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We *really* need a video demo of the character creator


Seriously! They've talked it up so much, but not even any screenshots yet


Dragon Age Inquisition released their cc preview Sept. 29, 2014 and the game released Nov. 18, 2014. So we’ll probably get the cc preview/demo within a similar timeframe. 


Scratch that, playable character creator demo please! :P


They should do what Dragon's Dogma did and release the character creator early.


You mean they should do what Dragon Age: Origins did and release the CC early?


Corinne Busch said we should get some footage closer to launch.


In that case, we *really* need to know when launch is 😂


I 100% agree with that. Hopefully we can get the release date within the coming weeks.


They already set a release date but won’t announce it yet. I suppose they have their own reasons. Marketing, other games, game not quite ready, optimization… etc. Most likely EA is behind this. I think first week of august we will know the release date as EA has their next earnings Call on July 30th and they will talk to the investors about the projected income made from The veilguard. Edit : added details


My money is the fact that this fall has a ton of huge releases they are still trying to identify the best release


They have confirmed the release date is finalized and to be announced soon


Do we know if there are any big events coming up where a reveal would get a lot of attention ? That’s the main reason I can think of why they would wait


Yes gamescom in august in Germany. Devs were asked if they will attend it and they said they will tell us more ‘’soon’’


I wonder if there's actually a fixed release date yet. It would make sense not to reveal it if they aren't 100% certain.


They said fall 2024 right? so atleast before december if it dosent get delyed


Yes. I wouldn't really call this a "deep dive" into anything either. A paragraph of hyperbole (at least the writer admits it) followed by a brief but light overview of (expected) options. I am somewhat concerned about how adjusting various sizes (shoulders in particular) will work with armor/clothing and not create texture/animation issues. For the longest time in early access BG3 had only one size for all player characters, as there was no way to include such sliding scales without negatively impacting animation in game, so it'll be interesting to see how that was worked around.


I was concerned about this too but a lot of people dismissed the concern saying there are plenty of other games that do this just fine. I guess dragons dogma may be an example of this!


Yes and no, Dragons Dogma 1 had some texture stretching and clipping issues but was overall better than the solution they made for Dragon's Dogma 2 where cloaks and clothing at the hips has a weird tendency to hover/float above the body model if you cranked it to max. I think because the first game had preset body peices with some adjusting they could prepare for. I tried to give my character some juicy Capt. America pectorals since he was bear-build body type only to have everything that should have laid on his shoulders/collar weirdly sit about 3 in-game inches above it. Same with bigger booty/thigh sliders making an awful unflattering puckering/peplum effect on some skirted armors Bg3 negated that by having just the unadjustabke body types. I just pray the base clothing for DA4 isn't horrendeous. The olive green nquisitor pajamas still make me grimace


Yeah, a lot of the armour and outfits in 2 'fit' quite badly on the Arisen. The magical girl skirt from the first game looked awful in 2, like it was floating off the ass. It was all over the place, some things looked amazing, others looked frustratingly bad.


They're probably gonna slow walk the content up until release. So next month could be the character creator with some gameplay of the various character classes (hopefully with some mid-game play... and a better player).


> They're probably gonna slow walk the content up until release. Game Informer has said they're going to be releasing articles like this every other weekday for the next several weeks. They're milking that one day at Bioware **hard** - presumably this is part of their exclusive deal with Bioware.


I’m salivating at the idea of long hair!


Yes please


Somebody forgot the whole "show, don't tell" thing, I think.


No, the marketing team just knows that you can get two news cycles out of telling, and then showing later.


Doubtful they will do that. With Dragons Dogma 2 people were able to datamine the creator they released, so it could put information they don't want leaked at risk.


One thing I found interesting was the pitch shifter for the 4 voices, the only other game I’ve played that has done that was Dragons Dogma 1, and while it was a nice thought the overall execution left a lot to be desired. Although that was more than a decade ago so i’m confident the implementation should be at least a little smoother in DAV. I’m also super happy to hear that they have multiple different lighting settings in the cc that you actually experience in game, instead of that awful green background in DAI’s cc that made everyone run to The Black Emporium as soon as possible.


I'd be wary about messing with the pitch too much and making it sound weird. Also whatever bugs that come with the pitch value getting out of whack for whatever reason.


