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Lmao. This is hilarious.


It absolutely is time to quit! Do something else!


This looks more like ubereats in my areašŸ˜Ŗ.


It was never a time to start. DD, Uber eats, they're all broken models. There isn't enough "you" to be lucrative at it. Stop throwing yourself on the mercy of largely indifferent strangers. Don't quit, leave--for a better option.


In Seattle DD is required to pay 26.40 an hour and have sick and vacation payšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I need to move to Seattle then holy moly


I hardly get orders like this anymore. I accepted the one or two like this they offered me to get my ar up. Now dashing for 2 years I donā€™t get any offers like this anymore. The lowest theyā€™ll offer me now is $1/mile


Don't worry, top dashers will happily and gladly take these orders!




Because they think Doordash rewards them with good orders if they keep their acceptance rating high and take out the trash


For my area I have to be a top Dasher or I wouldn't be able to go out when I want to. Oversaturated with drivers or not enough orders either way. I don't think they are rewarding me I just don't live somewhere that being top Dasher doesn't matter.


It does. Provided that there are good orders in your market.


This is actually true for my own experience, in my market. I canā€™t speak for others.


That should be fucking illegal. Every time I see one like that I feel like the entire bloody universe is full of shit.


My AR is 90% and I don't get more than 2-3 of these per 100. Wonder if it's my area or what? I mean today (before the crash) they sent me to a grocery store for a 2 item, literally a bag of chips and jar of salsa. 3 miles away for $11 and $8.50 was dd pay.


That's sus on 8.50 doordash pay js.....


I've been getting better base pay for shop n deliver orders too


6.75 is a goodish order in my area šŸ¤£


I hear you. I'm getting a lot of these.


Lolol, my acceptance rate is 23%. ROFL


I'm still getting good orders in my area but I am prepared to quit doing this at the first sign of stagnation. There's multiple new stores opening up in my town and they'll need workers.


Please, for the love of God, quit. Don't "think" its time to get out. It's been time to get out for years. Nobody should be accepting shit like that. And the only reason they get away with it is because people do.


Amen brother. In hindsight after the lockdowns was the optimal time to quit tbh


See I never got into the dashing/ridesharing thing, I have a few apps on my phone tho where companies look for people to cover a single shift (usually warehouses and menial factory work), and you sign up, work your shift, and get paid the next day, it's guaranteed $/hr, and some of them pay pretty well for minimal work (I worked as a delivery helper for a semi once, got paid 18/hr for a 12 hour shift, but we legit had a 4 hour drive between our starting point and first stop, so he told me to go ahead and sleep and he'd wake me up when he needed me)


Here lately the crap it sends me looks exactly like this. My AR will be below 5% by the end of the week


It is "guaranteed" though


But but butā€¦. The freedom to be your own boss and live off $232 a month :(


According to the vote in California app workers prefer the freedom and ability to work when they want over increased wages and protections.


lol I know. Im being sarcastic. As someone that did this for 3 years and now has a salary in contrast, driving for these companies is a major life failure when you do the math and realized that youā€™ve de-valued yourself and are literally chasing pennies. Think of how much one must really hate themselves to willingly drive for change and then be frustrated over not coming out ahead.


I agree here.. back when the companies were starting out- there were less drivers- so the pay was higher. Now everyone is on board so the offers come in super low. . Iā€™m usually try to divide my wages by how many hours worked to make sure Iā€™m averaging more than 10 an hour, and if Iā€™m not- I call it quits.. Iā€™d be spending more money than earning at that point lol.


you look like you dash in rockville/bethesda haha


Just about to ask...what area is this


The whole service should just be shut down. Drivers are underpaid and customers are unhappy. The whole business model is just bad.


You donā€™t need to make a profit with the service itself if you can convince people to invest anyway.


