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Call me crazy, but I am waiting until they show the actual gameplay on Tuesday before I really start to draw conclusions.


This is the best take. People seemed to forget that the trailer isnt gameplay or in game footage. Wait til we see that to begin feeling disappointed or excited etc


I'd be a bit more sympathetic to those people's negativity if we weren't getting gameplay literally two days after the trailer.


Exactly. Cool the jets, lets wait and see the ACTUAL trailer :/


Just curious at this stage.


Same. Only positive thing I've had to say about DA4 so far is that Harding's design looks great and that I'm happy she's now a companion. Otherwise, I'm pretty neutral on the whole thing so far. Only the gameplay reveal will change how I really feel about the game.


Right with you, I still haven't forgiven inquisition for not letting me romance her, hoping that has been amended this time.


But Harding [did](https://youtu.be/e_dtX8YFlyg?si=Dli_2B9IGdYRLEoH) have a romance storyline no? I mean the content was much less than the others but still.


She did, and IIRC it was added in because everyone asked for it. I will be surprised if she isnt' romancible this time. Super excited to see her.


You could flirt with her, but it's not a full romance like with other characters. Even the video you linked called it a "quasi-romance."


I feel like there will be a riot if she's not. We shall ride at dawn. Or, you know, midday, cos we were up gaming all night...


Same. But I will also ignore any hype before it comes out. I enjoyed all the other dragon age games, including the second one. I have a feeling I'll enjoy this one too. Tho, I was breastfeeding my kid when inquisition came out, and now I feel like she's old enough to play the next one now.


All the community council members who have played the game say the game is great and similar in tone to Origins and Tevinter Nights. If this is true, then this is shaping up to be a very good Dragon Age. So yes, i'm excited, trailer be damned.


Oh who said that? When? Genuinely curious as I didn't see that. If it's like those two then I'm happy as they were much in the dark fantasy theme


Kala Elizabeth, Kyle Blessing, Bria LaVorgna, also Ghil Drithalen lore channel on Youtube uploaded a video saying the community council has been working on the game with Bioware on the lore for the game.


It is absolutely horrible that they need damage control from a few community members who have had sneak peaks, because of how absolutely horrible their big re-reveal trailer was. If the tone is completely different…people should be fired. Usually don’t advocate for firing, but in this case it is so beyond egregious. The character cartoony design is…understandable on its own, seems like a weird blend of da2 and dai. Some characters look more cartoony, others not. But the tone and everything else of the trailer is so not dragon age it’s freaking obscene. Especially with BioWare on the back foot, desperately trying to redeem itself, to do this!?!? Omfg. Like who approved this trailer it’s crazy!?!? Or even the name change. Most thought the name change was bad, or if not bad, at least the “the” part of it is bad. Who is in charge of this crap right now at BioWare like holy moly!?!? Really hope the community folks are right and this was just a horrid trailer and the game is actually pretty close in tone to origins.


Oooh that's so good to know, thank you!


They said the same about every game.


I've liked every game so far.


Personally, I'm still super stoked. I seriously doubt what we saw is the in-game art style but even if it is, I really couldn't care less. I play Dragon Age games because I love the characters, the lore, and the power fantasy of it all. And it definitely looks like we're on track to get that. Varric (one of my all-time favorites) is here, Dorian (my *all-time* favorite) is likely to return in some capacity, the locations look sick, the companions seem/look interesting, and we're gonna save Thedas (again). Not much for me to complain about, at least at this point. I liked DAO and DA2. I loved DAI. Odds are, I'm going to enjoy Veilguard as well.


EXACTLY this! I wouldn't say I LOVE the art style as we see it now, but I definitely don't DISLIKE it and agree with you that the characters, lore, story, fun of combat are significantly more important to me and I am pretty sure I am going to enjoy all of those immensely. Solas is my favorite from DAI and I am so flippin' excited to see him again (and hopefully save him/change his mind -- fingers crossed). I'm excited to see Harding and Varric again, I want to smooch all of the new companions, I can play as any race, I can't wait to see Tevinter! I'm also very much looking forward to the gameplay reveal tomorrow. I'm so curious how it's gonna play!


I'm absolutely excited. The art style in the trailer isn't for me, but I also know that it's not the art style of the game. The companions aren't all exactly my cup of tea, but I'm sure that there are going to be great stories connected to them. Overall, super stoked that it's finally happening!


I love DA. I don't like the art style of the trailer, but i wanna see the the gameplay before saying anything


Exactly. All we have is a trailer revealing companions. It's not gameplay, so I don't get what people are freaking out and jumping to conclusions over.


I can't say I'm still feeling unreservedly *excited* after that trailer (incredibly mixed is more like it), but when it comes to "favorite companion predictions," well... I thought that stupid bald elf looked super boring, so... ya know.


Haha, you are right. I was the same for Dragon Age: Inquisition


I get the criticism for the character models (Emmrich is the worst imo), but I honestly think the environments in the trailer look good. The scene with the halla and the Eluvian really reminds me of an upgraded Inquisition


Emmrich is the only one who looks odd to me!