Hogwarts legacy did it and the best one was the default. The other ones sounds too robotic at times


Changing pitch in Hogwarts Legacy makes your character sound like a possessed robot most of the times so I really hope it works better here.


i dunno, Dragons Dogma 2, which came out a few months ago, has a pitch slider too and it still sounds off even slightly shifted that most everyone just picked the unpitched voices in character creator it's generally made me doubtful of pitch adjustments


Not even close to the same genre BUT the pitch slider in Dynasty Warriors Empires 8 is superb. Can make three different warriors with the same voice line and they can all sound completely different because of the pitch slider.


iirc some of the Saints Row games had a pitch slider, but those games are much more comedic in tone so the weirdness of the effect isn't as out of place against more natural sounding voices. Curious to see if Veliguard manages to pull that off, as I like using the English accent on Qunari and wouldn't mind dropping the pitch slightly if it sounds natural.


I make my character have the squeakiest or deepest voice possible in that game 🤣 yeah they're never out of place


I've seen it in a couple of games. Bannerlord is one and it's actually not bad. I forget what the other game was but I thought it was terrible lol. Edit:2nd one was Hogwarts Legacy


I played Hogwarts Legacy and it had pitch sliders. They left a lot to be desired, it was really obvious that the options had been pitched. Though it would've been fun if we had different accent's, I wanted my girl to be slinging spells in Scottish.


I'm hoping we get some description of the tarot card system for selecting choices from previous games. How many cards are we talking about? Just major decisions? Minor ones? How easy is it to use? Can you set a "random" set of history to make each playthrough unique? Also hoping this is included as part of any CC pre-release we get before DAV releases properly.


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) Us coming up with theories when we see which choices will carry for the first time


Part of me is kinda upset because if it’s only the choices that matter being carried over, you kind of get a mini foreshadow/spoiler of what’s going to come/be of importance which kind of ruins a little bit of the surprise. Not a big deal tho.


If they're smart about it, they'll have a decently sized pool of choices that are both majorly and minorly important, ranging from origins to inquisition. Ideally(to me), like 15-20+ choices from each game with 10ish of each group only affecting something minor like dialog, so it's harder to spoil more major stuff. I hope they'll have 3-5 world states for brand new players as well so they can get some replayability without having to play previous games for decisions (even tho they should anyways lol). Idk, after 10 years, I hope a good amount of things and ideas have accumulated. I know they've rebooted twice(?) since inquisition, but that doesn't mean they have to trash alllllll of the progess made. Maybe they'll lean into the tarot theme and have 78 choices, hah!


mmmm…. 78 choices…. (or even just the major arcana! please?)


there's no way they're gonna have 10+ questions for each game. More like 10+ total and I think that's pushing it. Remember, they're catering to new players as well which means every choice has to come with an explanation, and nobody wants to sit through an entire multiple choice quiz before they can start playing the game they spent 70$ on and have been waiting 10 years for.


If they were smart about it, they'd divide it into a basic backstory section and an optional advanced backstory section, because I absolutely would prefer to sit through a multiple choice quiz so I can get the world state just right.


That, and/or have an easy 'default prearranged worldstate' button that a new player can just click and have everything sorted for them without having to spend time looking at the cards at all.


Yeah this is my concern too.. I mean they probably won't be bluffing with extra choices of no actual consequences, so getting spoiled is probably a given :(


It's gonna be funny making The Inquisitor with this. My Lavellan apparently learned how to style their hair better and lifted some weights in these 8 years.


They had a photo of Solas taped to the wall their gym. They just silently lifted weights staring at it for eight years.


lmao I love this


For mine, I imagined that the advisors dressed her in bland clothes and questonable haircuts to make her seen as more humble to the masses and she hated every minute of it. 😅


My inquisitor fell in love with Josephine, and she started making him dress appropriately. “ Oh you are NOT going out to this party in your ARMOR!”


I hope you can pick the clothing style of the Inquisitor. Imagine if they brought back the red officer uniform or the pajamas and Inky wears those for the rest of the campaign.


I would be pissed if that was the only outfit for the Inquisitor, but if it's included as an option I'm totally making her wear it, for ~~the meme~~ totally serious story reasons. My canon Inquisitor Trevelyan romanced Josephine. I cannot stand the red dress uniforms, and neither can my Inquisitor. The fact that there's not *one* line in which I can bitch about having to wear a nutcracker outfit means three things must be true: 1. Josephine picked the outfits everyone would wear to the Winter Palace, and 2. Trevelyan is so stupid over Josie that she would rather eat her red outfit than hurt Josephine's feelings, and 3. The entire rest of the squad are aware of this, and are glumly wearing the horrible itchy things because they know Trevelyan will go *absolutely ballistic* if anyone tells Josephine that she has no sense of taste. Meanwhile, Josephine dug the monkey suits out of a Skyhold attic, because she's trying to keep the Inquisition out of bankruptcy, and she's just happy everybody else in the Inquisition has no sense of taste.


