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crem.... ? wrong book




I was like “wait I don’t remember subscribing to the stormlight archive subreddit…” Also there’s a stormlight archive subreddit! Aw yeah! Edit: /r/stormlight_archive


Just so you know, they only allow Fan Casts on Friday’s ;) You should also check out r/cosmere r/mistborn and r/cremposting


It took me reading your comment to realize that word was out of place.


They should create a post just for castings to be discussed


A mega casting thread? I’d love that, then I could hide it and never see them again


Honestly, I proposed this idea 4 years ago already, when people were doing the same thing and it was getting old. Nobody did it.


I dont think there are a lot of mods, and the ones there are here aren’t overly active, that might be why?


“Crem”? Even Urban Dictionary came up blank on that one…? Is it a Fae term?


It's a term from Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive series. The world features giant storms that deposit a gross buildup called crem on everything. In the cremposting sub they use the word crem kinda like shit.




Ah yeah, sorry to much time in r/cremposting


All good, gancho, happens to us all 😂


No it doesn't. I find Sandserson to be mediocre but OK when there is nothing else to read. Oh that doesn't happen much does it? The Law is the best thing I have read/listened from him so far.


Airsick lowlander


They are pretty awful. Only thing lower effort is pictures of a small girl with big dog, short blonde cop, and mismatched Beetle


It’s been a solid 3 months since we’ve had a round of that tiny Aussie cop standing next to the enormous one.


You forgot about the pictures of things covered in snow


Nina and Alexander belong together!


Okay but not that way


If not for Shou, then Goku would have had to teach them to dance... Or better get, get them some ear rings 😁


We had this conversation a couple of years ago, when we had a similar streak of casting posts. The decision in the end was a) this is a public community and b) moderators should not be in the business of content control. What we did do, though, for members who would rather not see the casting posts, is create the Fan Casting flair and offer a button over in the sidebar that is supposed to give you a main feed with those items filtered out. There are a couple of other categories with such buttons as well. A couple of days ago it was reported to me that that button wasn't working. I did some testing to check that and reported the issue to our mod that's has the most savvy in that type of thing - hopefully it will be fixed soon. We do the best we can to see to it that this flairing protocol is observed. We don't necessarily see everything, though - if you run across a casting post that's not flaired Fan Casting feel free to report it and we will get it fixed. Finally, this will not be a permanent thing. It never is. In a few days / week or two everyone will get this all out of their system for now. It doesn't help that some people are responding to it by making "retaliatory posts" designed to belittle / criticize the authentic fan casting posts. That just annoys people and encourages them to do even more. The fastest way to get it past is to just ignore it if you're not interested in it. Meanwhile, keep in mind that some people *are* interested in it, and they are community members too. The community is here for everyone.


Honestly, the best part of any round of this nonsense is when people start posting parody suggestions.


Normally I would agree with OP, but the streak of progressively dumber castings for Butters really got me good. They got pretty funny. Also the shit post where someone cast The Rock as everyone was pretty great.


I didn’t have time, but my suggestion was going to be Jurassic Park era Wayne Knight. Also, The Rock is clearly Lara. No one boobily boobs like The Rick.


butters is clearly tilda swinton, thomas is paddington bear. easy casting amirite bros?


The funniest thing to me about all the casting is people acting like there is some kind of infinite budget and a time machine. If they make a show it will be filled with people we barely recognize or don't know at all.


Just make a Megathread and take action against users who post casting threads outside of that. Problem solved.


Mega threads are lazy and boring. We already have tags, just look at the tags.


Who cares? It’ll give everyone who wants to do casting posts a place to do so, and no one gets bothered.


Then why not just do mega threads tmforneverything that bothers people? Don't like >!nemesis!< theories? Megathread for all of them Don't like Mouse and little girl posts? Megathread >!Bonea!< questions? Megathread Cosply? Mega The tagging system works fine. It's silly that people can't just scroll past posts you don't wanna click on. This casting thing comes and goes and for a fanbase that's in a 4 year hiatus already it's surprising the amount of content we get.


