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I don't hate any of our companions tbh. At most I'm indifferent or might dislike some of them as people if I were to meet them irl but the writing is always solid enough I can't dislike them as characters. Even Anders, asshat that he is, has too compelling of an arc for me to just hate him. ~~Or I'm just easy to please? lol~~ That said, if I were giving salaries by how much time and energy I spend on them---Blackwall would be stuck paying *me*.


Similar here. I'm not an overly friendly person in real life, but in video games, I tend to try to understand everyone's motivation and end up getting on fine with everyone. I agree that Blackwall was a difficult one lmao I was like: "how could you?! You should have told me before!! We're supposed to be bros!!"


Sebastian and it's not even close. I wrote a thing just the other day about him: >"He's kind of an awful person with no redeeming characteristics at all" is the short answer. >Longer answer is Sebastian's character arc is to learn nothing and never change. He's introduced throwing a arrow at Elthina's head. Oh sure he wasn't aiming to hit her but if you truly love and respect someone, do you really cut them off admonishing you with such a display? All game, every last second of it, is Elthina telling him "vengeance is not the answer." Say what you want about the Grand Cleric (I certainly will) but taking the wrong action was certainly not her greatest failure. (more like refusing to take any action ever) Sebastian meanwhile is determined to make all the wrong moves all of the time. He never once stops his thirst for revenge, he just killed the current objective of his bloodlust and Anders conveniently gave him another excuse for his murderous impulses. You'll notice Sebastain never actually returned to reclaim his throne until after this. He only returned to the thing he was saying was all important when he could wield that power to crush his enemies. That was his impetus - the thirst for violence. >Dragon Age is full of flawed people but Sebastian is the only one where I feel like the writers themselves don't like him. There are banters where the holes in his character are just blown open in a hilariously brutal way. Somebody asks him "so...you got your revenge. Why are you still here three years later instead of returning home?" He has no answer. In another one, it's asked "if you are such a devout Andrastian, why are you not reporting Anders or Merrill?" Again, no answer. >Sebastain is a hypocrite who believes in nothing. I literally have nothing good to say about him. I am a huge DA2 defender and always have been but I really can't stand him. After him, it probably be Oghren. DA is the only series where I really like Dwarves. They're so different and unique. Dwarf Noble is such a fantastic origin it could easily make a great game all on its own. So what do they do? Stick us with the most stereotypical dwarf of all time, someone who would make Movie Gimli look refined and deep in comparison. Everything I love about DA Dwarves is absent in Oghren.


I was about to comment that I don't hate any of the companions and am apathetic/ambivalent at worst towards some of them, but I literally forgot Sebastian existed and...yeah, it's him for me, no question. It's one thing to be boring, it's another thing entirely to be boring *and* self-righteous *and* a hypocrite. If you're going to be insufferable, you should at least have the decency to be interesting about it.


Also in his banter with Varric, he tells Varric he "must forgive" Bartrand and that "when you hold onto anger, it colours everything you do." Then, by the end of the game, if you don't kill Anders, he threatens to invade Kirkwall, and "I will bring such an army on my return that there'll be nothing left of Kirkwall for these maleficarum to rule!". Hipocrysy at its finest.


I have the quest to go talk to him/recruit him in my DA2 journal and I keep ignoring it.


I do it for XP and that's it.


I think you must be right, because I honestly cannot remember a single thing about Sebastian besides 'prince'.


Was with ya until ya shit on my man Oghern


The thing I don't like about him is that I saw someone point out that he is really kind of just a more boring Leliana, and I can't unsee it. An archer who goes to a chantry and becomes religious, with themes of redemption and vengeance in their main quest? Yeah, Leliana did it better. (there was more in the original thing that pointed it out, but I don't remember what the full thing was right now)


Anders after he blew up the Chantry. No way my Hawke is going to let a terrorist live.


My radical Hawke siding with Anders all the way: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


My mage Hawke was only angry she didn't get invited lol


Same. Except mine was a rogue. Ironically, my mage Hawke was a templar supporter towards the end of the game.


My hawke Was Pretty whatevers to the whole situation ngl .


Anders is a great character but a horrible person for sure


Freedom Fighter. Not Terrorist.


A freedom fighter that blew up Chantry and killed hundreds of innocents.


Tomato, tomahtoe. Did you think fighting a war would not result in any casualties?