The alpha milestone gameplay footage leak from about a year and a half ago shows graphics and combat on a whole other level. So you’re right about it just being in the trailer. At least for the most part because we haven’t seen anything gameplay wise aside from what I just said.


Right, the art style in the trailer might not be exactly what we actually see in game… I can’t really judge whether or not I like the companions yet because I don’t know any of their personalities yet. I feel like they could have potential though! So far every DA game had companions I liked.


Check out the game informer article about the game, it has an image that is probably going to be what the game/characters will look closer to.


I am SO excited, but have been called a troll for saying so lmao.


I know, I liked the trailer.


After I watched the trailer I was hyped, and then scrolled down and couldnt find a single positive, or hell, even neutral comment.


Right, I was flabbergasted when I entered the comment section in YouTube and saw an ocean of negativity. That just makes me sad, since I was rooting for DA4 to have a normal press instead of a hate train driven one.


Maybe, maybe the hate train will give it MORE attention and that'll be a good thing actually


nah the same thing happened to the Saints Row reboot but then again that game was actually bad.


Same, i was shocked. I'm so excited/hyped and I'm already fed up of seeing so much complaining. I want to talk about the companions/speculate on the game not hear gamer6969 tell me they hate everything over and over again.


the trailer really got me into the characters and idk i really like the art style of it. :( idk if it'll happen, but i already want a mod that allows me to bring them all with me. i honestly love them all and how they all look. (im gonna romance all of the dudes in like 20 different playthroughs idec) then i scrolled down to see all the youtube comments trashing on it. 😭


Apparently you're a troll now for having fun? Splendid.


If you're not a miserable bastard the internet thinks you're either a bot or a liar.


Like that's new. Please


Finally. Found my people


I loved the trailer and it got me hyped for the game. I went to the comments to thank Bioware and got disappointed with all the negativity. Whole lotta negativity there.


But it's a good thing you posted a positive comment at least, I think. I mean, I didn't. But how you feel about it is always gonna be legit, no matter how many people feel the opposite. So you have to feel it all the more to not be drowned out.


I’m pumped! If it’s garbage it’s garbage, but the series has been good to me over the years, it deserves my loyalty to see it through and give this one a shot !


Exactly. I'm getting the game whether it's good or bad, cause I want to see the series to the end, whether it goes out guns blazing or a fizzle.


I'm usually not a fan of extremely long games but I HOPE they make it loooong (as in 150h the main story like AC Valhalla) only bc I want as much story and stuff as possible




This might be the best take. 100% the truth. I’m gonna end up playing the game regardless. How can I not after all this time? One last time before I hit the deep roads


I was disappointed in the trailer, but I'm still very excited for the game.


Yeah I didn't love the trailer but having slept on it I'm back to being very excited for the game. Tone issues aside, all the new characters seem very fun and interesting, and griffins are confirmed! Can't wait to see more on Tuesday. 


I read that Bioware has always struggled with delivering good DA trailers/promotion. I haven’t been a fan since DAO came out but I’ve seen several people say that the games ended up looking different from the trailer.. I do think that the trailer looks very different and it’s unexpected, but I also feel like the finished game might not look exactly like that and even *if* it does, I care more about the story and characters.


As a long time fan of the series, only Dragon Age 2's battle with the Aarishok was a great trailer in my opinion. But then again the trailer completely goes against everything that the game tries to tell you, so what do I know.


Game vs trailer dissonance isn't that uncommon and this series has had it like you said


Yup. I went back and looked at the last three games' trailers and they're pretty bad in similar ways. I suspect I'll feel a lot better about things on Tuesday when we see the actual game.


The only way I wouldn’t be absolutely excited for the game is if it turned about to be a Mabari poop picking up simulator.


Yes. I'm excited for the new places, meeting and having long chats with the new companions, how the combat/gameplay has improved from Inquisition, annnd finally seeing what will happen with Solas.


Same here for sure! I’m glad I’m not alone lol.


Oh I'm definitely looking forward to it, although it might be because I loved Inquisition. Still can't believe it's been 10 years since it was released.


Absolutely excited. I think the trailer was a strange marketing choice. However, screenshots that have been shared look FANTASTIC I can’t wait to see gameplay


Oh yeah it definitely was, although I’ve read that they messed up other DA trailers for the earlier games? So long-time fans are probably used to the trailers not being amazing and the games ending up better than we see in those trailers. And I agree, the screenshots look good for sure!


Yeah the inquisition trailer is weird too. After all the marketing for the game this trailer was… a jumpscare 😅. However, after what I’ve seen post trailer, I’m optimistic and keen for the gameplay reveal.


