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But that’s not our job, nowhere does it state in DoorDash rules to hit a confirm pickup button for a restaurant employee, dashers are not employees we don’t work for DoorDash or the restaurant


Restaurant employees calling their friends to come get it


Sometimes i don’t bring my phone on the restaurant and just memorize the customers name, which leads me to confirm pickup when i get in my car. A lot of times i’ll just bring my phone in and confirm either when i get the food, on the way outside, or in my car. I honestly would rather have a restaurant confirm with the dasher about an order rather than letting people take food whenever, because that means i don’t have to worry about having my orders stolen and waiting an extra 5-20 minutes on an order.


The count-down starts the second you hit “confirm”. That’s why I don’t do it until I’m in the car and ready to go, I don’t want a later delivery. Edit - yeah, it’s NBD if it’ll take 30 seconds to get from the restaurant to your car but it’s not always like that. Sometimes I’m picking up from the food court in a mall and can’t afford to let the countdown begin when I get the order. It can take easily 10 min to get back to my car and out of the parking lot when it’s lunch or dinner rush.


Does the 30 seconds it takes to walk to your car make that big of a difference?


It can be. Some places take awhile to get back to the car, like if I pick up from the food court from a mall. It takes several minutes by the time I get to the car, so I can’t afford to waste it. Clock is ticking!


Depends on where the food is being picked up. There is a mall near me where it takes 2-3 minutes to walk into the mall and arrive at the restaurant. Parking can also be another issue for people, especially when a restaurant in a busy downtown section has little to no street parking or private parking


Okay, so as someone who has done delivery services for over 5 years now, I will give you the honest truth. 1st, there are the honest drivers that find it insulting that you think they'd steal. Then there's the drivers that would steal and are already planning on doing so, and by marking it confirmed it makes it near impossible to steal without repercussions. Then there's like others have said the situations where the restaurant wants you to mark confirmed before you have the order and there now can be issues with the order that are harder to fix after marking it confirmed. I've had many of restaurant not even tell me they don't have something, give me the order, I deliver it, Customer says there's something missing, I can't do anything about it, Customer takes my tip away.


I always hit confirm when I’m in the car, but some restaurants ask me to confirm in front of them, which I do. I get why they do it and it’s really no big deal. Shouldn’t be a big deal to anyone.


I hit it when I get into the car because it messes up my late deliveries with the traffic here. I don’t mind pressing it in the store if it’s IN MY HAND and I’m ready to walk out the door. Chikfila wanted me to press it when I got there, and I told her “no I’ll press it when you hand it to me” and she said she couldn’t until I pressed it. I said “well I guess we’ll be sitting here a while.” She handed me it and I pressed it and left.


I prefer to hit confirm when I am in the car with the order as I have then completed the pickup and ready to head on my way. If a restaurant asks that I hit confirm for them I will once I’m given the order.


Yeah has an instance where kfc forced me to confirm before giving me the order then there was a whole combo meal missing had to wait for them to make while timer running so yeah no more of that til I at least see all the order is ready


I usually leave my phone in my car on the charger because the DoorDash app drains my battery soooo fast, also plugging and unplugging my phone every 5 minutes is gonna unnecessarily wear out my charge port. That’s the only reason I’d get annoyed with a restaurant asking me to confirm it in front of them- I have to go get my phone and come back. If I have my phone I don’t really care although if it’s the 4th order I’m picking up from you that day, also kind of annoying.


You should get a power bank, it becomes almost necessary if you ever run multiple apps.


I have one but I still need to connect to my car for CarPlay


I only have a problem confirming when they want me to do it and they don't have the food for the order in hand to give me. When I confirm a clock starts for me I need to be on my way.


Yeah, in those instances I always say “I’m not allowed to confirm it until I actually have the food”. Never had an issue.


Same. I want the food in my possession before confirming that I received it. It’s the natural order of things for me. I’m in a small city in Canada, nobody has ever asked me to confirm before the order was in my hands, dashers don’t steal food here.


I only get annoyed the 2nd or 3rd time I'm in a store that day and they still make me do it in front of them. It's like, you see my ass 4 or 5 times a day, I think it's obvious that I'm not fucking around. If you don't recognize the driver, I completely understand, though.


As someone who used to be a broke asshole teenager who stole from fast food chains while pretending to be an Ubereats driver, I totally get it, but it doesn't really work when the staff aren't even keeping tabs on whether you hit the button or not. I would just say it's confirmed and walk away, fucking over the poor staff and customer to get some bullcrap food 😭 (this was years ago and yes, I felt shitty for it)


Most places have stopped putting delivery orders on a rack. They make you ask them and they keep the orders behind the counter. I’m not judging you, I get it.


Most food theft I’ve heard about while dashing has been situations like this. And even before dashing was a thing, my cousins were bad for sitting at the food court at the mall and just grabbing food that was sitting at the counter waiting for the customer to return from wherever they disappeared to after paying.


You have to explain it to dashers it's because others steal. I thought stores were trying to micromanage me not prevent shrink when they kept demanding I confirm pickup, I usually do it in the car because I don't like fumbling with my phone repeatedly. So mention other dashers in the past stole orders and it's how we minimize costs in a way that makes sense to that driver.


Except it's rarely dashers stealing food, because the drivers are tracked by the app and have to have the app running to get a name. It's usually customers reporting not delivered to get free food, which the driver gets in trouble for too.


Plenty of dashers take the food upon pick up. Especially no tip orders, so if the restaurant doesn't make them confirm, they get free food, just drop the order, screws over the next dasher assigned since the food will not be ready, and the restaurant. If the customers in that area are stealing, it's likely the dashers are too as they are the same clientele in the area. Almost like a double whammy because you have high theft customers, you're likely to have high theft workers. This goes for all aspects, when I worked retail and in high theft areas, our workers were always the ones busted stealing the most. The value of theft was like 3 to 4 times as much as a customer was caught. For instance if our average theft bust of a person at Walmart was $200, our average internal theft bust was usually $600-800. So don't be naive to think dashers aren't just as much or moreso a culprit of theft just because you're honest.