Casting threads are especially prolific and are niche enough to warrant their own thread. Look, I’m just trying to propose ideas that give the casting folk what they want while also getting rid of the fucking meme. Just “scroll past” isn’t a solution because it doesn’t solve the underlying issue that the post is still there.


Yeah that button doesn’t work for the official Reddit app. Ever. It’s not a recent thing. And that doesn’t stop it from showing up in the home feed anyway. If mods aren’t in charge of content control, then why did you do an AI poll … last year?


It was only mentioned a few days ago - hopefully we will get it fixed soon. I know it worked when we first set it up; I guess subsequent changes in Reddit itself broke it. We want it to work. It *is* possible to work it out for yourself - all it is is a properly crafted URL. But we do want to offer that convenience. When I tried the button after that report, it removed *everything* from my feed. :-(


It never worked as intended my guy. I promise you that. It only *ever sort of* worked for looking at the Sub specifically, but never for your home page.


It did when we first set it up - multiple of us tested it. I can't say how long it continued to work, though. Anyway, we want it to work - I'll keep attention on it until it does.


I was one of those people bitching when the button came out and NO it didn’t work for the main page, it literally only ever worked on the sub itself. Making it useless.


Is there a reason you're being so antagonistic to a volunteer moderator who is taking their time to try to talk with you?


Oh maybe just the fact that I was literally around when what he was talking about, to KNOW it never worked as intended. Not on the Mobile App. The fact that the Fancast posts have gotten so far out of hand and the mods just let it.(oh but I can get a “don’t be disruptive” comment when I start posting my own) How about when I first complained about it(the useless button) now days ago he didn’t even respond *to me* but to one of the people shitting on me for having an opinion? Or how about because there’s a large amount of the community trying to suggest *easy* fixes that would make everyone happy and instead he wants to focus on that stupid button THAT NEVER WORKED ON THE MOBILE APP.(I don’t care what he or anyone else says I was literally here day one of it and it didn’t work on the mobile app, I was excited for the ability to stop seeing those stupid posts)


Some people clearly enjoy fan cast posts. I'm one of them, and I'm sure you've downvoted me for it. But if people didn't enjoy them, the posts wouldn't exist. There's an entire flair for them. They don't break the sub rules. Meanwhile, you're here breaking the civility rule over and over again. I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet. Other subs would have banned you the first or second time you decided to get nasty. /u/kipingram is showing a lot of restraint.


You're just flat out wrong my guy.


About what? The button not working? Then prove it my guy. Cuz it never fucking worked as intended. “Anyone can do it with a properly crafted URL” what bearing does that have on the Reddit Mobile app? You know that thing that TOTALLY has URLs everywhere.


I'm sorry, but I believe you to be wrong in claiming that it never worked at all. I had direct experience to the contrary. At any rate, that's past history and there is no point in arguing about it now. What we want is for it to work now. That's all I have to say about it at the present time. It may take a few days to get attention on it, but if it's still broken in a week then feel free to mention it to me again. I certainly don't want it to slip off the radar.


I have no horse in this race (I never even knew the button existed and fan casting posts don't bother me), but I'm curious how many different setups you tested it on? It's possible that it, for example, worked for the Android app but not the iPhone app. Or that it worked for some third party apps but not others. It would explain why the moderator team's experiences differ from the user above.


I personally only tested it on my browser. There was also the moderator involved who actually implemented the button - I can't say what level of testing he did. All the button really does, though, is open a particular formatted URL. If a client doesn't properly interpret that URL, then I'd regard that as a problem with that client.


You do understand that polling the community for input on what content to allow and Mods doing content control are vastly different things right?


One is asking the community if they want it, the other is saying F you, we are allowing it regardless of the communities feelings?