Ever heard about Gandhi or Sardar Patel.


You obviously don’t know Ghandi very well if you think he didn’t have a militant past.


When he fought for British but I think you don't know about him very well because he fought for Indian Independence non violently.


Is there really anyone worse than Tallis?


Oghren. He's such a sleazeball. I'd have added Sera, but the thing that annoys me most about her is the way her dialogue was written (I had a hard time understanding what she was getting at, especially in the beginning), but I think that can be blamed on the writer and not the character.


Solas. I know, I know, all the Solas fans out there are gonna read this & be all like. “How could you? He’s a wonderful character, he’s so wonderfully written, so dark yet mysterious… etc!” Look, the guy is a selfish arsehole, who belittles people, thinks he is the greatest mage to grace Thedas, & WHO I might add… WANTS TO DESTROY THE WORLD & MAKE IT ANEW!!! He is the WORST companion, no question about it! No matter what decisions you make as Inquisitor, he will talk to other companions about you as if you aren’t even there! Then he’ll have a dig at the others in your group, apart from the odd few just so he can suck up to them! Sorry, downvote this comment as much as you like, I hate the bastard!🤬


You give him too much credit, from your comment he sounds much more interesting than he actually is. Feed me your downvotes!!!!


You'll get no downvotes from me. I hope we can kill him in Veilguard. Dude is a condescending turd.


AT LLLLLLLAAAAAASSSSSSTTTT!!!! I thought I was the only one who despises this arsehole! Oh I hope we kill him too… 😈


Oh, my Shadow Dragon Dwarf Saboteur is DEFINITELY killing that guy.


He had the gal to finally look Uber sexy in that armor after a whole game of romancing me . Imma rip off his arm and give it back to my inquisitior .


Sebastian or Ohgren. Ohgren is just a sexual assaulter and disgusting man. Sebastian is an annoying religious zealot who won't stop being self righteous. I understand why people pick Solas or Sera but compared to those other two they just have more depth and are just better characters imo


I know Oghren has been re-evaluated and doesn't play well with modern audiences, but *sexual assaulter*? Isn't that a little far? He's never sexually assaulted anyone. He makes rude sex comments and pervy jokes, but it's always just been words.


He explicitly touches Morrigan a LOT. I just finished an origins playthrough and I had to take him out of my party because he literally would not stop putting his hands on her


Exactly! Even if he didn't touch anyone his mysogynistic comments are enough for me to shelf him.


That's fair. I know female players don't find him amusing. Back then, his behavior was seen more as "boys will be boys! Isn't that funny?" perspective that we recognize as harmful today.


Too bad a lot of people still use that excuse tho 😭


Nah I feel bad for him he got cucked by his shitty wife pretty understandable he would have some questionable views after what Branka did to him


because that is the point of his character. he is not varric or cullen. not every people in thedas have a perfect personality. i'm not saying, i am defending his actions or whatever but that's the whole point of oghren. its just to show that every companions are different. makes the world believable.


Yeah I get it, I just don't want to play the game having to be constantly reminded of sexual assault the entire time.


Sexual harassment at the very least. There are reasons origin won't ever get a straight remake and this is among them


Literally a banter in the game : Morrigan: Lay your hand on me once more, dwarf, and the moment shall be your last. Oghren: Ahhh, don't take it personally. I stepped on a rock! You don't want me to fall and break my neck, do you? Morrigan: The prospect would not trouble me overmuch. Oghren: Hmph. You sound just like Branka. Morrigan : Then I commend her good sense. But this is the last time I will tell you. Touch me no more. Oghren: Huh. Branka said that too... Sexually assaulting Morrigan in that banter and heavily implying he did the same to Branka.


Pretty sure Ohgren never sexually assults anyone. Make rude and horrible comments yes, but that's it. He's just a drunkard who hasn't got over being betrayed by everyone in his life and has gotten over his abusive wife.


Literally a banter in the game : Morrigan: Lay your hand on me once more, dwarf, and the moment shall be your last. Oghren: Ahhh, don't take it personally. I stepped on a rock! You don't want me to fall and break my neck, do you? Morrigan: The prospect would not trouble me overmuch. Oghren: Hmph. You sound just like Branka. Morrigan : Then I commend her good sense. But this is the last time I will tell you. Touch me no more. Oghren: Huh. Branka said that too... Sexually assaulting Morrigan in that banter and heavily implying he did the same to Branka.


