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Jason Schrier also just confirmed it is a name change - should hopefully still get a substantial reveal!




Where did Jason confirm this?


Apparently on ResetEra.


[https://www.resetera.com/threads/jeff-grubb-dragon-age-dreadwolf-probably-wont-be-at-the-xbox-conference-but-dragon-age-will-be-there-up-not-a-remake-see-marks.890637/post-123960270](https://www.resetera.com/threads/jeff-grubb-dragon-age-dreadwolf-probably-wont-be-at-the-xbox-conference-but-dragon-age-will-be-there-up-not-a-remake-see-marks.890637/post-123960270) Haven't seen anyone share Schreir's post so linking here for reference


Nooooo šŸ˜­ I love referring to it as DAD


I hope so, I always hated that title. I wonder if the people who called the Fadeworld thing will be vindicated.


I'd like for a different title altogether, because both of those sound a little off when rolling off the tongue.


I had the thought that, unless they just go with "4" of course, they might pick a word that depends less on knowing the game's lore to understand. Origins and Inquisition were terms you could google, but "Dreadwolf" is quite specific to Dragon Age.


Honestly, maybe they'll go with something like Dragon Age: Desolation? It would keep the acronym and be in line with their 'verbination' titles lol.


Still annoyed they didn't call 2 Exodus or something. lol


I might hesitate at "Desolation" specifically, only because it's present in one of the Hobbit movie titles. Though maybe they wouldn't mind that kind of reference.


Iā€™d been hoping for the title to be Dragon Age: Dread before the current title was announced.


I wasn't too fond of the name either. I was really hoping they'd stick with a word that starts with a vowel to follow along with Origins, Inquisition and 2's original dev title of Exodus. So if we are getting a rename, I'll be pretty curious to see what they go with.


Dragon Age: Elfpocalypse


Kinda bummed. Was hoping for a remaster. Edit: Seeing how on PlayStation Inquisition is the only one playable on PS4/5.


While a remaster of Origins and DA2 would be welcome. Itā€™s just impossible to do. It would be a whole remake built on unreal engine or frostbite. It would take years, just like making a whole new game. Origins and DA2 were built on eclipse engine which was abandoned by bioware.


Damn :/ then I guess remakes far in the future is the best we could hope for.


I also would love a remake but itā€™s likeā€¦we need the next game you know? It only took 10 YEARS. šŸ˜© I think if they did a remake right it would be fantastic though. I hope the original voice cast would come back.


Oh, I definitely get it! The way my brain was working was theyā€™d whet our appetite with remaster announcements and the big reveal for Dreadwolf w/ the release date and gameplay. Iā€™d totally prefer Dreadwolf before a remake since weā€™ve been waiting for that sucker for over a decade. But it also sucks not having earlier games playable on the 4 and 5 (PlayStation).


Yeah. I replayed the originals on pc recently. The mods for origin are pretty good but only made me want a remake more, you know? They are still good but show their age. My new obsession rn is Baldurā€™s Gate 3.


Also I suspect they wouldn't remake a game that was built around pc controls. They ported it to console, but they had to reduce the standard difficulty and buff the behavior system to make it work.


I'm not tech savvy so I could be totally off-base. But what I don't understand is why modders have been able to patch things like the DAO memory leak problem but Bioware can't. Even if they can't do a remake, is it also impossible for them to go back and add some patches for stability?


That would be nice too, I love DAO - but my intuition is also telling me we might get a nice surprise with 4


The PC version barely works too


Hopefully they change it to Dragon Age 4 keeping up the trend of odd games getting subtitles and even games getting numbers


Y'all here's the quote I found for context: >*"I think there will be five games that we haven't heard of before and that's across all the verticals (meaning across Xbox-Bethesda-Activision). What those are? I don't know. I think we'll see some familiar faces on stage.. some... popular voice actors I'll say. You'll at least see their names.* ***Dragon Age, I was teasing this one. I joke Dragon Age Dreadwolf won't be there and will be there. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf probably WON'T be there, Dragon Age WILL be there. If that makes sense."*** Shortly after leaving the stream, Grubb clarified and said ***"It's not a Dragon Age 1 Remake. It's just not Dreadwolf."***


Probably because the dummies are rumored to have changed the name of the game from Dreadwolf to something else. Some are speculating Dread Wolf. Very last minute if you ask me, especially since all of the marketing thus far had seemingly cemented Dreadwolf. Itā€™s annoying how coy heā€™s being.


here is the clip: [*View: https://clips.twitch.tv/JollyArborealRaisinWOOP-mXJi0b59IoBqPY0m*](https://clips.twitch.tv/JollyArborealRaisinWOOP-mXJi0b59IoBqPY0m)


Im more confused now.


