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OP, please think about this - does it make sense to stop and sit in the middle of an intersection where traffic has a green light to your left and right?


I've seen several drivers who seem to think so!


You are *obligated* to complete your turn rather than block the intersection


I'll never forget the time I was doing an unprotected left in urban Los Angeles when a fire hydrant on the corner exploded. I was still obligated to complete the turn but we all gave each other some patience for a bit there!


It's also the only way you get an opportunity to turn at some intersections in busy areas. There isn't always space and desire for a turn lane and/or arrow. You just have to pull into the intersection and go when oncoming gets the red and stops.


If you've entered the intersection on green, you clear the intersection once it is safe to do so.


They could have entered on yellow left arrow that's why it became red


And entering on a green it'll still be red eventually. Regardless the answer is if you entered the intersection legally you must clear as soon as is safe if your light turns red.


If you’re in the intersection when the light turns red, you must finish your turn. All cross traffic must wait until the intersection is clear before entering on their green.


You have to turn if you’re already in the intersection.


You pull up into the intersection while it's still green, and either turn on the yellow (IF it's safe to do so - watch out for people trying to book it through the yellow), or wait until it's red and turn on the red. You must clear the intersection.


you have until it turns red to "enter" the intersection, which includes when you move forward into the intersection to wait to make your left turn, if you have entered the intersection you are allowed to complete your maneuver assuming the maneuver itself was the correct and legal maneuver (like a left hand turn, but it would not be acceptable to perform something like a u turn in the same situation depending on your city's laws) this also ensures that at least 1 person gets through a left hand turn per cycle on the intersection to keep traffic moving


It is required to move up into the intersection in drivers training in michigan when waiting to turn left on green so you can go when it turns red otherwise it would get backed up.


Everywhere I have ever driven the law states something to effect of "It is illegal to *enter* an intersection when the light is red." So if you're in the front, pull into the intersection when the light is green. If the light turns red while you are there, proceed after traffic clears. If you stay behind the line (or in the intersection!) you will make many people pissed off.


Technically - Once your tires pass the stop line, you need to execute your maneuver.


uh don’t sit in the intersection unless you need to for visibility though cause that’s a bit dumb


After reading this and many of the posts in this subreddit, I'm genuinely concerned for not just road safety but the general state of humanity.


You have to wait until the intersection is clear.


Honestly, it depends where you are in the intersection and if you can safely complete the turn. This is why if there is a lot of traffic on an unprotected intersection and I look forward to the oncoming traffic to gauge if I can safely make the turn before it turns to red and then block the intersection because you also have to count for people running the red especially during rush hour which is much more likely to happen - its a judgement call you have to make.




Yield to oncoming traffic, this is why it is says yield on green on the sign or simply an unprotected turn. If you get stuck in the middle of the intersection, wait for red and then just go. What can happen is that some drivers will not let the intersection clear if you do get stuck and basically fuck shit up by not letting you complete your turn.


So I assume you are in the middle of the intersection and did so when it was green and then it turned red. As far as I'm aware, the law varies state by state. Some states may consider you running a red light and some consider it acceptable. In New York State in Florida (the only two states I've lived in), you are obligated to wait under the light and if it runs red and oncoming traffic has stopped, GO!!! In some states that don't allow this, you are supposed to stay behind the white line the entire time.


So you've "taken the intersection" meaning you've moved beyond the white line - in which case you need to clear the intersection since - you're sitting in the middle of it at this point. If you're behind the white line and the light goes red, stay put. This is why I generally do not "take the intersection" till I'm certain I can make it.. Otherwise, I stay behind the white line in case I get caught by the light.




Well "technically" You're supposed to be BEHIND the line at all times unless you're actually in the act of turning - Which is again why I said - I generally do not take the intersection in these cases... but hey.. again, speeding at all - super duper reckless everyone but you go ahead and continue to cycle of stupid that is people slipping through red lights because that doesn't inconvenience anyone else at all.


It happened in the past. I'm not saying I did it now or in the future. It wont happen again.


And when traffic is heavy drivers that do this can cause absolutely no progress to be made in the left turn lane. Other drivers hate you for this.


Yes, the people in the turn lane are the most important people at the intersection to keep happy.. are you daft or something? Why is their right more important than my right to go when my light is green but I can't because you're so far into the intersection you can't even see what your light is doing? I love this forum .... anyone that speeds is a reckless inconsiderate a-hole - but hey everyone run the red on left lights because your roads are too busy and make everyone else wait - *YOU* are the most important asshole on all the roads this morning.


You completely misunderstood my comment. But I suppose that is to be expected on this forum, as you yourself say. Well done.


When in doubt wait it out. Who cares if back guy honks. Life is important. Stay behind the white line till u 100% know.


I would much rather wait in the intersection. If traffic clears, I can make my turn much quicker than having to pull forward, then turn, which might make my opportunity go away. If you’re waiting behind the stop line, you need a much bigger gap to make your turn.


Oh, let us just not be on the road when you’re driving, since you’re clearly so special you get your own set of laws! Let’s all bow down to the King of ASSphalt!


Obviously my failing to make this a reply to a comment confused people. The comment i responded to said that they stayed behind the stop line until they made their turn. I have a green light, or flashing yellow arrow, and oncoming traffic is preventing me from making a left turn safely. So, I would rather sit where I can make the turn as quickly as I can. I am out of the intersection as soon as oncoming traffic stops or clears, whichever comes first, and never obstruct cross traffic.


How could you possibly think anyone would think anything differently? You didn’t “respond” to a comment. You “respomded” to the OP’s question. But that’s a sick backpedal!


Reddit (and sometimes me) don't work the way we're supposed to, sorry


>I would much rather wait in the intersection. This is illegal and moronic. You'd rather sit in the intersection and block cross traffic?


There is no cross traffic. You sit in the intersection WHILE YOU HAVE THE GREEN LIGHT until oncoming traffic clears and you can safely make your turn. You don’t stay in the intersection after the light changes. If traffic doesn’t clear until the light turns red, you complete your turn at that point, you don’t block cross traffic.


>I would much rather wait in the intersection. That was your answer to the question "If the light turns red while in the intersection, are you still allowed to turn under red, or are you expected to wait?" Yes, there will be cross traffic when your light is red...


No, my comment was a response to a previous comment, which stated that you’re supposed to stay behind the stop line until time to make your turn. Apparently I failed to make this a reply, so sorry about the confusion.


Your comment was not a reply. It is the first of this thread.


You have already run the red light by being past the stop line when it turns red, might as well get out of everyone's way before someone decides to give you a ticket for that AND obstructing traffic.


Nah. This varied by area. It's totally legal to enter an intersection on green or yellow to wait to turn left where I am (however only 1 car may do so) and be there still on the red. It's a natural part of allpwing entry on the yellow and green. You just cannot pass the stop line on the red. The requirements are the lane you will exit the intersection into must be clear and you can only be awaiting a gap in traffic, and you must procede as soon as it is clear. If you cannot exit the intersection due to a reason besides the oncoming traffic then you are obstructing traffic.


No, you entered the intersection on the green, which is totally legal. You only run a red light if you cross the stop line or enter the intersection after the light turns red.


Legally, that's true. but practically/technically, if you are in the intersection when the light is red, you have run the light. So the "ticket for running the light" portion of my comment varies on your municipality, but the overall point was to clear the intersection.