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Ross Matthews running his no Drag Race knowledge mouth.


Has he seen the show? šŸŸ¢


Ross's lips are moving, but it's with Ru's hand up his ass. Like a puppet. I know there are a lot (I guess) of Jorgeous lovers, but I don't get it. Although, I will say that Jorgeous would do well on the RPDR spinoff, Rupaul's LSFYL. All lip syncs for the entirety of each episode. And I'd watch.


We were talking last night and wondering why this hasn't been the Fall show for after AS yet. They have the video game graphical assets and everything.


Heā€™s had so many bad takes atp i just tune out everything he says. Wish theyd just replace him with carson, someone whose ACTUALLY hilarious and insightful


I'm honestly more surprised when he has something worth hearing to add than not. I'm sure he's fine but he makes for bad TV. It's not even "love to hate him" - I just always sigh when he's on the panel knowing I'm not going to enjoy the judges deliberation as much as I would without him on it.


I say just make Ts & Carson the 2 rotating judges. 3 rotating judges and the rotation just being at random is a lil weird. like maybe let Ross be a guest judge here and there or like a helper for challenges (like Traci Melchor in the first season of Canada before she became a judge). but Iā€™m just so tired of his recycled and unknowledgeable critiques and jokes.


Ts and Carson have more knowledge and notes for the contestants than Ross tbh. Heā€™s just cracking ā€œjokesā€ all the time now


Not sure why, but I hear Tammie's voice when I read your comment.


I think it was actually Alyssa Edwards that said it, when she was practicing for a roast.


It was on season 5. She said it about Santino Rice. She was correct.


Now I need to find that!


"Santino, would you please shut the fuck up with your no drag knowledge mouth *cackle*" and Michelle and the guest judge sat there like it wasn't hilarious


Love it even more!


more like no dance knowledge šŸ˜’


You don't have to have dance knowledge to know Gorgeous isn't the best dancer that's been on the show.


As far as untrained dancers go, sure. But trained dancers like Alyssa, Brooke, etc can definitely outdo her.


I can agree that sheā€™s a talented untrained queen, but Iā€™m pretty sure Kennedy Davenport and Anetra are untrained.Ā 


Yes Anetra is untrained and amazing!!


Yea,I think Jorgeous is probably the best freestyler, she has a natural ease and groove that i dont see with Alyssa/Brooke/Camden


She does a lot of the same moves though, she proved she doesn't do well at dancing when she was asked to help choreograph lol


Hence why i said best freestyler, and you cant name a dancer who doesnt repeat moves.. from Sasha Colby, Anetra, Brookeā€¦ they all have moves they repeat


I love how Jorgeous moves and sheā€™s no doubt extremely talented, but she doesnā€™t have the facial expressions with all the songs she performs. Some songs she knocks it out of the park and some songs it feels like sheā€™s just saying the lyrics while dancing. I think there are many other performers that freestyle that also always nailed it in the expressions field.


She had a great freestyle dance teacher




Ross Matthews going from season 4 fan favorite to one of the most criticized judges truly makes my day.


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the hilarious Ross Matthews


Fr, IMO heā€™s the only one Iā€™m not a fan of as a judge. While the others have had opinions I donā€™t agree with and gotten annoyed with, theyā€™re still good judges, Ross just continues to annoy me & fall flat


Yeah. I find him not very genuine somehow. Heā€™s been a bit nails on a chalkboard for me for some time.


Same, I really like Carson as a judge but Ross just doesnā€™t click for me, would love to have Nicole Byers or Loni Love to replace him as the ā€œhumourā€ judge, they both have been really fun each time they show up!


Nicole would be so awesome, and there's always weird stuff happening when she's on lol


Loni Love? Please, god, no. Nicole Byers? Please, god, yes.


Why not Loni?/genq Tbf I prefer Nicole but I liked Loni


2012 called and they want their one-dimensional gay best-friend trope back


He's on his way to being as bad as that A-hole, Amber Rose. What a waste of space. Or the one with the really crazy eyes. What's-her-name.


Aubrey "Grandmas Vaj" O'Dayā€¼ļø


Thanks for reminding me AND making me laugh! Forgot it was the perfume challenge! God, Alaska and Jinkx were so good!


Wait, wasnā€™t that one of the hilarious RM jokes?