You are a good dasher and an honest person. You have to think like the small percentage of us that would steal. You get a cv for that. But it goes through the system differently. That will be resent to the restaurant as a remake. Same food new ticket so the restaurant gets paid twice. When dashers pick up food and don't confirm it they can unassign and keep the food. However, doordash will reassign a new driver in 20-30 minutes and the restaurant will say that order was just picked up. You can negotiate with the restaurant to remake it because sometimes it's theirs error for giving out the wrong item or even calling support and having them pay the restaurant again. But doordash just increased the completion rate to 90% in some areas to combat this. You can't unassign from 10% of your order for whatever reason.


I have no issue with it, but I do find hilarious that the only place that does it in my area is Chick Fil A who should have faith and trust lol


Chic fil a is the only place in my market that doesn't make you confirm


There is nothing wrong with asking to have them confirm the order. Anyone saying they don’t like it cause “the delivery timer starts” is just being ridiculous. They give us way more then enough time to deliver the food, and they won’t even do anything unless it’s extremely late, and hitting confirm 30 seconds sooner isn’t going to be making anyone late. The only reason people have issue with it, is because it’s kids that don’t like being told what to do. I confirm every single order I have inside the store before leaving, and I have a 96% on time delivery stat.


I’ll confirm the order, but not confirm pickup until it’s in my hands. Anything can still go wrong, like maybe it’s the wrong order they’re trying to hand me, or they make me confirm pickup then there’s still another bag being packed. It’s not about the time for me because they do give at least 5 extra minutes plus it doesn’t get counted as late unless you’re 5 minutes past that. So basically 10 extra minutes on top of the ETA that a GPS would provide. I’ve never been asked to confirm pickup until the order was handed to me. It seems like the whole “press confirm before we give you the food” thing is an American problem and I’m in Canada.


I definitely won’t confirm until I have it. And if I have a stacked I don’t confirm either until both are ready. But I have never had anyone ask me to confirm before they handed or were handing me the order. I have never had anyone ask me to confirm before the order was ready. I think people are exaggerating sometimes when they say that happens to them. It’s probably like The store has the order in their hand and won’t physically hand it to them until they confirm, but the order is literally ready to go and in the process of being handed to you. Store will hold out the order to me, but not let go of it until it’s confirmed, which I don’t have a problem with because why would I.


People for sure don’t like being told what to do. Just like people with Costco are losing their minds because Costco is ensuring only paid members are shopping with their memberships. People don’t go to the gym and expect to work out for free without a membership so you can’t shop at a members only place without it but if you ask someone to show their membership as proof they lose their minds and get mad.


Again, not sure what the big deal is, if they ask for membership card, it’s easy to just show it to them. There is no reason to make a big deal out of nothing. Takes less time and energy to just do as asked and move on with your life.


Exactly, people just don’t like to be told what to do I guess. I always have my membership ready and if they ask I show it and if they don’t I just walk in.


I show my membership when I go to Costco for an Instacart job, then I can shop for myself and the customer at the same time.


Only 96%? That’s pretty low honestly I have 99% literally without trying


Sometimes things are out of your control, being 5 minutes late because a shopping order took longer then they wanted because of subs, or traffic in the city sitting during rush hour, or an accident, or road work, or the store at the second pick up taking a long time to make the food. 96% is not “low” lol. Probably 95% of dashers are between 90 and 95 on on-time deliveries


I just find it redundant. If I ask for the order for Stephen D then obv I'm not magically guessing that name especially since the chance that they have made 2 orders for 2 people with the same name is ridiculously low to nil. Sometimes I even name the items like the drink which is impossible for a Dasher to know without the app. I just despise useless crap


He is talking about having the dasher to press confirm the pick up when receiving the food so if the order is not delivered it is on the dasher instead of the dasher canceling the dash after receiving the order but not pressing confirm and having another dasher show up looking for an order that is not there thus having the store remake the order so the customer can receive their order that was originally stolen by the first dasher.


Yeah thanks I can read. Nothing wrong with my response, it's completely relevant so shove off


You sound exactly like the type of person DoorDash and businesses would implement this system specifically for


Confirming it when you receive it is one thing, being forced to confirm pickup before receiving it is totally backwards from how the app was designed.


I agree you should accept it when given the order like how it was designed to be I imagine atleast


I have no problem with it. The way I see it, those that do are out to steal food. I’ll add that when you confirm, you have to click twice for a full confirmation and most restaurant staff don’t actually wait to see me click both clicks so you can still steal the food I’d say maybe 1/10 people who actually ask me to confirm walk away at my first click. At which point I can actually back up and cancel order. I don’t. But it’s doable is all I’m saying. On the flip side I’ll say that a new issue I’ve come across is on your side you have the option to say order is ready for pickup before you’ve actually finished it. So I often walk into restaurants where DD notified me that so and so’s order was ready then waited 10-15min to actually get it. Then I’m late for pickup and late for delivery. And I get flagged. So I guess to answer your question why do we as drivers get angry with seemingly small stuff like a confirm in front of you? Probably because most restaurants treat us like third world trash and give us zero respect. It’s like I said in another post. We may not be actual customers but we arrive at your business representing actual customers who ordered and paid for their food long before any of your in house customers or drive thru people. These Dash customers should be given top priority. Yet we typically sit and wait while you take care of every dine in and drive thru customer before you even give us the time of day. I was at a restaurant, that I will not name, just last week. I walk into an empty lobby. Tell him the name for order, he says, DoorDash? I say yes. At this point there is a customer walking to the front door. Not in store yet. He looks at him, looks at me, and says “I’ll take care of you in a minute. I’ve got to handle this customer first.” I had to sit and wait for him to make that guys food. Before he took care of my order. That guy was a walk in. I was there representing a customer who had already ordered and paid.