Me! I’m so beyond excited I’m checking the Reddit hourly to make sure I don’t miss any new updates and and and I haven’t waited the full ten years I’ve only been waiting eight but as long as it’s a single player story with a focus on characters and world building(which it still looks like it is!!!) I’m sat for any kind of dragon age content


That’s nice to hear omg, I feel the same way! I still have hope that the game won’t look terrible. Even *if* it looks a bit off in the end it wouldn’t bother me too much if the story and characters are as good as they are in the other games…


I’m more excited now than I was, and I was already pumped up! I didn’t expect we’d get a look at our companions so early, nor that the release date was so relatively close. Sources I trust elsewhere are saying exactly what I want to hear about it, and the screenshots being posted by BioWare should hopefully dispel concerns about the trailer. (I enjoyed the trailer, but I took issue with how I feel it would be very confusing to newcomers without any grounding on what Dragon Age is. But it did succeed in making me curious about the companions!) And we have Harding! Repeat! Harding! “What can be said To all who have fled The dwarf with a freckled face”


oh my Andraste the way i squealed when I saw that Harding was there 😍


Harding reminds me of Princess Fiona from Shrek now, and I'm totally fine with that. Honestly I prefer smooth clean animation over choppy uncanny-valley trash any day. There's room for this style to be grittier, sure, but the more details get added to the design, the more the game will have to load and animate, and I fear there'd be a sacrifice in animation quality because of it. Just a guess on my part though, I could be wrong!


I am hyped! And I try my best to avoid comment sections because it's just a dumpster fire there. It seems to be popular to just automatically be negative and complain these days (pineapple on pizza online mob mentality effect). Probably because those are the kinda comments that trigger reactions, who knows. And yes, I know it didn't look as gritty and grim as previous games, but guess what, neither did the recent animated show, and I loved it. And the game can still be dark and grim without being straight up depressing. I'm optimistic, and I'll wait for more info before I start to properly judge yhe game for better or worse.


I, as a new fan of Dragon Age, so far only playing origins and making my way through the series, am genuinely excited for the game. The trailer actually got me excited for the game BECAUSE of its cheesiness. Excited to get my hands on the game!


I'm a board the hype train I dunno bout you. ![gif](giphy|zUTQ7vmg3boME)


Got any seats left?


My expectations have been in the gutter since whenever all those people were laid off/left If the game is bad it is what it is. If it's OK or better, I'll be pleasantly surprised. I'm just kind of Whatever about it at this point.


A lot of the people who were laid off have said they are still really proud of the game and they want people to enjoy the game they worked hard on. Also considering how far into the dev process they were when they were laid off they were likely done with their work since most of them were writers. It's BS that they were laid off and they don't get to enjoy the launch they way they should have, but it's not likely that those lay offs affected the quality of this game. The next DA game, if we get one, is another story.


I refused to care untill I saw gameplay. The trailer they released last night didn't do them any favours it looks like shit. Will make final decision with the gameplay trailer.


I'm very excited and I liked everything I've seen so far. I can't wait to explore these new places, get to know my companions and have fun with the party banter, maybe catch up with old friends and (maybe) get to know the whereabouts of my warden commander, meet Maevaris finally, the griffon, the confirmed elven gods, give closure to my Solavellan hell...oof! ![gif](giphy|xUOwGgO5FT9HczLrtm|downsized)


Yes, I'm still excited! I'm just most excited about getting to return to Thedas again honestly. But also: BABY GRIFFON!


I’m excited! It looks like fun and I really liked the swashbuckler action of our player character. I’m reserving judgement on the style. I think I might actually like the slightly more animated style as a change of pace. Besides, the best part was the fall ‘24 announcement! With any luck I’ll have finally finished a full bg3 run by then.


I’m more excited, DAI trailer was modernised with Imagine Dragons music and didn’t represent the tone of the game. It’s just marketing. I can’t wait for the gameplay and actual details.


If the tweet from the author of the GameInformer article is anything to go by, it's worth the excitement. https://x.com/LeBlancWes/status/1799882017641029904?t=PUhKPrEfcppL3WHujWYqAw&s=19 He went from saying it was barely a blip on his radar, to being genuinely excited for more. Edit: His article will also be available in the next few days, if it's not already


Thanks for sharing! That definitely sounds intriguing!


I am very excited. I'll admit, I was really taken back by the trailer because it was just the opposite of what I was expecting. I think it made a bad first impression and not even a glimpse of gameplay I think was a mistake, especially for a showcase that had a lot of gameplay. But I can see how they made that trailer. Wanted to draw in new fans and put a lot of attention to one of the things that Dragon Age fans love: the companions. So I can see how and why they made that trailer and I don't think they expected the backlash they're getting. This just seems like a marketing misfire and not a developmental one. I'm really excited for the new companions though and the setting. I know Bioware hasn't given anyone a reason to believe in them and most of the people that made these games are gone. But I'm excited to finally have more Dragon Age after a 10 year wait. This feels pretty close to Inquisition and I loved that game, so I'm down. Holding off any extreme feelings to Tuesday, when we'll get a real feeling for how the game is. I'm really hoping the gameplay reveal is great and cools everything off because it looks like a lot of people associated with the game love it and are really surprised at the reaction that trailer got.


