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Caring about ppl riding up my ass when I’m trying to make a turn. So it’s extra sharp and my car didn’t like that kind bit. So never again. Someone can down jnto me instead. I’m not taking a turn at 50mph just cuz some dipshit can’t see my turn signal and swerve around me or slow down. Or caring about tailgaters in general. If I’m doing the speed limit or 5 over it, fuck off!


Mine is tailgater related too… I made the mistake of break-checking a crazy woman who was waaay up my ass. She followed me, passed me on a double yellow line over railroad tracks, parked her car in the middle of the road, got out of her car and yelled at me in the middle of the street. These people are nuts. I don’t recommend fucking with them. It’s not worth it.


If you ever get followed again, drive to a police station and drive into their parking lot. Usually whoever is following you should get scared you’re an off duty cop coming in to start a shift. Or if possible get their plates and type of car, call the cops tell them you’re being followed by so and so, for the past amount of time and tell the cops you’re driving to the station, if they can send an officer outside to wait for you when you pull in up in your described car. If there is no station just pretend to stop pull over and wait inside your car. Don’t even put it in park. Once you see the maniac get out of their car in your mirror and start walking towards your car, mash the gas and get out of there. If they pull over in front of you get their plates with your phone then put your car in reverse and same thing. Don’t be afraid to hit them when driving off. If you hesitate that’s when they’ll kick your car or punch your window or etc


i be doing this a lot bro it’s dangerous but feels like the right thing in the moment ima for sure stop tho


I was headed to the mountains late at night, to a cabin so we could go skiing the next day. There was a bit of rain/snow mix as I went up the pass, but I was pressing on at roughly the speed limit (60mph) because the road conditions were fine despite the freezing rain. Until I reached the other side of the pass. The weather pattern is a bit different on the other side, and I didn't have much margin to begin with. I hit a tiny patch of black ice, and immediately it dawned on me - I'm in over my head. I'm on ice. Going downhill at 60mph. Oh shit. I make it to the other side of the ice patch, reach dry pavement, and hit the brakes. I start slowing down, but it's too late - I was still braking when I hit a whole icy hill, and I was done for. Far too much speed, pure ice, 6% downgrade, what the hell do I do now? It was all I could do to just keep it kinda on the road and scrub off speed, little by little. I fishtailed back and forth at lower and lower speed until the back of my car finally hit a snowbank and I slid to a stop. I was fine. The damage to the car was minor. But I was thanking my lucky stars that there hadn't been anyone there to hit, because I was way out of control at way too high a speed to do anything. I had a massive amount of empty space, tremendous space margin to work with, and still crashed. Respect the freezing rain, folks. Ice may be ahead. Like, duh. No idea how I didn't see that one coming.


For legal reasons, I cannot share those details...




That I drove after drinking


Did this only once ever, and ended up being followed by 2 city cops and a sheriff, i dont know if they were just going the same direction or what but it scared me so much i never did it again.


First year driving on a country road, being a bit brisk but within the speed limit, looked at the map on Waze, next corner didn't look too sharp took it about 30-40. I was looking at the wrong corner. The next corner was in fact quite sharp. Pretty happy that the only thing to happen was a couple wheels on the grass and a spin, no damage or crash But it's safe to say I am quite a bit more careful when driving now.


I went up the exit ramp of an LA freeway once, thinking it was the on ramp. There were no cars on it and I didn’t immediately realize my mistake. When I did, I started to panic but managed to put the car in reverse just as some cars started to exit the freeway. Somehow I managed to back up safely onto the surface street. It took me months to regain the confidence to drive on the freeways again.


Happened when i first started driving so cut me some slack here but... Was sitting at a red light wondering why the cars around me just kept inching forward. Didn't realize until i bumped into the car behind me that i had been sitting in neutral without my foot on the brake


Rushed to get somewhere and nearly hit someone. I would have saved ten seconds if I'd committed, though, so yeah totally worth it /s


Can't decide: a) scratched both my drivers and passenger door in the same underground car park at the same day. b) driving with summer tires in winter condition and getting onto snow while braking at the Autobahn with 120 km/h speed. nearly spun out, however i catched that car again. Was drifting about 300 meters and no idea about the traffic around me. c) driving over a red light, because i didn't see the traffic light at all. Was way to much red neo signs at that road, it was dark and rainy. How did i then know, that it was a red light. I saw the traffic light switch green in my mirrors and thought to myself, oh there was a traffic light. d) driving over a curb with 60 km/h, twice (different curbs and almost 15 years apart between those instances. First one was due to speeding, second because i was not very well concentrated after a night shift. e) getting onto the dirt on a highway and then overreacted and spun out. Instead of releasing the brake, i pushed it harder and I got a passenger. f) finding myself at the left lane, while i was actually driving on the right lane. (Microsleep!). Pulled over at the next rest stop and slept 2 hours there in my car. --- just to be clear, i have my driving licence since 1999