Still pays better than Uber


Depends on if your driving people or food


Fair point


I can rarely tip anything big because I'm already blowing my money on these damn apps just for a meal when I don't have a car to get it


Ordering door dash is a good way to never be able to afford a car. Take an Uber to the store


That's not really a sustainable workaround since Uber still costs money...


Sure it is. You are paying for a ride for more than 1 meal. You can buy 5 lbs rice and 5 lbs beans with one Uber ride and your cost per meal will be lower. Both around $4 a 5 lb bag Some people don't eat rice and beans. You've got an extra $12 to buy a few rotisserie chicken. This person is paying $20 for a meal ( insane) when they could get 10 - 20 meals for the same price. That kind of thinking is why people make poor decisions with money. Food delivery is a luxury good and service.




a lot of times it the store forgetting to add items cause often the bag is sealed when it gets picked up ime


Yeah itā€™s probably because you tip like shit.


Why not just pay $30 for a ride to Kroger and back and buy groceries


I have Safeway and Fred Meyer near me currently we do not have a ca but we do have dart which I'll be having an interview that'll help take me places and can use zip when I move.


%1 acceptance gang


14% right now but usually around 8% haha. Fuck deluding myself into thinking Iā€™m making a profit by taking anything less than 1.5x the mileage.


DD at your own risk. Increased risk of a vehicular accident, no benefits, and the entire burden is on the driver to maintain the vehicle. To me, the risk outweighs the wage.


There was this drunk woman who scratched an Ubers car and he took the L


Well itā€™s a gig job. You were never meant to work it as a real job lol. Idk why people are surprised this isnā€™t livable.


I really hate this take. It wasn't for years and if you liked to DD it would be able to pay the bills. The incentives of driving have decreased significantly and getting orders like this now consistently or the double orders that only pays base pay for one order, is a spit in the face to the other long time drivers. Guess we didn't know how good we had it even when it was "bad."


You might hate the take but that doesnā€™t make it wrong. They did their job. Made things decent at the roll out to get people to believe living off gig jobs was doable. Be your own boss. Then when their driver base got high they slowly rolled back and made drivers into slaves. I canā€™t fault a company for screwing people to make money. Thatā€™s what a company is for. Making money for shareholders and owners. I can tell drivers theyā€™re delusional for believing currently this is a good job. It is not a good job regardless of how many of yall downvote me. Iā€™m not wrong.


I don't think anyone here is arguing that it's a good job. Everyone knows it's a crap job. That doesn't mean they should get reamed with no lube every time they accept a delivery. And yes, I know it's their choice. Its still bullshit.


you are right they dont like the truth i say the same thing and get downvoted


This ridiculous mind set needs to stop. People doing work should be compensated. This stupid "it's a gig so it's ok to be screwed" mentality is slave thinking. These aren't favors for friends or family. This is a job providing a LUXURY service, like having a maid or a butler or a landscaper or a nanny or someone to polish your boat. There's no way in hell people should be doing this for scraps. You are mistaking this job for picking up scrap metal on side of the road, dumpster diving or panhandling. Nobody is ordering up 5 aluminum cans and a side of dumpster donuts. The fact broke people are catered to on these apps is part of the problem. It should be prohibitively expensive because it is prohibitively expensive, it's just rolled on down the shit hill for those providing the means and the labor. It is absolutely backwards.


Please direct me to the part where I said you shouldnā€™t be compensated. I said door dash isnā€™t livable right now wage wise. Which is 100% factual unless you live in a super busy area and dash all day. No ones saying you need to get paid shit. Hell Iā€™d love for people to shit on DD and make them pay yall for working. But right now youā€™d be a fool for trying to work this as a full time job relying on this income isnā€™t sustainable. Please explain which part of my beliefs about door dash you take issue with.


