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Saving this to check all the messiness later lol


Sorting by controversial.


Happy cake day!!


Same, this just reads messy šŸ˜…


anyone who JUST competed. the only person i (personally remember) saw pull that off successfully was Hornella GĆ³ngora in Drag Race EapaƱa. if we don't get longer wait times between all star seasons, at LEAST make some sort of rule that queens that just competed on the last 2 main seasons can't come back yet. give queens time to hone their craft and learn and grow instead of using them for fodder or early outs. that way we don't have All Stars 76 with queens that have competed 10 times edit: yes more people did pull it off in the US seasons. everything pre season 12 is all a huge blur to me and i started the show season 9. sorry


Generally I agree with your rule, but I think there are a couple more exceptions. Aja actually brought a lot more to AS3 than she did to S9 and I think she should have gone a lot further, and Mo Heart did way better on AS4 than S10, although I would chalk that up to the judges *criminally* underrating her in S10 due to her looks, despite their claims that "you don't have to be rich to do well on Drag Race."


Katya? Monet?




Any 4peaters


I would be into a season of only 4peaters.


RuPaul's Last Chance Race


Jujubee is the exception. Iā€™m waiting for her to be casted in every season of every spin off in every country.


ā€œItā€™s Strudel.ā€ Jujubee, Austria vs. The World 13


Sheā€™ll be the only contestant in Monaco vs the worldā€¦and place 3rd.


I want them to announce Jujubee as part of the cast of every upcoming all stars as a running joke, and have increasingly implausible explanations each year for why she wasn't able to compete and would be back next season. I think it could be a hilarious bit.


Itā€™s a shame she couldnā€™t participate this season, hope she heals from injuries after getting sniped by a Vietnam vet.


Especially rough considering she missed last season after coming down with the Spanish flu.


The only one Iā€™m not mad about is Alexis Matteo. I know she has more to show.


Thatā€™s what I came here to say. I am so so sick of getting excited for a new all stars cast and itā€™s the same handful of standbys who keep showing up every time Rupaulā€™s about to cut checks. Like someone else said JuJu is the only one who can get away with this for me, I donā€™t get tired of her


Honestly, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if we never saw Denise Richards again






Please no more Roxxxy Andrews after this current season AS9. I donā€™t want her to win but part of me does so she doesnā€™t come back again.


Agreed. Roxy is the rotten apple of the this season. Her drama stirring and producer bait is just annoying. Sheā€™s making TV. The scissor shit with Angeria was totally fake. She could hear Angeriaā€™s voice. I wonā€™t forget how much of a monster she was to Jinx. Also, her drag has been really mid this season. That bloody neck look was like a quick drag by any of the other queens. I loathe the ā€œredemptionā€ edit sheā€™s getting. Sheā€™s mean. Thatā€™s her thing. Iā€™m not into it. Angeria Paris VanMichaels for the win!


Eureka, but guess what Mimi


Eureka! We've seen it.


We did


10,000 times, I love Fierce on TV and Eureka has great drag but her personality ugh...


Sherry Pie 100000%. They only time I wanna see her again is in a prison cell


Well that ones obvious


Yeah I think we can all assume that Shar0n, Sh3rry, W!dow, etc. are defaults on this list.


Soju too šŸ˜­ not that she did well enough to warrant them bringing her back


I donā€™t know any specifics about Sharon, I think I read she was using racial slurs/generally being a racist asshole but was there something else/a specific moment that she got ā€œcancelledā€?


It was somewhere between blackface/swastikas and (underage I believe) sexual abuse that she was actually cancelled. Havenā€™t read up on it all in a long time.


Correct, Sharon is the exception to the rule of Drag Queens aren't here to groom your children. Sharon groomed a minor hardcore


Alaskaā€™s ex,




Clock it




I have a feeling that wonā€™t be an issue anymore lol


šŸ‘€ What happened?


SA allegations šŸ˜ž Rolling Stone has a pretty in depth article if you want all the details


Mostly just queens weā€™ve seen a lot. I could do without another season of eureka, ginger, juju, alexis, silky, etc. not for any other reason than weā€™ve already seen them a lot and I really want to see some queens we havenā€™t seen as much / back at all (I want to see Bosco, mistress, miss fame, kimora blac, aja, Asia.) no hate to the queen first mentions, I actually love a lot of them, I just think all stars (both the format, how often it happens and cast) is getting really stale.


Okay, I agree for most of them but if we can get Juju again I wont be mad tbh I just love to see her that much


Juju could be on every season and I'd still love to see her every time. She never got on my nerves on any of her seasons.