Excuse me, I believe you mean "she-larious"


I've noticed the judges say that kind of stuff a lot in recent seasons though. You are the best X/this is the best look we've had blah blah blah. I think they're just saying it for the sake of uplifting the queens without actually fully meaning it.


They literally said this kinda thing on AS7 with Shea Michelle was like "We've never seen an assless gown before!" Meanwhile Detox did it not once before but TWICE.


Shannel with literally the first outfit ever on the show


Lmfao. It's true tho.


Michelle wasn't there for that, how could she possibly have known??!


Are you saying she doesn't watch the show, Tamar?


Itā€™s because itā€™s basically a reality competition standard to say ā€œyouā€™re the best ā€”ā€” weā€™ve ever hadā€ they do it all the time on singing competition shows like americas got talent, x factor, American idol, ect. They just say it to make the viewer feel like theyā€™re seeing new levels of talent, up the dramatics, ect.


Yeah, we get that. That doesn't make it good though


It sucks because it loses its meaning..


especially in AS seasons... it feels overproduced and meaningless :/Ā  and is it me or do they give these insane compliments to relatively "average" looks or performances šŸ˜­ no shade but the truly iconic moments that resonate with the fandom almost never get this type of praise, meanwhile whenever judges say "we have never seen this before" it's usually something... unmemorable...


Seems like every year before the season starts Ross says in interviews that the current season is the best ever or that it has one of the best lipsyncs ever.


This is absolutely an all stars thing. They really work to keep things super positive because theyā€™re supposed to be the best of the best to some degree. And they donā€™t want their willingness to do AS to negatively impact their fandom. Negative critiques (at least in newer as seasons) are pretty much non existent on AS


Sasha Colby?? Hello!


There are so many I didn't mention, this one was almost unforgivable of me. Lol


Hahaha she is unforgettable in my mind!


Omg I almost spilled my drink on my laptop when he said that. Like seriously!


I wonā€™t stand for this Kennedy Davenport erasure šŸ˜¤


their dancing never made me think ā€œwowā€ like other queens but maybe Iā€™m just not seeing it


Same. Just looks like popcorn to me. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Popcorn lol šŸ˜‚


i really wish ross wasn't a judge anymore


I mean, I do believe Jorgeous is the one that feels the most ā€œeffortlessā€, she moves like a feather.


Weighing 80lbs probably helps šŸ˜…


Jorgeous has a ridiculous amount of technique precision, musicality, and stage presence for someone whoā€™s untrained. I would say that sheā€™s among the most naturally talented in the dance department.


But she does it with zero emotion on her face. She canā€™t emote anything at all. When you are on stage on drag race you are not just a dancer you are performing, your face needs to show something.


Yes. It reminds me of Mhiā€™ya Iman Lepaige. Bitch can really turn up however she doesnā€™t serve face while performing. It just doesnā€™t feel right lol


Exactly. You gotta choreograph your face boo!


But the comment is about her dancing. Not emoting. Ross didnā€™t say shes the best lip syncer ever


I would argue that emoting is a large part of dancing. They're intertwined.


Not the ā€œhilariousā€ Ross mathewsā€¦ I cringe everytime. Ross is full of BS so insincere and fake. Give me Carson any day!


She wasnā€™t even the best on her season with Lady Camden RIGHT THERE!!!


jasmine kennedie would like a word


I agree I just couldnā€™t remember how to spell her name lol šŸ«£


Ha ha, yeah, I remember my jaw dropped when he said that, I just started laughing afterwards because itā€™s just a ridiculous statement lol I just feel like Ross doesnā€™t really have anything to say


They all have short memories.


If weā€™re talking untrained, she is. 100%. The technique and presence Jorgeous has is only matched by people who spent years training to get it. Sheā€™s not gonna out-dance Kennedy, Ganja, etc. but she is going to out dance anybody that isnā€™t a professional dancer which is incredibly impressive because Jorgeous isnā€™t a professional dancer. I think it was a fair comment, tho poorly worded.


>If weā€™re talking untrained, she is. 100%. That's just, like, your opinion, man... Personally I'd take Anetra, Jax, Aja, and maybe one or two others over Jorgeous. I find her dead in the eyes, although her movement is very crisp and fluid.