The part of "it's a gig...". To me work is work. DD is going to scumbag as long as it's allowed. The law on contract labor needs changing to prevent this avenue of exploitation. It's not just DD. Lot's of companies are using similar tactics. Considering the government likes to drive down wages via illegal and legal(tech) immigration I don't see a remedy in the near future for my concerns, the next 7 months for sure. For clarification I don't live off DD as that would be impossible. I did it periodically in the past when it was better. I just hate seeing the BS. I used to run drivers for catering and delivery years ago. I made sure they were well compensated and as a result I received excellent performance. No reddit hate fests from my people lol


Already did, lol better working min wage bro. No gas, vehicle depreciation, etc.


https://preview.redd.it/1qpnr01l6hsc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c1018d90f5b86d6c43420986b915c24637a3839 Like this one?


Thatā€™s fucking crazy lmao. Base pay definitely shouldnā€™t be $2 for every order


Lmao customers arenā€™t the ones who should be paying your wages šŸ˜‚




Yes, I PAID for my food. And PAID for it to be delivered. I donā€™t OWE anyone extra money for them doing their job. Imagine going ā€œhey doc, thanks for that surgery hereā€™s a $100 for your hard workā€ If you donā€™t have the self respect to get a job, Iā€™m not going to give you extra money.


That comparison falls so flat and you don't even know it. It's hilarious.


Ā Uh, who is then?Ā 


The customers pay wages at every job. There are some real dumbasses out there.


Not in any single word did OP imply they blame customers at all. They said pay is too low so theyā€™re quitting. Thatā€™s a totally logic reaction to properly blaming DD, so why would you create a strawman and argue against blaming the customer when no one did that?


Well, they are. DD takes all of the customer's money for themselves first.


customers arent the ones who should be here, either. also how bad at business you gotta be to think that revenue doesnt come from customers. ffs


Who told you revenue doesnā€™t come from customers? Ffs


you did.


When did I say that? For some weird reason on my screen my comment says ā€œcustomers arenā€™t the ones who should be paying your wagesā€.


the concept of a business with employees hinges on the fact that the customer gives money for the things the business produces, and that the exchange creates enough surplus income that the employee and the rent and the marketing etc are paid for by the transactions and the margins. labor is a thing you buy when you buy food that was made with labor. it is an ingredient more essential than the salt sugar and fat and much more determinant of the quality of a good or service than anything. when you buy good food you bought good labor and you should pay good, even if it's legal to underpay (should be considered labor theft at best, a type of slavery at worst. you cant buy half a sandwich and take the whole thing so why would you pay a worker half their worth and take the whole product of their labor?)


It doesnā€™t matter if zero customers come in to your workplace or 1,000, your boss is paying you per your hiring agreement. Customers arenā€™t coming in every day, checking your hour logs, and paying you a salary. Thatā€™s just absurd. If you agreed to get paid $2 an hour thatā€™s no oneā€™s fault but your own. Have a little self respect, and get a job.


where do you think that your boss gets the money that they give you? do you not understand that employment is literally just you selling labor to your employer like a restaurant sells food to its customers? it's not some special relationship, your boss is your customer. they buy labor from you and use it as an ingredient in manufacturing processes.


So youā€™re telling me, if I was working at Walmart and if we had 25,000 customers I should be getting paid more because all these customers are signing my check? Or am I getting paid per my agreement with my boss who signs my check? I donā€™t see how the customers would legally get ahold of my W2 and everything for taxes. Is that why we hand out receipts, theyā€™re just small W2 forms for the customer to fill out for the government? It sounds like youā€™re getting scammed. Did you give out your social and your motherā€™s maiden name too?


yes, if you produce more value for your boss you ought to be compensated more. do you dislike the idea of meritocracy?


I had an order pop the other day for $6.50. it was 15 mi to the pickup point. I live in Shelbyville, Kentucky, our dash area is bigger than the entire city of Louisville.


I don't know if it's a thing with newer drivers, but I haven't been dashing too long, and I usually get 2-6 dollar orders, only been having very little high paying orders. When I get tips, it's usually higher than the order pay itself.