He touchea Morrigan a lot and does the same to some other companions as well. Apart from that he is pretty myogynistic which already makes me hate him.


I don't hate any of them, but I don't love Dorian or Sera. They're well written characters, and Dorian's companion quest, in particular, has some strong emotional moments if you persist with it. Problem I have with any repeat playthrough at this point is that I can't be bothered sticking with them as I find them grating. (Plus, if I'm playing as a rogue there's even less reason for me to take Sera in my party, as I don't like having more than one in a party.)


Merrill, characters who are "clumsy and whimsical" yet somehow incredibly competent grate me. Feels like a YA novel protagonist.


Fenris. I found his design and voice acting very corny to the point that he felt like a guest character from another IP.


Balthier says hi


Anders. He treats Merrill like shit, is always arguing with everyone else, he makes Hawke an accessory for murder and was stupid enough to become an abomination willingly. He is the only companion in all 3 games I truly don't like. Even those I disagree with like Fenris and Vivienne I can find something I like about them, but not with Anders.


DAO: Morrigan (mostly for the shit in DAI), Oghren(most uninspired companion in the series), Zevran (he’s just bleh in every way)   DAA: Pretty much everyone outside of Nathaniel and Sigrun   DA2: Merrill (Too stupid for words), Anders (same, plus whiny), and Sebastian (Fucker is so boring Varric is still traumatized years later)   DAI: Dont really hate any of the squad tbh. 


Sera for me. I think she's a well-written character in the sense that she feels very realistic, with a worldview informed by her life experiences. But on a personal level, I find her extremely grating to be around, and she feels out of place in the Inquistion's Inner Circle. She's a poor voice for "the little people" when she seems more interested in her own amusement than actually improving their lot. Her lack of growth is also frustrating. While she finally displays some character development in Trespasser, you only get to see it if you're already on good terms with her, which begs the question of how much she's really changed. ETA: Also, Oghren. Pretty self-explanatory, I think.


>ETA: Also, Oghren. Pretty self-explanatory, I think. I have a weird soft spot for Oghren despite how irritating he is, but I totally agree with you. I've always been baffled by the fact that it was apparently Oghren's popularity that meant he was picked to return for Awakening. Like...what??


I'm guessing it was less his popularity and more the fact that the devs assumed he would be popular, given that Awakening came out so soon after Origins. They probably assumed people would find him amusing in a comic relief sort of way, although he tends to strangely oscillate between comic relief and more serious drama.


That's a fair point, I mean it was an expansion so they likely had it in mind when finalising Origins. He's absolutely awful in ways, but I can't help but be fond of him. He's like the embarrassing drunk uncle of the family. He does have some growth if you befriend him, by his own strange standards. I did feel for him during the Anvil quest. And he can be funny and dramatic. He'd definitely be my least favourite of the Origins bunch though.


Well, he was one of my faves back then, I can see why. Drunken, violent dwarfy dwarf. Basically edgier gimli. Gotta love a trope played straight.


I'm not sure Oghren was chosen for popularity so much as consistency. You always have Oghren join the party, cannot romance him, and he rarely dies which means most players will have access to him and there's not a lot of extra scenes for different world states.


Sten. Guy has way too much attitude for someone who beat/strangled an innocent family with children to death The idea of him being "redeemed" and getting promoted to Arishok after DAO triggers me so much that I'm tempted to leave him in the cage


Not trying to be like a dick or anything but have actually tried talking with Sten knowing more about his story and what he went through I’m a little more understanding of his situation. And once you get past his wall he’s actually really funny


That doesn't change the fact he literally murdered a family including their kids. Other companions have their flaws for sure, but Sten is literally a child murderer. And his reasons are he basically went into a rage and slaughtered everyone near him because he lost his sword. Call me crazy but I just don't like having the child murderer on the team at all.


Yeah but that sword was his soul it was his purpose in life it was the one thing that tied him to the Qun. He was sent to a foreign land where his squad was killed in the dead of night right before his eyes. Does it suck that yeah he killed a kid yes but he’s actively seeking atonement and does feel bad it’s not like he some remorseless monster


I agree. I see it as a soldier suffering from ptsd.


The entire Time I talked to sten I forget this aspect about him .