Look I understand people feeling like a little kid being watched over and making sure you confirm but be mad at thieves not stores for verifying you picked up food. What other company picks up and delivers merchandise or food or anything without having to verify? Those Sysco trucks gotta deliver pages of shit and get signatures and wait to make sure they count everything then give it back to the delivery person. You really think we're above SHOWING OUR PHONE ???? What is this entitlement right now? Also have none of you delivered parts for doordash? Or alcohol? They make you verify shit too.


Why the hate? Here's why. I am an honest Dasher. I have delivered every order that I picked up unless it was canceled by support. 13,000+ deliveries under my belt. The reason I get annoyed when a restaurant asks me to show them that I confirmed the pick-up is because confirming the pick-up starts my delivery timer. (I try to not show my annoyance in front of employees...) I am in a very congested area. Sometimes, it takes me 8 or more minutes to get out of the parking lot. We can get contract violations for late deliveries and can get deactivated for traffic reasons that are beyond our control. So I prefer to confirm that I picked the order up after I am out of the parking lot and into the flow of traffic. I do understand the restaurant's concern that drivers are stealing orders, so the restaurant wants to see the drivers confirm the pick-up. I get it. It's an awkward situation for the restaurants to know which drivers to trust. It is also awkward for us honest drivers. That's my input on this situation. Best wishes to all !! 👍❤️


I confirm pickup when the restaurant worker is ready to pass the order to me across the counter. Never had a problem


I told KFC yesterday "Thank you for making sure we confirm the order because of how many times I've shown up and the food I was picking up was stolen". I have 1200 deliveries and have had it happen 20 times in the last year alone. That's almost twice a month. That's too many times.


It's all about time. If I hit confirm in restaurant my timer will start but I have to go to car seat fasten belt and so on. So I'm loosing time and 100% I didn't deliver in scheduled time... I hit confirm only when I'm in car and ready to go


Bro the app gives you like 45 minutes to deliver an order or some other ridiculous amount of time lol those 15 seconds ain't gonna kill you.


Sorry but you wrong... Where I work the app sometimes gives me less than a minute to deliver order which is 1 mile away. And I contacted support about this issue endless amounts of time, yet I still barely get in time, I don't want to change zone because I know this neighborhood very good, but timing is awful... I have 89% delivered in time, but if I would hit confirm in a restaurant I definitely didn't deliver in time.


"Everyone's wrong but me" if you're that late it's cause you did something wrong. Ain't no way you accepted an order was there in 5 to 10 minutes and you now have 1 minute to deliver. Quit your lying online


Ok. I'll show you screenshots then...




Lol I didn't have screenshots yet, and yesterday was my day off. But make it not a problem


Dashers dont tell the restaraunt how to go about their business .. .....


I sometimes hit "confirm pickup" in the car. Sometimes it wants me to enter those damn McD digits, and I get annoyed by that, because I just got in the car and settled the food and THEN I have to pull the receipt up to read it. I double check as I am grabbing it, and I ask questions like "is the drink in there?" before I wander outside. Rarely a place asks I hit the confirm button and I just say I will, and turn around. I am now in a race against the clock. Once I hit confirm, the clock is ticking and getting to the car, settling the too big bag into my DD hot bag ins't happening-I prefer my GrubHub one because it is bigger and more insulated-still a delicate fit. Then I have to fire up the ride, and then negotiate idiots to start heading to my destination...That is why I hit confirm in the car. Those 45 seconds make a difference.


I have no problem with this type of policy in restaurant. i recently experience coming to a restaurant and the orders been pick up i wasted my time contacting dd support and the resto re making the order. If this can lessen this type of things from happening i will have no problem doing this.


Now I never make an issue about it and I’ll just do it, but I personally don’t like when they ask if I can confirm because my timer starts the second I hit “confirm pickup” and idk if it’s just me or not but pickup and drop off times have been getting strict as hell lately, so having that extra time helps a lot.


Yeah I know, cause that 30 seconds makes all the difference on a 45 minute timeline to deliver. People complaining that they need that extra time from walking from the counter to their car are just being ridiculous. First off, unless your extremely late for a delivery, they are not going to do shit to you. And hitting confirm 30 seconds sooner isn’t going to make you extremely late, or late at all. And second, I have confirmed every order I have ever picked up, inside the store, before leaving, and I have a 96% on time delivery stat. They give you way more then enough time to make a delivery. The only reason you should be running late enough to have DD get upset, is because of a traffic issue or road closure on route, and even then you should be able to still make it on time. But if there is an event out of your control, it’s each to call support in route and tell them the situation and you won’t have any issues at that point. Complaining that you have to hit confirm inside isn’t about being late, it’s kids that don’t like being told what to do.


All the times I’ve had a 12:08 drop off time after clicking confirm at 12:04 beg to differ


I even confirm it to them without asking.


I have ZERO problem showing them while I confirm. I’m not stealing food and I know exactly why restaurants are asking.


I’m perfectly fine with confirming receipt of the order, if the order is ready to walk out the door. DO NOT ask me to confirm the order, while handing me 4 EMPTY CUPS. Also, there are some idiots who don’t understand that if they can see the delivery address, then the order has been confirmed. There is ZERO reason why I should have to hold my phone in one hand while conspicuously using a single finger to press “buttons .”


Just leave the cups after asking them to fill it. It’s in our contract to have orders complete . Doordash . Go to the door & dash . No more drama filling drinks . Send a message to support & have pic of cups in case they review” the delivery . Cheers 


Seeing the delivery address doesn’t mean that you actually took responsibility for the order. You can take it, never confirm, and sit in the parking lot and eat it. THEN, you can tell DD you never received it. It is perfectly reasonable for the restaurant to want to see you confirm. There’s a reason they’ve gotten to this point. ETA: they don’t drive for DD. They don’t know the interface. Let them see you hit the button.