Aja is trained as far as I know, she was in ballroom. Anetra is a contender. Jax wasnā€™t trained so she is as well, but I mean she had experience in acrobatics and such already that gave her a headstart. As far as I know Jorgeous just straight up started dancing and had a total knack. That dead behind the eyes critique is also very common towards Anetra. And I never got it with her, but I also never got it with Jorgeous except for in Good For You where her spirit was clearly broken lmao


I remember watching her lipsyncs and being gagged. She was shockingly good.


I saw the vegas show that had Kennedy and Jorgeous. Jorgeous ate Kennedy up


If thatā€™s his opinion, fine. He should have just said that Jorgeous is his favorite dancer on RPDR.Ā 


Idk, her Ava Max lipsync will forever be one of my fav performances in RPDR historyā€¦something about it just scratches me right where I need it


Yeah, when he said that I immediately went, "ehhh, wouldn't go THAT far." I think you could make an argument for Jorgeous being in the running for best lip sync assassin, though.


Anetra. Yvie Oddly.


Anetra, yes! And she popped up on my screen moments after I posted this. I was like shit! Walk that fucking duck. Also, Mirage.


Yes sisterrrrr


Not yvie šŸ˜‚


Yes, Yvie.


I feel like the judges just *say* stuff sometimes.


When has an "ever" declaration ever gone well, been true, not been an exaggeration and so on? Just this week people were going crazy because Apple and Rolling Stone published questionable lists. Sorry, but it's gonna be an "It's not that deep" moment. šŸ©·


i had to pause the tv bc i scREECHED so badly at this comment. carson would never.


The only way you could genuinely think Jorgeous is the best dancer the show has seen is if you have memory issues lmao


shawty doesnt even know how 8 counts work šŸ˜­ the hilarious ross mathews indeed


I fucking hate Ross Mathews


Jorgeous is magnetic, and perhaps one of the most magnetic queens, but I agree that she is not the most technically skilled dancer when you have all of the queens you've listed already in the franchise. What makes Jorgeous stand out is her presence and ability to draw you in. I'm more impressed with that side of her than her technical dancing skills.


Ross sometimes suffers from two second Tom syndrome.


Ross has a habit of making outlandish statements and they are always the same or phrased the same way. Heā€™s boring and predictable now.


Maybe he mispronounced ā€œghost puncherā€


I think this is pretty consistent with any reality TV show. Every episode, they celebrate people for being the best ever for whatever though a season or two episodes ago someone did something better. It's how they keep the hype, I guess.


In defense of Jorgeous: she has unique moves that I have not seen from other queens on the show.


People say "the best X ever" for dramatic effect all the time. And let's be honest, no one ever means it for anything. There's always going to be someone better, it's always all subjective, and I take your point, but he's not being serious. It's just a thing you say so that people know you think it's good.


Does Trinity K Bonet not exist ?


Thank you. I was waiting for this comment


Alyssa and Brooklyn are great trained dancers and two of my all time favorites, but imo Jorgeousā€™ free styling has way more variety and is more engaging than anything Brooke or Alyssa do in a lip sync. Jorgouse does moves and combination thats ive never seen before and its always difference and she looks so fluid and flawless doing them. Whereas Brooke and Alyssa will do like a high kick and Leap or turn and then walk around for a bit and rinse and repeat. Alyssa and Brooke do a lip sync performance, Jorgeous does a competition dance number while lipsyncing. For those reasons i actually agree with Ross.


But she doesnā€™t finish a move before going into the next - sheā€™s feeling the music but to me it looks rushed and sloppy and itā€™s starting to make me not appreciate it


Letā€™s not forget Jax, too. Youā€™re right, there have been many great professional dancers on the show, but Jorgeous and Jax are two of the best and sexiest fun sized lip sync assassins. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re both popular with the daddies šŸ˜„


Jax is an acrobat.


She's by a landslide the best non trained dancer the US franchise has ever seen yes. The way she moves is unmatched


I agree. A lot of other queens may be better lip synchers or have better stunts, but there's an effortlessness and grace and musicality I see in Jorgeous that really stands above.


Is she, though? That's a bold statement. I disagree. But that's what opinions are for.


Yes she is. I can't think of any other queens that don't have training that move like her


Who would you say is the best in your opinion then? That isn't a professionally trained dancer.