I should hope so since the order pay is only 2 bucks




Ever since January, I canā€™t even dash. Even the schedule parts are taken the second they post uo


Take the order if you want to waste gas and moneyšŸ¤”


Are you in Cary! lol


Please quit. These companies are pure garbage


DoorDash isnā€™t paying enough tbh, $2 per order is insane. They are completely relying on customerā€™s tip


Like a restaurant. Both are unethical


The way they jack the prices up and stiff the drivers is straight slavery. Pass the buck to tippers who are already getting gouged. Both sides need to let it die.


I had one last night for McDonald's. It wanted me to drive 10 miles to pick up the order, deliver it a mile from the restaurant for $3. After 2 more orders to drive 10 miles to pick them up, we called it quits for the night.


I have a theory...don't beat me up if I'm wrong šŸ˜…..... Even if you pick paid per order, DD still pays you on a preset $/hr based on a summation of your ratings. (Idk the formula they use to calculate the sum of your ratings, but it's pretty consistent). I noticed this the first year I did Dd in 2021 but didn't know what it meant when I would see door dash stack my payouts like Legos. Or Tetris rows....for instance 1st order: ~$3 (unknown/trashy miles) 2nd order: ~$7 (unknown miles) 3rd order: ~$10 (less miles) Total for that hour about ~ 20$ This would happen over and over. In different configurations. Hour to hour. With hourly payout slowly going up every hour on average. ~22$ for the 2nd hour ...about 24$ for 3rd hr etc. This would also happen day to day. And the only thing that changes the momentum was if I declined or unassigned an order. Or, if it was just the dead of night on a weekday. I think based on your personal ratings DD endures you'll land around your dollar per hour range, you just have to trust and accept all orders even the high mileage. If you flinch and don't accept or complete an order, the system has to recalculate what range your next order should payout and seeks it out. Adding Ā¢ here and there where needed (you'll notice that DD contributes base pay in an unidentified/fluctuating way) Something magical šŸŖ„ happens around 4 hours logged within a 24hr period. When I have a really boring day and I log above 4hrs. The rest of my orders for the rest of the day are 15-20$/per order. And the orders are typically lite (one or two items) Now all that said ...even I very rarely accept a $3 order. It'll have to be a addon order at a merchant I'm already at for one item with no crazy milage. I fear DD will soon take away the option to decline orders. Or, They'll make it hell like if you decline you're signed out and barred for the next 60 mins or something insane.




Kinda already doing that no straight pausing or logging you out but I have been noticing some intensely long periods of dead times when it otherwise wouldnā€™t be after a decline like they are shadow banning you for a period of time


Please do something better with your time. I understand. Doordash is easy but they are exploiting you.


What would you recommend? I almost started Uber/DoorDash but these subs definitely scared me off. Living in La atm


I'm 25, living in probably one of the cheapest cities in TN. I have no clue what you should do. Where I live everything is very spread out so orders are going to always be too far to make it worth it. I tried door dashing in between classes during college. One time I had an order to bring Hooters sweet tea 40 minutes out of town into the woods to a church. I got a $3 tip. That was just the closest hooters. I don't understand why anyone would work doordash instead of literally any other job. In my mind, it's much easier and profitable to go work a job a high schooler would have. Something like retail or cashier? Again, I'm young and naive so take that with a grain of salt.


You're not naive. You see it for what it is and it is crap. Any job is better than Doordash now. It used to be good, but those days are LONG gone. Good on you for getting out of it.


Iā€™m in Ohio and the orders have been terrible for me too. I end my dash run feeling like I wasted my time lately.


Thatā€™s embarrassing


Decline decline decline , youā€™ll get better offers


It's ridiculous that we have to drive our acceptance rates into the ground because of this.


Donā€™t worry about AR too much but just a bit . I manage to keep mine above 70 and still decline all the low orders. If it goes below 70 I go hourly for a bit and accept everything until it goes back up to Platinum. I like to keep AR up so I can get catering offers and you really do get better offers. They should get rid of AR and just go off the other ratings. I agree!