I'm definitely still excited for it, I'm not really understanding the negativity at all, I didn't have a problem with the art style or the tone. My favorite new character shown was the necromancer though which a lot of people seem to be hating on him so maybe I'm just looking for something completely different than what a lot of people were expecting.


you should go on tumblr, everyone there loves him lmao


I am excited. The characters look fun.


The small sliver of hope that I have is mainly because out of everything else the world and lore have been consistent and enjoyable. But at the same time that upcoming gameplay has to really wow me now, that trailer didn't help my feelings.


I really hope they’ll knock it out of the park with the gameplay reveal so that all the people who are complaining now will like it after all. Tbf I doubt that everyone will be satisfied, people love complaining too much. But maybe some folks will at least find that the game doesn’t suck as much as they thought it would!


I think people are more drawn to complain when it's something they like that isn't living up to the reasons they liked it in the first place. I don't doubt that some are complaining just to complain.


Oh yes. Unlike most people apparently, the trailer had me so excited I was thinking about it all day, along with all the other tidbits we got today. Legitimately the entire cast has me intrigued, but I think finding out more about Rook/the character creation is what I'm most excited for. Fingers crossed they touch on that a little in the gameplay reveal :)


Of course, I didn't have a problem with the trailer.


I'm invested and going to play the game either way to see where the franchise goes. I will say I expected it to look bad due to the game being in development hell for so long, but the trailer somehow managed to look worse than I expected lol. If the gameplay looks good we can all sweep it under the rug as a horrible marketing decision and move on.


Meeee I don’t give a shit about what a prerelease intro trailer looks like. (also I thought it looked fine)


I'm excited. I love the world that Dragon Age takes place in, so getting to see more of it, as well as some returning characters, I'd check it out regardless. And as someone who has loved every Dragon Age game so far, theyve earned my love enough to make me give it a chance even if the trailer looks a little wonky.


Oh, I’m super excited!! First I saw the short reel BioWare shared on instagram and I freaked out when I saw Lucanis and Harding. Then I decided to check their YouTube, which made me find the full trailer and… OMG I was so happy after watching it!! I literally screamed when Harding and Lucanis Dellamorte appeared. I had predicted that Lucanis would become a companion, like, 4 years ago and it was really nice to see my theory confirmed. And Harding looks so awesome omg, I bet she’ll be a romance option. Seeing Neve also made me happy because she is one of my favorite Tevinter Nights’ characters. she using an ice spell was a nice detail because, well, Neve means snow in Portuguese. On the other hand, professor Emmerich was a pleasant surprise. Hope we get to see Myrna and Audric if we get to visit Nevarra for Emmerich’s personal quest. Btw, I really liked the art style shown in the trailer and the way they revealed the companions. Same goes for the humorous dialogue between Varric and Harding. It just makes sense, considering their personalities. I believe the gameplay is gonna be very very interesting and I hope we get to see Teia and Viago hahahaha


I really haven’t been keeping up with the news until recently so I’m in a neutral mood until I see the gameplay.


Absolutely agree about the negativity, and it’s honestly shocking considering this game had been on the chopping block a few times. I am just happy that we’re getting a fourth installment and a continuation of the story at all. ♥️But I suppose it’s easier for me since I actually really like the new art style choice and I already want to get to know our new companions!


I am! Griffons! I was watching it very excitedly with my friends, we were having a great time, then I come here and omg the drama. Maybe it *will* totally suck, but goodness let’s collect a *little* more data before we totally lose our heads, yeah?


I’m interested, but I’ll need to see more. Right now it feels like a side story more than a world changing epic story.


Really? I feel like most people seem excited to me. The only moments are when they are criticizing possible concerns for the game based on trailers/status of their development team. It’s no surprised that BioWare hasn’t been doing well for quite a long time. I am cautiously excited. Excited in general for another dragon age game but at the same time, I really hope they have managed to flip their downward trend.


I both absolutely hate the art style and the video today, and am excited for the new game.


I am for sure. There isn’t one game in this series I haven’t had issues with because nothing is perfect. I’m looking forward to seeing what the reality of the thing is as more reveals happen and if it’s not a GOAT game then, well, it’s a game and I’ll enjoy it for what I can take from it.


Thrilled for it. Even if I thought the trailer was representative of what the game will be/look like (I don't), I'm open to Bioware trying new things, and I can't wait for it.


Honestly I’m a sucker for an IP that I like so I’m pretty open to anything dragon age that isn’t microtransaction hell




Honestly no matter what the end result is I'll play it and probably love it. I found the DA series in 2020 when I dusted off my old 360 and was searching for games I hadn't played. It was my comfort media that got me through lock down/pandemic times, and got me back into gaming. It could be a pile of hot garbage and I'd be excited lol. The art of the trailer isn't what I expected but I'm really happy to have another chapter of the DA world to play through a dozen times.


Yea, I'm excited still. The trailer doesn't bother as much, but I'm more interested in a 15-minute gameplay reveal than a 2-minute trailer.


yeah! im pumped to play it i just have to yell about it!!!


it's a new bloody hell dragon age game since 10 year ago how the hell i would not excited!!


