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Maddy said Plane Jane seems to be upset at Amanda for no reason. This is so true and it summarizes everything.


I agree that Plane is making great TV but heavily disagree on some of your other points. For starters, I don’t agree that Plane is the only reason Amanda had a storyline. Amanda also had the unpolished underdog thing going on. And seeing her relationship with the other girls makes me believe that she would’ve had a different storyline had plane not been on the season. And plane is voicing her opinion but doing so in a way that is devoid of any playfulness or camaraderie. It’s coming across as very rude and very intentional.


I don’t know what’s coming but we can look at Plane’s “shade” in comparison with the other queens who’ve been vocal about Amanda looking busted or other queens not giving. Sapphira in episode one told Amanda she was better than her drag, but her delivery was like direct eye contact, spoken clearly, and an immediate sort of “you know what I mean and how I mean it” with an affectionate reaching out to her. Dawn starts her shade with a confident laugh, her catch phrase to let the room know she’s about to go in, and then a playful and/or sincere follow up. Then look at Plane Jane. She tilts her head downward to play coy, speaks slowly and softly, and then acts guilty about making her statements. She’s not giving playful shade because her body language and presentation aren’t saying THIS IS FUN, they’re saying “this is what I really think and I know you’re not going to like it, but hit makes ME giggle”. It’s like a when a child knows they’re doing something wrong but wants to do it anyway. She just isn’t doing a good job of bringing the other girls into the joke with her. This has been my first and last comment on the daily/weekly/hourly PJ discourse, and only because I haven’t seen others give clear examples of what the other girls are doing right. The end


She’s dumb to be alienating the other queens in a game where there could be voting involved.


I think she’s gonna alienate queens outside of the show tbh. She’s starting to now pick fights with Queens such as Bob.


the plane jane discourse is exhausted and exhaustING honestly, it’s like every few days there’s another post about how she’s not a villain or she’s iconic or she’s this or she’s that like it’s getting tired


Sure Jane




1. There's a difference between voicing your opinion and attacking someone. Plane Jane was down right bullying Amanda. 2. Yes Drama is all fun and shit, however there is good drama and there is bad drama. Good drama is the fight between Sharon and Phi Phi. both were strong seasoned queens who just didn't like each other. This is like Sasha Colby going up to a Queen on their very first night of preforming and attacking them. 3. The hell you mean Plane gave Amanda a story line. She was popular by her first episode before they even met. And just because Amanda's make is....well horrible. doesn't mean she should be eliminated on that alone. Being a drag queen is more then just make up shockingly. 4. At the end of the day, Plane Jane did do something wrong. She picked on attacked, and bullied someone. The only time it was warranted was when Ru asked them point blank. And the only reason anyone would defend Plane for this and say she did nothing wrong is because "Well if Plane can attack queens and call them ugly. so can I"


PJ did not bully Amanda. “I don’t feel your looks are impressive and I’d like to be impressed” and “I have more respect for you than I do for Amanda” are not bullying comments. They are simply 2 opinions. Why is it that all of a sudden an opinion has to be welcomed for it to be valid? Has PJ been tactless? Yes, but that’s all. Sapphira addressed it with her. Amanda stood her ground every time.


1. Plane’s attacks were so much more tame than what we’ve seen in earlier seasons. Experiencing the season in real time is skewing your perspective because queens like Willam were much shadier. 2. Sharon and Phi Phi drama was similar to this situation because Phi Phi didn’t see Sharon’s drag as valid and instead called her cheap and Party City. Amanda continued to clap back at Jane and stood her ground just fine. Saying Plane is like Sasha Colby and Amanda is like a queen in drag for the first time quite frankly is insulting to Amanda’s drag and says you see her as lesser than as well. They were both cast on the season, they’re on the same level once they enter that workroom. 3. Let’s not act like Amanda’s storyline episode 1 wasn’t everyone teasing and poking fun at her makeup skills and aesthetic. Morphine immediately called out the weird breastplate fold when she walked in. I disagree that Plane gave her a storyline, but Plane did push her into a focal point character when she started being shady towards her. A lot of people are talking about how unresolved their drama is as part of a reason why she should have stayed. 4. This is true and that’s why she’s messy and a villain at the moment. There will be a handful of people who see Plane’s shadiness and will mimic it but to say that’s the only reason someone would defend her is again insulting to her drag she’s showcasing which has been very good. Let the girls handle their beef like the adults they are instead of policing how their behavior should be