Is it sad that i got actually a bit more excited over a remake rather than a new game? I would die for an Origins remake.


It would be neat if they had an all-in-one package deal, like the Legendary edition for Mass Effect. Might be a bit of a pipe dream, however!


Unfortunately that would be an exceedingly difficult dev process, as all three DA installments were made in completely different engines, one of which was proprietary and is now long abandoned. It worked for ME because the full trilogy was made in Unreal, a very actively supported engine- the game builds were all still there in a relatively complete state, making it viable to go in and update/improve things with newer tools and technology, and then package and ship it as a (mostly!) unified whole. To do the same for DA, they would need to effectively rebuild at least two of the games (if not all of them) from scratch in a new engine- and hopefully an engine that isn't Frostbite, which was extremely challenging to work with. Mind you, I sincerely hope they someday choose to do this because I desperately want a Legendary edition myself, but the scale of work it would take to make it happen is sadly, exponentially greater. It would have to be a full remake instead of a remaster.


>were made in completely different engines That's not exactly true, 1 and 2 were on engines with the same core. Lyceum or whatever 2s was called was directly built on the first games Eclipse. That does still leave inquisition the odd man out of course


Tech issues aside, I dunno if necessarily makes sense to. The ME trilogy is exactly that, a trilogy. Same protagonist, same overarching threat, all part of one ongoing storyline. Dragon Age has 3 main installments, but they aren't directly tied together. Each has a different protagonist, a different threat, a different story. They are in the same setting and each installment affects the next, but it isn't really a Trilogy per se.


Well don't kick the bucket just yet! You got to play the remaster first! šŸ™‚


Absolution Season 2 LET'S GO


Nek minnit - Dragon Age Online, a new game for phone gamers!


Lol it's probably some bullshit mobile game like Fallout Shelter.


Itā€™s a name change, itā€™s gonna be called Dragon Age 4


You mean DR4GON 4GE, right?


"4 Dragon 4 Age"


Dragon Age Dream Drop Distance 4.0 + Re Mind Unchained X Remix Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series & Knuckles


Oh thatā€™s good


Yeah I think so too. No way theyā€™d start marketing a remaster when Dreadwolf is supposedly coming out this year.


I'm with you. He's been teasing this. A couple of days ago it was the "0% chance and 100% chance" and now this... I genuinely think it's been renamed. Guess we'll find out at the weekend!


it's probably too early to say I'm happy with a name change, but Dreadwolf never really did it for me tbh, just looks odd next to all the other titles. And don't get me started on the acronym DAD ugh


Hi Dreadwolf I'm dad.


dao da2 dai dad really doesn't seem like much changed in the titles Initialing


Hey it matches the series' identity crisis.


Dragon Age's Identity is it's lack of identity. I both love it, and hate it.


This series doesn't know if it wants to be low fantasy like Game of Thrones or high fantasy like Lord of the Rings, it keeps changing with every game/book/animation i seen.


It also doesn't help instead of building on what made Origins great like what sequels are supposed to do Bioware instead followed trends. Dragon Age 2 Bioware tried to recapture their magic of Mass Effect without understanding what made work and, Inquisition tried to go open world like Skyrim much to its detriment. And now Larian proved Bioware wrong.


I will give them the benefit of the doubt on Dragon Age 2 because EA only gave them a year to develop the game. That's why the game's story and characters are so undercooked, they had to scale everything down to make it in time. But there is no excusive to why Dragon Age Inquisition is so bland in every way possible.


The story of Dragon Age 2 was fantastic in my opinion, but the biggest flaws were the rushed conclusion (the final boss battles were a bit baffling to me, even as a kid) and reused resources.


I meant more like the full titles of games and series and story titles following a different trend, Origins, Awakening, Absolution, Trespasser, recently the Missing feeling different from a ''name'' like Dreadwolf to me. And Inquisition always read a bit like a verb to me (maybe bc english is not my first langauge) Of course there are many more titles, but these come to mind first because they are or most prominent or recent edit: just noticed you specifically mean the initialing DAD. My hung up with that is not as much about it not fitting the pattern, but just because...dad. I'll edit my comment for clarity :)


The only one that stands out to me is DA2. IIRC according to Mark Darrah, Corporate meddling caused this to be the name because an executive thought that sequels with a number 2 sold better. šŸ™„


Maybe the peeps at BioWare hated everyone calling it DAD lol


I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think they refered to it themselves as DAD on twitter and something about the team having fun with dad jokes? edit: just checked, on 19 June 2022 the official Bioware instagram account referred to Dreadwolf as DAD, kinda. ''What are some of your favourite DAD jokes? #dreadwolf'' and a picture of Solas Though I guess they technically didn't tag it as #Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, and Dreadwolf could be more of a slogan or tagline? Anyways, it's on them, they more or less started it or otherwise went along xD


I hope it's because they didn't realise that it would be shortened to DA: D, and are nonsensically bothered by that. That would amuse me somewhat.