On a related note, I wonder why drag race has so many spectacular dancers, but relatively few spectacular singers. There have been a number of good singers but only a couple that really stood out to meā€¦and then every season it seems like half the queens are world class dancers!


Tbf they really don't give the queens many chances to sing. Sure they have the girl group challenges, but like most challenges the goal in those is to make Ru laugh + it's a group challenge so you don't want to overpower your teammates (ofc this depends on how the judges are feeling that day). Then there's the Rumix, but that's at the very end. Not to mention they don't even have the queens sing for the Rusicals anymore. So you're more likely to go far as a good dancer than you are as a singer. Also, given that Ru hates girls with musical theatre training, and that's where most of the chanteuses we've seen have come from, it makes sense why not many would go on. Or maybe Ru doesn't like someone upstaging her singing. Who knows.


I'm hoping he made a mistake and meant to say 'on the season'


Ross really be saying anything. I wish we had Ts Madison as a regular judge.


I literally screamed "As if Kennedy Davenport wasn't on the show?!?!" at my TV when he said that. The gall. ![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized)


Iā€™ve lost my confidence in Rossā€™ judging skills in recent seasons. Heā€™s a nice guy, but not the best judge.


OMG Agreed!! The talented dancers that have been on the show


*OMG Agreed!!* *The talented dancers that* *Have been on the show* \- TatianaSummer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Seems like Ross says anything that sounds good these days, without much thought behind it. Jorgeous can move, yes, but the best ever on the show? Nah. Perhaps we need fresh meat on the judging panel?


Laganja if I had to pick. That lipstick against TKB ooooooo I can watch that everyday


I IMMEDIATELY said "Kennedy Davenport found in a ditch I guess" when he said that. Jorgeous must have weed emanating from her body bc chile they way judges eat her up with a diaper on.


I really like want a Lip Sync drag race special. 4 episodes, 12 of the best Drag Race alum lip syncers, 1 crown, title of RPDR ultimate LSA and 100k. Each lip sync win is worth 2K-5K and just let the queens duke šŸ‘it šŸ‘outšŸ‘. The ratings will be high and the memes would be memeā€™ing and Twitter fans will be fighting and I would love to see that.


And just to throw some names around on participants, Kennedy, Alyssa, Brooke, Anetra, Coco, Silky, Tayce, Pangina, Jasmine K, MonƩt, Latrice, Vanity, Clover etc


This is a byproduct of an 'All Winners' style season paired with contestants who are not all winners and who are not yet worthy of this format. I am thinking that the critiques can only be positive and I guess they need to really reach when it comes to some queens. This format is hitting so differently versus the actual 'All Winners' season. It all feels so fake and vapid, especially the critiques and sketch-style non drama, drama. I am only two episodes in but so far the runways and challenges have not even been given All Stars, and certainly not All Stars who all get a participation trophy. The charity angle and guise help a bit, but this season is just coming off as queens *playing* as competing drag queens. This format has no edge and takes the competition down to a level where you really don't need to watch an episode when as soon as it comes out. Untucked is almost unwatchable. They should've just created a charity focused All Stars spin off because this is giving 'Celebrity Drag Race' vibes which I just could not sit through. Perhaps things will kick in soon for me and the season will get better, and maybe I am in the minority here, but so far, this format with this cast is just not doing it for me. I find myself watching just because I like some of the queens, but the show is and should be so much more than that.


Has anyone else noticed how positive the critiques are on non-elimination seasons?


You guys need to remember one thing thoā€¦ He is being fed lines to say. Just like Ru, Michelle, and whoever the guest judge is that week. Remember what Tammie Brown said about the earpiece? Nothing is 100% organic on the show. Do you think Ru really means it when she says ā€œthe hilarious Ross Matthewsā€? šŸ˜‚


With the no elimination set up, and the charity vibe, I think the judges are just gonna be nice so the girls don't go on the "I'm not good enough to be here" mental track. It's like on the all-winners' season.


Can we just get rid of Ross???


Jorgeous couldnā€™t even count to 8 and repeat! Less puffing and more passing, girl. Sheā€™s a good dance because sheā€™s 22? Let that ho get some age to her. See how them knees hold up. Kennedy Davenport and Brook Lynn would like a word with miss Mathews about best dancers.


Like, can we get rid of him for Law Roach?