Now I love me some Phi Phi but you're going to say you prefer Phi Phi and Sharon drama over Plane and Amanda drama... Like what? Plane literally has not said anything near as wild to Amanda as Phi Phi did on season 4 to Sharon. That's how I know your opinion is not to be trusted and your love for Amanda's clouding your judgment of what is good reality TV


Phi Phi had (has?) serious anger issues. I feel Plane Jane is a self-appointed villain this season. She knows exactly what she's doing and gets lots of camera time by doing it. It's her way of playing the Drag Race game.


She’s trying so hard to be a villain, but she’s just not good at it. It all comes across as try-hard & insecure. Her timing is awkward and bad too, and none of it is funny or clever. Same goes for her attempting to read Bob on Twitter, like “grandma”? Oh girl, sit down or do better.




I agree. I will say this is starting out to be a great season, I missed queens that don’t care about how the “look” to the fan base. The old seasons queen didn’t care, they were brutal to each other, which is what made the show fun to watch. I do think the fan base is too fucking crazy about hating on queens and being gross to queens (Kandy as an example). Fight, talk shit, cut up, and be authentic queens! I LIVE!!!!


Jesus. The bullying narrative has kicked off again. Plane expressed her opinions, tactlessly. Amanda is giving as good as she gets. Plane was also spot on about Q, and the winging at the start. How insensitive it was. How annoying it was. And Q then gaslighting Xunami after saying her name. I really wish she’d been sent home over Amanda. It would have been much more of a curve ball to see a front runner booted this early. The eliminations this season is more proof of the producers not knowing what to do with the talent they’ve got. However, I don’t think Plane works as a tv villain because she should have doubled down on Amanda and stood by her comments rather than acting like she is surprised by her reaction. If she was like ‘I don’t like your drag. I don’t think you belong here. I don’t care if you have an issue with that’. But her feigning surprise is weak sauce.


Plane was an outright bully. There's no way around it.


Plane Jane is old school drag..: fans and queens are too sensitive


You choose one. People can’t love this villain but send hate to the girls of color who do/say far less. I love Plane, but people want the line to be fair too instead of the line being moved based on skin color.


Girl what are you even talking about? Plane has received more hate than a lot of POC girls and their entire drag race career. People are literally threatening to kill and wish death on Jane like everyday all she does is get dragged 24/8/7. Let's be for real. So you're saying you want Jane to get all the death threats and hate just because other Queens of color did?


No, WTF are you talking about? Take your white blinders off nobody’s threatening Jane


How is it that people figure out how much harassment different queens have received? Genuinely curious, since you seem to have info about it!


The only bad thing she's done so far is the Amanda thing this week while talking to Q. (And Q basically repeated this naming somebody for no reason with Xunami *on the runway*). And we wanted drama? We got it. Amanda defended herself beautifuly. So that's enough, nobody needs to get upset for her and as a viewer it was still fun and it doesn't affect us one bit. Leave her alone.


She also voted down Nymphia in episode 1 and lied about it. She didn’t just come for Amanda once she’s come for her several times. She’s punching down and it comes off as bullying.


The Nymphia thing made sense. And I didn't say she messed with Amanda once, just that that one time was the bad one.


It can make sense but still be a shitty thing to do? If a colleague did that to me I'm not forgetting that ever. But I just don't believe in putting others down to get ahead in life. I think there was more than one time that her going after Amanda was in poor taste and borderline bullying. A lot of the queens on the season and drag race alum also seem to think so.


If the queens and drag race alum think so, that's their problem. Doesn't make me change my mind. As for your first paragraph, it's a game. On tv. It's a reality show. She's not "putting others down to get ahead in life." The 5 Gs, friend. It's just a show.


Yeah and it is very jarring to see her bully someone for additional screen time on a tv show whether or not she is playing a character for the show. But based on her comments on socials and other queens opinons of her in general it seems to be a character trait, which is why she is getting criticism. If she came out and said she was playing a character and Amanda was in on the joke it would be different. I don't really care about your 5gs.


I don't really care about...all this. 👋🏾😘


Honestly the shade is getting old