Those that hate it aren't looking at *why* they do it. If a dasher doesn't have to confirm in front of them, they can say they have an order, for Frank get the food, cancel, and then leave with the food. Then, when I get the order, I go in, tell them I have an order for Frank, and they'll tell me that order was already picked up. So now I have a choice. I can either wait for the order to be remade or cancel. If I wait, I may have to deal with support. This could cost me 15 or 20 minutes. If I cancel, I take a hit to completion and don't get paid. And since multiple dashers might cancel, there's no way for DoorDash to know who took the food. If they require that dashers confirm in front of them, that prevents a dasher from walking out with the food and makes it far more likely that I'll be able to pick up an order without incident. It's a *good* thing for most dashers because it stops this major headache scenario. I won't confirm until the order is in front of me. I've had one place ask me to confirm before it was ready. I explained that it starts a delivery timer and I'll get penalized if I take too long. They understood. Now, they bring the food, let me see the name, I'll confirm, and they'll give me the food. I love it when they do this because I know I'm not going to get screwed because of another dasher.


I love it as a driver. It’s so annoying showing up for an order that is not there. I make it a habit of showing my phone and confirming as they hand me order whether they ask for it or not. But then you hear some restaurant workers on Reddit complaining dashers are always shoving the phone in their face. We can’t win either way but I’m still going to do what I think is right. :)


It doesn’t really bother me one way or another but it can be a little annoying for my girlfriend and I but we are probably a fringe case. One of us drives, phone connected to car, other goes in for the pick up and does the drop off. Who ever is driving at the time hits confirmed when they see the other coming out, then hits the directions button on the app to launch on CarPlay/Android Auto. The passenger then relaunches their app so it’s ready to go for drop off. It’s not a big deal at all, only 4 places have us do It out of 80 places DD is most popular in our area and if we had to we would just find a new way to work it out. So.. I think some ppl getting upset either have a system worked out, but most likely the most are looking to steal.


I don't want to have a wage slave telling me how to work my job


You say wage slave, except it's usually the mom and pop small businesses that ask to see pickup confirmation. McDonald's and other national chains can take the hit for food losses, small businesses can't. Maybe have a little bit of empathy for normal people being stolen from because other drivers keep stealing.


u drive food around for a living and rely on tips to pay your bills. i dont think you can really shit talk "wage slaves"


You dont know how i pay my bills and wage slave is a mentality


how do you know their mentality then lmao


​ https://preview.redd.it/tloucuznufpc1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc2d82f5b12b026c4ed07f77cd05c3d97bb8b76


It is a crappy meme i dont have time to make a better one but it covers the bases. I do ue cus i want to and i enjoy it. I try to pass the enthusiasm and kidness to wageslaves all day and get garbage in return. They just hate their life and i love mine. Not my problem


are you following the conversation here ?? if they want the driver to confirm order pickup, youre somehow immediately able to infer that they feel like your shitty little meme ?? you're genuinely delusional and i hope you have time left in your pathetic little life to fix yourself and your mindset


Imagine thinking you're better than a fast food worker, and that you're not also a wage slave? What happened to worker solidarity man?


Dude beats his car up to make money and somehow thinks he's better than fast food workers. Irony


The number of times I’ve walked into a restaurant to pick up an order only to be told it’s already been picked up, despite the customer saying they never got it, is why it’s good to do this. It’s far too easy to pick up an order and just unassign once you leave the restaurant, and doing that is pretty unlikely to get your account banned so long as you keep completion rate about 90%. Any dasher arguing that we shouldn’t have to confirm pickup in front of the employee is either: a) trying to steal food by doing exactly what I laid out above Or b) just an annoying piece of shit that gets mad at anything and everything. Confirming your order for the employee is a .5 second task that benefits the restaurant, the customer, DoorDash themselves, and every single driver that isn’t interested in stealing food.


Doordash is tracking dashers' every move through GPS. You can hit confirm and still steal the food. If you don't hit confirm and start driving to wherever, the customer and doordash are tracking you. Your account will be closed. The only way to stop the tracking is to turn off your phone. Again, your account will be closed. Let them filter out the idiots who are immature enough to steal food. Adults don't do that.


If you’re trying to steal food, it’s a whole lot easier to get handed the food, not hit the confirm pickup button, then just unassign. Usually it takes one or two dashers to finally call support to cancel the order, meaning they’re not super likely to track the missing food back to you. You CAN steal food by confirming pickup and just driving away, but as you pointed out, that’s highly likely to get your account banned.


Anyone complaining about it is low key overthinking their role in the transaction. You hand me the food, I will gladly confirm in your presence.


I'll gladly do it because it means I don't have to deal with getting to a restaurant and finding that another dasher stole the food. That means either canceling or waiting.


At first, people had to ask me at certain restaurants. Then I just started showing confirm at all Asian restaurants for them before they asked (just seemed to be the trend, lol). Now I just do it for everyone, cuz why not?


If you were a driver, you knownl hitting confirm in front of a restaurant employee has nothing to do with stealing food. Drivers submit photo IDs and go through a background check. Not risking blowing up a job opportunity for someone else's food that has who knows what customization. Customers on the other hand can make as many accounts with as many fake names as they want. They're lying about not receiving orders. Zero risk on that end. P. S. It's rude to look someone in the face and acuse them of stealing when they aren't. Just, beyond disrespectful. P. P. S. If you were a driver you know the dasher clock is ticking and there are consequences to taking too long.