I didn't get how it's meant to be formal attire. Sure, the top half is official looking, but then the bottom half has these scuffed brown leather boots that look more fit for adventuring.


Half of Thedas thinks you're not properly dressed unless you're ready for someone to kick you out of a window.


I can live with the Red Officer Uniform, that actually looked decent (though the black variant was obviously better). Though to be fair, with the beard it made my Qunari Mage look like an old German Count, so that may be part of it.


For the love of the Maker PLEASE do not make Inky wear the red dress uniform, BioWare I’m begging you.


Same with mine, I just headcanoned that my Lavellen was just very butch and also had no sense of fashion 😂 Inquisitor, wearing the awkward-ass skyhold pajamas: “huh? Well… it’s comfy innit? I don’t care what other people think while I’m at home here” Josephine: “You cannot be serious T_T”


But Leliana is Orlesian and knows Orlesians love flashy clothes


Yes and that would make the Inquisitor stand out even more, let the fashion elite ask questions 😅🤣🤣


"OK, what am I missing here? That thing is drab as the Maker allows anything to be, yet is also exquisitely tailored with ornamental gems on it. They're trying to taunt me, clearly".


This is so clever


Had to lie to myself for the infinite flavors of bald 😂🥲


Imagine if they brought back the Inquisition character creator *just* for the Inquisitor.


Green lighting only too 😂


Imagine people meeting your Inky 10 years later and be like "face lift, botox, cheek implants, chin and jaw filler, hair grafting, neck lift, lip lift, buccal fat removal, nose job, brow lift, eyelid lift, microneedling, juvederm, thread lift, veneers, beauty filter"


My Inquisitors are all gonna look like shit because they've earned the right to stop caring


Oh defenetly, my Lavellan enjoyed the retirement money + Varric made her a countess, so she had a glow up just to spite her egg when next they meet


There are going to be SO MANY Inky glow-ups <3


>Inky glow-ups I hope we get to see what Inky looks like pre-launch.


When they lost the one arm, the other arm got a whole lot more action.


God my Lavellan swinging around his two-handed sword while looking like the Virgin in the Chad vs. Virgin memes was the worst part of Inquisition. Some weight lifting was definitely in order.


You can bulk up his one arm so it makes sense he still uses a two-handed sword!


“The Inquisitor… well, they were never the same after the steroids……”


we can age our inquisitors realistically I hope!


I hope they release a cc before the game itself, like with Saint's Row and Dragons Dogma 2


Bioware, please. I almost had 20 hours in the DD2 demo and the funny thing is my arisen still ended up looking different from any of the characters I made.


Yes! I always spend a lot of time in the character creator, so if they released a cc demo I could do it before the game is released and not waste my time


Dragon Age: Origins also had one - https://rpgwatch.com/forum/threads/dragon-age-character-creator-now-available.8592/ Hope they do it again.


I was there Gandalf, I was there three-thousand years ago when we counted down the release of the DA:O builder on the Bioware Forums.


They really should; especially having two characters too mess around with.


Absolutely! I need time to make my Inky and Rook, especially since they can't be identical haha


I can't imagine how long I'm going to be in the cc on my first play through and using the mirror thing.


Same here. I'll probably spend hours playing with cc


Same here! It will also help us create histories ahead of time since that's now moved to the CC from the Keep!


woohoo body tattoos!


Seriously. I am so happy more and more games are finally moving past tattoos being face only.


Ironically face tattoos are the least common IRL compared to literally anywhere else on body. I do think this is coming hand in hand with better body customisation and nudity in character creator


Oh no doubt. Despite having tattoos in real life most games I would never use the tattoos because yea... I'm not interested in neck and face tats haha. Everything they are saying here is fantastic. And character creators in general are moving forward in awesome ways.


For real, like how many people irl only have facial tattoos and an ink-free body? Like obviously this is not the real world and clearly there isn't a stigma associated with visible tattoos in Thedas, but it still feels so weird to only have some on your face. With the Dalish, there's at least lore reasons.


Casteless Dwarves as well. Speaking of which, I wonder if we'll be able to indicate our origin for the Dwarves. Since we can apparently do that with the Dalish/City Elves, it would only make sense.