Her appearance in dungeons and drag queen reminded me how much I miss her on my screen


Wait remember when she found out her character wasnā€™t invisible lol


Kandy Muse


She's the Tasmanian Devil of drag. Utterly exhausting.


Silky. I've never been able to vibe with her personality or drag. It's not like I hate her or anything, but I find her personality more grating than entertaining.


I donā€™t know what it is but I find her the most unlikeable queen Iā€™ve seen on any drag race. I donā€™t believe the rehabilitation they tried to do on her. Iā€™ve seen interviews sheā€™s done since where she is just as arrogant and unpleasant as the ā€œeditā€ made her out to be. And on the season where she won all those lip syncsā€¦ (the fame within a game), thereā€™s no way she got the same amount of time as the just eliminated queens. She was well prepared and even then was not that good.


Her drag is sloppy and the lipsyncs really werenā€™t all that if weā€™re honest.


Yeaaaaahā€¦..Iā€™ve never considered her a lipsync guru and her losing to Jimbo of all people kinda solidified that for me. Sheā€™s entertaining but there are so many people who would dogwalk Silky in a lipsync any day.


theyre calling her the "lipsync guru" but she had to go against Jiggly, Yara, Scarlet, herself, Jan and Pandora. no shade but those are not the first queens i think of when you say "good lipsyncers"


And lowkey she lost to Jan and arguably Scarlet


She never knew her words. But Ru loves her so as long as Silky made Ru laugh with her reveals, etc it didn't matter.


Tbh she grossed me out with the amount of stuff and FOOD she kept in her boobs. As a woman with big titties myself (and some body rolls too) I know they get sweaty pretty easily and I would *not* be keeping snacks in there or anything I expected to hand to another person šŸ¤¢ Even just as a gag, I don't like the idea of keeping things hidden under my body fat and then showing everybody, no thanks! ETA: Please no one take this as an attack against big queens, I mean this specifically as a Silky thing


She did good in some of them but I stand by the fact that Jan beat her


I agree, but Ru lives for Silky and hates Jan, so


Which is why I unironically want Jan on CvsTW. I feel sheā€™d thrive on a non-Ru season


She just tryā€™s to hard to be a meme or have catch phrases to the point where I donā€™t remember any of what she says because it was too attention seeking most of the time tbh


ATTITUDE CHEEEEECK or something I don't remember it was too cringe


Kornbread is like that too. All the faces she kept making during the reunion, tryna make a viral/ gif moment


Same. Hard pass


the transphobes


Yup, thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the answer. Transphobic queens, GTFO.


You know who I really want back again Kennedy Davenport they been giving a lot of queens a second turn let her get another chance and show us how sheā€™s grown even more!


Well mama do I have some big news for you


Im over Kandy, Silky, and Ginger tbh. Dawn and Aiden did nothing for me.


whatā€™s the tea with ginger? her name is on this thread a few times, i think sheā€™s pretty innocuous. granted i havenā€™t seen her seasons in a while and sheā€™s one of my local queens so i may be biased..


I think it's mostly because she's been on the show 3 times already


Yeah, she's a great queen, we've just seen everything she has to offer. I want to see people come back who will surprise me or didn't have a chance to excel in an area they do best in


She really saved the world with this https://preview.redd.it/unwke6tpl59d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fed901e2adf8f1baf62a7ee7f108a64c84c3b11


Bitch, glamor *where*??


Im not gonna mince my words, if this season doesnt win an emmy its because of this outfit. šŸ¤£


Tea with ginger could be a green tea? /joke


Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage - Green Tea!


No tea at all, just I think weā€™ve seen all she has to show now


Definitely Kandy. Itā€™s enough.


For a minute I thought you meant Ginger Johnson from UK5 and I was sad bc I love her lol


Aiden is mine too. I absolutely hated her drag and her personality doesn't help at all. I'm older and loathe talking bad about the youth, but she is one that I'm cool with never seeing again.


Aiden really needed more time to cook before getting on Drag Race. I think there is something there, but they hadnā€™t really figured it out yet


Her lack of work ethic pissed me off to be honest. She had an opportunity most girls would literally kill for and she just acted like she was above trying. Rubbed me the wrong way.


Aiden defending her nap during the pompom corset fiasco was possibly the most delusional thing Iā€™ve ever seen on DR. You thought that it was done? Perfect? Couldnā€™t be improved? Guuuurl.