Imo she wasn't even the best dancer on S14... But maybe I just like Jasmine Kennedie way too much


I need him off the show as a judge he literally adds nothing to the conversation when the judges talk.. like replace him with someone that deals with makeup so u have a judge for fashion , comedy , makeup


I might have to give it to Laganja for best dancer. Mama is literally a choreographer too!


you know that thing where you talk out of your ass? that was you, ross.


That is always Ross.


Jax is also amazing but most of the queens y'all are naming have great dance legacies OUTSIDE of the show. Alyssa had like one good lip sync dance performance on AS2 with Tatianna, Kennedy calls herself the dancing diva but when has that been showcased on the SHOW? Her AS3 talent number hardly counts. Brooklyn had a great gymnastics performance against Yvie and showed a little bit of ballet but that's mostly it. Most of these queens dance credentials are outside of the show. Edit: laganja checks out, trinity k bonet checks out, etc.


I agree with you and I feel like A lot of queens are confusing performers with dancers. Some of the queens named in the comments give great performances but they donā€™t really dance if that makes sense and if they do itā€™s a go to of repetitive moves they know.


Uhhmm... Morphine Love? Shea Coulee? Jasmine Kennedy? Marcia x3? Denali? She's one of the best, but not THE best and I looooove watching her perform.


Jorgeous doesnā€™t have enough stank on her in her movements. Like, at all. She never sits deep enough into a low movement, for example. Itā€™s wild that they tolerate it with her and criticise people like RosĆ© for it. She is a good dancer, but there isnā€™t that wildness and inhibition that I see from other queens across the different franchises. She needs to FEEL THE RAIN ON HER SKIN!


I was just saying the same thing in another comment - she doesnā€™t finish one move before going to another so itā€™s all rushed - she can move thatā€™s for sure but itā€™s a bit messy so itā€™s hard to appreciate the art behind it


Finally someone said it


Yeah, I get that everyone is getting the purely positive treatment this season but that comment was absolutely wild and wrong. She's really good but I would name so many others before her as the best.Ā 


Jorgeous dances just like Ongina on season one.


Jorgeous just looks like they're on meth all the time.


no need to insult jorgeous. i think all of the queens OP listed are better dancers, but thereā€™s no reason to insult jorgeous who is still an incredible dancer


Eh. Ok. Still though. Meth meth meth that's all I see when they're on stage.


Thatā€™s so fucking rude omfg


Eh. I'm probably not the only one who sees it.


Except Jorgeous doesnā€™t do meth, nor does any drug other than weed. Itā€™s rude and quite frankly insulting to suggest they do meth for literally no reason.


They clearly do poppers as well but I get your overall point...




What even makes you think she does meth


Have you never been in a club or party and around someone who was on meth? Or someone who was rolling on x? Or on crack? And said to yourself damn that person is on ___. Thats what I see when I see jorgeous, someone on meth or whose permanently messed themselves up with meth.


That doesnā€™t answer my question though šŸ˜‚. You just think she looks like someone who does meth, so that means she does meth? Jorgeous is Latin, I have plenty of Latin and Hispanic friends who are tiny, excitable/energetic, and what most would call ā€œfirecrackersā€. Itā€™s just how they are. Just like how Italians talk with their hands constantly.


Perhaps the dead fish eyes


So having big eyes means you do meth?


Must be smoking whatever back alley shit Jorgeous snuck in the hotel


Literally yelled "JAX IS RIGHT THERE"


She's amazing but I don't think she's a better dancer than Shea or any of the other trained dancers.


He just repeats what the mothership tell him. Ru believes Jorgeous was Born for drag. I mean sheā€™s very good at some things, but Ru must see something I donā€™t.


ross is an idiot


Iā€™ve seen Jorgeous live tooā€¦ was not impressed.


Donā€™t forget the holy trinity of lip sync assassins from Season 8, Chi Chi Devayne, the legs Naomi Smalls, and Kim Chi.


She's one of the best dancers for sure but THEE best ever? Questionable


Laganga and Alyssa are overrated. They have the same 2 or 3 tricks that they just keep recycling. Kennedy and Anetra are great untrained dancers. Shangela? Not. Brooke Lynn is probably the best all around dancer to ever be on the show




You're wrong lol


Itā€™s his opinion - and I agree when he says she makes it look so effortless (and you canā€™t say that about a lot of the Queens you mentioned)