Been excited for it since the gameplay leak a while back, lost excitement after news of troubled development, and now back to excited seeing it's a real game and the dev team is happy with it


I'm definitely excited!! Been a fan since Dragon Age Origins and I love every installment of Dragon Age!! Literally everything about every game, I love for different reasons! Trailer looks just fine to me, all the characters look great as well!! It's been 10 years. I already knew I was gonna play the game before all this. Only complaint I have is the 10 year wait, but here we are. Forget all this "I'll wait for the gameplay footage to decide or wait for this or that". Why? We've waited long enough. Just play the game and enjoy a new installment of Dragon Age. Because in several years people will be here anyways talking about "the game is actually great. I should've given it a chance back then blah blah blah...who's WHO'S WITH ME" 🙄...I'm just here to play new Dragon Age game and enjoy it for what it is. A great franchise of a game!!! My own personal opinion!


I was hyped when I saw the Warden dudes lil Griffin<3 I'm also excited how the Necromancer will work gameplay wise


I LOVED the artstyle. But even if I didn’t, I never played Dragon Age for its graphics; it was the gameplay and dialogue what hooked me. If artstyle it’s the only thing that changes and the writing stays strong, then I’m willing to give it a chance.


I don't think I've ever been more excited for anything.


I am. And the trailer brought me joy. Literal joy like a kid on Christmas morning.


Yep! Art style was never my main concern with these games.


I'm excited to meet the new companions (ESPECIALLY the elf!! warden, and Lucanis) but most of all im excited to see who will come back!!! I usually like stylized games personally, not sure its the best direction (the necromancer in particular looks weird in the art style imo) but I think it will grow on me. Also I think it'll be more subtle in game. It sucks everyone is being so negative. I have never played a bad dragon age game and I never will


I was sad to see so much negativity after that trailer. While it was definitely a strange tone for a first trailer, I don't think it is necessarily indicative of how the game will be. The companions look interesting and I love that Harding is back. I will reserve further judgement until tomorrow when we see gameplay.


Yes for sure. A game can have a bad trailer and still be great. The art direction isn’t even that cartoony to me either. Comparable to DA 2 imo


Agreed!! I’m gonna judge the game once it’s fully out and we can play it. Not all is lost just yet.


While I didn't like the tone of this trailer or the art style, the earlier trailers combined with the leaked footage gives me more confidence. I'm hopeful that this was just a misstep by the marketing team, and I'm very much looking forward to the game!


I definitely am! I understand the dislike for the trailer but it didn't bother me that much and I can see what the marketing team was trying for in the way they set it up... I can also see how and why it seemed to bomb for some people too. That said, everything else I've seen so far is just continually growing my excitement. All the little details about the companions, the screenshots, the bits of key art I'm seeing posted around! Tbh it's all making me buzz with excitement and I cannot wait to see the gameplay preview on Tuesday. I'm so eager to see more of this storyline they've been putting together and to see what's going on with Solas and his whole plot.


We'll see Tuesday.


Yes, given the fact they set up a community feedback advisory council and the leaked screens and such.


I agree the trailer was a bit corny, but I can understand how it might accomplish the devs wish to emphasize the team along with the current milieu of games. I just finished the series for the first time and had a blast with each, so unless the story goes completely off the rails or the game is literally unplayable I'm sure it will be a good time.


I’m still excited, honestly for everything lol,


Absolutely! If there's a single constant in this series is it's inconsistency with the three games being very different from each other. The main pull about these games for me has been the story and engaging gameplay, the graphics never really mattered. So as long as the story is good and entertaining and the gameplay is fun I won't mind changes. We also have to understand that the last entry in the series is 10yo at this point and a lot of things change within a company in ten years time.




I'm cautiously optimistic. Also, hating is always trendy, and for many years I was made to believe (by haters) that DA:I was garbage. In the end, it became my favorite of the series (ranked even slightly higher than DA:O). So yeah, fuck hatemongering. A 15-minute gameplay video is coming out June 11, then we shall see. The trailer was obviously aimed at non-fans of the franchise — just like almost all other DA trailers, btw. Remember DA:O super teen-edgy first trailer with some hardcore metal song in the background? It wasn't aimed at BG2 fans, that's for sure.


I was very excited before the reveal trailer and now I have scaled that way back. I'm keeping as open a mind as I can but I'm feeling a bit worried. The gameplay footage is going to be huge for how excited I will allow myself to be before release. I love Dragon Age so I'm hoping for the best.


I'd say I'm cautiously optimistic. The trailer really was terrible IMO, but if you take a step back from the presentation and the music, the art style itself doesn't look that bad. A little cartoony maybe, but that's not inherently the worst thing in the world. And the actual screenshots (both the ones from the Dragon Age twitter and the Game Informer cover) look a lot better.