It was bare assed lazy is what it was


Thatā€™s a very fair take


I discovered that I do like Kandy, but OUTSIDE of Drag Race. She makes good TV and admits thatā€™s what sheā€™s in it to do on GITMS. I liked her interview on there, and I feel like I got to know a person I couldnā€™t stand better. She seems like a fun person, and I wish her luck with other reality TV ventures, but yeah, I donā€™t want them give her more Drag Race time.




i wanted to like her so bad but she just keeps getting into fights and arguments. maybe in the future when she's worked on herself


Iā€™ll never understand how and why she became a fan favourite tbh


Because people only watch the show got a very small glimpse of her on her best behavior


Not a queen but Ross Matthews


šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ. in fact, all new judges from Michelle down would be amazing. actual drag queens who have made it and who know what they are talking about.


India Farrah & Gia Gunn


Ugh I hate that Gia Gunn is kind of a shit person. Not just what we saw on camera, but in the real world too. She had some truly great DR moments, but she made me super uncomfortable on AS4 with Latrice and Farrah.


nina bonina brown, she could even be more talented than rupaul idgaf, she is wrong for the things she sais, she never apologises and keeps saying those things


So transphobic too šŸ«¢


I would honestly be happy never to see Jade Jolie again. I found her mean and nasty on her season, her fake "Ha-ha-ha-HA!" laugh obnoxious and her personality just put my teeth on edge, even if it did lead to one of the most ICONIC Alyssa quotes ever ("Backrolls?").


I feel like she wonā€™t come back, plus she competed on dragula recently so I think she may have turned a new leaf. Plus literally yesterday Trinity spilled tea on her on sibling ruvalry




Yes! Ru loves her and Idek why


Unfortunately for me, they both came back


Vicky vivacious, she's a right winger


Honestly, didn't know that. Links please on her views?


Me too, I canā€™t find anything about it.






Jorgeos is the one i can't stand, but is one of ru's favourties so is obvious she going to come back


Jorgeous is gorgeous, but so many of her runways are coming across as shake and go.


Dawn, but maybe Iā€™ll change my mind


Dawn, and I won't change my mind. The false SA allegations crossed a line. The fact that she seems to have mostly gotten away with it has probably only emboldened her. No way should someone like that be platformed any more. I hope the producers know better than to touch her again; Dawn is not a stink the show needs on it.


Thank you. I only added the second part because I didnā€™t want to be hated. Sheā€™s an awful person with chronically mid drag. Legit did not enjoy a single thing about her šŸ˜­


I was underwhelmed by Dawnā€™s performance after having her in my top picks pre-season. I do hope she takes a few years to develop her aesthetic and performance before coming back. She had the ego of a front runner but lacked the polish to back it up against the others, and I think that made her image sour a bit (along with the jaykay thing?). Her positive reaction to the Morphine lip sync gives me hope though, she took it in stride and that was refreshing. I think she could have a much more favorable showing in AS.


What was the jaykay thing?


That whole friend group went along with falsely accusing Plane Jane of sexual assault when the cast for that season was announced. Jaykay went especially hard and saying it was 1000% real or something and then video evidence came out that it wasn't true at all. I don't know how Plane Jane has put up with that bullshit when it could've ruined her


We really don't hold this against them enough, it was incredibly fucked up to do and damaging to real victims of assault.


Well i mentioned it on the drama subreddit in a comment and got permanently banned so I guess it's not allowed to be talked about some places


One more time for the people in the back! Jay Kay is a queen I never want to see on my screen again.


The delusion of people living for jay kay never ceases to amaze me


I remember this and immediately being like ā€œOh, so they were right to hate you on Dragulaā€ about Jaykayā€¦ and I donā€™t even watch Dragula


Wooaahh dang wtf. Kinda curious about what kind of video could be used as evidence of the falsehood of an allegation so I'll look that up on my own. But what a shitty thing to do jfc


It was about something she did during a performance and then her friend posted the video of the performance


Weulll just look up the panƩjanƩ sa allegations which turned out be...a whole lot of.. https://preview.redd.it/6sz55t30359d1.jpeg?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36b0eba79aa03a0de43199213b06084e881c61ca


Anyone whose airtime is filled with them acting bitchy and conceited 50% of the time and then being bitter the other 50% when someone else does well at something. Pixie Polite, The Vixen, Dawn, Vicky Vivacious, Gia Gunn .etc.


Kandy Muse.


Eureka Ohara


Well guess what Mimi


I could not believe


Trinity was right about her.