Who cares about our acceptance rates? Itā€™s not going to be etched in our tombstone or anything.. lol


It determines the amount of money we make...


I donā€™t know, I reject a lot and just wait for the ā€œgoodā€ offers. sometimes I reject multiple bad offers in a row. actually a lot of times when I reject low offers, a good one will come in just a few minutes later, and I would have missed that good offer if I had accepted the low offer. anyway, I do hope everyone Finds another side, hustle or thinks of another side hustle to replace this because it can be very difficult. Best wishes.


Iā€™ve been trying to explain this to my Wife but she just keeps saying Iā€™m so negative I tell her yeah thatā€™s what youā€™re going to be after paying taxes and car maintenance in the negative


No, what's ridiculous is that there even IS an Acceptance Rate!Ā 


Work in nyc


The other day I did a little test & tries ordering from a restaurant about 10-11 miles from me & the system said that the restaurant is out of range or something like that- plus to test how much theyā€™ll charge for a far AF location- nope nothing. So it makes me wonder how are we getting these?!?


A couple years ago I was able to pay $9 for sonics to be brought to me (a minimum for 37 minute drive from sonics to me). Must be a location thing


You have ascended. This is a cause for celebration.


Those look like the UberEats offers in my area.


Uber eats and GrubHub are the most ridiculous orders in my area also I swear they pocket our tips


You should all quit.... Muhahhahhahhhah!


More and more people stopped using these apps because of having to tip before hand and then getting screwed. A tip is supposed to happen because you received good service. When you tip before hand the server can do a shitty job and the customer just lost money. Too many times have I paid almost double for an order that showed up half sized and cold because of delivery and tipping before hand only for the driver to not give a shit about my order.


Tips as a "bonus" for good service went out the window decades ago when tips became the primary mechanism for folks in certain jobs, like wait staff and delivery, to get paid. Now your tip is your fee for the service, but you're allowed to decide how much you want to pay. With delivery apps, you can pay what you think is fair for someone's time and gas to haul you your food, and then add an additional tip if you're happy with the service. But just not paying someone for doing a job is shitty. Also realize both issues you described, "half sized and cold" are often out of the dasher's control. Restaurants will often let your food sit on an unheated shelf, and they're now packed in a way that we can't check your order.


I was just saying why the system is broken and more and more people are quitting the apps. Unless moneys no issue to you, which is the minority in the US, people canā€™t afford ā€œbiddingā€ for services when the product is often sub par no matter whoā€™s fault that is. The system needs a redesign.


Actually its a bid. Customers are bidding on drivers taking the delivery. Get it?


No itā€™s a tip. Itā€™s called a tip. No where is it called a bid. No where.


You seem to be a little slow


Show me on the app where itā€™s called a bid


Drivers see it as a bid to accept the job. It is presented before acceptance. Tips are added after a job is completed based on service. Customers are bidding on which driver will take the delivery. Do you understand now?


#show me on the app where it says ā€œBIDā€


![gif](giphy|l3UcqjMBeQzXaoqGI) Look right here


You can call it a gift from the tooth fairy if you want to, but in fact the amount offered up front by customers is a service charge. Tips are given after service. Basic facts.


Why is the bid in the total amount of delivery then as presented to drivers before acceptance? Drivers accept this delivery based on the total amount of job including the bid which is presented before? Hhm?


Sorry but wrong


This person gets it. Exactly and as a contractor to DoorDash, youā€™re given the service charge up front. I as, DoorDashs customer, tip after the delivery is done.


Learn to differentiate between a functional meaning and a label


Cognitive dissonance. Itā€™s called a tip because itā€™s a tip.


As someone who works in software developmentā€¦ it's the product manager/ designers job to choose terminology very carefully. Millions and millions of people use this app. By labeling it a tip, you misinform a portion of the user base and they will treat it as such.