I'm stoked! It's sad to see everyone upset about the trailer (which tbfh, I was a huge fan of! art style has changed almost every single game, I 100% expected it and do not mind it what-so-ever), but I'm also going into it with 0 expectations except that I will probably enjoy it! I've learned with DA games that each one is unlike the other. If I go into DA2 expecting DAO of course I'm going to be disappointed, if I go into DAI expecting something like DA2 I'll be disappointed. So, I learned to let go of my preconceived notions, hopes, or wishes, and just kick back, relax, and enjoy what the game has to offer. It's a new story with new characters, and I am 100% down for that. Of course I have my favorites, but I can't really judge something when I've never played it before. For now, I'm super excited for the game to be released and cannot wait!


Look, you already got tons of replies already, but rest assured that this happens every time BioWare releases a new game. I made the mistake before of trying to engage with angry fans, and it's just a waste of time. My advice is to focus on your own enjoyment of the game and ignore the rest. Angry people will harp at other fans and try to smother any sign of someone daring to enjoy the game that they don't, so it's important not to let them. I once spoke to a guy who deeply loves the DA games, huge fan! He didn't even know about the DAII backlash and when I told him, he was like, "I would never bother with that, I just play the games and love them." Totally made me look at my own experience more critically and I then decided to ignore online hate and anti-fans. Best decision I ever made!


I'm excited. Cautious but excited. They've done all the stories pretty well to this point and I like the idea of more character focus.


I'm still excited, especially knowing that we will have actual gameplay in less than 48 hours. Don't see the point in being anxious about what the game is going to look like when we're literally about to find out.


I didn’t really like the look of the trailer at all, but everything else I’ve seen about the game today has made me more hyped. The screenshots the Dragon Age twitter account posted look outstanding.


Of course I’m excited. I want to see what became of Thedas in the decade we’ve been gone. I’m worried about what form the game will take and whether or not I’ll like that form, but I want a new Dragon Age game. When the last one came out, I was a child in middle school.


Pretty excited! I'm always excited to meet the new companions, and that's what they hyped today, so I'm pretty excited on that front.


I didn't have an issue with the trailer, I'm hyped that it's coming out this year. Looking forward to the gameplay on Tuesday


I'm stoked, GIMMIE THE GAME <3


Cautiously optimistic, is what I would describe my feelings right now. Big fan, I want the game to be good, but Bioware hasn't delivered something good for many years now and my only positive take of the trailer is that I like the companions.


It's dragon age, I like the world and I'm sure I'll enjoy my time with the game, I'm ok with the artwork TBH, Maybe I'm less sensitive to this kind of stuff, the trailer itself was more goofy and lighthearted than I expected considering the stakes, and the introduction to the protagonist was weaker compared to the inquisitor, champion and warden, those are the things that bothered me, will I be playing day 1? Of courser I will, I know muself too well


I am!


i'm hella excited! Tuesday's gameplay segment is gonna be the highlight of my week.


I'm very excited and I can't wait to see more. The artstyle, while not what I expected, doesn't bother me - the game still looks absolutely fantastic and I think we'll get used to the characters' design. Plus, it will age well. Can't wait to get the game


I'm more excited than I was before which admittedly wasn't much at all. It's nice to actually see something tangible and I like the character designs shown so I'm going to remain cautiously optimistic


I’m freaking stoked. And I think the gameplay reveal will reassure the folks who are currently freaking out over a cinematic trailer they didn’t care for.


I'm more excited than ever! Idk what I'm the most excited for, but Emmrich and his skelepal Manfred are definitely high on the list! Also Taash, a qunari from rivain representing the Lords of Fortune with a crystal horn?? So cool. Ghilinains creatures will be equally horrifying and interesting and I can't wait to see them either!




I’m excited! And to be Frank, I’ve never played a dragon age game for the art anyway. It’s always been for the story. As long as the story ends up being good, I’m happy.


I'm so excited! I'm going to buy the game and I'll probably love it. There are always going to be things to complain about, but I love this series and I've been waiting a long time for this. I love the story and I have no doubt that we're in for another great continuation of this story and I absolutely can't wait!


I’m more excited than ever because every day it is closer to release.


Yeah looks cool


I am absolutely excited. I don’t think anything Bioware could have come out with would have pleased the fanbase, who love to complain and be bitter. Plenty of fans hate Inquisition. That alone lets you know the fandom’s reaction is no indication of quality or anything of the sort. Gameplay trailer/preview this Tuesday will be the real test anyway, but I’m still VERY HYPE.


I’m more excited after today than I have been in years. It feels like so little was shown or spoken about, and now seeing the companions and a release date I’m starting to feel the hype.


I'm still very much excited. I'm kind of a newer Dragon Age fan having only played Inquistion and currently playing Origins, so it's harder to disappoint me as I'm still very much still experiencing everything Dragon Age has to offer. So I don't understand all the negativity and worry off of like a 2 min reveal. Especially considering video games aren't like other entertainment. If it sucks there's a chance it can be fixed.


I'm excited! I want to see what kind of story they tell. I'm sure the devs put a lot of effort into this game and I'm excited to experience it. I've just learned to drown out other people's opinions. All that matters is whether I enjoy a game.