The Vixen too


Kandy Muse


Gia Gunn and Kandy Muse


Latrice, Mhiyah, Derrick Barry, Roxxy (wish she wasn't on as9) Alaska's Ex. Even though it would never happen I'd LOVE to see Willam back on a non elimination season just for the absolute mess she would cause


Joey Jay, not because I cant stand him, but because the brand isnt really different from three years ago.


Is it because he's...*gay*? šŸ˜² /jk


That's homophobic. Excluding gay queens. Wow!


fully valid especially if he still uses the wet wigs


nina bonina brown šŸ˜¬


People who mightā€™ve excelled when the show was still fresh and you could show up busted and still make it all the way.


I don't wanna be ultra negative so I'll say one queen I'd love to see on any season; Detox. She could come back for every All Stars for the next decade and I'd still not get enough.


She just said on Sibling Rivalry that sheā€™s open to it! Iā€™d love to manifest this!!!


Omg I would LIVE!!! That'd be so cool!!


You get the Miss Congeniality award. I went negative.


We all play to our strengths šŸ˜˜


If Roxxxy wins this season, Detox will def come back to round out the Rolaskatox winning trio. The story has been written


The Bene Gesserit propaganda hath taken root


I don't need to see Gottmik again


I agree with 4peaters. Do we really need Alexis Mateo, Ginger Minj and Eureka again? I like them all but there's plenty who could do with a second or third chance first. As someone else said Jujubee is an exception. I could watch her all day every day


Sugar and Spice.


Milk. He's more successful as a boy than a drag queen


kandy, silky, myiah, aiden, brita, the vixen, sugar and spice


Eureka, Ginger, Plane Jane, Sugar, Spice, Mhiā€™yah, Dax, and Eve 6000


Gottmik, Sugar & Spice, Gia Gunn, Jorgeous, India Ferrah, and Derrick Barry.


Jimboā€¦. I saw the drag circus and have no interest in her coming back for an all winners season or anything.


Unless they're problematic - I think I'd like to see all queens back. The best part of All Stars is seeing their evolution. For example Rajah on All Stars was completely different to S11 Rajah, same with Kylie, whereas some like Ginger on AS2 and Milk on AS3 didn't really change that much - And I like to see who doesn't change too??? Even some 3 timers like Cheryl and Lemon we didn't get to see their evolution or again like Silky on CanVTW we got to see evole even further for a THIRD time.


Kandy and Silky definitely. Maybe also Darienne Lake? I know a lot of people like her but me not so much. Also with Luxx and Mistress... I can take one, but not both at the same time. Edited to add: Reminded from another post. No Coco Montrese either.


Aura mysomthing. I dont remember her name but she was cringe and kinda mean online


I was rewatching season 15 and when she walked in I completely blanked on who she was. Like she's pretty and all, but she was so forgettable.


The worst thing was the ā€œactingā€ she did on stage for some of her runways, cringe doesnā€™t even begins to describe what I felt


I have physically recoiled at how she carried on the runway. Cringe isnā€™t a good enough word.


Derrick. Has never been good at DR and her schtick bothers me.


![gif](giphy|3o72Fdd63NxzpGGu8E|downsized) I wonā€™t stand for this


Serena Chacha


Aura Mayari - one of the most underwhelming queens (even though she did serve some polish) Mhiyah - gave absolutely nothing except those flips. I am sorry Sagittaria - I can do without soulless twinks even though the looks are giving everything Nina Bonina Brown - the talent is absolutely soured by all of the self sabotage and the negativity is high Jasmine Masters - jush is iconic but keeps winning the idgaf war


Kandy Muse


Aiden Zhane, Gia Gunn, Mhiyah


Baby I AM the boom boom Gunn


I suppose Iā€™ll say my main oneā€¦ cannot stand Salina šŸ«¢


Salina Estitties? I donā€™t really like her either I just remember her complaining alot but then not doing well ever either


Maybe it's because I grew up in L.A., so she reminded me of the cholas I knew and loved, but I loved Salina.


As an ex Chola, she really did bring in a lot of the aesthetic on the show. I loved her because you could tell that she is proud and openly Mexican. And she ate the Celine Dion lip sync. However, she is really loud and can understand that it can be annoying. And as much as I love her, she was eliminated at the right time.


She is not Mexican she is Central American but born in Cali. She has spoken about her respect and appreciation for cholo culture.


Thank you for correcting me. I made an assumption because of the cholaness, but I really shouldn't assume.