Yeah but no piercings seems wild


I just really hope/wish they would release the CC for free ahead of release, like DD2 did, so I can play with it as much as I want and still have a character ready for release.


Haha I really want one not cuz I’m excited about the character creation itself but because I want to be able to play on release day and not spend hours creating a character first!


I'm never going to leave the character creator, am I?


It's the honoured tradition of character creation. Spending several hours trying to make your character perfect, starting the game, being disappointed with how some things look, start over again.


At minimum you have a day for Inqy and a day for Rook.


Looking forwards to making an elf warrior who looks like they can actually pick up their sword this time.


Honestly this sounds so cool. Giving me major Saints Row CC/Sims vibes. The pitch slider will be interesting to see in action. I wonder if they've borrowed something similar to the sims? That at least has a usable range. Also, vitiligo? Body tattoos? Cauliflower ear???? Unreal how much they're including compared to every other Bioware game. I can't wait to see it (and Veilguard as a whole obviously) but in general everything that's coming out about this game sounds like everything I've been dreaming up for a decade lol.


honest to god this sounds better than the sims 4 CC (which isn't saying much tho because its still kinda meh. The default tatts are shit


Sims is pretty good (for the time it was created at least) at the body/face morphing, but yes, absolutely the body tats are shit 🥲


Saints Row gave me a taste of bulge slider soooo


Hope unarmed combat is viable so I can make a thick wrestler Rook with cauliflower ear.


YES even some kind of fist weapon that gets you real close. That would be cool as hell.


I'm really interested in seeing and hearing more about the Faction/Lineage combos and how detailed the "Previously on Dragon Age" stuff is.


I love the idea of morphing 3 presets together. You could really do some fun things with that!


My rook is gonna have the biggest ass in MinrathASS.


With the sliders, I wonder how that is going to play out in cut scenes with companions (romantic or otherwise), especially when it comes to height. I really hope there isn’t going to be a bunch of clipping but I’m sure with the effort they are putting into this that they’ve taken it into account.


With how often someone is picked up and put on a table or something in romance cut scenes I could see them easily finding a work around lol


I think they touched on this in either the Q&A or the longer article that was released, but I recall them saying something about making sure the camera accounts for height differences in cut scenes.


This is what I'm wondering too. If we can change our character's height, how's the romance or hug scenes going to look? I know in Baldur's Gate 3 there were issues with the companions kissing the air instead of the player character. I'm guessing the scenes will have the characters mostly sitting down? 🤔


I'm sure we'll have some glitches with the camera and height but tou can also do some clever camera work too. Like a certain romance scene in DAI had stuff look like it was being thrown off a table. But in reality it was just moved out of the way


> You can (…) use the "Body Morpher" to select three presets for each corner of a triangle and then move a cursor within it to morph your body or head into a mix of these presets. Oh, that is *cool*!


Yup, this definitely sounds like Fallout 4. Sounds like Inquisition, with the cartesian plane and X/Y axes, but for the body


Man, I was really, really hoping we would at least get a screenshot or *something* in this focus piece on the CC, this is killing me.


Anyone else excited to pick Rook's underwear?


Time to lock in the purple banana hammock on the Dwarf.


Don’t forget to use the mirror of transformation to change your underwear before going out on a new mission for maximum immersion xD


Time to put on my lucky thong for when I face Solas!


Who needs underwear?


You can customize glute size, max that slider bar out


So those DAV articles Game Informer said they’re going to publish over the next weeks is just going to be the 90% of the same information rehashed from their cover story? Good for their ad revenue I guess but sucks as the game’s marketing.


Right? I'm reading through this going "where's the new information?" Give me a bloody screenshot at the very least.


Exactly. It's five different shades of saying a square has four sides.


Yessssssss character creation is actually why I picked up Inquisition and the series of a whole, I loved the idea of making my own main character lol


It's gold and should be a main focus in these types of games (I'd die on this hill) 


Please give us a release date BioWare 😭😭😭


The monkey's paw curls, and they reveal the release date: December 21.


Nothing new here, a little video or pictures would have been nice but maybe it's too soon..


Wesley Leblanc (the author of the article) said he tried to get images of the cc and wasn’t given permission. I guess they’re really trying to keep it “hush hush” until Bioware’s own deep dive video.


There was one new detail: you can *choose* presets for the corners of the body morph triangle slider! Whenever I’ve seen triangle sliders it’s just a default “heroic, slender, round” but the fact that you can select between multiple options for each corner sounds like it’ll be a lot more varied in what it can do!