You're not the community. You're part of it. A larger portion of the community clearly enjoys fan castings. So how exactly are they saying "F you?"


They won’t even do a poll, it’s pretty obvious that the community doesn’t care for fan castings otherwise this post wouldn’t have got so many upvotes.


The average fan casting post gets more interaction than this pitiful complaint thread did, by a mile.


Out of the 80 or so castings this week, only one has more upvotes. Not sure where your math comes from.


Upvote aren't the only metric for post interaction bud. But I see this discussion isn't going anywhere with you. You don't like fan castings, a lot of people on the sub do. They don't appear to be going anywhere, cope or leave.


I'm gonna cast spells, you can't stop me.


People are bored because we're waiting for the next book.


I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what "No Castings" meant. Like, are people coming in here and typing out casting spells from the books? Are people casting their own spells? Who is casting spells?!?! Then I finally realized it was actors lol. What a day


I mean, I tried “Consulere rex!” From peace talks, but it totally didn’t work.


What about spell castings? can we still do that?


Some subreddits designate certain days for that kind of thing. Fancast Mondays would be a decent compromise


Love the BrandoSando “crem” reference!


Weekly casting threads? Fan cast Friday?


That would be a good compromise.


What if we banned posts about banning posts?


Let’s ban all posts that I’m not personally interested in. If I don’t feel like paying attention to it, it really doesn’t add any value *for me* and thus, I really don’t see the point of it.


I propose an amendment to this bill, that such things as I dislike be banned, rather than u/BuffaloWhip


That’s fair. I have terrible taste.


Harry: Danny DeVito Murph: Danny DeVito Michael: Danny DeVito Molly: Danny DeVito Mab: Danny DeVito Lea: Danny DeVito Carlos: Danny DeVito Mouse: Danny DeVito Butters: Danny DeVito Charity: Danny DeVito Thomas: Danny DeVito Eb: Danny DeVito The Merlin: Danny DeVito Mother Winter: Danny DeVito Mother Summer : Danny DeVito Bob: Danny DeVito Maggie: Danny DeVito Susan: Danny DeVito Elaine: Danny DeVito Mac: Danny DeVito Odin: Danny DeVito The Earlking : Danny DeVito Sonya: robert downey jr in blackface. Thats all the roles i can fill right now.


Perfection. Sorta.


I would watch it.


There are no new books on the horizon. It's either this, "OMG the line moved", or some unsupported ~~hairbrained~~ harebrained theory about denarians or whatever. Right now, this is what people are getting a giggle over. You'll survive.


Omg, that reminds me. I heard Butcher is really a Denarian thrall and is writing all this up to expose the real white council.


He's gaining power from being known, HE'S SPREADING HIS BOOKS NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Yep, I’m pretty sick of them and don’t even read them. I actually am ready to leave the sub because it’s gotten so bad.


Listen, I understand not killing anyone and no mind control but no casting in general is just too far.


This is a bitching post. The way you feel about casting posts is how I feel about bitching posts. If you want to see more interesting conversations, the way to achieve that is to offer one. Here are some prompts: What would this series be like if it was set in a different city? Boston. Honolulu. Dallas. Molly is set to eventually replace Mab, and perhaps will be a more fearsome creature in the end. Was saving Molly the most consequential act Harry did? Post-Battleground Power Rankings


Upvoted for crem


Except Mouse, of course. What would this sub be without random dog pictures?


Well, it’s a dog… dogs are better than people…


This is canon. Humans need dogs to teach us how to love.


As long as we have plenty of casting for Mister as well 😁


Please do that. It was funny at first but then there was a tidal wave of posts.


"let's get rid of something insanely popular because it holds no interest for me specifically" I don't really like fan castings either but it's fine; not everything's for me.


Damnit stop having fun!


No offense, but that is a stupid premise. It's not difficult to imagine a scenario where people are having fun at the expense of everyone else's enjoyment.