De nada! Im an EsTiddies stan so I canā€™t help but to know about her personal life lmao


Yeah, she didn't really do anything for me either. Like, I don't think I'd be mad if she came back, but I wouldn't miss her at all if she didn't.


Any queen who rebranded as not doing drag anymore but still works in entertainment. It gives ā€œdrag is beneath meā€.


I think thatā€™s ridiculous. People shouldnā€™t have to leave the entertainment industry if they decide they donā€™t want to do drag anymore


The Vixen.


i crave to see her back but know she would never




The Vixen and Kandy


Gotmik and Roxie


Not a really hot take, but Kandy Muse. I don't get it. I've never gotten it. I don't think I ever will get it. Also, Shangela. I was over it before the scandal. I was over it before AS3. I'm sorry, but I've just never vibed with her. And I'm not saying she doesn't take drag seriously, but she always felt to me like she was more interested in being a "reality tv personality", and all of those GD Game of Thrones references...JFC. Gia Gunn. Jade Jolie. I'd love to see Plane Jane back, but I'd much prefer her to just act like a normal person and not try to produce her own edit. I just grew tired of her antics.


Denim from Canada. The world's most irritating Drag Queen. Violet Chachki, the mean girl act is old. Melinda Verga from Canada unless she can fix her $5 hooker makeup. Mimi Imfurst. No explanation needed. Dawn. Something about the personality.


Violet has turned into Janice Dickinson from Top Model šŸ’Æ. You are right, the mean girl act is tired and sad at this point.


I'm with you, except for Melinda. She's iconic.


Nina Bonina Brown. The amount of people I still see putting her on wish lists is crazy.


I donā€™t like Tyra or the Vixen donā€™t want either of them back


Any queen whoā€™d be competing for the third or fourth time (for third time I could make some exceptions). If weā€™re talking about specific queens: Eureka! who falls into that category, Aiden Zhane and Ariel Versace did nothing for me, I didnā€™t really vibe with Malaysia Babydoll Foxx and Tina Burner


Honestly just as long as they haven't competed super recently. Like a season 13 and above no ma'am. Give yourself some time to grow enhance your craft and then come back


I don't care for it when people who just competed are back on right away. I think they need time before they are on another season. For instance, I like Jan and I think she is an awesome performer but when she was back on that fast it seemed like they were just fucking with her. I also don't think she had time to really evolve or grow as a performer at all in that time. I do like Jan, I am just using her as an example.


i love roxxy but i dont need her back a 4th time--also eureka and alexis michelle.


Silky. Sheā€™s just meh to me.


Sorry, but I have had enough of Phi Phi, Serena, Thorgy, Jan, the BrokAllay, Kameron, Kandy, Blair, Brita. Will never get enough of: Juju, Nina Flowers, Chad, Bianca, Courtney, Adore, Darrien, Latrice, Manilla, Shea, Jinkx, Jaida, Katya, Alaska, Willam, Mistress, Sasha Colby, Asia Oā€™hara


Violet Chachki. She just seems so negative in everything.


Thorgy - I donā€™t mind her on the pit stop but sheā€™s so bitter while competing that it just ruins it for me. I know some of it is just their sense of humor, but you can tell that a lot of it isnā€™t. Jasmine Masters for similar reasons. Itā€™s like sheā€™s offended that she has to compete. Jade Jolie - sheā€™s just annoyed me Vanje - I love her but I need a break Utica is my least favorite contestant. She is trying so hard that everything she does feels insincere and fake.


I agree with everything except Vanjie....I can never have enough, but I can see how she would be a lot and respect that.


Imma just say it, I really, really don't vibe with Daya Betty and I would not care to see her on DR ever again. I've said it once and I'll say it again, I really can't with the "mean queens". I might be very naive here but I don't like the messiness. I want to see them do their best, prepare for challenges and have some wholesome moments with one another. I know people say the mean queens make good TV, but it's just not my thing. I have nothing against shady queens like Bianca, but there's a difference between being shady and mean. Daya is for sure a talented queen and I don't think she deserves any of the hate she got from the fandom. And I am aware that the edit does fuck some of the queens over really hard and that's awful. Still, do I want to see Daya again? No.


I met Daya at a drag brunch, and she was incredibly sweet. We chit chatted and took a bunch of cute pictures. Also put on an amazing show. I never saw her edit as the "mean queen" kind. More like focused, driven, and yes, maybe a bit blunt sometimes. She was technically the first to be eliminated, and I think she was damned to have it happen again. She clawed her way to that finale


Olivia Lux