Probably for the best. https://preview.redd.it/od5prn3sdt4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db62a47a26d0b66e6eee1153b178bbf0f87d03a6


If you think this is bad, wait until you see the Crusader Kings subreddit. https://preview.redd.it/8ygq4eyo1u4d1.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=2861febb5bbeee2e2e823f925307f6823c7a5bfa


2 Dragon 2 Age


Dragon Age: Origins 2


The Origining


What Dragon Age 2 should've been.


Dragon Age: Reloaded


I actually kinda hope that, if we ever get a remaster, that they replace the 2 with Exodus. It looks out of place when next to the others.


Not this again lol


Imagine if they would be going to throw the whole Solas storyline, get something new entirely and you could overhear NPC-s talking about how the Inquisitor killed some bad elf. šŸ˜‚




Every even numbered DA game is just the number. The odds get a bespoke name


Dragon Age Origins: Dreadwolf.


It's gonna be Dragon Age: the draconic boogaloo


Gotta admit nothing would be more likely to get me to halfway consider turning around on my absolute certainty that the presumed next DA game is gonna be a trainwreck, than to reveal they weren't actually naming it after Solas.




These "insiders" must absolutely love the weeks leading up to these events. It must be so fun to just mess with fanbases. Although the thought that BioWare would show something Dragon Age related that isn't DA4/Dreadwolf is absolutely hilarious. Image they just drop Total War: Thedas or something out of nowhere.


I mean, Total War: Thedas would be awesome tbh xD


in b4 Thedas Warriors


>These "insiders" must absolutely love the weeks leading up to these events. It must be so fun to just mess with fanbases Tbf, I'd absolutely fuck with fanbases if I were one of them šŸ˜‚


If it's a name change, how often, if ever, has that happened before, especially this close to release?


Didn't Bioware do the same with their last game, Anthem, or am I misremembering?


Sorta yeah. It was actually called "Beyond" but was changed to Anthem just days before the E3 reveal. The difference is it was only marketed as Anthem publicly and with Dreadwolf it would be getting changed after its already been announced and marketed as Dreadwolf.


Dragon Age 2 was pitched as Dragon Age Exodus. Because they worried fans would expect a game as large as Origins but if you named it Exodus it would be seen as a spinoff and maybe it's reception would be better.Ā  Dragon Age 2 had a full on Expansion called Dragon Age 2 The Exalted March. That was canceled very last minute and it's plot was carried over to Inquisition.Ā  Dragon Age has rough developments.Ā 


I think Dragon Age: Origins was decided a little last minute as well.


Someone tell him to stop edging us.






It seems it's a renaming from what we're hearing? Interesting, I wonder why they'd switch from Dreadwolf. Maybe Solas plays a "lesser" role and doesn't "deserve" to be in the title? Personally, I've always liked Dragon Age: Eclipse, but I'm legitimately curious what the new name will signal. Wait, wouldn't a title change require some changes when it comes to trademarks and such? I'm not an expert, so I don't know. But maybe if someone scours the internet long enough they might find something? If they rename it to just "Dragon Age" it means it's confirmation is the final one.


Well, one of the trailers does have a "BBEG" monologue from somebody who isn't Solas talking about their 'reign'. I'm a bit confident that we'll have a set of antagonists, which to me would likely come from the Evunuris or other parts of the elven pantheon. Hopefully the new title reflects that? I did like the imagery of the game being heavily colored by the Dreadwolf, however.


I would absolutely hate if Solas wasn't the main villain. Inquisition already felt like a prequel with the weakest villains in the series just to set up the events of Solas.


Both Shinobi and Schreier confirmed it is a name change. Shinobi even added it is a creative decision by the team, nothing to worry about.


A name change to DA4 would be funny given Inquisition. I'd be surprised at a DA:O remaster given how old the engine is I imagine porting to to Frostbite/bespoke/Unreal etc would be far more trouble than it's worth and I can't see EA ponying up the cash for a full remake. Also I would imagine that DA:O remaster/remake etc would probably push DA:D into 2025 which would be extremely surprising given the current state of it. Unless it's a DA:O & DA2 & Inq updated patch for current-gen consoles etc. Bug fixes, 4k textures etc.


Haha, maybe every odd game will have a unique moniker while all the evens get a numeral.