Oh absolutely, and those people should stop having fun as well. The expense of having to *see* unwanted post types in a sub we like is downright absurd.  Edit: my reddit opponent has waved the white flag of comment deletion defeat, I declare victory! And shall henceforth make a post about how Nic Cage would be perfect for every role. Edit 2: *ahem* every role at the same time, to be clear.


Nah, his comments are still there, what you're seeing is him blocking you. If you right click permalink below his now delete comment (or yours) and open in incognito you'll see his message still. Or at least I think you will. It's worked for me in the past.


If monkeys are flinging around shit and making the room stink the problem isn't the people offended by the smell.


Yea totally, those people having fun making a type of post I don't like should be compared to animals flinging shit, and treated like such! Edit: for anyone that wants context the deleted comment I replied to said something about monkeys throwing shit and people complaining about the smell arent the problem. Which if we're gonna take seriously as a comparison, you'd need to acknowledge that going to the zoo and going to the monkey habitat and then complaining about monkey shit is stupid af because you can absolutely just walk on by and still enjoy the rest of the zoo


God I hate the casting so much.


Womp womp


So everyone is allowed to have fun as long it’s the specific brand of fun that you enjoy? Get bent


Monthly megathread


I see this exact post in the red rising sub almost daily 😆


Dude, I couldn’t stay in that sub for more than a day or two. It wasn’t just the castings, that sub is just… a lot.


I don’t participate but they don’t bother me. People are bored waiting for the next book or a show announcement.


Just unfollow the sub until the new book comes out


I thought about that. But I figured I’d speak up and see the community’s reaction before doing that.


Sorry folks, this person doesn't want any more casting posts. Pack it up




Can I down vote you again, please?


yeah just click the downvote button twice






Rule #1 reminder.


No posts about casting in a fantasy novel subreddit?  That's like banning talking starship in a Star Trek subreddit, or banning talking about guns in a John Wick subreddit.


It’d be more like banning casting ideas in the Star Trek and John Wick subreddits. I mean it’s silly, we are never getting another live action Dresden. Even if it were as popular as ASOIAF, the budget would be too high at this point for even HBO or Amazon.


Apparently the pun about casting was too subtle and people missed it.  Wizards casts spells. Star Trek has ships John Wick has guns.


I don't know about that, remember what the GoT budget was. Surely they can CGI Sue just as easily as they did Rhaegal.


How do you see live action Dresden, set in Chicago….have a higher budget than what GoT/HotD cost??


> Even if it were as popular as ASOIAF, the budget would be too high at this point for even HBO or Amazon. I always see this take on the sub and it's so ridiculous. You could do Dresden, and do Dresden *well* at that, for a fraction of a GOT budget.


Also? An animated Dresden Files series would be AMAZING.


>Also? An animated Dresden Files series would be AMAZING. Yeah it could be. But a live action would be better by far.


There aren’t casting posts allowed in all the cosmere subs, and they do great.


But not as great as this...


I feel like this comes up every time there’s a big wave of casting. There’s not been a ban so far and usually all the dreaded casting stops after a few weeks. Then we go through a phase of fun theories! Then back to posting about when the next book comes out lol It’s beautiful.


If enough people downvote them, they'll learn it's not wanted.


What does it say if the posts are upvoted then? 🤔


… like this one?


Why? People like it and there's no way it inconveniences you.


And if more people dislike it than like it, do they just suck it up and bear it?


Bear what? An extra inch of scrolling on your phone?


Yes. It’s a public forum. When you go to the store are there assholes there? Can you ban them? You can choose to go to another store, or you can put headphones on in your own store to ignore them. Put some headphones on and you’ll be fine.


So you are saying a public forum and private property is the same thing? I don’t get that analogy, since stores kick out assholes all the time.


There are more assholes than a store can or would want kick out. When you enter a public place/forum you just have to deal with it.