> confirm in front of a restaurant employee has nothing to do with stealing food. Sure it does. Dashers *have* stolen food by picking up the food and canceling before confirming pickup. This has very little risk to the dasher since there's no evidence they actually got the food and could have just saw the line inside and canceled. By making the driver confirm, this type of theft is stopped. >Not risking blowing up a job opportunity for someone else's food that has who knows what customization Dashers can see the order before they even get to the restaurant. They know what the order is and if it's something they want to steal. >They're lying about not receiving orders. The claims aren't coming from the customer. One dasher goes in, takes the food, and cancels. Then another comes in, asks for the order, and the restaurant says the order was already picked up. From the customer's point of view, the food hasn't been picked up yet. As far as they know, it's still coming, so there's nothing to report. >It's rude to look someone in the face and acuse them of stealing when they aren't. Just, beyond disrespectful. Nobody's accusing *you* of stealing. They ask all dashers to confirm in front of them. It's no different than showing the receipt at Costco. >If you were a driver you know the dasher clock is ticking and there are consequences to taking too long. The clock doesn't start until I confirm pickup. I wait for the food to be in front of me before confirming, but I have no problem showing them when I do it. This is a good thing for dashers. It prevents a bad dasher from taking the food, then when I go in, having to deal with a missing order and waiting for them to remake it.


I will hit confirm when the food is brought to me like a customer and I would like the items to be accounted for as well once thats done bags is sealed and on the counter I will happily hit confirm put my phone in my pocket and deliver that MF as fast as i can. Too many stores had issues with that last part showing me the items etc... so they don't play i don't play and I never stole a damn thing in fact got offers for a permanent job all the damn time


They do this so you don't come in to pick up an order only to find out another dasher picked it up and canceled before confirming. This policy actually helps the good dashers.


The good dashers 😂😂😂😂😂


There are a few of us who actually do a good job.


Those that complain are whining because it makes it harder to steal the food.


Does absolutely dogshit in preventing theft!


I've got no issue with it. They ask me, I hit the button, smile, and am on my way. Everyone is happy


I do not confirm until the order is in my hand. Ever. If a restaurant does insist I confirm I refuse until it's prepared. If they give me a hassle about it I call support and explain to them so the restaurant can hear me say they're trying to have me confirm and I don't have the food. Restaurants get fined and contract violations. The only restaurants to ever try this with me did not last very long on the platform. I don't think it was because of me, but I certainly did my part to combat fraud. Which is what it is to ask someone to confirm they've picked up an order that they do not have possession of.


I'll confirm once I see the order is ready and can verify the name. If they want me to confirm early, I'll explain that it starts a delivery timer and I'll be penalized if I take too longer after confirming. Every place has been understanding. They're not asking you to confirm so they can commit fraud. They're doing it because they've had drivers take the food, leave without confirming, cancel, and eat the food. Then the next dasher who comes in has to either cancel, losing the pay and taking a completion hit, or wait while they figure out what happened and remake the food. This prevents that and helps the good dashers in the long run.


This is extra, restaurants aren’t trying to get you in trouble, and in the small miniscule border line impossible scenario where you hit confirm and the restaurant holds the food hostage you can call support and they’ll be glad to help, y’all do too much


I'm not paid by the hour. The restaurant employees are. So, I do what I must. Nothing extra, just reporting fraud to protect my income and family. I mean, it's smart which trumps just allowing a business to steal my labor because we're all like family here. Bwahaha. I was in a union family. I know how it can be.


I told a pizza place drivers talk about them and put them on an online list and will stop going there if they're going to keep insisting on hitting Confirm


I salute you




I don’t like giving that kind of power over me for anything. But, once we hit the confirm button the restaurant is off the hook so I get it. I’m more concerned with having to give a description of the photo that I just took!


As I dasher my responsibility is to “confirm” I’m receiving the correct order, if a staff member will not let me actually see a name or order number, I’m not hitting that confirm button.


This is what pisses me off they hide the name now so you cant just snatch when they take forever and pretend you dont exist


I wonder if ignoring dashers is part of their training.


Because it’s inherently accusatory so any dasher who isn’t doing anything wrong are going to see it as annoying or a waste of time.


Speak for yourself. There are plenty of dashers on this thread, including me, who think it's a good thing because we have to deal with fewer stolen orders and we don't get offended because we're not literal babies.




It's so disrespectful


Because it's a waste of time. I've been here 40 times and none of my orders were stolen. Also, if I wanted to steal an order, you asking me to show you I confirmed it means nothing. I can very easily take a pic at their door, then grab the food and go home. It's just a waste of time. Also, because I don't fucking work for you. I work for Stephanie M. She's paying me. You're not.


100% i think higher ups are pushing this to slowly take control from us. I expect things to get worse if we allow it.


What are you even talking about???


The people who own the restaurants collude to take power from the drivers pretty simple


You think that restaurant owners are secretly working together because they are concerned about DoorDashers having too much power?


Yeah but then it's not the restaurants problem that you stole the order. (Not saying you would. Just following your hypothetical scenario) it takes all of 1 second to confirm the order. It's not a waste of time for the restaurant who has to consistently remake orders. Also why so much hostility?


If the order is stolen GH or DD is not going to pay for it. Regardless of the issue. And I have the hostility because I'm sick and tired of my life having to be run based off the problems the lowest forms of humans create. Almost every problem in my life exists because the world caters to absolute morons and scum.


I go no issue with that, just a bit of a waste of time. Got me frustrated at first before someone finally told me the readon why restaurants started doing this. Only thing that gets me a bit mad is when they hold on to the food while I try to pick it up. Just a lack of respect i find on trying to act like you were my boss.


Makes me need to restart my app usually


Why do you need to restart the app?


It’s either laggy or glitching sometimes I click confirm pickup 2-3 times


Weird, I’ve done over 2500 deliveries and never faced this issue.


Yeah I didn’t read the Yap fest in the post though so my bad if comment doesn’t make sense


I face this issue daily, but I'm not upset with having to confirm an order, just upset that the app is such garbage. I've reinstalled several times this week and have a Galaxy S23, which I would assume is one of the top phones they would use to debug.


Bold of you to assume they have QA.