Maybe :P I'm just excited for DAD/4 to finally be out. I have faith in Patrick Weekes & Co to stick the landing (even if DA isn't thought of as a trilogy like another BioWare franchise) and any further titles would be golden. Dragon Age Tactics ala FFT or Triangle Strategy would be a request of mine.


Gonna fall to my knees at a walmart if it's just called Dragon Age


![gif](giphy|26tklVu8iBO6VUeA0) Just give us a straight answer!!


Schrier say said itā€™s name change


Calling it now, the game is going to get renamed Dragon Age: Fadeworld. It's an anagram of Dreadwolf, which would explain why the leakers have been so confusing over it.


here i was all excited for dragon age: flowerdad


![gif](giphy|1mGRaJF6AA8w) Fadeworld sounds very unmarketable and a bit painful to me, so I hope they keep Dreadwolf as the title. Maybe they'll go back to the other naming scheme, and we'll get Dragon Age: Verbening.


Yeah I'm seeing speculation that "Dreadwolf" is too niche a title but I think it has enough cool factor that newbies don't need to know what it means


I bet they hated the DAD acronym :(


To be fair, DAF isnā€™t much better ā€” reminds me of dafuck


Look, man, starting with DA just means most of your anagram options are gonna suck. DAM? DAS? DAG? DAB? DAN? DAT? DAE? DAW? DAK? DAX?


It's what we really need for Father's Day.


Iā€™m confused. Is this supposed to generate hype, make it more difficult for leaks to get out, did they just not like the old name? Can we just get info about the game at this point šŸ˜…


My theory: they probably got tired of the DAD jokes they made inside the studio lol


That sounds horrible


Calling it now, it will be called Dragon Age: Solace You'll be playing a Grey Warden who, at the end of Act 1, will kill Solas whose soul will be absorbed by the body of the Main Character and you'll spend the rest of the game trying to channel Solas' soul and knowledge in order get information on how to beat the new enemy.


WAIT WHAT WHY DOES THIS WORK Solas trapped in our body like the elf from Shadow of Mordor?! Mythal and the ancient godsand the blights finally ending because the new warden collected all the souls into themselves? !


Exactly like Shadow of Mordor !


Oh, I like this theory.


So what's a good alternate subtitle for DA:D? Dragon Age: Schism? Dragon Age: Dark Imperium (Because the acronym being DADI makes me laugh)? Dragon Age: Apocrypha (Since it might be dealing with the truth behind Andraste)?


they heard the complaints about dreadwolf having become a single word and are now renaming it dragon age: dread wolf


I'm not going to lie. This has bothered me so much lol


hahha i agree honestly


Dragon Age Minrathous Nights, as Mark Darrah intended or I riot


I need to leave this sub for a few days. I am tired of the circus these journalists/insiders are making.


And we're all the clowns šŸ¤”


Same. It's so annoying.


[https://x.com/Jorraptor/status/1798429387378888765](https://x.com/Jorraptor/status/1798429387378888765) Here is what [u/geoffkeighley](https://x.com/geoffkeighley) confirmed wont be at his Summer Game Fest show: - GTA 6 - Kingdom Hearts 4 - Judas - Metal Gear Solid Delta - Hollow Knight Silksong - The Wolf Among Us 2 - Half-Life 3 - Josef Fares' next project - Sega legacy titles big chance Dragon age 4 or whatever the name is will be shown


>Half-Life 3 šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Iā€™m totally confused.. so theyā€™re changing the name of dreadwolf to Dragon age 4 or something Else ?


I really doubt it will be called DA4. Guess we'll just have to wait till the weekend.




Dragon Age: Revenge of the Fallen


Oh my god what if they didn't rename it what if Dreadwolf was a bait title all along


Like how Nintendo didn't drop the real name of Tears of the Kingdom until the release date dropped and just called it BOTW2 forever


Does the clip clarify which showcase it'll be at? Is it definitely Xbox?




Dragonage: if you wanna make an omelet you gotta break an EGG


I hope theyā€™re fixing it so itā€™s Dread Wolf instead of Dreadwolf.


Betting on just 'Dragon Age,' tbh. It needs to strike a broader appeal than prior entries. These cryptic hints can't end soon enough... we're all dying for this weekend!


What the actual fuck is going on man? Just do a normal announcement without all the secrecy. It goes from being cute/cheeky at one point to getting annoying.


They *are* doing a normal announcement. It's not their fault that leakers and journalists keep hinting at things in advance of their planned announcement.


Agreed. BioWare said we would learn more this summer and that seems very much the case. I know we are all a bit stir crazy, and a name change if true is pretty wild, but patience at the finish line folks.