Dragon Age: the character creator


That sounds absolutely BRILLIANT. Anyone else freaking out about the glitter options? Damn right ima be making some kind of acid-fae, rave mage Rook at some point. Excited to play with Qunari too, with the horn material versatility, as DAI CC for Qunari left a lot to be desired. Sounds like a big step up! & long hair options, woop!


My Lavellan is going to rock that glitter because after all her ancient god boyfriend has put her through, she deserves a glow-up with glitter.


If only Inky had been born in the time of modern character creators, Solas never would have broken up with her.


I didn’t catch the glitter part and now I need to go back and reread lol


I’m glad they are adding sliders for body types, I can finally make an elf be muscular, and not super fucking skinny.


I already planned my playthrough. I will make my rook and Inquisitor look exactly the same so when they both meet Solas he’ll be confused af lol


Really wish we had an Italian accent. Going to be weird playing an antivan or rivaini without the accent


>Don't stress too much about locking in your character creations before beginning the game lmfao, but I'm glad the game comes with the magic mirror, I'm constantly tweaking my characters. Also >no pics of the cc yawn


Can't wait to play as a max height qunari.


I really hope this CC gets transferred to the next Mass Effect as well!


So will we get to pick what type of junk we got since there's nudity in the cc?


Given the gender related options, I'd be incredibly surprised if you were unable to pick that.


I've been waiting so long to make my tall elven amazon


Bioware, I beg, please release the character creator early. I need it. I didn't even play dragon's dogma 2 and spent a good hour and a half messing around with the cc demo lolol.


Yes, yes, it all sounds great---*now show it!*


>"Rook is here because they choose to be and that speaks to the kind of character that we've built," Busche adds. "Someone needs to stop this, and Rook says, 'I guess that’s me.'" I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but this quote gives me some major good vibes for the story overall. I like my heroes to be component but not overpowered, and I'm a little tired of the hapless hero thrust into random circumstances.


I’m curious if Rook actually comes across as this given what was revealed in the original GI article SPOILERS  >!Rook’s blood gets mixed with the ritual giving them a direct connection to the Fade and Solas. Rook is the one that “needs to stop this” because they’re the ones that fucked up the ritual and freed the Blighted Evanuris and now they have that “special connection” no one else has.!<


Sure, but they’ve already decided to help at that point.


Eh, they agreed to help find and stop Solas. Helping stop the Evanuris is less “I want to” and more “Guess I have to.”  I actually don’t mind the chosen one trope but it just seems a bit odd to me that BioWare is pushing this spin on Rook when what we know about them so far seems very similar to Inky’s circumstances. I actually want more details about Rook over companions because they’re going to be the vehicle through which we experience and craft our story.  >!Your protagonist is sent by their people/organization/faction to obtain information on a brewing catastrophe (Templar v Mage/Veil down). They end up confronting an ancient god (Cory/Solas) and disturb a massively complex ritual (Fade related) that releases more demons/spirits onto Thedas. You also lose (not necessarily dies) someone important (Divine/Varric). Protagonist then obtains a special Fade connection (hand/blood) that can help stop the coming apocalypse, becomes the leader because of this, obtains a base (Skyhold/Lighthouse) from Solas, and gathers a team to stop the end of the world.!< I’m not saying BioWare can’t differentiate Rook v. Inky despite the similar beginnings. I’m just extremely curious and looking forward to see how they pull it off. 


Is hair color shared between all locations or can we pick different colors for different parts? I've found very few games that let you have facial hair that isn't the same color as your hair.


I thought you were going somewhere very different with that color consistency with body hair thing.


If they ever remaster the other games, this CC needs to be a cornerstone.


I'm gonna totally gonna make a qunari muscle mommy crush tevinters and qun loyalists with her thighs


> Body customization includes: Glute and bulge size/Height and Musculature sliders Are you ready for all the Himbos that are going to appear in this subreddit when this game comes out?


I always play Human Warriors. Currently fighting the urge of making a scrawny Qunari twink rogue.


The crappy horn/hair options turned me off qunari in inquisition. If I can make one similar to DA2 Arishok oh baby we in business. He was a cool mf


For me it was the weirdly human looking face they put on the Qunari. And I wanted to be a beefcake female Quanari, but that option wasn't there... Man, DA2 really spoiled us when it came to good looking Qunari.