This is not meant to be a main career, more of a side hustle. Good luck out there!


Hauling anything 14 miles for $3.50 isn't a "side hustle" it's paying to delivery someone else's food.


Which once again should not be sought after as a main career.


It was time to quit in 2022


Wtf how can they pay only $3.50 an hour for 14.8 miles. How would that even be worth it to anyone?


Lots of stupid people out there who don't know how math works


Yeah, I was getting a lot of doubles $8 or less all day yesterdayā€¦. I guess this is the new thing now is to make doubles and triple ordersā€¦


Yesterday was quite odd. I had a 16.00 to go 9 miles order(which I took) then I got two crap orders in a row one was 4.00 to go 10 miles then another was 7.00 to go 13 miles. I said fuck it and went home. I'm blessed that this is a very part time thing for me to do for pocket money.


Yeah, people are always shocked when they see most full timers out for 10 to 15 hours a day OR 60-100+ hrs a weekā€¦This is whyā€¦..because we sort through A LOT of trash.


they want you to get paid by time and not order, that is better for their bottom line because then you take all orders. Offer you shit for pay per order, you either quit or do pay per time. DD is losing business due to their fees to customers, donā€™t worry. I used to spend 200 a week on dd and had dash pass. cancelled that shit whne I realized I was paying 60% over in store price between fees and tip. Ā 16$ + 5$ mcdonalds breakfast meal anyone?


Thatā€™s why thereā€™s a lot of new drivers coming on board they think that weā€™re making a killing with how expensive DoorDash is but little do they know DoorDash is paying us $6 to $10 an hour in most of the country before tips


If I was only making $12 an hour I would be pissed, I average about $18-20.


And that still isnā€™t close to what we should be making as an independent contractor and driving personal vehicles


Now take away your tips and now how much do you make per hr lolā€¦ we should be getting paid $20-$25 an hour plus tips


I think the compounding problem is DD charges the customer a fee and the business. The business passes their cost onto the customer usually (16.99 3 piece chicken tender meal from popeyes anyone?) and then they tack fees onto that. plus tip. So a 8.99 meal turns into 16.99 + 4.99 + tax + tip. Try ordering a la carte sushi. 70$ in store. 99$ pre tip on DD


My wife and I were in the same boat here for a while. We finally just started ordering pickup directly from the store/restaurant. When we did use Door dash we would try and tip well regardless of the price. But it's just getting ridiculous now and it's better to deal with the few minutes of driving for us to get it ourselves.


I added up the service fee delivery charge and tip. Itā€™s cheaper to pick my own food. My practice is to call in my order on my way home. Itā€™s usually ready when I get there. Or I can sit in the parking lot and use the app and go inside when my order is ready


The funny thing is customers do tip on these orders, sometimes yeah it might be $4 but DD should do better


Yeah thereā€™s nothing wrong with the $4 tip except that equates to $6 pay out and if youā€™re trying to make $1500 a week youā€™ll need 250 deliveries to make thatā€¦ thatā€™s a heck of a lot of wear and tear on your vehicle and your bodyā€¦. Ideally you wanna be averaging $10-$15 per delivery.


I feel you, Iā€™m speaking from the perspective of a dude that works only weekends and doesnā€™t care to do more than $100 a day.


Ya , I agree . Thatā€™s shit . You are working for free basically after gas and car maintenance and wear and tear on your vehicle which a lot of DD are HIGHLY underestimating now that used car prices are at a all time high


Bought my 2011 Fusion in October 2020 for $6200 RIGHT before the chip shortage and used car price spike and couldnā€™t have been luckier, once creepy tech like drunk driving kill switches and cabin facial recognition start to hit new cars for MY2026 and beyond used cars will spike again until nobody can afford a car, youā€™ll own nothing and be happy šŸ¤”šŸŒŽ


Funny but most people are going to walk into that blind, it's going to hit them in the face like a bag of bricks. They'll wish they were paying attention now because by then it'll be too late