I have the same issue every once in awhile on my iPhone, I don’t mind it every once in awhile but sometimes the app crashes at the worst possible moment


Could be an issue with the android app. But yes I agree, the app is so stupidly designed and could be optimised so much better if they just put in some effort.


For sure. It has only been since the last big update with platinum status. Sometimes it tells me I've just achieved silver when I've got all green ratings 🤦‍♂️


No issues clicking confirm for me. It's mildly annoying but I'd rather that than show up and the order has been stolen. I prefer being in my car ready to drive before clicking confirm. It's especially annoying at some restaurants because the parking lots are a disaster and it can take you minutes to get to your car and out of the lot. If the order is nearby, those extra couple minutes might make you late. I normally click confirm right after I start the car. If I've already confirmed and the car won't start, I report a break down and keep the food. If I haven't confirmed yet, I'll return the order to the store. Of course, in the case of the breakdown, the store still gets paid but if it's stolen the store doesn't get paid and they shouldn't. Theft is their responsibility, not DoorDash's. Sucks but the store has every right to request confirm before handing off food since they don't get paid anymore if it gets stolen.


Time it takes to get out of parking lots and into traffic flow while DD sometimes gives way too tight of delivery windows is the problem to me. In addition to the accusatory nature of the request by SOME restaurant staff. I'll never forget the little teenage shit that literally dangled the order in front of me out of reach until I pressed confirm. It was so disrespectful and gave him (and others) a false sense of empowerment over drivers that don't work for the restaurant


Sorry to hear that your car breaks down that often


Only twice in 70K miles over the past two years. Starter goes out once a year and I get a warranty starter that I replace myself. Not too bad, all things considered. I've payed for one starter out of the last 3.


If the food is ready and your asking us to confirm the order as your handing it to us then 90% of drivers I’m sure will understand and the other 10% that aren’t are probably the ones trying to take advantage of the system and stealing your food.


The issue I have is some place tell to confirm order and they haven’t even looked the order and end up handing me the wrong order. I have no problem confirming the order in front of them but if that order isn’t in my hand I’m not pressing confirm order. I just end up contacting support and let them know the restaurant is refusing to hand the order over so I can confirm it and deliver it and support ends up canceling the order and I get half pay.


Literally just happened to me the other day at a frozen drink place. First a big sign “WE REFUSE ALL DASHERS WITHOUT A BAG” on the front door which was kind of off-putting but whatever, then I had to wait close to ten minutes while they cleared out their other customers, then when they finally call the order’s name, they keep it just out of reach until I show them hitting confirm lol On the way back to the car I notice that the name on the order is wrong and have to go back in, just as they were about to hand another dasher my order. At least I know never to accept another order from there lol


If it’s in a mall where I have to walk to my car and the parking is not close, then a timer starts heading us to delivery. If you aren’t that there’s no scenario that would stop me from following your wishes. Simple solution is to block any driver from pickup in your tablet and report them as unprofessional. I wish more restaurants made the driver confirm pickup. But you have to actually watch the delivery screen load, they can pretend to push the confirm button and still walk with the order.


I had that argument with a manager who wanted me to hit confirm for the order they had ready while I was waiting for a second one to be finished. I explained it starts the timer and I'd have to leave and I wouldn't come back for the second one because of the distance (why they were assigned together). They kept saying they were going to put it back on the shelf. I was like, no because I can just hold it (obviously the second one wasn't ready because of the number of orders piling up). Then they'd ask me to hit confirm. Then I explained about the timer.....again.


This is the only second reason 🤣 Had a clerk tell me “you do this all the time” when I told him I couldn’t confirm the order yet (Panera) because they are still working on the second order. He was very accusatory. I told him I want to put the first order in a hot bag as they just have it sitting on a cold metal shelf in an air conditioned store. I talked to the manager because he made me feel like a crook all because I wanted the customers food to stay warm. I haven’t seen him there lately. Hopefully, they fired him. He was awful.


It's the superiority complex that makes it worse


I have no problem with it as long as they ask me to do it with the complete order sitting in front of me. I have an understanding with the ones that want me to do it that I will in front of them as I’m picking the stuff up to walk out.


I his confirm once it’s packed into my hot bag and I’m ready to drive away, so it’s not affecting my time. I haven’t had anyone insist I do it in the store, but I get why it would be annoying. However, I also get why they would ask. My hope is that if it’s someone who wants to see me hit confirm, if I just cooperate and they see my face a few times, they’ll quit hassling me. I definitely take the “catch more flies with honey” approach when it comes to restaurant staff, and so far it’s worked out pretty well for me.


My issue is the places that require the confirmation before they hand me the order. I can't confirm pickup if I don't have it. I assume confirming the pickup then places the liability for the food on me. I'd rather have the order in hand if that is the case.


I do not mind unless it’s on the few instances where it was due to racial profiling that’s when it pisses me off.


A "few" instances


Idk your intention behind it, but it has happened 3 times since I’ve started dashing. Where I was the only one that had to confirm. Even tried to grab my phone last time (I worked for the government, i will show you my phone, but don’t try to grab it out of hand) I filed a complaint against the Resturant because it was the same Panda Express each time. Im a BW who moved Montana. Not the only instance I’ve dealt with discrimination. Not fun when I’m walking on my lunch break and hear people yell kill the n***er at me


I'm agreeing with you that it's obvious in several restaurants who they ALWAYS tell to confirm How gross people say those things to you outloud. I'm sorry you keep having to experience that


Wait I’m so sorry for misunderstanding. It’s so ridiculous, like I hate how people treat me up here, I wish I could tell people about themselves. But, I know I can’t. It’s definitely exhausting at least when I lived in TX, I had more diversity, family, and people that looked like me. I definitely miss it


No worries Hope the food's okay 😬


Not really, but better places are popping up


It slows us down basically we are timed just as you are. Our time starts once we hit confirm. But depending on how far we have to park, whether your staff wants to lord it over us and not hand us order, how much we have to handle like extra drinks or several bags, it all takes away from time. Once we get to car we still need to get food secured, get ourselves buckled, set maps and verify. Then deal with weather, traffic, and customer to get safely there. Every second counts. Add to that it is a bit insulting that you are basically accusing every dasher of stealing. I’m honest have 💯 percent completion and have never stole so to imply I will it can be off putting. I agree it’s a problem but DoorDash would be better to give a dasher a pin they can type into your tablet that no one else should know. Then they could trace who picked up orders. Wish they had one for customers as well so the ones who lie to get a meal couldn’t no pin no food handed over all the way around.