I usually don’t go to the ghetto, where there are more assholes than a store can kick out. But I mean, if the ghetto is what u/kipingram is wanting the sub to be, I guess that’s his choice.


It is in no way about what I "want." There's a list of four simple rules over there in the sidebar, and our job as moderators is the enforcement of those rules. Beyond that, this community belongs to all of you and our opinions / desires don't matter any more than yours do. I don't mind the fan casting posts, especially when they're offered in good faith and are "real candidates." Even then, the occasional joke post can be entertaining. But my favorite stuff around here, and what got me to stick around in the first place, is the serious theory discussion. We have a few folks around here with an almost academic depth of "Dresden scholarship" and watching where their minds go is a *lot* of fun. I'm not really sure what causes these "surges" in a particular kind of post - just some sort of crowd psychology I guess. But the one thing you can count on is that it won't persist indefinitely. We've gotten such surges in the past, and they always pass after a while. don't know actual numbers, but my guess is that if you analyzed community traffic over any long period of time you'd find that fan casting, memes, AI Content, and so on represent a fairly small fraction of overall traffic.


Last I checked, it was only the mods that can change those rules. These casting posts happen daily. Sure there has been a larger than average the last couple of days, but it’s still daily. Make a poll, change the rules, do something that makes it worthwhile to see your ugly avatar.


Set up a megathread and it’ll never be a surge again.


That's one of the options that was considered at the time. Currently there are no plans to change the policy.


When someone is being a Karen on the Dresden thread, should we call them a Murph?


So what you're saying is.... Luis Guzman would make a great Butters.


I think James Marsden should play Harry


Danny Devito is the only correct choice to play everyone in the series


So you are upset there are no "real discussion" posts and instead of making one you make this?


I can’t find the discussion posts because the sub is clugged up with half assed casting posts.


I just sorted by new and out of the first 10 posts 5 were fan cast and 5 were other discussions. You'll be fine, post more discussions yourself.


Who would you cast as the judge that would make this ruling?


Christopher Judge. It's in his name, duh! Although Judge Reinhold would also be acceptable.


Judge Holden.


Hear me out. Hear me out. Warwick Davis as Dresden. It's perfect. I check this subreddit a lot less while all those are up. Low effort, low interest.


He can play McCoy.


I tossed a broken fan off my back deck, does that count as fan casting?


Be a more interesting post than most of the others.


The constant casting posts are still more bearable than the barrage of "iT's tOo hArD" bitching posts on the r/Eldenring subs due to the difficulty of the new DLC. It's also easy to ignore these kinds of posts until some real info drops about the next book.




Because they make the subreddit unbearable to come see, it gets clogged with crap and then you can’t find actual discussions or news.


It's *unbearable*? That seems a bit hyperbolic don't you think? You can just ignore them, like many of us do. No need to yuck anybody else's yums (as long as no one is getting hurt). There's no reason to make all the subs you're interested in behave exactly like the Brandon Sanderson ones. Different communities *are* allowed to be different after all.


After 50 or so casting posts in the last 48 hours, half of which are just BS (like Peter Dinklage for Harry) unbearable is the right word for me. It’s either speak up (for myself and others) or leave the sub 🤷🏻‍♂️


>After 50 or so casting posts in the last 48 hours, half of which are just BS (like Peter Dinklage for Harry) unbearable is the right word for me. Top 50 posts in the last 48 hours, 6 are casting. Oh, the humanity! Also note the "top" which indicates how many dozens or hundreds of other people here upvoted them. Hit the hide button and move on with your life, son.


I'm pretty sure you know that forums go through phases. This is just a temporary thing that'll die down for a few months. Then pop up for a week when folks (especially new forum goers) get excited about castings again. Regardless, it's not a big deal. All that is to say, 'whelp, see you later'.


You're the first and only person I've seen complain about it tbh.