Nah I’m still hyped. We just got a reveal about the characters. We still don’t know much about how the gameplay works and I have a feeling it’s gonna be good. Don’t let the negativity get you down man. I think the problem is that since games development has been so long, people have built up this image in their heads about what Veilguard should be, and any deviation from what they thought of is going to get them mad. Just enjoy the game if you want to and have fun.


Honestly, I'm not one who judges games by their art style. I don't think the graphics are to far off from what Inquisition was going for, but it is leaning more towards the Fortnite style, which I don't think is a bad thing persay, but it's different. There's also the fact that DA trailers normally aren't the greatest (except for the Destiny trailer, that thing is a work of art). I'm reserving judgement for the gameplay trailer Tuesday, but from shots posted on the DA twitter, the game looks fantastic art wise. Seriously, I suggest checking them out if you haven't already.


Yes, despite all the issues with each of the other games in the series, I absolutely love all three games. I'm actively trying to find a cheap ps3 so I can try and squeeze in another series run before da4 drops.


Yes, completely. I actually don't think the artstyle looked that off; it was just the capture shots, which were all complete cinematics. The actual action looked fine to me. And the tone doesn't put me off, given that it was Varric carrying the trailer, so of course it's going to be sassy and comedic. I'm sure we will have plenty of seriousness later. If they follow Inquisition's style, there will be multiple trailers, with different focuses. I'm looking forward to the gameplay reveal!


Me. Absolutely, I miss Thedas, and am looking forward to another adventure in it.


Yes. For one because I've bothered to look at the gameinformer screenshots that are way more representative.


I loved the trailer (aside from the music choice, but it does follow the DA tradition of using pop music, I can’t complain too much). I’m so pumped! The game is real! It’s real and within 6 months I can play it! And it has companions and a plot and missions and music and… It’s real! I’m going to be playing a new Dragon Age game soon!!!


I'm still looking forward to the game. I really want to see the gameplay trailer because I feel like that'll give the best actual idea for the game and how it plays. Plus, my favorite part of the games has always been the characters and story. I can go through some awkward graphics or whatnot if the writing is good. Now, considering the layoffs and people who left the company, it's totally possible the writing isn't as great, but we won't know until we get there y'know?


I don’t think I could be more excited! I actually gasped when I saw the baby griffon in the trailer. I am just really thrilled to get back into Thedas, with a brand new character. I replayed the games in preparation and right now my devout Andrastrian Inquisitor is at the Winter Palace, wheeling and dealing. My only concern right now is what background to choose for my first run. Dalish elf is in the lead.


I’m flipping off walls( not literally)


I'm very excited to see what's next, but I know it's always possible to be let down. Personally, I saw no reason to be any more cautious than I already was after the trailer. I don't mind the art style and I know trailers aren't always 100% indicative of tone.


I played DAI when I was pregnant with my second, who is about to be 9. I’m excited, if only to have it done with. But I also play old Elder Scrolls games via various mods and third party freeware. I’m not someone who is put off by crappy art. I want a solid story and some closure with Solas.


The world is full of more toxicity than I have ever seen before. Especially in "fandom", I have never seen people be more eager to hate the new things of things they claims to love before?! I am SUPER excited for this, and the new Perfect Dark and the new Fable. I could not have been more excited after those trailers. Come to Reddit just to see endless bitching and whining. I swear people just love to hate things these days!


I am. To me, the strength of the series has always been in the characters, so I've been pleased with the clear emphasis on them thus far. The trailer wasn't my favorite, but even it was in line with that direction of focus.


100% excited. At the end of the day the series is my favorite and DAI is still my favorite game to this day. I'll be taking the day off and enjoying it either way.


Im definitely hyped as all hell. Very excited for it


Yo I’m just hyped that we’re getting a GAME. A game! A real game! It’s happening! At this point they could give me a maze on the back of a cereal box and if there was some decent lore involved I would walk away happy. A whole GAME??? This is great. 10/10 day.


I learned from Inquisitions release, no expectations. I just want to have fun in my escapism world again.


I'm even more excited, if anything. Can't wait for the gameplay trailer. That's what I'm really saving any criticism for.


Absolutely! I can’t wait to see the gameplay trailer and eventually get my hands on the game!


These negative Nelly’s can’t hurt my PMA! I haven’t been this excited for a game since Skyrim came out in 2011!! WOO DOGGY am I ready!


The trailer was giving me DA2 vibes. I think people forget that game was kinda goofy. I've always been excited for the game but I'm waiting on gameplay because that's what actually matters.


I’m excited! Tbh i dont get the weird outrage to the trailer. The cinematic trailers are so often not how it actually looks in the game. Wild that a single trailer can cause so much despair. I’ve been with this series since the beginning and even when i felt it fumbled i still was excited. I can’t wait to play!!


