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Sitting in the left lane "just going with the flow of traffic" is still left lane camping and is still wrong. If they get out of the way the instant somebody is behind them, it's probably not too great a sin, but it's still camping.


Left lane campers, if you’re scanning (like you should be) and see me coming up behind you and youre not gonna move, I am going to pass you on the right while mouthing curses at you hoping youll see me say, you dumb mf. tho i usually drive 5-10 over & theres are 2 lanes, I drive in the right lane and use the left to pass.


If you have to cuss to drive you have anger issues. Try to limit your road rage and allow ample time to reach your destination.


>If you have to cuss to drive you have anger issues What kind of logic is this?


Pretty A to B. It's not normal to lose your cool at every inconvenience


Who said losing your cool? Are you one of those super conservatives that thinks swearing can only be used at the most extreme circumstances?


Mouthing swears at a person and hoping they see you call them a motherfucker. Yeah that's extreme.


Lmao okay bro. Life's a lot harder than getting called "motherfucker"


Lifes a lot harder if you need to call strangers motherfucker all the time.


No one said need, and no one said all the time.


On God, someone went to the internet and suggested people regulate their emotions and you took offense. Idk what to do with that.


Ive anger issues because of left lane campers no matter what time I leave.


Your emotions are yours to regulate. Blaming them on others is dangerous.




Just imagine how great a world it would be if people acted like emotionally mature adults while operating heavy machinery.


Being (too) emotional is what gets you killed. Respecting the fear of using heavy machinery keeps one in check. If you think me cussing is too “emotional” while driving, youd be scared to see me troubleshooting while Im flying a helicopter.


It's not just cussing. You say you do it at the people who triggered you and hope they see you? Why do you want a physical confrontation? Why do you want to transfer anger while driving?




Can we start by operating is as it should be and then work on peoples feelings


People's feelings are why they drive poorly. They feel threatened insecure impatient selfish. Like children


What feelings are those


And then that person will post "Why are these dangerous people weaving around? Think of the children!"


https://preview.redd.it/h8w2gkg6sqpc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c841b0709ed471bea4bb5fcef2c6292792e1d3 fuk dem kids


the complaints about the weaving people aren't about 2 lane highways lol. it's when you're in a 3+ lane urban highway and some dumbass is trying to go 20 above flow of traffic to somehow get ahead of the entire city commuting, only to end up saving literally no time and endangering people for no reason.


Probably because of left lane campers


I can't agree more. The issue is that the term 'left lane camping' is highly subjective. I think people can typically agree at the extreme ends of the spectrum. But there is no common definition that works for all situations.


It's not called the 'flow of traffic' lane it's the **passing** lane


What if. I never allow the cars to pass. Then jump to the next car to keep obstructing those behind? Huh? How bout that? How bout people that want to watch the world burn. You're assuming life is a fairytale, and there are no unhinged people on the road.


The left lane camping is infuriating when the person in the left lane is doing pretty much the same speed or slightly faster than the person in the right lane. On top of that, when its a highway and they are doing less than 40 mph with no one in front of them. 


Left lane hogs should be ticketed for impeding the flow of traffic. No questions, you failed to follow community standards eg, left lane for passing. Pull them over and ticket their thoughtless driving. No excuses, no rationale for not traveling as a licensed driver in the left lane.


The left lane belongs to the fastest car.


The whole keep right thing works out in rural areas where there's large stretches of open empty nothingness. It doesn't really work in an urban area with frequent interchanges, left-hand exits, etc. This idea that people with a leadfoot have an inherent right to a dedicated lane is frankly immature. Yes, I get it, you have a billion justifications as to why it's okay - you think speeding is safer and a more justified infraction. How about we don't do either. If doing the posted speed limit is too difficult, turn in your license.


Some of it is also sections of highway with a lot of exits/merges and poor design. It's just easier staying in the middle lane with all that going on. If you're driving next to someone in the right lane to prevent people from passing because you don't like people speeding, you deserve any road rage coming your way. And deserve a special place in hell.


You’ve outed yourself