I was thinking why not have the store hit confirm pickup on their end. Removes liability and they’re (probably) not going to steal from themselves


There is a Chinese restaurant that has delivery people sign a copy of the receipt. I just write DD on it. Definitely hasn’t stopped people from stealing orders though because I get a few requests from there and they said someone else already picked it up.


This is how stupid the confirm thing is. Let’s say all dashers started carrying a notepad and made the restaurant sign that the order everything was accounted for. You got the signature you munch down on half of the customers food. Then deliver it when. When the customer complains about missing items it would just become a he said/she said but you got the proof that the restaurant claimed it was complete. It proves nothing. If you really want to prevent theft. Start prioritizing and give promotions to legacy drivers that proved they aren’t thieves instead of trying to recycle new drivers every month. Crack down on fraudulent accounts.


Because a lot of dashers are trash people. I’ve crossed paths with quite a few while dashing.


i don’t mind doing it at all, and dashers being rude about having to confirm for u are just being annoying. but, when i don’t have to confirm for the restaurant i like to wait to hit that button until im in my car and ready to go. my reasoning for this is that when i hit that button, it lets the customer know that im now on my way to them. so if the customer happens to be an impatient one, my clock starts then. so especially when i have to walk across a big parking lot to get back to my car, or if its a big order that’s gonna take me a sec to get situated in my car, i like to wait to push that button until im ready to drive so they dont think im loitering or not coming to them or something. but again, i am always happy to confirm for the restaurant. im sure it sucks to have orders stolen by dashers and truthfully if it helps me avoid someone accusing me of stealing then i should do it. i think dashers throwing fits about confirming for u are probably just a holes who don’t respect restaurant employees


Good stuff. Thanks for posting.


although reading some of these other comments i have to agree that in the last 6-10 months ish a lot of restaurant employees have started being really rude once they find out im picking up a doordash. i used to work front of house at restaurants so ive always tried to be nice and efficient and they used to be friendly back but not so much anymore. i assume if ur bothering to ask this though that this probably doesn’t apply to ur restaurant staff


> As a dasher, why wouldn't you push that button up on receiving the food and if not then, when would you? I prefer to wait until I'm in my car, buckled in, and ready to head out. Once you accept an order, unless it's just super/extremely busy, you can't get an add-on offer until completing that delivery. Doing stacks is where you really start to make a profit, and I just don't like being locked out of a potential earning opportunity.


Personally, when I arrive, I go to the area that is designated for pick up for door dash. I then set my phone on the counter, facing the employee and when they approach with the food, I point at the name and then as they hand it to me, I hit confirm so they can see me do it. Attitudes seem to be nicer doing it this way. They can actually see I'm a dasher on my phone without me shoving it in their face and they can see the name and can see me hit the button. Just keeps things from escalating in mho.


One word: Attitude. A lot of times the merchant has this attitude when they demand, not ask, you to confirm the pickup. Some places don't even give you the food when you hit the button they demand to see your phone to make sure you did. So it becomes this whole song and dance of pushing the button with them staring at your phone or staring at their tablet waiting for confirmation, all while they are holding the bag hostage until they're satisfied, wasting everyone's time. It's so frustrating especially if you've been waiting a long time or the pickup is showing as 30+ minutes late (even though you just got the order 5 minutes ago) and the customer is texting you because they forgot to ask for sauce and you just want to grab and go but the merchant doesn't trust you because some POS Dasher before you decided they didn't want to pay for Chinese food they'd rather use their position and get a free meal. Gah! 🤬 Alright so way more than one word. 😅 P.S. I should add that I have no issue confirming orders in front of merchants. If they have an attitude when they ask it is a little off-putting because I've been nothing but professional and nice when saying "Hi! Doordash pickup for [name/number]? 🙂." and I get a snarky "cOnFiRm PiCkUp" command in return. 😕


Its a form of dehumanization


I don’t mind doing it, but it’s the way the employees ask me to do it. They’re rude and condescending, and often start to hand me the order and then rip is back out of my hand like a childish game. I don’t mind if they ask politely if they could see me hit confirm. The other problem I have is I often see the order coming so I hit confirm as they’re handing it to me and then they get mad because I’m past that screen and they didn’t see it with their own eyes, even though I can sow them that I’m past it.


I do it anyways so it’s annoying when I push the button as I see my order coming then have to stop to show you something I’ve already done. My time is money and I usually have to wait at all the restaurants that want extra time to check if it’s picked up when I need to hit pickup so the robot lady tells me where to go. I get it all but it’s like be quick about it.


It's their pride. Don't listen to the whiners. The rest of us are glad you're verifying, because we're sick of driving places to find the order has "already been picked up." And personally, if you don't ask me to confirm, I won't confirm till I've gotten settled in my car and begun pulling out of my parking spot, maybe even (by accident) later on on the road or when I arrive at the customer. That increases how long my "waiting time" at the restaurant was, so more of my orders will hit that ten minute mark that erases any negative reviews. If you don't want me doing that, verify that I've confirmed the order.




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damnnnnn that’s smart i didn’t even think about the ten minute thing


Yep and I always hit "arrived" while I'm driving up to the store. If you come to a stop, like at a red light or something, anywhere within 0.5 miles of the store, you can check in after that stop.


