed🤣 you need a Reddit hiatus


Yeah tbh I wouldn’t have even had this conversation if you’d said “he probably didn’t tip well” rather than “he probably didnt tip”


Bro that’s on you for doing all this over one word when I kept clarifying what I meant


No you didn’t you doubled down reread what you said my dude, you never clarified and was backing up your original statement that is why you got so many downvotes