Thinking the second car after one turning right was doing it too. I did a left turn and was tboned by that second car.....sigh


Stopped too close behind someone on the acceleration ramp. I didn't expect driver in front to stop instead of accelerating onto highway. Anyway, I immediately look in my rearview mirror and see a cargo van coming down the ramp, and it's clear that he was only looking in his rearview mirror. I started to pull out of the way, but was too close to the car in front of me so couldn't do it quickly. Van hit me hard and I shot the car in front of me into onto the highway. She got accelerated on the ramp after all :). I'll never forget her frozen white-knuckled grip on her steering wheel. My car was crumpled from corners. Still can't believe the insurance company choose to fix it. 6 months later it as hit from behind while parked on street and that time insurance company totaled it.


A lot mentioned here. Imma say driving tired. Did that way too many times. Ain't worth it. Pull over and nap


I learned to drive when I was 12, had drivers ed at 14/15, practiced driving with my provisional permit for all of maybe 4 broken up hours, and got licensed at 19… 6 months after I was licensed I was stressed out, was in the process of having to move back into a toxic situation due to being kicked out of where I was living to no fault of my own. I had maybe 4 hours of sleep since the time I woke up the day before, my passenger was stressing me out on remarks about my driving (super narrow road, super dark, passenger side fell off the shoulder/edge a couple times… no harm, no foul). Ready to get the last load of boxes for the night back to the next town over (2 door sports car, no means for a uhaul). My stupidest mistake of driving (I’m 23 now) came mere minutes after filling the tank up, and I crossed 2 lanes of traffic to sit in the median to wait for a spot to open up to start heading back. I made the assumption (swore up and down, really) that the closest car was in the far right lane and it was safe for me to turn into the leftmost lane and go about my way No sooner than I went to hit the gas to go I heard the glass shatter and my passenger screaming. I still can hear the screams when I think about it and I still find chunks of glass 4 years and 3 cars later. Don’t make assumptions, folks. Know for sure, or wait. Screw the impatient people behind you. I miss that car… sometimes. It was a POS with a lot of problems I couldn’t afford to fix but I wish it didn’t have to die like that


Took a left turn onto a one way going right. I was extremely after a long day of work. Immediately pulled up over and asked one of my friends for a ride home. Thank God the roads were empty that day


We have a one way 4 lane wide road through down-town. I was looking for a doctors office on the block and not paying attention and turned right on it against traffic - thankfully someone passing by waved at me and then I remembered what street I was on and pulled a U... thankfully it was dead and no other traffic... that would have been bad. Edit: Maybe next best one was taking my 4x4 down a 5 mile long two track in a state forest after about 2 ft of fluffly snow on a foot of hardpack on a trail I only ever took in summer that had some really fun drop offs and ditches. I made it through OK, only one spot was twitchy - but after reflecting on it some time later realized it was pretty stupid to have done that considering I had zero way to get out if I got stuck, or worse, and no way or means to call someone as it was a dead zone too. I certainly have a healthier respect and reverence for my state forest trails, and me and them only hang out on a limited basis in the winter now. :)


Driving tired, I was cruising along next thing I knew I was about 6 inches from a set of semi trailer tires and closing


i accidentally drove on the left side of the road on a one way street and i didn't stop at a stop sign


Every unprotected left turn out of a parking lot or street with a blind intersection.


Forgot that i am not immune to rolling a little bit in this one very bad parking spot and dented my front bumper. Twice. On the same pole. TWICE.


Pulling over for cops


when i use to go to school there was certain areas in the parking lot that had parking cement blocks, I was going to get lunch and when i got into my car I was 2nd guessing myself if I had park in front of one of them and like a idiot instead of checking i told myself there isn't so i drove forward and surely enough i ran over the parking cement block and got stuck for a good 10-15 second luckily i was able to get unstuck, a few student saw what happen and ask if i was okay, I told them I was good and drove off i didnt even bother to go back to class that day because of how dumb and embarrassing that was...


Got a text message while making a you turn like an IDIOT I looked at it. T-boned a car. Admitted to the cop exactly what I did. I feel good about admitting it but stupid. Got a wreckless driving ticket(only ticket on my record). Insurance went from $115 or so to $230 for just one car(had 2 and totaled other from crash). I now pull over if i'm expecting a text to read / reply. Also have my phone read my text as they come in so I know.


None. People need to start paying attention to what they are doing and get off their phones and out of la la land. If you can't pay attention then you shouldn't be driving.


Shit still happens to a lot of drivers. I’m pretty sure most of them have made a stupid error at some point.