Ever since more restaurants have been doing this and they changed CR from 80 to 90 I haven’t had an order been claimed as picked up/stolen since. Used to be at least a few times a week before.


I don’t mind showing you the confirm screen as long as you hand me the order for me to confirm first. If I hit confirm then realize you gave me a wrong or incomplete order it messes up my on time delivery. Whatever you do, please do not start asking dashers to fill out or sign forms to pick up food. That is the most annoying thing ever. I don’t work for the restaurant and they are not paying me. You don’t get to add extra steps to the work I am doing for DD.


Cracker barrel does the whole sign in sheet. Has a spot for the customers name, the doordashers name, and the time they picked it up. I sign customer, doordasher, and pm or am. You don't need to know my name and I'm picking up for my customer so customer is their name and I was here in the am or the pm. I am 52 yrs old and I doordash full time, I ain't got time for stupid shit.


If they have the tablet I’m pretty sure they already know your name. I went to pick up an order and the owner said “your (my name) picking up for (customers name) order? “


Why does this make my skin crawl?


Absolutely, there is a diner near me that has a sheet. They want my name address and phone number. I can’t believe anyone is putting their personal information on that sheet. I make up something new every time I go there.


Yesterday I was Bob and my customer was Marley I am not Bob and he Def wasn't Marley 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I dash as well. You have plenty of time to do this. Restaurants wanting to avoid profit loss to shitty people is not a waste of time


Here in Australia, some liquor stores don't allow drivers to pick up alcohol orders unless they sign a form. But it doesn't solve the issue because they don't actually check it. So twice now I've gotten an alcohol delivery where the store claims they gave it to the previous guy but when they try to contact them they cant get through, as the number and name are made up on the form.


Because it's a placebo. The option to request dashers enter the last 3 is a better way. I've seen a person on UberEATS and a person on Doordash fake a pickup by showing a picture then swiping to maps. It's more of an issue with UberEATS drivers because you can't see the delivery address until you have swiped that you've picked it up. So asking them to do that is a redundancy. On DD you can see the address the moment you accept the order. TL;DR they're looking to complete this order quickly and you're holding the item slowing em down


I have no issue with confirming unless my car is parked far away or it's inside a mall. Usually I let them know about the timer starting most places recognize me so they sort of trust me.


For me, it depends on the store's location. If it's inside a shopping center on the 3rd floor and the parking lot is a 7 minute walk from the store, then I would have an issue. Because when you confirm the order is picked up, the delivery timer starts so those orders will be delivered late. Especially if the store is already busy or behind on orders. But if it's a regular outdoor store with easy access and parking next to the door then I don't have any issues with clicking confirm.


Yesterday I picked up an order from a restaurant I’d never picked up from been to before, and the lady asked me to confirm pickup before she handed it to me. She’s the first person who’d ever asked me that but, I obviously had no issue with it and didn’t really think much of it. I just assumed it’s so they don’t have dashers steal the food. I really don’t see why it’s a big deal


Just ban the drivers that give you issues from your restaurant. It's their loss. If they're giving you issues over you covering your ass by asking them to confirm, they're most likely also shitty when it comes to customer service and doing their job properly


Yeah ban all the drivers that don’t steal that solves everything. I’m requesting to be banned from these restaurants. I’m fine with it. I have over 2000 other merchants and a half a dozen apps, your lucky I even choose to come to your restaurant. 70% of my income is already made on 10 -20 restaurants tops. Places that are happy to see me knowing the don’t have to worry about the an order being delivered properly. Honestly I have no sympathy for for these places go ahead your just risking getting an actual thief once i unassign.


You must think very highly of yourself. "your lucky I even choose to come to your restaurant" is hilarious. "Happy to see you"? So funny! I can imagine someone wearing a fedora walking in to pick up food from a place they've been in 10 times that week, tipping his cap to the hostess behind the counter, saying something cheesy as fuck while asking for a bag of food, confusing her smile as they walk in for some sort special relationship when really she was just doing her job and doesn't remember him at all because 30 different sweaty dudes in sweatpants and Cheeto dust covered t-shirts come in every night, grumbling for bags of food.


The point is dumbass, there are other options retail, grocery, alcohol, rideshare, luggage, catering etc. all typically pay better than your, average food delivery. So yes you would be lucky if I choose to come to your restaurant


Agreed. I have requested to stop receiving orders from specific stores in the past. The stores can also request to stop allowing certain dashers to pick up their orders.


A lot of people don't like being told what to do unfortunately.


Not for free, a 5 dollar merchant fee and 5$ fine for every ten minutes of wait time I’ll gladly follow this made up nonsense. The whole point of gig work was the flexibility and freedom to not put up with corporate shit rules


As a dasher coming up on 30k deliveries/0 stolen it’s simply Because restaurants DO NOT PAY US. your policy is your policy. Not mine, I do not confirm the order till it’s secured in my bag in the back seat, I’m in the driver seat and my phone is on the mount. I’m here to help you, not rob you. Confirming the order in front of you does nothing to prevent theft. It sucks I get it. That’s the risk of doing business. Same risk we take on accepting an order without total tip disclosure and uncertain wait times. Your customer is paying jacked up menu prices, service fees and tips why? Lazy?maybe convenience? Maybe or is it simply cause they too don’t want to deal with takeout procedures? Also it’s the straight up hypocrisy from restaurants. Restaurant- “Confirm order” me- “sure after you confirm every item is accounted for” it’s always the same dumbass trust me bro look from the restaurant. You don’t want to waste the time to verify the order to the dasher. Stop wasting our time with your made up policies. Maybe restaurant need to physically sign our phones verifying the order is correct so we don’t keep getting the stupid reminders for missing items. Maybe restaurants need to start paying drivers for extended wait times and all this nonsense will go away


It takes less than 5 seconds to tap the button, get off your high horse. You're taking a bag of greasy burgers and dropping it on someone's doorstep.


This should be top post tbh