Unfortunately true, thatā€™s why I take stupid good care of my car (I have unlimited car washes to get dirt and salt off of it and my dad has been a mechanic since 1975) and am paying credit card debt off to get a house


If anything, I'm going for older, like carburetor old. I want something I can fix with what I have in my garage and parts are everywhere, like something old with a small block Chevy in it. I don't think there will ever be a shortage of those parts


My 2011 Fusion sold like hotcakes so I doubt parts will be an issue for a long time


That's even too new, eventually they'll stop making replacement electronics and you can't make them yourself. In the odd chance that I ever had to make my own parts, I can rebuild just about anything or make parts work that aren't designed for that vehicle. You're not doing that on any car that requires a lot of electronics, and electronics will be the downfall of any car. Dendrites form on chips and short them out, and they have yet to find a way to prevent them from forming. It's one of the things that gives satellites a lifespan, besides batteries. I can take a worn out carburetor and turn new bushings on my lathe and I can rebuild brake calipers and stuff, and if for some reason I couldn't find brake pads or something I would get something similar and rivet the new pad to the old backer or something. Obviously I'm not going to do that if I can get the correct parts but if things were to ever get difficult I could get by


Iā€™ll find a way to reverse engineer something, Iā€™m a stubborn motherfucker


Same here, but I don't see any way to make my own crank positioning sensor or mass airflow sensor so I'll stick to the old stuff. I could probably make my own coil if I had to, and if for some reason I couldn't find an HEI module I could find a points ignition and use that since it plugs in the hole. I usually stockpile important parts anyway


Everyone should stop driving and people will get their own food or call dominoes like the good old days


Is there a breakdown of how these apps calculate their $/miles payout? My company reimbursed us slightly above $1/mile if we use our own vehicle to go to a job site. Not sure if these apps have a fixed rate they use and if they provided how they calculated the amount.


Dashers arenā€™t employees, theyā€™re independent contractors. Expenses are the responsibility of the IC.


I get that but they pay the ICs a $/mile, is that disclosed what it is and how they derived at that rate? I see people post 16 mile trips for $2 compensation without tip so it seems like an extremely low $/mile payout. Then in this subreddit I see people claiming they tip $2/mile which is insane compared to what DD pays.


Itā€™s not consistent and seems to vary by metro, here in Indianapolis the base pay is always a minimum of $2 regardless of how close or far the order is and for some orders (like the ones that cross zones due to distance) the base pay slowly increases and customers are expected to tip to cover the difference between base pay and actually fair pay


i quit doordash and have been doing uber, but iā€™m nearing the end of that as well. i make more money on uber than DD for sure but i get a lot of uber orders like this the past few weeks.


Yeah im quitting uber soon as well.


I just got hired for a part time job while until i finish school (2 more years), uberā€™s helped a lot paying the bills i do have but itā€™s getting to the point itā€™s not enough bc they keep low balling me horrible orders. and im in the phoenix market! zero reason i should be struggling with it


dd is gonna go outa business soon


Unfortunately, I work at a DD owned business called Dashmart. We get increased sales and orders that basically exponentiate every quarter, and they've opened over 60 locations nationwide in the past couple of years. They're booming right now, so yeah, they're not going anywhere anytime soon, which makes posts like this so much shittier on DD's part. Seriously hoping they turn shit around for the drivers, this kind of shit is classic corporatocracy fuckery.


Our local dashmart went out of business two weeks ago and dashlink went this week


Iā€™m not some small town dasher talking this either it was the Carlsbad California location we had routes for San Diego orange county and Temecula valley


yea i hope soo too dd was once a great app to use to order and as side work now idk


We can make more at McDonald's!


Not outside of California. In Oklahoma Mcdonalds pay starts at $11 per hour.


Have you done the math on your gas, maintenance, insurance, and depreciation costs on your car from driving though?


$15 in Michigan. With benefits and free meals that's actually not bad