Yeah I'm sure it sucked quite a lot for the children that he beat to death lmao. Not sure why he deserves a second chance that he barely even seems to care about while they are dead It says a lot about him that his Fade nightmare is about his Qunari friends and not the innocents he murdered


I like sten because he's a such a diva and Has interesting perspectives. Qun follower's are always interesting. I don't think of him as redeemed in anyway however.


Isabella because I find her boring.


Yeah, you summarizad my dislike of her.  I didnt even bother answering her invite on second and subsequent playthrough.  Her and sera


I personally like her but my brother hates Merrill


“Hated” is strong. I don’t really hate any of the companions except maybe Oghren, and that’s just because he’s a caricature. I’m playing through DAI again after like 8 years and am surprised at how much I dislike Cassandra though. I assume she comes around but in the beginning she really gets on my nerves. ETA: I forgot about Sebastian but he is also the worst. A wasted opportunity for a great FOIL to Anders.


DA2 Anders because he is a pathetic failure and has a lot in common with the modern lone wolf terrorist. I honestly respect Bioware for having the guts to write such a sad horrible loser


Vivienne has got to be the only F tier companion in the games. Don’t think anyone is even remotely close to as bad as her. Cool outfit though


Ignoring Sera, because, i mean. I think it might actually be Alastair, getting real tired of his freak outs cos i want to make Loghain a warden


I fully agree on both


Blackwall maybe because he's simply sooo boring? And that beard lol. But his romance tarot card? Zoo weee mama... I'm also not a fan of zevran. I'm not into his suave(?) demeanor and honestly I should've just killed him instead of letting him join the party. He's better in a playthrough where I'm roleplayimg as my character over actually choosing what I would say irl. I do have to say about Vivienne is that she's essentially a mage version of Lelianna. She has become a master of the game and even earned a position on the court like no other before her. But obviously this gives her a very different outlook on mage circles. I believe if she doesnt become divine, her time spent in the inquisition has humbled/taught her a lesson. Maybe that's just headcanon until we ever get more of her story, but I personally love her party banter and she gets pretty emotional during combat helping her allies.


I can't say I hate any of the companions, but I really don't like Alistair, Morrigan and Leliana. They feel so bland and uninspired, especially Leliana. They are my biggest gripe about Origins. Morrigan kinda gets redeemed in Witch Hunt (if you romanced her) and Inquisition, but it doesn't make her more interesting in Origins. The same goes for Leliana in Trespasser, where she becomes more laid-back.


DAO=Lelianna, Zevran, Loghain. DaOAwakening=Nathaniel Howe DA2=Fenris, Carver, Sebastian. DAI=Sera, Cole, Cassandra.




Calling Vivienne an “Uncle Tom” is certainly a choice… Jesus Christ




Because there is a nigh-infinite number of ways to express that idea without the same baggage in this scenario.






What an odd and extremely revealing reaction to this character. It’s so strange how Vivienne haters feel compelled to write these long diatribes about fantasizing about killing her or “putting her in her place.” Anyway. I love Viv. One of the best (and most complex) characters in the series. Just want to say that here since we have another (sigh) apparent hate thread for the character and people like you can’t limit it to just a response to the character herself, you have to get EXTREMELY weird about it in a way that betrays a lot of your true feelings that go beyond a response to a video game character being mean to you or something.




I didn’t see a single point about anything that resembles the character that is presented in the game. I see a lot about your personal views on characters LIKE Vivienne and what fantasies the writers should have allowed you to play out in silencing or putting her in her place. That’s about it. Again, your post was revealing about you, that’s all I am pointing out. If I wanted to have a good faith conversation about an interesting character like Vivienne, it wouldn’t be in response to the vile things you wrote. Best.


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Vivienne cured me of being a completionist. After the first playthrough, there was no way I would ever recruit her again. I didn't think I could do it; not recruiting a companion just felt... so wrong.... But I managed somehow, and now it feels liberating going to her party, watching her obviously planned entrance, trying to flatter the Inquisitor by threatening the guy who was being rude, and then saying to her face, "Nope. I don't need your help."


oh great idea, lets open more space to spread hate instead of talking about positive things!


If we only count ingame reasons Sebastian. If we count meta reasons Vivienne.


Zevran, Cole, Sera. 


DAO: Wynne DAA: Velana DA2: Sebastian DAI: Vivienne