I’m absolutely excited. There are COUNTLESS games that reveal these engine cgi trailers that are so completely removed from the actual tone, story, and art style of the actual game I would not be surprised if the same thing is happening here. Also maybe I have bad taste or just am huffing copium but the trailer was a fun campy way to introduce the companions. I know people were complaining it was too “quippy” but the narrators of the trailer are Varric and Harding and I think they were trying to match the tone of those two characters a bit as they can be seen as “quippy”. Not saying it was a smart first trailer or a good marketing decision but I think the HOARDS of people already acting like the game is a failure is so dramatic. I’ve waited a long time for this game and I can wait a little longer until I see real gameplay to decide if it’s good or not.


Still excited, still looking forward to this closure.


Oh I'm very excited. Barely paid much attention to the actual trailer, I know the game won't be like that, that's been a thing in gaming for decades. Even still, I mean, it's dragon age. And I like dragon age. Of course I'm excited.


I am excited to play this game. I will buy it regardless of if I think it’s a masterpiece or not because I have loved this series for a long time. I want the series to continue even if this one is a swing and miss. But I hold out hope it will be a new favorite of mine.


I'm curious about who the protagonist is, and the character creator.


I was shocked by how much older Varric looks but then I thought, god I hope I look that cool in my 50s.


I still have hopium that the gameplay reveal will do the game justice, since the trailer's direction is not what I think a Dragon Age game should've been


I'm super excited. I don't get the hate on the artstyle at all. It reminds me of Bioshock infinite and slightly of We Happy Few. Its creative and will stand the test of time better than realistic games.  Not a fan of the happy and loud companions like the Veil jumper elf seems to be, nor of the righteous goody two shoes like the Warden seems to be. Hopefully Im wrong about them. But I'm going to hyper focus on Neve, Lucanis and Emmrich and I'll be fine. The banter between Lucanis and Emmrich must be amazing. I also watched the old trailers and hated them so much. They're just bloody and "I'm so manly manly game" which is why it took me so long to start playing Origins and DA:2. Inquisition came out after the skyrim hype and only after that I gave origins and DA:2 a chance. Such a shame because they're not "I'm so manly manly" at all. 


I am PUMPED. The art style doesn't concern me. Honestly, i think it's geared towards kids not my old ass. So I get it. I like abilities and mixing and matching. I'm happy to see real undead. Im happy to see a gryphon in there. Bring it on!!


I don’t hate the weird dishonored trailer art style, but that still mage they released that looked….much more realistic cheered me up *immensely*


I think the trailer is for mass appeal, as they already got us die hard locked in. No point advertising to us as we buying it anyway. Just my take and i could be jaded from working in game industry for nearly 10 years but this matches up with what I've experienced on projects I've worked on.


Absolutely excited :) I just ignore the noise and preconceived hatred and look forward to the next adventure in Thedas


Yeah, the new screenshots look good.


I am incredibly excited! I fully expect to enjoy the gameand I while I get people being skeptical, I do think the sheer negativity is premature. Especially since we'll be seeing actual gameplay tomorrow. After that, I'll be more inclined to take people's negativity seriously.


Yes absolutely! I’ve been around for the launch of DA2 and DAI, and honestly? This is fairly normal, it seems. I think the art style of the trailer was a bit jarring, but I absolutely love this world and its characters. It could be Dragon Age: MineCraft Edition and I’d still play it over and over again. One trailer shouldn’t ruin all the hype. I think the community just hasn’t had anything to talk about for ten years, so we’re latching on to literally anything at this point. From what I’ve seen and read on Twitter since the trailer, I am stoked. The screenshots look AMAZING, and the community council members seem to think the game is phenomenal. That’s enough for me.


I feel normal about it. The trailer did not raise any concerns in my mind, and though the development has been troubled, it seems like they've been able to put together something interesting. I don’t mind the art style, and I rather like Varric’s new design, though I expect it'll take a while to get used to. The companion who is apparently able to enter the Fade at will gives me hope for the Hawkes left in the fade. So overall, positive vibes even if I can’t call it excitement.


I am!


I know OP is not replying anymore but oh boy am I excited! I honestly never thought we were gonna get a finished game with the way things were going at bioware, I'm just relieved to get some closure😂 fingers crossed that it's at least as good as previous games. I'm interested in a lot of the companions, some I'm less interested in but that's just the nature of a game with so many diversely motivated characters. It's exactly how I've felt about companions of all 3 previous games too. I'm just gonna do my best to avoid the negativity online until the game comes out and form my own opinions when I play it!


I actually really like the new visual direction! I’m really excited for the game and hope it’ll be a fresh look at a franchise I really enjoy! The introduction of the companions feels like a heist movie and I think that the art direction shift means that they can really push the weirder parts of Theda’s, play with more interesting colour palettes and fantasy elements than a realistic traditional frostbite engine style would allow, and get even more fantastical with the horror elements. I know that it’s been ten years and generally folks hate change, but I’m excited by what I’ve seen so far because it is SO different


I loved the trailer for what it is (new Dragon Age ANYTHING, woo!!) I'm cautiously optimistic about Tuesday The main thing I hope for is DO WE GET A MABARI WE CAN PET


I will always be excited about anything Dragon Age, even if I don\`t agree/like something I saw in a trailer. We've been waiting 10 years, we just want to see how they will wrap the story up.