I have seen a couple other posts about it and it has gotten to where I tend to see it is the dresden page and I scroll by. Obviously there is nothing of value there, cause it will be posting about a character. A singular character, and who should play this ONE character. Who if he had died in a specific chase scene, would not have been a bad thing... Ok, less likely to have an epic Michael moment, but I am sure Jim could have found a way.


I'm getting pretty tired of it too. Until and unless there's a series announced, there's not really a point. And I've seen multiple people propose castings based on the way they remember actors from 20 or 30 years ago. And those actors are either way too old today, or - in the case or at least 3 comments I've seen - currently deceased. I don't want people to not have their fun so I'm not asking people to stop. But maybe a weekly thread or something would be a good way to consolidate it?


That’s what the stormlight/cosmere/mistborn/etc subs do, on Fridays castings are allowed, the rest of the week, deleted.


Airsick lowlanders, am I right?


I could dig that.


What do you have against a corpse playing a role, eh?! 100% agree with you, it floods the sub with shit.


Honestly, I get the appeal. It's fun to compare notes and see how everybody else pictures these characters in their heads. But yeah I think a weekly thread is enough. On the front page of the sub right now there's 5 posts that mention casting. Edit: it's now 8 casting posts on the front page.


🤷🏻‍♂️ there is a “no fan casting” button, so people have complained about it in the past, but it doesn’t work on mobile. Maybe all the dumb fan casting has chased off all the people that used to have discussions.


I’m bored of fan castings too, but come on, nobody’s being chased away because they saw a fan casting thread on Nicodemus they hated. If people aren’t coming back, it’s because Butcher enrolled in and graduated from the GRRM School of Book Release Schedules.


I’ve considered leaving because of it. If we had one “Who should play Butters” thread it’d be one thing, but constantly seeing the exact same thread with just a different picture is spamming.


Nah, I think you just believe your opinion is the only one that matters. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but.......


Or I could be speaking up for the non-vocal majority 🤷🏻‍♂️


I will back this comment. I am not going to jump on and make a post about no more of this type of post, but I will advocate it when it comes on.


Seconding this. Fuck the shitty fancasts. It’s karma farming at *best*


Every time someone speaks up about this, like I did last year when people spent a month spamming fancasting, we get ganged up on by people like you. We are actually the majority. And no, there is no way around the spam using filters when you browse reddit not by individual subs but by your home screen which aggregates all subs you belong to.


materialistic nine spectacular cover vanish hunt enjoy dolls practice cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. I’m out too.


It's only an echo chamber if you're not here. Stay, argue with us, keep us honest 😂




Or you could just ignore them.


There's always the option of scrolling right on past the posts that you aren't interested in reading (or not interested in reading right now). I'm fairly certain that most of us scroll past a lot of posts on a daily basis somewhere on the subreddits. No need to ban something others enjoy just because you don't.


Just looking at the post, a majority agree with me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Guys. Now that we found one, what should we do with it? And feel free to be creative.


Hey who do we think should play Butters?


Three sticks of butter, but nobody acknowledges it and everyone treats the three sticks as a regular person.


How about a box of I can't believe it's not butter?


I think that their range may not cover it.


Professor Chaos.


Terry Cruz.


Seth Rogan


I think casting posts are fine and fun as long as they aren’t low effort BS


I, who haven’t been on reddit too lately, just was scrolling for a while and understand why this post came to be. I apologize.




I do think castings are a good way to visualize the book, and also to get insight into everyone else’s head cannon. Making a post about not posting castings is kinda whiny IMO. Don’t engage


No. They have a tag for it. Just filter it out.


If that worked on mobile, I would.


No castings…very punny


Omg Daniel Radcliffe as Harry guyzzz ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


It's honestly not a big problem. This sub see limited posts daily as it is b/c it's been almost 4 years since the last major book. Read titles of posts and just don't visit the casting posts. They come and go. We've had this issue sporadically for years now. It'll die down just give it some time.


If only there were a way of ignoring posts and scrolling past... I'd rather ban the word 'crem'.