> I always play Human Warriors. It's time to do it again https://preview.redd.it/4zzypl1p3gr91.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=2820d22c68b249a721e652be4f82b20efb074064


Same, might switch it up and make a Dwarf this time around. Not sure on the class but could be rogue since i've never played one in the series.


Seriously, from the descriptions it looks like DA:V will have the best CC out there. Just please, please give us a good variety of black hairstyles, not just that boring ol' cornrows & 'fro or that already-overdone Killmonger hairstyle \^\^''


I need a benchmark of the character creator immediately


I just want to know if there are piercings. None of the info I’ve seen even mentions them.


Nothing really new here. Just repeated a lot of the same info we already had, with maybe a few additional details sprinkled in. But with no pictures or videos of the CC it’s kind of a waste.


Damn only thing missing is piercings 😭 But love all the new additions!!


The mention of unique tattoos for elves makes me hopeful that we can play as Dalish elves, and the fact that you can choose those before the faction choice indicates that it isn't restricted by your background. It seems more and more like I'll really be able to play as my years-in-the-making DA4 protag. Also, body tattoos! Whoohoo!


They've confirmed you can play as Dalish Elves, but it seems to depend on the background.


Still no word as to if I can create a human sized dwarf.


It’s all so exciting!! I can’t wait to see it 😍


I'm sooo glad we get to customize horn material for qunari!! When I saw Taash had crystal horn I hoped so hard the we would get the option for qunari Rook!!! Also FORTY horn options??? I'm gonna have more qunari than the Qun at this rate lol. I really hope that the reason they're being so hush hush about the character creator is because they plan to release it separately before the game launches. I might log a couple into character creation alone haha... Probably won't happen but a girl can dream...


Omg this game is gonna come out and everyone is going to be stuck in the character creator 😭 sounds so fucking fun


The sclera color customization was pretty much necessary for my Adaar, now that he's showing up. I'm glad it's included.


Hell yeah height slider !


Okay, but the real question for Qunari players DO WE GET HELMETS???


I’m going to cry, this is all good news!


Alright, someone risk your career and release character creation early.


Please have good looking somewhat similar to my inquistor looking hair.


I mean it’s been 10 years, your inquisitor doesn’t necessarily need to have the exact same hairstyle


Bioware should do what Dragon's Dogma 2 developers have done and release the character creator as a demo of sorts.


I will sacrifice up to 100 children to get the character creator before the game launch.


Gah. Should have been a video. Like come on you can’t tell me you wouldn’t rather see this! 


I swear we knew all this already.


There are little bits of new info sprinkled throughout - vitiligo, cauliflower ears, bloodshot eyes, some confirmed sliders, 40+ Qunari horn materials - but much of it is just a repeat, and without some screenshots or video to spice it up it's unfortunately a bit underwhelming as an article.




No mention of eyebrows... I wonder if that means they are part of the skin texture. That's how npc's, like companion's, eyebrows are usually made so they blend with the skin and look more realistic. The negative is that you can't change their colour. Maybe that's why they give us 40 different complexions to choose from. I have said it before and I will say it again that body customization in a cinematic heavy rpg like this is really cool. Hopefully no animators were hurt in the process.


Can you imagine after ten years they get *everything* right except good eyebrows lmao


With so many options it's going to be hard not to choose a human fighter man again lol


I want to be a petite Qunari. Is that possible lol


I hope this stops people from the lies they make about BG3's character creator.


I hope there are some good beard options and maybe even bodyhair.


The article also mentions bloodshot eyes, cataract visibility and sclera colors. I can picture myself making a grey warden close to their Calling with these options.


VITILIGO!!!! that is so exciting to me!


Gonna give all my Rooks luxurious curls


Nudity finally being added and there's no Alistair to romance!!


I never expected a Bioware game to have nudity. I guess Cyberpunk, Witcher, and Baldur's Gate 3 finally broke the barrier.


Why won’t BioWare just give us the release date already I need to know when I’ll be taking off work just to spend days in the character creator


They're leaving time in case they find an unexpected hurdle in the last few months of development, so they can delay without telling the public. Honestly, it's the right move from a PR standpoint.


If they want a big event for the release date announcement then the next big one would be Gamescom ONL. I really hope that isn't the case though, partly because it's still two months away, but mainly because I'm hoping it releases in September and announcing the release date at the end of August would basically kill that hope.


I’m also hoping for a September release but I don’t like our chances if they’re holding out the release date this long lol. That just seems like the best month to me since there would be no competition for them.