It's not Bioware making the circus


And we're the clowns šŸ¤”


Wait so will we know Friday or Sunday?


With the trailer being slated for the XBox event, it should come out Sunday.


Maybe I'm just letting my dislike of Grubb color my reaction, but this is overly cutesy way of beating around the bush and not just saying what he knows is annoying as fuck. "I know something you don't know!"


I hope they change cartoonish logo too


I won't name any sources so don't ask me to. But I know someone who has been working on the game. The creative team wanted to change the name to something they thought would be more marketable. And they also changed the accompanying artwork, which hasn't been released publicly yet. EA wanted to be featured more prominently. With a lot of pleading, I got him to spill what the new name will be: >!Dragon Age 4EvA. The cover art will feature Solas as a fairly godmother. You're welcome.!< >!/s!<




ā€œDragon Age Dreadwolf probably wonā€™t be at the Xbox Showcase, but Dragon Age will be.ā€


Very interesting šŸ¤”Ā 


There's not a better name for the game than Dreadwolf so if it is indeed a name change I'm gonna be disappointed. Especially a heavy change.


I know what it implies but It took me a good minute to realise it, in wich I felt my heartrate going crazy


Oh man if they make a remaster people can finally have their nostalgia fix! And the rest of us can have some peace. Now they can play their favorite tactical tabletop RPG


Is not a name change people stop spreading rumors. The name Dreadwolf is trademarked, it's already on the stores and they made a trailer with the name. Even Mark Darrah refers to the game as Dragon Age Dreadwolf and he is an advisor on the game.


Jason Schreier, probably the most trustworthy games journalist, has also said they are changing the name. Sure its yet to be confirmed but Schreier has an amazing track record of being accurate.


No he didn't, I just read what he said and he specifically stated that it's a rumor, he did not confirm that he knows they are changing the name. Is it possible that they could change the name, yes. But as of right now not even Schreier knows that to be true, it's only a rumor and rumors are often false. Even what Jeff said if taken literal, it means Dreadwolf still exists and it won't be, according to him, at the event but that Dragon Age, the franchise will be. This could mean a number of things, it could be even a new game set in the DA franchise.


You are reading too much into this. Both Schreier and Grubb are speaking to the same rumor, which is that the name is being changed. Whether that rumor is accurate, we will see. But if one is wrong, both of them are.


>You are reading too much into this. I'm not I just detest misinformation. It's perfectly fine to report the rumor, it's not ok to report it as if it was confirmed which it isn't. This kind of thing is why some people are fooled into believing things that are often not true, there's already people bashing Bioware for the name change and we have no official confirmation on it and all because some people can't be bothered to properly read and simply jump to conclusions.


Bit of a late stage for a name change if this is what they're bullshitting about


I'm expecting a name change at this point.


Just fucking stop dicking us around and show us something already. It's not funny, it's annoying. We've been waiting for a decade for this.


Who? BioWare isnā€™t actually being coy. Thatā€™s the various leakers and journalists. And while they can be annoying, thatā€™s not actually BioWareā€™s fault. BioWare said we would get a full reveal this summer and we are getting something very soon.


Sorry, you're right. I've just been waiting for this game for so damn long I'm about to explode.


All good! Weā€™re all going crazy here!


Surprise! It's DA: M. Dragon Age Mobile...Do you guys not have phones?


If they change the name, what if they just go with Dragon Age? No subtitle, and it would make his recent comments make sense


Change is LAME. I liked Dreadwolf, lol. Though I did hate typing DA:D every time :p Mostly I just want it to be related to Solas, lol. Ooo, "Pride" would be kind of cool. Or not. Idk


If they change the name it really wont help the public's confidence for the game. All we got is a shitshow of a development with firing of old writers.


If all they do is announce a name change what an utter disappointment. Should be a game play trailer or something to show the game off or at least give us Dragon Age: Legendary Edition like they did with ME trilogy.




So if they're doing a name change I wonder if Solas's role has been minimized.Ā 


Dragon Age 4 as a name reminds me of Dragon Age 2... and hell no I don't want something like that game again.


oh šŸ‘€


It would be absolutely funny if we get another teaser for the full trailer. That way dragon age would be there but dreadwolf wouldn't really. Also that 0% and 100% line from a few days ago.


I like the name Dreadwolf... I'm going to take it literally and naively assume there is a weird spin-off title, like a tactics game or something.


A name change close to the presumed date release is a red flag. This weekend canā€™t come fast enough.


I hope not. I'd hate to see modern Bioware butcher one of their classics.


The pessimist in me is convinced that they are changing the name because the game has been rebooted once again to be more like bg3